diff options
authorTom Feist <shabble@cowu.be>2010-07-10 20:20:12 +0000
committerTom Feist <shabble@cowu.be>2010-07-10 20:20:12 +0000
commit9bd8711ad413911b63321860a82fc43d6cb760d2 (patch)
parentForgot to add a whole bunch of files (diff)
more reformattingm, added a guide.pm for general stuff
19 files changed, 756 insertions, 426 deletions
diff --git a/docs/Guide.pm b/docs/Guide.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78aae10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/Guide.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+=head1 NAME
+Guide To Irssi Scripting.
+=head2 File Locations
+=head2 Testing
+=head2 Loading
+Scripts are loaded via C</SCRIPT LOAD I<filename>>. A default Irssi
+configuration also provides the C</RUN> alias as an alternative to C</SCRIPT
+=head2 Unloading
+A script can be unloaded via the C</SCRIPT UNLOAD I<name>> command. The name is
+typically the script filename without the F<.pl> extension, so F<nickcolor.pl>
+becomes C</SCRIPT UNLOAD nickcolor>.
+As part of the unloading process, if the script contains a
+ sub UNLOAD {
+ ...
+ }
+function, it will be run just before the script is unloaded and all variables
+destroyed. This can be used to clean up any temporary files, shut down any
+network connections or processes, and restore any Irssi modifications made.
+In this section, we develop a very simplistic script
+=head2 Preamble
+=head2 Sharing code between scripts
+There are 2 main ways for scripts to communicate, either via emitting and
+handling Irssi signals, or by calling functions from one another directly.
+=head2 If In Doubt, Dump!
+C<Data::Dumper> is an extremely good way to inspect Irssi internals if you're
+looking for an undocumented feature.
+The C<DUMP> alias by L<Wouter
+Coekaerts|http://wouter.coekaerts.be/site/irssi/aliases> provides an easy way to
+check object fields.
+Dump perl object (e.g. C</dump Irssi::active_win>):
+ /alias DUMP script exec use Data::Dumper\; print Data::Dumper->new([\\$0-])->Dump
+=item L<http://irssi.org/documentation/perl>
+=item L<http://irssi.org/documentation/signals>
+=item L<http://irssi.org/documentation/special_vars>
+=item L<http://irssi.org/documentation/formats>
+=item L<http://irssi.org/documentation/settings>
+=item L<http://juerd.nl/site.plp/irssiscripttut>
+=item L<http://irchelp.org/irchelp/rfc/rfc.html>
+=item L<http://wouter.coekaerts.be/site/irssi/irssi>
diff --git a/docs/Irssi.pm b/docs/Irssi.pm
index 263d124..a741b2e 100644
--- a/docs/Irssi.pm
+++ b/docs/Irssi.pm
@@ -6,39 +6,127 @@ Irssi.pm
+L<Irssi|http://irssi.org> is a console based fullscreen IRC client. It is
+written in the C programming language, and can be modified through both
+I<Modules> -- dynamically loadable compiled libraries -- and I<Scripts>, written
+in L<Perl|http://perl.org>.
+Modules are not covered in this documentation, other than to note that Perl
+scripting support itself may be compiled as a module rather than built directly
+into Irssi. The C</LOAD> command can be used from within Irssi to check if Perl
+support is available. If not, refer to the F<INSTALL> file for how to recompile
+The C<Irssi> package is the basis of Perl scripting in Irssi. It does not export any
+functions, and requires that all function-calls be fully qualified with the
+C<Irssi::I<cmd>> prefix.
=head1 CLASSES
+This documentation has been split into a number of pages, each documenting a
+particular class or pseudo-class. The following list contains all of these
+additional pages.
+=over 4
+=item L<Irssi::Ban>
+=item L<Irssi::Chatnet>
+=item L<Irssi::Chatnet>
+=item L<Irssi::Client>
+=item L<Irssi::Command>
+=item L<Irssi::Dcc>
+=item L<Irssi::Ignore>
+=item L<Irssi::Log>
+=item L<Irssi::Logitem>
+=item L<Irssi::Nick>
+=item L<Irssi::Notifylist>
+=item L<Irssi::Process>
+=item L<Irssi::Query>
+=item L<Irssi::Rawlog>
+=item L<Irssi::Reconnect>
+=item L<Irssi::Script>
+=item L<Irssi::Server>
+=item L<Irssi::Theme>
+=item L<Irssi::Window>
+=item L<Irssi::Windowitem>
=head1 METHODS
=head2 Accessors
+=head3 active_win
-=item C<Irssi::active_win> -- returns the currently active L<Irssi::Window> object.
