path: root/mds/cstruct2luatable.txt
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authorterminaldweller <devi@terminaldweller.com>2024-03-05 19:25:48 +0000
committerterminaldweller <devi@terminaldweller.com>2024-03-05 19:25:48 +0000
commitce567a174835644d29f3b7f4a4626f07dfb05b0a (patch)
tree4ade54ab126046515fda0dc959f6d40bbaa71607 /mds/cstruct2luatable.txt
parentdowngraded mongo to v6 for now (diff)
added a new script to conevrt all md to asciidoc, rss feed now sends the entire asciidoc for the teaser
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 485 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mds/cstruct2luatable.txt b/mds/cstruct2luatable.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e95cc6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mds/cstruct2luatable.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+== C Struct to Lua table
+=== Overview
+For this tutorial we’ll change a C struct into a Lua table. The
+structure we’ll be using won’t be the simplest structure you’ll come
+across in the wild so hopefully the tutorial will do a little more than
+just cover the basics. We’ll add the structures as `userdata` and not as
+`lightuserdata`. Because of that, we won’t have to manage the memory
+ourselves, instead we will let Lua’s GC handle it for us. Disclaimer:
+* This turotial is not supposed to be a full dive into lua tables,
+metatables and their implementation or behavior. The tutorial is meant
+as an entry point into implementing custom Lua tables.
+==== Yet Another One?
+There are already a couple of tutorials on this, yes, but the ones I
+managed to find were all targeting older versions of lua and as the Lua
+devs have clearly stated, different Lua version are really different.
+The other reason I wrote this is I needed a structures that had
+structure members themselves and I couldn’t find a tutorial for that.
+This tutorial will be targeting Lua 5.3. We’ll also be using a
+not-so-simple structure to turn into a Lua table.
+==== What you’ll need
+* A working C compiler(I’ll be using clang)
+* Make
+* you can get the repo
+=== C Structs
+First let’s take a look at the C structures we’ll be using. The primary
+structure is called `a_t` which has, inside it, two more structures
+`b_t` and `c_t`:
+typedef struct {
+ uint64_t a_int;
+ double a_float;
+ char* a_string;
+ b_t* a_p;
+ c_t** a_pp;
+} a_t;
+typedef struct {
+ uint32_t b_int;
+ double b_float;
+} b_t;
+typedef struct {
+ char* c_string;
+ uint32_t c_int;
+} c_t;
+The structures are purely artificial.
+=== First Step: Lua Types
+First let’s take a look at `a_t` and decide how we want to do this.
+`a_t` has five members:
+* `a_int` which in Lua we can turn into an `integer`.
+* `a_float` which we can turn into a `number`.
+* `a_string` which will be a Lua `string`.
+* `a_p` which is a pointer to another structure. As previously stated,
+we will turn this into a `userdata`.
+* `a_pp` which is a double pointer. We will turn this into a table of
+=== Second Step: Helper Functions
+Now let’s think about what we need to do. First we need to think about
+how we will be using our structures. For this example we will go with a
+pointer, i.e., our library code will get a pointer to the structure so
+we need to turn the table into `userdata`. Next, we want to be able to
+push and pop our new table from the Lua stack. We can also use Lua’s
+type check to make sure our library code complains when someone passes a
+bad type. We will also add functions for pushing the structure arguments
+onto the stack, a fucntion that acts as our constructor for our new
+table(more on that later) and getter and setter methods to access our C
+structures fields.
