path: root/parse.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 1031 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/parse.py b/parse.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ff28b8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parse.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1031 @@
+from __future__ import print_function
+import argparse
+import sys
+import re
+from section_structs import *
+from utils import *
+from opcodes import *
+from copy import deepcopy
+from init import *
+import readline
+import code
+import signal
+_DBG_ = True
+def SigHandler_SIGINT(signum, frame):
+ print()
+ sys.exit(0)
+# we first read the object file and put all the sections in this class
+class ParsedStruct:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.version_number = int()
+ self.section_list = []
+# like the above. currently unused
+class ParsedStructV2:
+ def __init__(self, version_number, section_list):
+ self.version_number = version_number
+ self.section_list = section_list
+# @DEVI-Deprecated-convert a bytearray to int
+def Conver2Int(little_endian, size, bytelist):
+ modifier = size - 1
+ sum = 0
+ if little_endian:
+ for bit in reversed(bytelist):
+ if bit != 0x80:
+ sum += bit*(pow(16, modifier))
+ modifier -= 1
+ return(sum)
+ else:
+ for bit in reversed(bytelist):
+ if bit != 0x80:
+ sum += bit*(pow(16, modifier))
+ modifier -= 1
+ return(sum)
+# the argparser
+class Argparser(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument("--wast", type=str, help="path to the wasm text file")
+ parser.add_argument("--wasm", type=str, nargs='+', help="path to the wasm object file")
+ parser.add_argument("--asb", type=str, help="path to the wast file to assemble")
+ parser.add_argument("--dis", type=str, help="path to the wasm file to disassemble")
+ parser.add_argument("-o", type=str, help="the path to the output file")
+ parser.add_argument("--dbg", action='store_true', help="print debug info", default=False)
+ parser.add_argument("--unval", action='store_true', help="skips validation tests", default=False)
+ parser.add_argument("--memdump", type=int, help="dumps the linear memory")
+ parser.add_argument("--idxspc", action='store_true', help="print index space data", default=False)
+ parser.add_argument("--run", action='store_true', help="runs the start function", default=False)
+ parser.add_argument("--metric", action='store_true', help="print metrics", default=False)
+ parser.add_argument("--gas", action='store_true', help="print gas usage", default=False)
+ parser.add_argument("--entry", type=str, help="name of the function that will act as the entry point into execution")
+ parser.add_argument("--link", type=str, nargs="+", help="link the following wasm modules")
+ parser.add_argument("--sectiondump", type=str, help="dumps the section provided")
+ parser.add_argument("--hexdump", type=int, help="dumps all sections")
+ parser.add_argument("--dbgsection", type=str, help="dumps the parsed section provided", default="")
+ parser.add_argument("--interactive", action='store_true', help="open in cli mode", default=False)
+ parser.add_argument("--rawdump", type=int, nargs=2, help="dumps all sections")
+ self.args = parser.parse_args()
+ if self.args.wasm is not None and self.args.wast is not None:
+ raise Exception("the --wast option and the --wasm option cannot\
+ be set at the same time. you need to choose one.")
+ def getParseFlags(self):
+ return(ParseFlags(self.args.wast, self.args.wasm, self.args.asb, self.args.dis,
+ self.args.o, self.args.dbg, self.args.unval, self.args.memdump,
+ self.args.idxspc, self.args.run, self.args.metric, self.args.gas, self.args.entry))
+# reads a wasm-obj file, returns a parsedstruct that holds all the sections'
+# bytecode, their section type and their length
+def ReadWASM(file_path, endianness, is_extended_isa, dbg):
+ temp_obj_file = []
+ wasm_file = open(file_path, "rb")
+ parsedstruct = ParsedStruct()
+ # read the magic cookie
+ byte = wasm_file.read(WASM_OP_Code.uint32)
+ if byte != WASM_OP_Code.magic_number.to_bytes(WASM_OP_Code.uint32, byteorder=endianness, signed=False):
+ raise Exception("bad magic cookie")
+ # read the version number
+ byte = wasm_file.read(WASM_OP_Code.uint32)
+ if byte != WASM_OP_Code.version_number.to_bytes(WASM_OP_Code.uint32, byteorder=endianness, signed=False):
+ raise Exception("bad version number")
+ else:
+ parsedstruct.version_number = byte
+ while True:
+ byte = wasm_file.read(1)
+ if byte != b'':
+ temp_obj_file.append(int.from_bytes(byte, byteorder='big', signed=False))
+ else:
+ break
+ offset = 0
+ loop = True
+ while loop:
+ try:
+ # section_id, offset, dummy = Read(temp_obj_file, offset, 'varuint7')
+ section_id, offset, dummy = Read(temp_obj_file, offset, 'varuint32')
+ except IndexError:
+ break
+ payload_length, offset, dummy = Read(temp_obj_file, offset, 'varuint32')
+ if section_id == 0:
+ is_custom_section = True
+ name_len, offset, dummy = Read(temp_obj_file, offset, 'varuint32')
+ name = temp_obj_file[offset : offset + name_len]
+ offset += name_len
+ if name.find("reloc", 0, 5) == 0:
+ is_reloc_section = True
+ reloc_entry_count = Read(temp_obj_file, offset, 'varuint32')
+ for i in range(0, reloc_entry_count):
+ reloc_entry, offset, dummy = Read(tmp_obj, offset, 'varuint32')
+ reloc_entries.append(reloc_entry)
+ else:
+ is_custom_section = False
+ name_len = 0
+ name = ''
+ dummy = 0
+ payload_data = temp_obj_file[offset:offset + payload_length - name_len - dummy]
+ offset += payload_length - name_len - dummy
+ # @DEVI-the second field is for general use. it is unused right
+ # now so we are filling it with jojo.
