diff options
authorFarzad Sadeghi <thabogre@gmail.com>2021-12-26 17:45:59 +0000
committerFarzad Sadeghi <thabogre@gmail.com>2021-12-26 17:45:59 +0000
commit384db3c61c94110dfda41fd67dae1d97483bff69 (patch)
parenthalf-updateds the readme (diff)
Add .circleci/config.ymlcircleci-project-setup
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 42 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.circleci/config.yml b/.circleci/config.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b9032b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.circleci/config.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Use the latest 2.1 version of CircleCI pipeline process engine.
+# See: https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/configuration-reference
+version: 2.1
+# Define a job to be invoked later in a workflow.
+# See: https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/configuration-reference/#jobs
+ build:
+ working_directory: ~/repo
+ # Specify the execution environment. You can specify an image from Dockerhub or use one of our Convenience Images from CircleCI's Developer Hub.
+ # See: https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/configuration-reference/#docker-machine-macos-windows-executor
+ docker:
+ - image: circleci/golang:1.15.8
+ # Add steps to the job
+ # See: https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/configuration-reference/#steps
+ steps:
+ - checkout
+ - restore_cache:
+ keys:
+ - go-mod-v4-{{ checksum "go.sum" }}
+ - run:
+ name: Install Dependencies
+ command: go mod download
+ - save_cache:
+ key: go-mod-v4-{{ checksum "go.sum" }}
+ paths:
+ - "/go/pkg/mod"
+ - run:
+ name: Run tests
+ command: |
+ mkdir -p /tmp/test-reports
+ gotestsum --junitfile /tmp/test-reports/unit-tests.xml
+ - store_test_results:
+ path: /tmp/test-reports
+# Invoke jobs via workflows
+# See: https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/configuration-reference/#workflows
+ sample: # This is the name of the workflow, feel free to change it to better match your workflow.
+ # Inside the workflow, you define the jobs you want to run.
+ jobs:
+ - build