+Let’s start: First we will write a function that checks the type and
+returns the C structure:
+static a_t* pop_a_t(lua_State* ls, int index) {
+ a_t* dummy;
+ dummy = luaL_checkudata(ls, index, "a_t");
+ if (!dummy) printf("error:bad type, expected a_t\n");
+ return dummy;
+We check to see if the stack index we are getting is actually a userdata
+type and then check the type of the userdata we get to make sure we get
+the right userdata type. We check the type of the userdata by checking
+its metatable. We will get into that later. This amounts to our ``pop''
+functionality for our new type. Now let’s write a ``push'': The function
+will look like this:
+a_t* push_a_t(lua_State* ls) {
+ if (!lua_checkstack(ls, 1)) {
+ printf("o woe is me. no more room in hell...I mean stack...\n");return NULL;
+ }
+ a_t* dummy = lua_newuserdata(ls, sizeof(a_t));
+ luaL_getmetatable(ls, "a_t");
+ lua_setmetatable(ls, -2);
+ lua_pushlughtuserdata(ls, dummy);
+ lua_pushvalue(ls, -2);
+ lua_settable(ls, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
+ return dummy;
+Notice that we reserve new memory here using `lua_newuserdata` instead
+of `malloc` or what have you. This way we leave it up to Lua to handle
+the GC(in the real world however, you might not have the luxury of doing
+so). Now let’s talk about what we are actually doing here: First off we
+reserve memory for our new table using `lua_newuserdata`. Then we get
+and set the metatable that we will register later in the tutorial with
+Lua for our newly constructed userdata. Setting the metatable is our way
+of telling Lua what our userdata is, what methods it has along with some
+customizations that we will talk about later. We need to have a method
+of retrieving our full userdata when we need it. We do that by
+registering our userdata inside `LUA_REGISTRYINDEX`. We will need a key.
+for simplicity’s sake we use the pointer that `lua_newuserdata` returned
+as the key for each new full userdata. As for the value of the key, we
+will use the full userdata itself. That’s why we are using
+`lua_pushvalue`. Please note that lua doesn’t have a `push_fulluserdata`
+function and we can’t just pass the pointer to our userdata as the key
+since that would just be a lihgtuserdata and not a userdata so we just
+copy the fulluserdata onto the stack as the value for the key. Lastly we
+just set our key-value pair with `LUA_REGISTRYINDEX`.
+Next we will write a function that pushes the fields of the structure
+onto the stack:
+int a_t_push_args(lua_State* ls, a_t* a) {
+ if (!lua_checkstack(ls, 5)) {
+ printf("welp. lua doesn't love you today so no more stack space for you\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ lua_pushinteger(ls, a->a_int);
+ lua_pushnumber(ls, a->a_float);
+ lua_pushstring(ls, a->a_string);
+ push_b_t(ls);
+ lua_pushlightuserdata(ls, a->a_pp);
+ return 5;
+Notice that we are returning 5, since our new next function which is the
+new function expects to see the 5 fields on top of the stack.
+Next up is our new function:
+int new_a_t(lua_State* ls) {
+ if (!lua_checkstack(ls, 6)) {
+ printf("today isnt your day, is it?no more room on top of stack\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int a_int = lua_tointeger(ls, -1);
+ float a_float = lua_tonumber(ls, -2);
+ char* a_string = lua_tostring(ls, -3);
+ void* a_p = lua_touserdata(ls, -4);
+ void** a_pp = lua_touserdata(ls, -5);
+ lua_pop(ls, 5);
+ a_t* dummy = push_a_t(ls);
+ dummy->a_int = a_int;
+ dummy->a_float = a_float;
+ dummy->a_string = a_string;
+ dummy->a_p = a_p;
+ dummy->a_pp = a_pp;
+ return 1;
+We just push an `a_t` on top of stack and then populate the fields with
+the values already on top of stack. The fact that we wrote tha two
+separate functions for pushing the arguments and returning a new table
+instance means we can use `new_a_t` as a constructor from lua as well.
+We’ll later talk about that.
+=== Third Step: Setters and Getters
+Now lets move onto writing our setter and getter functions. For the
+non-userdata types its fairly straightforward:
+static int getter_a_float(lua_State* ls) {
+ a_t* dummy = pop_a_t(ls, -1);
+ lua_pushnumber(ls, dummy->a_number);
+ return 1;
+static int getter_a_string(lua_State* ls) {
+ a_t* dummy = pop_a_t(ls, -1);
+ lua_pushstring(ls, dummy->a_string);
+ return 1;
+As for the setters:
+static int setter_a_int(lua_State* ls) {
+ a_t* dummy = pop_a_t(ls, 1);
+ dummy->a_int = lua_checkinteger(ls, 2);
+ return 1;
+Now for the 4th and 5th fields:
+static int getter_a_p(lua_State *ls) {
+ a_t* dummy = pop_a_t(ls, 1);
+ lua_pop(ls, -1);
+ lua_pushlightuserdata(ls, dummy->a_p);
+ lua_gettable(ls, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
+ return 1;
+For the sake of laziness, let’s assume `a_t->a_int` denotes the number
+of entries in `a_t->a_pp`.