+ parsedstruct.section_list.append([section_id, 'jojo', payload_length, is_custom_section, name_len, name, payload_data])
+ # prints out the sections in the wasm object
+ for section in parsedstruct.section_list:
+ pass
+ #print(section)
+ wasm_file.close()
+ return(parsedstruct)
+# Receives a parsedstruct returned from ReadWASM, parses all the sections and
+# fills up a module class. the parse method, then can return the module.
+# the returned class objects are all defined in section_structs.py.
+class ObjReader(object):
+ def __init__(self, parsedstruct):
+ self.parsedstruct = parsedstruct
+ # we use this method to read the operands of instructions. it's only
+ # called by ReadCodeSection
+ def Disassemble(self, section_byte, offset):
+ # @DEVI-FIXME- not sure why i was using instruction. its a string...
+ matched = False
+ read_bytes = 0
+ read_bytes_temp = 0
+ read_bytes_temp_iter = 0
+ instruction = str()
+ operands = []
+ temp_wasm_ins = WASM_Ins()
+ # @DEVI-FIXME-for v1.0 opcodes. needs to get fixed for extended
+ # op-codes. ideally the mosule should hold its version number so we can
+ # check it here.
+ byte = format(section_byte[6][offset], '02x')
+ offset += 1
+ read_bytes += 1
+ for op_code in WASM_OP_Code.all_ops:
+ if op_code[1] == byte:
+ matched = True
+ # br_table has special immediates
+ # @DEVI-FIXME-this is costing us quite dearly for every opcode
+ # we read(at least two ticks per opcode). I could have the
+ # br_table opcode done separately but kinda hurts the codes
+ # uniformity. anyways.
+ if op_code[1] == '0e':
+ matched = True
+ temp, offset, read_bytes_temp_iter = Read(section_byte[6], offset, op_code[3][0])
+ instruction += repr(temp) + ' '
+ operands.append(repr(temp))
+ read_bytes_temp += read_bytes_temp_iter
+ for target_table in range(0, temp):
+ temp, offset, read_bytes_temp_iter = Read(section_byte[6], offset, op_code[3][1])
+ read_bytes_temp += read_bytes_temp_iter
+ instruction += repr(temp) + ' '
+ operands.append(repr(temp))
+ temp, offset, read_bytes_temp_iter = Read(section_byte[6], offset, op_code[3][2])
+ instruction += repr(temp) + ' '
+ operands.append(repr(temp))
+ read_bytes_temp += read_bytes_temp_iter
+ elif op_code[2]:
+ if isinstance(op_code[3], tuple):
+ for i in range(0, len(op_code [3])):
+ temp, offset, read_bytes_temp_iter = Read(section_byte[6], offset, op_code[3][i])
+ read_bytes_temp += read_bytes_temp_iter
+ instruction += repr(temp) + ' '
+ operands.append(repr(temp))
+ else:
+ temp, offset, read_bytes_temp = Read(section_byte[6], offset, op_code[3])
+ instruction += repr(temp)
+ operands.append(repr(temp))
+ temp_wasm_ins.opcode = op_code[0]
+ temp_wasm_ins.opcodeint = int(byte, 16)
+ #temp_wasm_ins.operands = instruction
+ temp_wasm_ins.operands = operands
+ instruction = str()
+ operands = []
+ break
+ read_bytes += read_bytes_temp
+ return offset, matched, read_bytes, temp_wasm_ins
+ # parses the code section. returns a Code_Section class
+ def ReadCodeSection(self):
+ offset = 0
+ CS = Code_Section()
+ temp_func_bodies = Func_Body()
+ temp_local_entry = Local_Entry()
+ section_exists = False
+ for whatever in self.parsedstruct.section_list:
+ # 10 is the code section
+ if whatever[0] == 10:
+ code_section = whatever.copy()
+ section_exists = True
+ if not section_exists:
+ return None
+ fn_cn, offset, dummy = Read(code_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ function_cnt = fn_cn
+ CS.count = function_cnt
+ while function_cnt > 0:
+ function_body_length, offset, dummy = Read(code_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ temp_func_bodies.body_size = function_body_length
+ local_count, offset, dummy = Read(code_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ temp_func_bodies.local_count = local_count
+ # local_count_size will eventually hold how many bytes we will read
+ # in total because of the local section
+ local_count_size = dummy
+ if local_count != 0:
+ for i in range(0, local_count):
+ partial_local_count, offset, dummy = Read(code_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ local_count_size += dummy
+ partial_local_type, offset, dummy = Read(code_section[6], offset, 'uint8')
+ local_count_size += dummy