+C<my $win = Irssi::active_win();>
-=item Window active_win() - return active window
+returns the currently active L<Irssi::Window>
-=item Server active_server() - return server in active window
+=head3 active_server
-=item windows() - return list of all windows
-=item servers() - return list of all servers
-=item reconnects() - return list of all server reconnections
-=item channels() - return list of all channels
+C<my $server = Irssi::active_server();>
-=item queries() - return list of all queries
+returns the currently active L<Irssi::Server> in active window.
-=item commands() - return list of all commands
+=head3 windows
-=item logs() - return list of all log files
+returns a list of all L<windows|Irssi::Window>.
-=item ignores() - returns list of all ignores
+=head3 servers
+returns a list of all L<servers|Irssi::Server>.
+=head3 reconnects
+returns a list of all L<server reconnections|Irssi::Reconnect>.
+=head3 channels
+returns a list of all L<channels|Irssi::Channel>.
+=head3 queries
+returns a list of all L<queries|Irssi::Query>.
+=head3 commands
+returns a list of all L<commands|Irssi::Command>.
+=head3 logs
+returns a list of all L<log files|Irssi::Log>.
+=head3 ignores
+returns a list of all L<ignores|Irssi::Ignore>.
+=head3 dccs
+returns a list of all L<DCC connections|Irssi::Dcc>
=head2 Signals
+See also L<Signals>
Irssi is pretty much based on sending and handling different signals.
Like when you receive a message from server, say:
@@ -51,16 +139,16 @@ C<"server incoming", SERVER_REC, "nick!user@there PRIVMSG ...">
You probably don't want to use this signal. Default handler for this
signal interprets the header and sends a signal:
-C<"server event", SERVER_REC, "PRIVMSG ...", "nick", "user@there.org">
+C<"server event", Irssi::Server, "PRIVMSG ...", "nick", "user@there.org">
You probably don't want to use this either, since this signal's default
handler parses the event string and sends a signal:
-C<"event privmsg", SERVER_REC, "you :blahblah", "nick", "user@there.org">
+C<"event privmsg", Irssi::Server, "you :blahblah", "nick", "user@there.org">
You can at any point grab the signal, do whatever you want to do with
it and optionally stop it from going any further by calling
For example:
@@ -78,7 +166,7 @@ This will hide all public or private messages that match the regexp
C<"free.*porn"> or the sender's nick contain the word "idiot". Yes, you
could use /IGNORE instead for both of these C<:)>
-You can also use L<C<signal_add_last()>|/signal_add_last> if you wish to let the
+You can also use L<Irssi::signal_add_last|/signal_add_last> if you wish to let the
Irssi's internal functions be run before yours.
A list of signals that irssi sends can be found in the L<Signals> documentation.
@@ -88,9 +176,9 @@ A list of signals that irssi sends can be found in the L<Signals> documentation.
=head3 Handling Signals
-=head4 C<signal_add($sig_name, $func)>
+=head4 C<signal_add $sig_name, $func>
-Bind C<$sig_name>' to function C<$func>. The C<$func> argument may be either
+Bind C<$sig_name> to function C<$func>. The C<$func> argument may be either
a string containing the name of a function to call, or a coderef.
For example:
@@ -104,46 +192,55 @@ For example:
In all cases, the specified function will be passed arguments in C<@_> as specified
in L<Signals>.
-=head4 C<signal_add_first($sig_name, $func)>
+=head4 C<signal_add_first $sig_name, $func>
+Bind C<$sig_name> to function C<$func>. Call C<$func> as soon as possible when
+the signal is raised.
-Bind `signal' to function `func'. Call `func' as soon as possible.
+=head4 C<signal_add_last $sig_name, $func>
-=head4 C<signal_add_last(signal, func)>
+Bind C<$sig_name> to function C<$func>. Call C<$func> as late as possible (after
+all other signal handlers).
-Bind `signal' to function `func'. Call `func' as late as possible.
+=head4 C<signal_remove $sig_name, $func>
-=head4 C<signal_remove(signal, func)>
+Unbind C<$sig_name> from function C<$func>.
