# A script to emulate some of the vi(m) features for the Irssi inputline.
# Currently supported features:
# * Insert/Command mode. Escape enters command mode.
# * cursor motion with: h, l
# * history motion with j,k (only supported on Irssi versions > 0.8.13)
# * cursor word motion with: w, b, e
# * delete at cursor: x
# * Insert mode at pos: i, a
# * Insert mode at start: I
# * insert mode at end: A
# * yank and paste: y p P
# * switch case: ~
# * repeat change: .
# * Combinations like in Vi, e.g. d5fx
# * /,?,n to search through history (like history_search.pl)
# * C,D = c$, d$,
# * S = 0c$
# * make 'dd' work.
# * ^ (first non-whitespace on line)
# * Fix I = ^i
# * u = undo (how many levels, branching?!) redo?
# * use irssi settings for some of the features (esp. debug)
# * history movement should keep track of the 'active' input line and restore it
# Known bugs:
# * count with insert mode: 3iabc<esc> doesn't work
# * repeat insert mode: iabc<esc>. only enters insert mode
# Installation:
# The usual, stick in scripts dir, /script load vim_mode.pl ...
# Use the following command to get a statusbar item that shows which mode you're
# in. Annoying vi bleeping not yet supported :)
# /statusbar window add vim_mode to get the status.
# NOTE: This is still under extreme development, and there's a whole bunch of
# debugging output. Edit the DEBUG constant to remove it if it bothers you.
# Have fun!
use strict;
use warnings;
use Irssi;
use Irssi::TextUI; # for sbar_items_redraw
use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
$VERSION = "1.0.1";
authors => "shabble, rudis",
contact => 'shabble+irssi@metavore.org, shabble@#irssi/Freenode, simon@ruderich.org',
name => "vim_mode",
description => "Give Irssi Vim-like commands for editing the inputline",
license => "Public Domain",
changed => "20/9/2010"
sub DEBUG () { 1 }
#sub DEBUG () { 0 }
sub M_CMD() { 1 } # command mode
sub M_INS() { 0 } # insert mode
sub M_EX () { 2 } # extended mode (after a :?)
# buffer to keep track of the last N keystrokes following an Esc character.
my @esc_buf;
my $esc_buf_timer;
my $esc_buf_enabled = 0;
# flag to allow us to emulate keystrokes without re-intercepting them
my $should_ignore = 0;
# ex mode buffer
my @ex_buf;
# for commands like 10x
my $numeric_prefix = undef;
# vi operators like d, c, ..
my $operator = undef;
# vi movements, only used when a movement needs more than one key (like f t).
my $movement = undef;
# last vi command, used by .
my $last
= {
'char' => undef,
'numeric_prefix' => undef,
'operator' => undef,
'movement' => undef
# what Vi mode we're in. We start in insert mode.
my $mode = M_INS;
# vi registers, at the moment only the default yank register (") is used
my $registers
= {
'"' => ''
# index into the history list (for j,k)
my $history_index = undef;
sub script_is_loaded {
my $name = shift;
print "Checking if $name is loaded" if DEBUG;
no strict 'refs';
my $retval = defined %{ "Irssi::Script::${name}::" };
use strict 'refs';
return $retval;
unless (script_is_loaded('prompt_info')) {
die "This script requires 'prompt_info' in order to work. "
. "Please load it and try again";
} else {
# vi-operators like d, c; they don't move the cursor
my $operators
= {
'c' => { func => \&cmd_operator_c },
'd' => { func => \&cmd_operator_d },
'y' => { func => \&cmd_operator_y },
# vi-moves like w,b; they move the cursor and may get combined with an
# operator; also things like i/I are listed here, not entirely correct but
# they work in a similar way
my $movements
= {
# arrow like movement
'h' => { func => \&cmd_movement_h },
'l' => { func => \&cmd_movement_l },
' ' => { func => \&cmd_movement_space },
'j' => { func => \&cmd_movement_j },
'k' => { func => \&cmd_movement_k },
# char movement, take an additional parameter and use $movement
'f' => { func => \&cmd_movement_f },
't' => { func => \&cmd_movement_t },
'F' => { func => \&cmd_movement_F },
'T' => { func => \&cmd_movement_T },
# word movement
'w' => { func => \&cmd_movement_w },
'b' => { func => \&cmd_movement_b },
'e' => { func => \&cmd_movement_e },
'W' => { func => \&cmd_movement_W },
'B' => { func => \&cmd_movement_B },
'E' => { func => \&cmd_movement_E },
# line movement
'0' => { func => \&cmd_movement_0 },
'$' => { func => \&cmd_movement_dollar },
# delete chars
'x' => { func => \&cmd_movement_x },
# insert mode
'i' => { func => \&cmd_movement_i },
'I' => { func => \&cmd_movement_I },
'a' => { func => \&cmd_movement_a },
'A' => { func => \&cmd_movement_A },
# paste
'p' => { func => \&cmd_movement_p },
'P' => { func => \&cmd_movement_P },
# misc
'~' => { func => \&cmd_movement_tilde },
'.' => { func => \&cmd_movement_dot },
# special movements which take an additional key
my $movements_multiple =
'f' => undef,
't' => undef,
'F' => undef,
'T' => undef,
sub cmd_operator_c {
my ($old_pos, $new_pos, $move) = @_;
cmd_operator_d($old_pos, $new_pos, $move);
sub cmd_operator_d {
my ($old_pos, $new_pos, $move) = @_;
my ($pos, $length) = _get_pos_and_length($old_pos, $new_pos, $move);