+ temp_local_entry.count = partial_local_count
+ temp_local_entry.type = partial_local_type
+ temp_func_bodies.locals.append(deepcopy(temp_local_entry))
+ local_count -= partial_local_count
+ else:
+ pass
+ read_bytes_so_far = local_count_size
+ for i in range(0, function_body_length - local_count_size):
+ offset, matched, read_bytes, temp_wasm_ins = self.Disassemble(code_section, offset)
+ temp_func_bodies.code.append(deepcopy(temp_wasm_ins))
+ if not matched:
+ print(Colors.red + 'did not match anything' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.red + 'code section offset: ' + repr(offset) + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.red + 'read bytes: ' + repr(read_bytes) + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.red + 'wasm ins: ' + repr(temp_wasm_ins.opcode) + Colors.ENDC)
+ for iter in temp_func_bodies.code:
+ print(iter.opcode)
+ print(iter.operands)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ pass
+ matched = False
+ read_bytes_so_far += read_bytes
+ if read_bytes_so_far == function_body_length:
+ break
+ CS.func_bodies.append(deepcopy(temp_func_bodies))
+ temp_func_bodies.locals = []
+ temp_func_bodies.code = []
+ function_cnt -= 1
+ return(CS)
+ # parsed the data section. returns a Data_Section class
+ def ReadDataSection(self):
+ loop = True
+ section_exists = False
+ offset = 0
+ DS = Data_Section()
+ temp_data_segment = Data_Segment()
+ init_expr = []
+ for whatever in self.parsedstruct.section_list:
+ if whatever[0] == 11:
+ data_section = whatever.copy()
+ section_exists = True
+ if not section_exists:
+ return None
+ data_entry_count, offset, dummy = Read(data_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ DS.count = data_entry_count
+ while data_entry_count != 0:
+ linear_memory_index, offset, dummy = Read(data_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ temp_data_segment.index = linear_memory_index
+ # reading in the init-expr
+ while loop:
+ # @DEVI-FIXME-this only works for none extended opcodes
+ if data_section[6][offset] == 0x0b:
+ loop = False
+ data_char, offset, dummy = Read(data_section[6], offset, 'uint8')
+ init_expr.append(data_char)
+ temp_data_segment.offset = init_expr
+ data_entry_length, offset, dummy = Read(data_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ temp_data_segment.size = data_entry_length
+ data_itself = data_section[6][offset:offset + data_entry_length]
+ temp_data_segment.data = data_itself
+ offset += data_entry_length
+ DS.data_segments.append(deepcopy(temp_data_segment))
+ data_entry_count -= 1
+ init_expr = []
+ loop = True
+ return(DS)
+ # parses the import section. returns an Import_Section class
+ def ReadImportSection(self):
+ offset = 0
+ section_exists = False
+ module_name = []
+ field_name = []
+ IS = Import_Section()
+ temp_import_entry = Import_Entry()
+ for whatever in self.parsedstruct.section_list:
+ if whatever[0] == 2:
+ import_section = whatever.copy()
+ section_exists = True
+ if not section_exists:
+ return None
+ import_cnt, offset, dummy = Read(import_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ IS.count = import_cnt
+ while import_cnt != 0:
+ module_length, offset, dummy = Read(import_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ temp_import_entry.module_len = module_length
+ for i in range(0, module_length):
+ module_name.append(import_section[6][offset + i])
+ temp_import_entry.module_str = module_name
+ offset += module_length
+ field_length, offset, dummy = Read(import_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ temp_import_entry.field_len = field_length
+ for i in range(0, field_length):
+ field_name.append(import_section[6][offset + i])
+ temp_import_entry.field_str = field_name
+ offset += field_length
+ kind, offset, dummy = Read(import_section[6], offset, 'uint8')
+ temp_import_entry.kind = kind
+ # function type
+ if kind == 0:
+ import_type, offset, dummy = Read(import_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ temp_import_entry.type = import_type
+ # table type
+ elif kind == 1:
+ table_type = Table_Type()
+ table_type.elemet_type, offset, dummy = Read(import_section[6], offset, 'varint7')
+ rsz_limits = Resizable_Limits()
+ rsz_limits.flags, offset, dummy = Read(import_section[6], offset, 'varuint1')