+B<TODO: Can you unbind a signal from a C<sub { ...}> coderef? What happens?>
-Unbind `signal' from function `func'.
=head3 Controlling Signal Propagation
-=head4 C<signal_emit(signal, ...)>
+=head4 C<signal_emit $sig_name, @params>
+Send a signal of type C<$sig_name>. Up to 6 parameters can be passed in C<@params>.
-Send signal `signal'. You can give 6 parameters at maximum.
+=head4 C<signal_continue @params>
-=head4 C<signal_continue(...)>
+Propagate a currently emitted signal, but with different parameters. This only
+needs to be called if you wish to change them, otherwise all subsequent handlers
+will be invoked as normal.
-Continue currently emitted signal with different parameters.
+B<Should only be called from within a signal handler>
-=head4 C<signal_stop()>
+=head4 C<signal_stop>
-Stop the signal that's currently being emitted.
+Stop the signal that's currently being emitted, no other handlers after this one will
+be called.
-=head4 C<signal_stop_by_name(signal)>
+=head4 C<signal_stop_by_name $sig_name>
-Stop the signal with name `signal' that's currently being emitted.
+Stop the signal with name C<$sig_name> that is currently being emitted.
=head3 Registering New Signals
-=head4 C<signal_register(%hashref)>
+=head4 C<signal_register $hashref>
-Register parameter types for one or more signals.
-C<%hash> must map one or more signal names to references to arrays
-containing 0 to 6 type names. Some recognized type names include
-int for integers, intptr for references to integers and string for
-strings. For all standard signals see src/perl/perl-signals-list.h
-in the source code (this is generated by src/perl/get-signals.pl).
+Register parameter types for one or more signals. C<$hashref> must map one or
+more signal names to references to arrays containing 0 to 6 type names. Some
+recognized type names include int for integers, intptr for references to
+integers and string for strings. For all standard signals see
+F<src/perl/perl-signals-list.h> in the source code (this is generated by
For example:
@@ -158,46 +255,72 @@ restarting Irssi. B<TODO: True?>, including modifying the type signature.
Registration is required to get any parameters to signals written in
Perl and to emit and continue signals from Perl.
+B<TODO: What are the complete list of recognised types?>
=head2 Commands
See also L<Irssi::Command>
-command_bind(cmd, func[, category])
- Bind command `cmd' to call function `func'. `category' is the
- category where the command is displayed in /HELP.
+=head3 Registering Commands
-command_runsub(cmd, data, server, item)
- Run subcommands for `cmd'. First word in `data' is parsed as
- subcommand. `server' is Irssi::Server rec for current
- Irssi::Windowitem `item'.
- Call command_runsub in handler function for `cmd' and bind
- with command_bind("`cmd' `subcmd'", subcmdfunc[, category]);
+=head4 C<command_bind $cmd, $func, $category
-command_unbind(cmd, func)
- Unbind command `cmd' from function `func'.
+Bind a command string C<$cmd> to call function C<$func>. C<$func> can be
+either a string or coderef. C<$category> is an optional string specifying
+the category to display the command in when C</HELP> is used.
-command_set_options(cmd, data)
- Set options for command `cmd' to `data'. `data' is a string of
- space separated words which specify the options. Each word can be
- optionally prefixed with one of the following character:
+=head4 C<command_runsub $cmd, $data, $server, $item>
- '-': optional argument
- '+': argument required
- '@': optional numeric argument
+Run subcommands for `cmd'. First word in `data' is parsed as
+subcommand. `server' is L<Irssi::Server> record for current
+L<Irssi::Windowitem> `item'.
-command_parse_options(cmd, data)
- Parse options for command `cmd' in `data'. It returns a reference to
- an hash table with the options and a string with the remaining part
- of `data'. On error it returns the undefined value.
+Call command_runsub in handler function for `cmd' and bind
+with command_bind("`cmd' `subcmd'", subcmdfunc[, category]);
-=head3 Registering Commands
+B<TODO: example here>
+=head4 C<command_unbind $cmd, $func>
+Unbind command C<$cmd> from function C<$func>.
=head3 Invoking Commands
+=head4 C<command $string>
+Run the command specified in C<$string> in the currently active context.