# Remove the selected string from the input.
my $input = _input();
$registers->{'"'} = substr $input, $pos, $length, '';
print "Deleted: " . $registers->{'"'} if DEBUG;
# Move the cursor at the right position.
sub cmd_operator_y {
my ($old_pos, $new_pos, $move) = @_;
my ($pos, $length) = _get_pos_and_length($old_pos, $new_pos, $move);
# Extract the selected string and put it in the " register.
my $input = _input();
$registers->{'"'} = substr $input, $pos, $length;
print "Yanked: " . $registers->{'"'} if DEBUG;
sub _get_pos_and_length {
my ($old_pos, $new_pos, $move) = @_;
my $length = $new_pos - $old_pos;
# We need a positive length and $old_pos must be smaller.
if ($length < 0) {
$old_pos = $new_pos;
$length *= -1;
# w, x, h, l are the only movements which move one character after the
# deletion area (which is what we need), all other commands need one
# character more for correct deletion.
if ($move ne 'w' and $move ne 'x' and $move ne 'h' and $move ne 'l') {
$length += 1;
return ($old_pos, $length);
sub cmd_movement_h {
my ($count, $pos) = @_;
$pos -= $count;
$pos = 0 if $pos < 0;
sub cmd_movement_l {
my ($count, $pos) = @_;
my $length = _input_len();
$pos += $count;
$pos = $length if $pos > $length;
sub cmd_movement_space {
my ($count, $pos) = @_;
cmd_movement_l($count, $pos);
# later history (down)
sub cmd_movement_j {
my ($count, $pos) = @_;
if (Irssi::version < 20090117) {
# simulate a down-arrow
_emulate_keystrokes(0x1b, 0x5b, 0x42);
my @history = Irssi::active_win->get_history_lines();
if (defined $history_index) {
$history_index += $count;
print "History Index: $history_index" if DEBUG;
} else {
$history_index = $#history;
if ($history_index > $#history) {
$history_index = $#history + 1;
} elsif ($history_index >= 0) {
# earlier history (up)
sub cmd_movement_k {
my ($count, $pos) = @_;
if (Irssi::version < 20090117) {
# simulate an up-arrow
_emulate_keystrokes(0x1b, 0x5b, 0x41);
my @history = Irssi::active_win->get_history_lines();
if (defined $history_index) {
$history_index -= $count;
$history_index = 0 if $history_index < 0;
} else {
$history_index = $#history;
print "History Index: $history_index" if DEBUG;
if ($history_index >= 0) {
sub cmd_movement_f {
my ($count, $pos, $char) = @_;
$pos = _next_occurrence(_input(), $char, $count, $pos);
if ($pos != -1) {
sub cmd_movement_t {
my ($count, $pos, $char) = @_;
$pos = _next_occurrence(_input(), $char, $count, $pos);
if ($pos != -1) {
_input_pos($pos - 1);
sub cmd_movement_F {
my ($count, $pos, $char) = @_;
my $input = reverse _input();
$pos = _next_occurrence($input, $char, $count, length($input) - $pos - 1);
if ($pos != -1) {
_input_pos(length($input) - $pos - 1);
sub cmd_movement_T {
my ($count, $pos, $char) = @_;
my $input = reverse _input();
$pos = _next_occurrence($input, $char, $count, length($input) - $pos - 1);
if ($pos != -1) {
_input_pos(length($input) - $pos - 1 + 1);
# Find $count-th next occurrence of $char.
sub _next_occurrence {
my ($input, $char, $count, $pos) = @_;
while ($count-- > 0) {
$pos = index $input, $char, $pos + 1;
if ($pos == -1) {
return -1;
return $pos;
sub cmd_movement_w {
my ($count, $pos) = @_;
cmd_movement_W($count, $pos);
sub cmd_movement_b {
my ($count, $pos) = @_;
cmd_movement_B($count, $pos);
sub cmd_movement_e {
my ($count, $pos) = @_;
cmd_movement_E($count, $pos);
sub cmd_movement_W {
my ($count, $pos) = @_;
my $input = _input();
while ($count-- > 0) {
$pos = index $input, ' ', $pos + 1;
if ($pos == -1) {
return cmd_movement_dollar();
sub cmd_movement_B {
my ($count, $pos) = @_;
my $input = reverse _input();
$pos = _end_of_WORD($input, $count, length($input) - $pos - 1);
if ($pos == -1) {
} else {
_input_pos(length($input) - $pos - 1);
sub cmd_movement_E {
my ($count, $pos) = @_;
$pos = _end_of_WORD(_input(), $count, $pos);