+ rsz_limits.initial, offset, dummy = Read(import_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ if rsz_limits.flags:
+ rsz_limits.maximum, offset, dummy = Read(import_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ table_type.limit = rsz_limits
+ temp_import_entry.type = table_type
+ elif kind == 2:
+ memory_type = Memory_Type()
+ rsz_limits = Resizable_Limits()
+ rsz_limits.flags, offset, dummy = Read(import_section[6], offset, 'varuint1')
+ rsz_limits.initial, offset, dummy = Read(import_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ if rsz_limits.flags:
+ rsz_limits.maximum, offset, dummy = Read(import_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ memory_type.limits = rsz_limits
+ temp_import_entry.type = memory_type
+ elif kind == 3:
+ global_type = Global_Type()
+ global_type.content_type, offset, dummy = Read(import_section[6], offset, 'uint8')
+ global_type.mutability, offset, dummy = Read(import_section[6], offset, 'varuint1')
+ temp_import_entry.type = global_type
+ IS.import_entry.append(deepcopy(temp_import_entry))
+ import_cnt -= 1
+ module_name = []
+ field_name = []
+ return(IS)
+ # parses the export section, returns an Export_Section class
+ def ReadExportSection(self):
+ offset = 0
+ section_exists = False
+ field_name = []
+ ES = Export_Section()
+ temp_export_entry = Export_Entry()
+ for whatever in self.parsedstruct.section_list:
+ if whatever[0] == 7:
+ export_section = whatever.copy()
+ section_exists = True
+ if not section_exists:
+ return None
+ export_entry_cnt, offset, dummy = Read(export_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ ES.count = export_entry_cnt
+ while export_entry_cnt != 0:
+ field_length, offset, dummy = Read(export_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ temp_export_entry.field_len = field_length
+ for i in range(0, field_length):
+ field_name.append(export_section[6][offset + i])
+ temp_export_entry.fiels_str = field_name
+ offset += field_length
+ kind, offset, dummy = Read(export_section[6], offset, 'uint8')
+ temp_export_entry.kind = kind
+ index, offset, dummy = Read(export_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ temp_export_entry.index = index
+ ES.export_entries.append(deepcopy(temp_export_entry))
+ export_entry_cnt -= 1
+ field_name = []
+ return(ES)
+ # parses the type section, returns a Type_Section class
+ def ReadTypeSection(self):
+ offset = 0
+ section_exists = False
+ param_list = []
+ return_list = []
+ TS = Type_Section()
+ temp_func_type = Func_Type()
+ for whatever in self.parsedstruct.section_list:
+ if whatever[0] == 1:
+ type_section = whatever.copy()
+ section_exists = True
+ if not section_exists:
+ return None
+ type_entry_count, offset, dummy = Read(type_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ TS.count = type_entry_count
+ while type_entry_count != 0:
+ form, offset, dummy = Read(type_section[6], offset, 'varint7')
+ temp_func_type.form = form
+ param_count, offset, dummy = Read(type_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ temp_func_type.param_cnt = param_count
+ for i in range(0, param_count):
+ param_list.append(type_section[6][offset + i])
+ temp_func_type.param_types = param_list
+ offset += param_count
+ # @DEVI-FIXME- only works for MVP || single return value
+ return_count, offset, dummy = Read(type_section[6], offset, 'varuint1')
+ temp_func_type.return_cnt = return_count
+ for i in range(0, return_count):
+ return_list.append(type_section[6][offset + i])
+ temp_func_type.return_type = return_list
+ offset += return_count
+ TS.func_types.append(deepcopy(temp_func_type))
+ type_entry_count -= 1
+ param_list = []
+ return_list = []
+ return(TS)
+ # parses the function section, returns a Function_section class
+ def ReadFunctionSection(self):
+ offset = 0
+ section_exists = False
+ index_to_type = []
+ FS = Function_Section()
+ for whatever in self.parsedstruct.section_list:
+ if whatever[0] == 3:
+ function_section = whatever.copy()
+ section_exists = True
+ if not section_exists:
+ return None
+ function_entry_count, offset, dummy = Read(function_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ FS.count = function_entry_count
