# hived
`hived` is the second version of my personal cryptocurrency server:
* hived is currently using redis as its DB because its tiny and fast.
* It sends notifications through telegram.
Currently it has 5 endpoint:
### /price
Lets you ask for the price of the currency. You can determine the currency the value is returned in.
### /pair
Takes in a pair of currencies and a multiplier. Determines and returns the ratio.
### /alert
#### POST
Takes in a name and a math expression containing the names of the currencies. Checks the expression periodically. Sends a message over telegram when the expression holds true.
The expression's result must be boolean. As an example:
ETH*60/(DOGE*300000) < 4.
You can have as many parameters as you like. The requests for the crypto prices are all turned into individual goroutines so it's fast.
The expression evaluation is powered by [govaluate](https://github.com/Knetic/govaluate). So for a set of rules and what you can and cannot do please check the documentation over there.
Deletes the key from the DB so you will no longer receive updates.
### /ex
Gets the list of currencies that are available to be traded.
You can check under `./test` for some examples of curl commands.
### /health
Returns the health status of the service.
## How to Run
Before you can run this, you need a [telegram bot token](https://core.telegram.org/bots#6-botfather) and a [changelly](https://changelly.com/) API key.
The keys are put in files and then given to Docker as secrets.The docker entrypoint script then exports these as environment variables.
If you want to use docker-compose, it's as simple as running `docker-compose up`. You just need to provide the files. You can check the file names in the docker-compose file.
Both the server itself and the redis image are alpine-based so they're pretty small.
## Gitpod
`hived` is gitpod-ready. Gitpod might need to install some go lsp tools once it is loaded. You will get prompted for those.
## Docs
You can find the swagger and postman docs under `/api`.
* ~~fix travis~~
* add unit tests
* ~~fix `hived -help` crashing~~
* haproxy
* turn the telegram bot into its own microservice
* update openapi3.0 spec and postman
* telegram bot's endpoint should be gRPC