+static int getter_a_pp(lua_State* ls) {
+ a_t* dummy = pop_a_t(ls, 1);
+ lua_pop(ls, -1);
+ if (!lua_checkstack(ls, 3)) {
+ printf("sacrifice a keyboard to the moon gods or something... couldnt grow stack.\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ lua_newtable(ls);
+ for (uint64_t i = 0; i < dummy->a_int; ++i) {
+ lua_pushinteger(ls, i + 1);
+ if (dummy->a_pp[i] != NULL) {
+ lua_pushlightuserdata(ls, dummy->a_pp[i]);
+ lua_gettable(ls, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
+ } else {
+ lua_pop(ls, 1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ lua_settable(ls, -3);
+ }
+ return 1;
+Since we register all our tables with `LUA_REGISTRYINDEX` we just
+retreive the key which in our case, conviniently is the pointer to the
+userdata and retrieve the value(our userdata). As you can see, for
+setters we are assuming that the table itself is being passed as the
+first argument(the `pop_a_t` line assumes that).
+Our setters methods would be called like this in Lua:
+local a = a_t()
+The `:` operator in Lua is syntactic sugar. The second line from the
+above snippet is equivalent to `a.set_a_int(self, my_int)`. As you can
+see, the table itself will always be our first argument. That’s why our
+assumption above will always be true if the lua code is well-formed.
+We do the same steps above for `b_t` and `c_t` getter functions.
+Now let’s look at our setters:
+static int setter_a_string(lua_State *ls) {
+ a_t* dummy = pop_a_t(ls, 1);
+ dummy->a_string = lua_tostring(ls, 2);
+ lua_settop(ls, 1);
+ return 0;
+static int setter_a_p(lua_State *ls) {
+ a_t* dummy = pop_a_t(ls, 1);
+ dummy->a_p = luaL_checkudata(ls, 2, "b_t");
+ lua_pop(ls, 1);
+ lua_settop(ls, 1);
+ return 0;
+static int setter_a_pp(lua_State* ls) {
+ a_t* dummy = pop_a_t(ls, 1);
+ dummy->a_pp = lua_newuserdata(ls, sizeof(void*));
+ if (!lua_checkstack(ls, 3)) {
+ printf("is it a curse or something? couldnt grow stack.\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int table_length = lua_rawlen(ls, 2);
+ for (int i = 1; i <= table_length; ++i) {
+ lua_rawgeti(ls, 2, i);
+ dummy->a_pp[i - 1] = luaL_checkudata(ls, -1, "c_t");
+ lua_pop(ls, 1);
+ }
+ return 0;
+We are all done with the functions we needed for our new table. Now we
+need to register the metatable we kept using:
+== Fourth Step: Metatable
+First, if you haven’t already, take a look at the chapter on metatable
+and metamethods on pil https://www.lua.org/pil/13.html[here].
+static const luaL_Reg a_t_methods[] = {
+ {"new", new_a_t},
+ {"set_a_int", setter_a_int},
+ {"set_a_float", setter_a_float},
+ {"set_a_string", setter_a_string},
+ {"set_a_p", setter_a_p},
+ {"set_a_pp", setter_a_pp},
+ {"a_int", getter_a_int},
+ {"a_float", getter_a_float},
+ {"a_string", getter_a_string},
+ {"a_p", getter_a_p},
+ {"a_pp", getter_a_pp},
+ {0, 0}};
+static const luaL_Reg a_t_meta[] = {{0, 0}};
+We just list the functions we want to be accessible inside Lua code. Lua
+expects the C functions that we register with Lua to have the form
+`(int)(func_ptr*)(lua_State*)`. Also, it’s a good idea to take a look at
+the metatable events that Lua 5.3 supports
+http://lua-users.org/wiki/MetatableEvents[here]. They provide
+customization options for our new table type(as an example we get the
+same functionality as C++ where we get to define what an operator does
+for our table type).