+ for i in range(0, function_entry_count):
+ index, offset, dummy = Read(function_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ index_to_type.append(index)
+ FS.type_section_index = index_to_type
+ offset += function_entry_count
+ return(FS)
+ # parses the element secction, returns an Element_Section class
+ def ReadElementSection(self):
+ offset = 0
+ section_exists = False
+ init_expr = []
+ loop = True
+ function_indices = []
+ ES = Element_Section()
+ temp_elem_segment = Elem_Segment()
+ for whatever in self.parsedstruct.section_list:
+ if whatever[0] == 9:
+ element_section = whatever.copy()
+ section_exists = True
+ if not section_exists:
+ return None
+ element_entry_count, offset, dummy = Read(element_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ ES.count = element_entry_count
+ while element_entry_count != 0:
+ table_index, offset, dummy = Read(element_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ temp_elem_segment.index = table_index
+ # @DEVI-FIXME-only works for non-extneded opcodes
+ while loop:
+ if element_section[6][offset] == 0x0b:
+ loop = False
+ init_expr.append(element_section[6][offset])
+ offset += 1
+ temp_elem_segment.offset = init_expr
+ num_elements, offset, dummy = Read(element_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ temp_elem_segment.num_elem = num_elements
+ for i in range(0, num_elements):
+ index, offset, dummy = Read(element_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ function_indices.append(index)
+ temp_elem_segment.elems = function_indices
+ offset += num_elements
+ ES.elem_segments.append(deepcopy(temp_elem_segment))
+ loop = True
+ init_expr = []
+ function_indices = []
+ element_entry_count -= 1
+ return(ES)
+ # parses the memory section, returns a Memory_Section class
+ def ReadMemorySection(self):
+ offset = 0
+ section_exists = False
+ MS = Memory_Section()
+ temp_rsz_limits = Resizable_Limits()
+ for whatever in self.parsedstruct.section_list:
+ if whatever[0] == 5:
+ memory_section = whatever.copy()
+ section_exists = True
+ if not section_exists:
+ return None
+ num_linear_mems, offset, dummy = Read(memory_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ MS.count = num_linear_mems
+ while num_linear_mems != 0:
+ flag, offset, dummy = Read(memory_section[6], offset, 'varuint1')
+ temp_rsz_limits.flags = flag
+ initial,offset, dummy = Read(memory_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ temp_rsz_limits.initial = initial
+ if flag:
+ maximum, offset, dummy = Read(memory_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ temp_rsz_limits.maximum = maximum
+ MS.memory_types.append(deepcopy(temp_rsz_limits))
+ num_linear_mems -= 1
+ return(MS)
+ # parses the table section, returns a Table_Section class
+ def ReadTableSection(self):
+ offset = 0
+ section_exists = False
+ TS = Table_Section()
+ temp_table_type = Table_Type()
+ temp_rsz_limits = Resizable_Limits()
+ for whatever in self.parsedstruct.section_list:
+ if whatever[0] == 4:
+ table_section = whatever.copy()
+ section_exists = True
+ if not section_exists:
+ return None
+ table_count, offset, dummy = Read(table_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ TS.count = table_count
+ while table_count != 0:
+ element_type, offset, dummy = Read(table_section[6], offset, 'varint7')
+ temp_table_type.element_type = element_type
+ flag, offset, dummy = Read(table_section[6], offset, 'varuint1')
+ temp_rsz_limits.flags = flag
+ initial, offset, dummy = Read(table_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ temp_rsz_limits.initial = initial
+ if flag:
+ maximum, offset, dummy = Read(table_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ temp_rsz_limits.maximum = maximum
+ temp_table_type.limit = temp_rsz_limits
+ TS.table_types.append(deepcopy(temp_table_type))
+ table_count -= 1
+ return(TS)
+ # parses the global section, returns a Global_Section class
+ def ReadGlobalSection(self):
+ offset = 0
+ loop = True
+ section_exists = False
+ init_expr = []
+ GS = Global_Section()
+ temp_gl_var = Global_Variable()
+ temp_gl_type = Global_Type()
+ for whatever in self.parsedstruct.section_list:
+ if whatever[0] == 6:
+ global_section = whatever.copy()
+ section_exists = True