if ($pos == -1) {
} else {
# Go to the end of $count-th word, like vi's e.
sub _end_of_WORD {
my ($input, $count, $pos) = @_;
# We are already at the end of one a word, ignore the following space so
# we can skip over it.
if (index $input, ' ', $pos + 1 == $pos + 1) {
while ($count-- > 0) {
$pos = index $input, ' ', $pos + 1;
if ($pos == -1) {
return -1;
return $pos - 1;
sub cmd_movement_0 {
sub cmd_movement_dollar {
sub cmd_movement_x {
my ($count, $pos) = @_;
cmd_operator_d($pos, $pos + $count, 'x');
sub cmd_movement_i {
sub cmd_movement_I {
sub cmd_movement_a {
cmd_movement_l(1, _input_pos());
sub cmd_movement_A {
sub cmd_movement_p {
my ($count, $pos) = @_;
_paste_at_position($count, $pos + 1);
sub cmd_movement_P {
my ($count, $pos) = @_;
_paste_at_position($count, $pos);
sub _paste_at_position {
my ($count, $pos) = @_;
return if not $registers->{'"'};
my $string = $registers->{'"'} x $count;
my $input = _input();
# Check if we are not at the end of the line to prevent substr outside of
# string error.
if (length $input > $pos) {
substr($input, $pos, 0) = $string;
} else {
$input .= $string;
_input_pos($pos - 1 + length $string);
sub cmd_movement_tilde {
my ($count, $pos) = @_;
my $input = _input();
my $string = substr $input, $pos, $count;
$string =~ tr/a-zA-Z/A-Za-z/;
substr $input, $pos, $count, $string;
_input_pos($pos + $count);
sub cmd_movement_dot {
# Does nothing. Necessary to prevent errors when pressing . before running
# any commands (at irssi startup).
sub cmd_ex_command {
my $arg_str = join '', @ex_buf;
if ($arg_str =~ m|s/(.+)/(.*)/([ig]*)|) {
my ($search, $replace, $flags) = ($1, $2, $3);
print "Searching for $search, replace: $replace, flags; $flags"
my $rep_fun = sub { $replace };
my $line = _input();
my @re_flags = split '', $flags // '';
if (scalar grep { $_ eq 'i' } @re_flags) {
$search = '(?i)' . $search;
print "Search is $search" if DEBUG;
my $re_pattern = qr/$search/;
if (scalar grep { $_ eq 'g' } @re_flags) {
$line =~ s/$re_pattern/$rep_fun->()/eg;
} else {
print "Single replace: $replace" if DEBUG;
$line =~ s/$re_pattern/$rep_fun->()/e;
print "New line is: $line" if DEBUG;
# vi mode status item.
sub vim_mode_cb {
my ($sb_item, $get_size_only) = @_;
my $mode_str = '';
if ($mode == M_INS) {
$mode_str = 'Insert';
} elsif ($mode == M_EX) {
$mode_str = '%_Ex%_';
} else {
$mode_str = '%_Command%_';
$sb_item->default_handler($get_size_only, "{sb $mode_str}", '', 0);
sub got_key {
my ($key) = @_;
return if ($should_ignore);
# Esc key
if ($key == 27) {
print "Esc seen, starting buffer" if DEBUG;
$esc_buf_enabled = 1;
# NOTE: this timeout might be too low on laggy systems, but
# it comes at the cost of keystroke latency for things that
# contain escape sequences (arrow keys, etc)
= Irssi::timeout_add_once(10, \&handle_esc_buffer, undef);
# Ctrl-C
} elsif ($key == 3 && $mode == M_INS) {
if ($esc_buf_enabled) {
push @esc_buf, $key;
if ($mode == M_CMD || $mode == M_EX) {
sub handle_esc_buffer {
$esc_buf_timer = undef;
# see what we've collected.
print "Esc buffer contains: ", join(", ", @esc_buf) if DEBUG;
if (@esc_buf == 1 && $esc_buf[0] == 27) {
print "Enter Command Mode" if DEBUG;