+Now we move on to registering our metatable with Lua:
+int a_t_register(lua_State *ls) {
+ lua_checkstack(ls, 4);
+ lua_newtable(ls);
+ luaL_setfuncs(ls, a_t_methods, 0);
+ luaL_newmetatable(ls, "a_t");
+ luaL_setfuncs(ls, a_t_methods, 0);
+ luaL_setfuncs(ls, a_t_meta, 0);
+ lua_pushliteral(ls, "__index");
+ lua_pushvalue(ls, -3);
+ lua_rawset(ls, -3);
+ lua_pushliteral(ls, "__metatable");
+ lua_pushvalue(ls, -3);
+ lua_rawset(ls, -3);
+ lua_setglobal(ls, "a_t");
+ return 0;
+Please note that we are registering the metatable as a global. It is
+generally not recommended to do so.Why you ask? Adding a new enrty to
+the global table in Lua means you are already reserving that keyword, so
+if another library also needs that key, you are going to have lots of
+fun(the term `fun` here is borrowed from the Dwarf Fortress literature).
+Entries in the global table will require Lua to look things up in the
+global table so it slows things down a bit, though whether the slow-down
+is signifacant enough really depends on you and your requirements.
+We are almost done with our new table but there is one thing remaining
+and that is our table doesn’t have a cozy constructor(Cozy constructors
+are not a thing. Seriously. I just made it up.). We can use our `new`
+function as a constructor, we have registered it with our metatable, but
+it requires you to pass all the arguments at the time of construction.
+Sometimes it’s convinient to hold off on passing all or some of the args
+at construction time, mostly because you are writing a library and your
+power users will do all sorts of unconventional and crazy/creative
+things with your library.
+Remember metatable events? That’s what we’ll use. Lua metatables support
+something called metatable events. Eeach event has a string key and the
+value is whatever you put as the value. The values are used whenever
+that event happens. Some the events are:
+* `__call`
+* `__pairs`
+* `__sub`
+* `__add`
+* `__gc` The `__sub` event is triggered when your table is the operand
+of a suntraction operator. `__gc` is used when lua want to dispose of
+the table so if you are handling the memory yourself, in contrast to
+letting Lua handle it for you, here’s where you free memory. The events
+are a powerful tool that help us customize how our new table behaves.
+For a constructor, we will use the `__call` event. That means when
+someone calls our metatable in Lua, like this(call event is triggered
+when our table is called, syntactically speaking):
+local a = a_t()
+`a` will become a new instance of our table. We can add a value for our
+metatable’s `__call` key from either Lua or C. Since we are talking
+about Lua and haven’t almost written anything in Lua, let’s do it in
+setmetatable(a_t, {__call =
+ function(self, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
+ local t = self.new(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
+ return t
+ end
+ }
+We use our `new` method which we previously registered for our
+metatable. Note that Lua will pass `nil` for the argument if we don’t
+provide any. That’s how our cozy constructor works.
+=== Final Words
+The tutorial’s goal is to show you one way of doing the task and not
+necessarily the best way of doing it. Besides, depending on your
+situation, you might want to do things differently so by no means is
+this tutorial enough. It’s an entry level tutorial. Any feedback,
+suggestions and/or fixes to the tutorial is much appreciated.
+=== Shameless Plug
+I needed to turn a C struct into a lua table for an application I’m
+working https://github.com/bloodstalker/mutator/tree/master/bruiser[on].
+Further down the line, I needed to do the same for a lot more C structs
+with the possibility of me having to do the same for a lot more C
+structs. I just couldn’t bring myself to do it manually for that many C
+structs so I decided to work on a code generator that does that for me.
+The result is https://github.com/bloodstalker/luatablegen[luatablegen].
+`luatablegen` is a simple script that takes the description of your C
+structures in an XML file and generates the C code for your new tables
+and metatables. It does everything we did by hand automatically for us.
+`lautablegen` is in its early stages, so again, any feedback or help
+will be appreciated.