+ if not section_exists:
+ return None
+ count, offset, dummy = Read(global_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ GS.count = count
+ while count != 0:
+ content_type, offset, dummy = Read(global_section[6], offset, 'uint8')
+ temp_gl_type.content_type = content_type
+ mutability, offset, dummy = Read(global_section[6], offset, 'varuint1')
+ temp_gl_type.mutability = mutability
+ # @DEVI-FIXME-only works for non-extended opcodes
+ while loop:
+ if global_section[6][offset] == 0x0b:
+ loop = False
+ init_expr.append(global_section[6][offset])
+ offset += 1
+ temp_gl_var.init_expr = init_expr
+ temp_gl_var.global_type = temp_gl_type
+ GS.global_variables.append(deepcopy(temp_gl_var))
+ count -= 1
+ loop = True
+ init_expr = []
+ return(GS)
+ # parses the start section, returns a Start_Section
+ def ReadStartSection(self):
+ offset = 0
+ section_exists = False
+ SS = Start_Section()
+ for whatever in self.parsedstruct.section_list:
+ if whatever[0] == 8:
+ start_section = whatever.copy()
+ section_exists = True
+ if not section_exists:
+ return None
+ function_index, offset, dummy = Read(start_section[6], offset, 'varuint32')
+ SS.function_section_index = function_index
+ return(SS)
+ def ReadRelocationSection(self):
+ offset = 0
+ section_exists = False
+ RS = Relocation_Section()
+ for whatever in self.parsedstruct.section_list:
+ if whatever[0] == 0 and whatever[1] == "reloc":
+ reloc_section = whatever.copy()
+ section_exists = True
+ if not section_exists:
+ return None
+ return(RS)
+ def ReadNameSection(self):
+ offset = 0
+ section_exists = False
+ NS = Name_Section()
+ for whatever in self.parsedstruct.section_list:
+ if whatever[0] == 0 and whatever[1] == "name":
+ name_section = whatever.copy()
+ section_exists = True
+ if not section_exists:
+ return None
+ return(NS)
+ def ReadLinkingSection(self):
+ pass
+ def ReadLinkingDotSections(self):
+ pass
+ # unused-returns the cursor location in the object file
+ def getCursorLocation(self):
+ return(self.wasm_file.tell())
+ # a convinience method-builds a module class and returns it
+ def parse(self):
+ return(Module(self.ReadTypeSection(), self.ReadImportSection(),
+ self.ReadFunctionSection(), self.ReadTableSection(),
+ self.ReadMemorySection(), self.ReadGlobalSection(),
+ self.ReadExportSection(), self.ReadStartSection(),
+ self.ReadElementSection(), self.ReadCodeSection(),
+ self.ReadDataSection()))
+# WIP-basically how the assembler is constructed
+class ParserV1(object):
+ def __init__(self, path):
+ self.path = path
+ def run(self):
+ wasmtobj = WASMText(self.path)
+ # wasmtobj.test_print()
+ wasmtobj.RegExSearch()
+ wasmtobj.PrintTypeDict()
+ wasmtobj.PrintImportDict()
+ wasmtobj.PrintTableDict()
+ wasmtobj.PrintElemDict()
+ wasmtobj.PrintMemoryDict()
+ wasmtobj.PrintDataDict()
+ wasmtobj.PrintExportDict()
+ wasmtobj.PrintFuncDict()
+ wasmtobj.PrintElemDict()
+ wasmtobj.FuncParser()
+ wasmtobj.FuncParserTest()
+ funcbodyparser = FuncBodyParser(wasmtobj.getFuncBodies())
+ headerparser = FuncBodyParser(wasmtobj.getTypeHeader())
+ expr_stack = funcbodyparser.ParseBodyV3(False)
+ header_stack = headerparser.ParseBodyV3(True)
+ wasm_codeemitter = WASM_CodeEmitter(expr_stack)
+ #wasm_codeemitter.Obj_Header_32()
+ #wasm_codeemitter.Dump_Obj_STDOUT()
+ #wasm_codeemitter.SetNewStack(header_stack)
+ #wasm_codeemitter.EmitTypeHeader()
+ #wasm_codeemitter.PrintTypeHeaderObj()
+# our interpreter class
+class PythonInterpreter(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.modules = []
+ self.sections = []
+ # appends a module to the module list that PythonInterpreter has
+ def appendmodule(self, module):
+ self.modules.append(module)
+ # returns the list of modules that we have parsed so far
+ def getmodules(self):
+ return(self.modules)
+ def appendsection(self, section):
+ self.sections.append(section)
+ def getsections(self):
+ return self.sections
+ # convinience method.calls the ObjReader to parse a wasm obj file.
+ # returns a module class.
+ def parse(self, file_path):
+ section = ReadWASM(file_path, 'little', False, True)
+ self.appendsection(section)
+ parser = ObjReader(section)
+ return(parser.parse())
+ # dumps the object sections' info to stdout. pretty print.