} else {
# we need to identify what we got, and either replay it
# or pass it off to the command handler.
if ($mode == M_CMD) {
# command
my $key_str = join '', map { chr } @esc_buf;
if ($key_str =~ m/^\e\[([ABCD])/) {
print "Arrow key: $1" if DEBUG;
} else {
print "Dunno what that is." if DEBUG;
} else {
@esc_buf = ();
$esc_buf_enabled = 0;
sub handle_numeric_prefix {
my ($char) = @_;
my $num = 0+$char;
if (defined $numeric_prefix) {
$numeric_prefix *= 10;
$numeric_prefix += $num;
} else {
$numeric_prefix = $num;
sub handle_command {
my ($key) = @_;
if ($mode == M_EX) {
# DEL key - remove last character
if ($key == 127) {
print "Delete" if DEBUG;
pop @ex_buf;
_set_prompt(':' . join '', @ex_buf);
# Return key - execute command
} elsif ($key == 10) {
print "Run ex-mode command" if DEBUG;
@ex_buf = ();
# Append entered key
} else {
push @ex_buf, chr $key;
_set_prompt(':' . join '', @ex_buf);
} else {
my $char = chr($key);
# We need to treat $movements_multiple specially as they need another
# argument.
if ($movement) {
$movement .= $char;
if (!$movement && ($char =~ m/[1-9]/ ||
($numeric_prefix && $char =~ m/[0-9]/))) {
print "Processing numeric prefix: $char" if DEBUG;
} elsif (!$movement && exists $movements_multiple->{$char}) {
print "Processing movement: $char" if DEBUG;
$movement = $char;
} elsif (!$movement && exists $operators->{$char}) {
print "Processing operator: $char" if DEBUG;
# Abort operator if we already have one pending.
if ($operator) {
$operator = undef;
# Set new operator.
} else {
$operator = $char;
} elsif ($movement || exists $movements->{$char}) {
print "Processing movement command: $char" if DEBUG;
# . repeats the last command.
if ($char eq '.' and !$movement and defined $last->{char}) {
$char = $last->{char};
# If . is given a count then it replaces original count.
if (not defined $numeric_prefix) {
$numeric_prefix = $last->{numeric_prefix};
$operator = $last->{operator};
$movement = $last->{movement};
$numeric_prefix = 1 if not $numeric_prefix;
# Execute the movement (multiple times).
my $cur_pos = _input_pos();
if (not $movement) {
$movements->{$char}->{func}->($numeric_prefix, $cur_pos);
} else {
# Use the real movement command (like t or f) for operator
# below.
$char = substr $movement, 0, 1;
->($numeric_prefix, $cur_pos, substr $movement, 1);
my $new_pos = _input_pos();
# If we have an operator pending then run it on the handled text.
# But only if the movement changed the position (this prevents
# problems with e.g. f when the search string doesn't exist).
if ($operator and $cur_pos != $new_pos) {
print "Processing operator: ", $operator if DEBUG;
$operators->{$operator}->{func}->($cur_pos, $new_pos, $char);
# Store command, necessary for .
$last->{char} = $char;
$last->{numeric_prefix} = $numeric_prefix;
$last->{operator} = $operator;
$last->{movement} = $movement;
$numeric_prefix = undef;
$operator = undef;
$movement = undef;
# Start Ex mode.
} elsif ($char eq ':') {
# Enter key sends the current input line in command mode as well.
} elsif ($key == 10) {
my $input = _input();
my $cmdchars = Irssi::settings_get_str('cmdchars');
my $signal;
if ($input =~ /^[\Q$cmdchars\E]/) {
$signal = 'send command';
} else {
$signal = 'send text';
# TODO: don't try to send this signal unless server and win are
# defined (At least for 'send text' signals. There's no reason
# to send text to an empty window anyway(?)
Irssi::signal_emit $signal, $input, Irssi::active_server(),
sub vim_mode_init {
Irssi::signal_add_first 'gui key pressed' => \&got_key;
Irssi::statusbar_item_register ('vim_mode', 0, 'vim_mode_cb');
sub _input {
my ($data) = @_;
if (defined $data) {
} else {
$data = Irssi::parse_special('$L', 0, 0)
return $data;
sub _input_len {
return length _input();
sub _input_pos {
my ($pos) = @_;
my $cur_pos = Irssi::gui_input_get_pos();
if (defined $pos) {
Irssi::gui_input_set_pos($pos) if $pos != $cur_pos;
} else {
$pos = $cur_pos;
return $pos;
sub _emulate_keystrokes {
my @keys = @_;
$should_ignore = 1;
for my $key (@keys) {
Irssi::signal_emit('gui key pressed', $key);
$should_ignore = 0;
sub _stop() {
sub _update_mode {
my ($new_mode) = @_;
$mode = $new_mode;
if ($mode == M_INS) {
$history_index = undef;
sub _set_prompt {
my $msg = shift;
# add a leading space unless we're trying to clear it entirely.
$msg = ' ' . $msg if length $msg;
Irssi::signal_emit('change prompt', $msg);
# 10gg -> go to window 10 (prefix.gg -> win <prefix>)