+ def dump_sections(self, module, dbgsection):
+ all = False
+ if dbgsection == "":
+ all = True
+ print(Colors.blue + Colors.BOLD +
+ # type_section
+ if module.type_section is not None and (dbgsection == "type" or all):
+ print(Colors.blue + '------------------------------------------------------' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.blue + Colors.BOLD + 'Type Section:' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.blue + '------------------------------------------------------' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print('count: ' + repr(module.type_section.count))
+ for iter in module.type_section.func_types:
+ print(Colors.cyan + 'form: ' + repr(iter.form) + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.green + 'param count: ' + repr(iter.param_cnt) + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.red + 'param types: ' + repr(iter.param_types) + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.purple + 'return count: ' + repr(iter.return_cnt) + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.yellow + 'return type: ' + repr(iter.return_type) + Colors.ENDC)
+ # import_section
+ if module.import_section is not None and (dbgsection == "import" or all):
+ print(Colors.blue + '------------------------------------------------------' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.blue + Colors.BOLD + 'Import Section:' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.blue + '------------------------------------------------------' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print('count: ' + repr(module.import_section.count))
+ for iter in module.import_section.import_entry:
+ print(Colors.cyan + 'module length: ' + repr(iter.module_len) + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.green + 'module str: ' + repr(iter.module_str) + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.red + 'field length: ' + repr(iter.field_len) + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.purple + 'field str: ' + repr(iter.field_str) + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.yellow + 'kind: ' + repr(iter.kind) + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.grey + 'type: ' + repr(iter.type) + Colors.ENDC)
+ # function_section
+ if module.function_section is not None and (dbgsection == "function" or all):
+ print(Colors.blue + '------------------------------------------------------' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.blue + Colors.BOLD + 'Function Section:' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.blue + '------------------------------------------------------' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print('count: ' + repr(module.function_section.count))
+ for iter in module.function_section.type_section_index:
+ print(Colors.cyan + 'type section index: ' + repr(iter) + Colors.ENDC)
+ # table_section
+ if module.table_section is not None and (dbgsection == "table" or all):
+ print(Colors.blue + '------------------------------------------------------' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.blue + Colors.BOLD + 'Table Section:' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.blue + '------------------------------------------------------' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print('count: ' + repr(module.table_section.count))
+ for iter in module.table_section.table_types:
+ print(Colors.cyan + 'element type: ' + repr(iter.element_type) + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.green + 'Resizable_Limits:flags: ' + repr(iter.limit.flags) + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.red + 'Resizable_Limits:initial: ' + repr(iter.limit.initial) + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.purple + 'Resizable_Limits:maximum: ' + repr(iter.limit.maximum) + Colors.ENDC)
+ # memory_section
+ if module.memory_section is not None and (dbgsection == "memory" or all):
+ print(Colors.blue + '------------------------------------------------------' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.blue + Colors.BOLD + 'Memory Section:' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.blue + '------------------------------------------------------' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print('count: ' + repr(module.memory_section.count))
+ for iter in module.memory_section.memory_types:
+ print(Colors.green + 'Resizable_Limits:flags: ' + repr(iter.flags) + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.red + 'Resizable_Limits:initial: ' + repr(iter.initial) + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.purple + 'Resizable_Limits:maximum: ' + repr(iter.maximum) + Colors.ENDC)
+ # global_section
+ if module.global_section is not None and (dbgsection == "global" or all):
+ print(Colors.blue + '------------------------------------------------------' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.blue + Colors.BOLD + 'Global Section:' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.blue + '------------------------------------------------------' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print('count: ' + repr(module.global_section.count))
+ for iter in module.global_section.global_variables:
+ print(Colors.green + 'global type: ' + repr(iter.global_type) + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.red + 'init expr: ' + repr(iter.init_expr) + Colors.ENDC)
+ # export_section
+ if module.export_section is not None and (dbgsection == "export" or all):
+ print(Colors.blue + '------------------------------------------------------' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.blue + Colors.BOLD + 'Export Section:' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.blue + '------------------------------------------------------' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print('count: ' + repr(module.export_section.count))
+ for iter in module.export_section.export_entries:
+ print(Colors.green + 'field length: ' + repr(iter.field_len) + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.red + 'field str: ' + repr(iter.field_str) + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.purple + 'kind: ' + repr(iter.kind) + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.cyan + 'index: ' + repr(iter.index) + Colors.ENDC)
+ # start_section
+ if module.start_section is not None and (dbgsection == "start" or all):
+ print(Colors.blue + '------------------------------------------------------' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.blue + Colors.BOLD + 'Start Section:' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.blue + '------------------------------------------------------' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print('start function index: ' + repr(module.start_section.function_section_index))
+ # element_section
+ if module.element_section is not None and (dbgsection == "element" or all):
+ print(Colors.blue + '------------------------------------------------------' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.blue + Colors.BOLD + 'Element Section:' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.blue + '------------------------------------------------------' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print('count: ' + repr(module.element_section.count))
+ for iter in module.element_section.elem_segments:
+ print(Colors.green + 'index: ' + repr(iter.index) + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.red + 'offset: ' + repr(iter.offset) + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.purple + 'num_elem: ' + repr(iter.num_elem) + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.cyan + 'elemes:' + repr(iter.elems) + Colors.ENDC)
+ # code_section
+ if module.code_section is not None and (dbgsection == "code" or all):
+ print(Colors.blue + '------------------------------------------------------' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.blue + Colors.BOLD + 'Code Section:' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.blue + '------------------------------------------------------' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print('count: ' + repr(module.code_section.count))
+ for iter in module.code_section.func_bodies:
+ print(Colors.green + 'body size: ' + repr(iter.body_size) + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.red + 'local enrty count: ' + repr(iter.local_count) + Colors.ENDC)
+ for iterer in iter.locals:
+ print(Colors.blue + 'local count: ' + repr(iterer.count) + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.blue + 'local type: ' + repr(iterer.type) + Colors.ENDC)
+ for iterer in iter.code:
+ instruction = iterer.opcode + ' ' + repr(iterer.operands)
+ print(Colors.yellow + instruction + Colors.ENDC, end="")
+ print("\t", end="")
+ print(Colors.cyan + 'opcode: ' + repr(iterer.opcode) + Colors.ENDC, end="")
+ print("\t", end="")
+ print(Colors.grey + 'immediate: ' + repr(iterer.operands) + Colors.ENDC, end="")
+ print("\t", end="")
+ print(Colors.UNDERLINE + "num of operands: " + repr(len(iterer.operands)) + Colors.ENDC)
+ # data_section
+ if module.data_section is not None and (dbgsection == "data" or all):
+ print(Colors.blue + '------------------------------------------------------' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.blue + Colors.BOLD + 'Data Section:' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.blue + '------------------------------------------------------' + Colors.ENDC)
+ print('count: ' + repr(module.data_section.count))
+ for iter in module.data_section.data_segments:
+ print(Colors.green + 'index: ' + repr(iter.index) + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.red + 'offset: ' + repr(iter.offset) + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.purple + 'size: ' + repr(iter.size) + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.cyan + 'data:' + repr(iter.data) + Colors.ENDC)
+ # palceholder for the validation tests
+ def runValidations(self):
+ modulevalidation = ModuleValidation(self.modules[0])
+ return(modulevalidation.ValidateAll())
+def premain(argparser):
+ interpreter = PythonInterpreter()
+ if argparser.args.wasm:
+ for file_path in argparser.args.wasm:
+ module = interpreter.parse(file_path)
+ print(type(module))
+ interpreter.appendmodule(module)
+ if argparser.args.dbg or argparser.args.dbgsection:
+ interpreter.dump_sections(module, argparser.args.dbgsection)
+ if interpreter.runValidations():
+ print(Colors.red + "validations are not implemented yet" + Colors.ENDC)
+ pass
+ else:
+ print(Colors.red + 'failed validation tests' + Colors.ENDC)
+ vm = VM(interpreter.getmodules())
+ vm.setFlags(argparser.getParseFlags())
+ ms = vm.getState()
+ if argparser.args.idxspc:
+ DumpIndexSpaces(ms)
+ if argparser.args.memdump:
+ DumpLinearMems(ms.Linear_Memory, argparser.getMEMDUMP())
+ if argparser.args.run:
+ vm.run()
+ # merklizer = Merklizer(ms.Linear_Memory[0][0:512], module)
+ # treelength, hashtree = merklizer.run()
+ if argparser.args.interactive:
+ variables = globals().copy()
+ variables.update(locals())
+ shell = code.InteractiveConsole(variables)
+ shell.interact(banner="WASM python REPL")
+ if argparser.args.hexdump:
+ dumpprettysections(interpreter.getsections(), argparser.args.hexdump, "")
+ if argparser.args.sectiondump is not None:
+ dumpprettysections(interpreter.getsections(), 24, argparser.args.sectiondump)
+ if argparser.args.wast:
+ #print(argparser.getWASTPath())
+ parser = ParserV1(argparser.getWASTPath())
+ parser.run()
+ # WIP-the assmebler
+ if argparser.args.asb:
+ print("not implemented yet")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # WIP-the disassmebler
+ if argparser.args.dis:
+ print("not implemented yet")
+ sys.exit(1)
+def main():
+ argparser = Argparser()
+ if argparser.args.dbg:
+ try:
+ premain(argparser)
+ except Exception:
+ variables = globals().copy()
+ variables.update(locals())
+ shell = code.InteractiveConsole(variables)
+ shell.interact(banner="DEVIWASM REPL")
+ else:
+ premain(argparser)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()