+B<TODO: passing args in C<@_> vs concatenating into the command string?>
+See also L<Irssi::Server/command $string>
=head3 Parsing Command Arguments
+=head4 C<command_set_options(cmd, data)>
+Set options for command `cmd' to `data'. `data' is a string of
+space separated words which specify the options. Each word can be
+optionally prefixed with one of the following character:
+=item '-': optional argument
+=item '+': argument required
+=item '@': optional numeric argument
+=head4 C<command_parse_options(cmd, data)>
+Parse options for command `cmd' in `data'. It returns a reference to
+an hash table with the options and a string with the remaining part
+of `data'. On error it returns the undefined value.
=head2 Settings
@@ -306,11 +429,14 @@ combine_level(level, str)
=head2 Themes
+See also L<Irssi::Theme>
You can have user configurable texts in scripts that work just like
irssi's internal texts that can be changed in themes.
First you'll have to register the formats:
'format_name', '{hilight my perl format!}',
'format2', 'testing.. nick = $0, channel = $1'
@@ -328,6 +454,63 @@ For example:
$channel->printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, 'format2',
'nick', $channel->{name});
+=head2 DCC
+See also L<Irssi::Dcc>
+dcc_find_item(type, nick, arg)
+ Find DCC connection.
+dcc_find_by_port(nick, port)
+ Find DCC connection by port.
+=head2 Channels
+ Find channel from any server.
+=head2 Ignores
+ Add ignore record.
+ Update ignore record in configuration
+ignore_check(nick, host, channel, text, level)
+=head2 Logging
+log_create_rec(fname, level)
+ Create log file.
+ Find log with file name.
+=head2 Raw Logging
+Rawlog rawlog_create()
+ Create a new rawlog.
+ Set the default rawlog size for new rawlogs.
+=head2 Chat-Nets
+ Find chat network with name.
All the content of this site is copyright © 2000-2010 The Irssi project.
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/Ban.pm b/docs/Irssi/Ban.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba8381f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/Irssi/Ban.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 FIELDS
+ ban - The ban
+ setby - Nick of who set the ban
+ time - Timestamp when ban was set
+=head1 METHODS
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/Channel.pm b/docs/Irssi/Channel.pm
index 10e82f1..bb6789d 100644
--- a/docs/Irssi/Channel.pm
+++ b/docs/Irssi/Channel.pm
@@ -46,10 +46,34 @@ Server::channels_join(channels, automatic)
Destroy channel.
- Find channel from any server.
- Find channel from specified server.
+ Return a list of bans in channel.
+ Get ban mask for `nick'.
+Channel::banlist_add(ban, nick, time)
+ Add a new ban to channel.
+ Remove a ban from channel.
+Channel::nick_insert(nick, op, voice, send_massjoin)
+ Add nick to nicklist.
+ Remove nick from nicklist.
+ Find nick from nicklist.
+ Find nick mask from nicklist, wildcards allowed.
+ Return a list of all nicks in channel.
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/Chatnet.pm b/docs/Irssi/Chatnet.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23fa134
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/Irssi/Chatnet.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 FIELDS
+ type - "CHATNET" text
+ chat_type - String ID of chat protocol, for example "IRC"
+ name - name of chat network
+ nick - if not empty, nick preferred in this network
+ username - if not empty, username preferred in this network
+ realname - if not empty, realname preferred in this network
+ own_host - address to use when connecting this network
+ autosendcmd - command to send after connecting to this network
+=head1 METHODS
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/Client.pm b/docs/Irssi/Client.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e07bed7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/Irssi/Client.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 FIELDS
+ nick - nick of the client
+ host - host of the client
+ proxy_address - address of the proxy server
+ server - Irc::Server for which we proxy to this client
+ pass_sent - whether the client already send a PASS command
+ user_sent - whether the client already send a USER command
+ connected - whether the client is connected and ready
+ want_ctcp - whether the client wants to receive CTCPs
+ ircnet - network tag of the network we proxy
+=head1 METHODS
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/Dcc.pm b/docs/Irssi/Dcc.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..546f112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/Irssi/Dcc.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 FIELDS
+ type - Type of the DCC: chat, send, get
+ orig_type - Original DCC type that was sent to us - same as type except
+ GET and SEND are swapped
+ created - Time stamp when the DCC record was created
+ server - Server record where the DCC was initiated.
+ servertag - Tag of the server where the DCC was initiated.
+ mynick - Our nick to use in DCC chat.
+ nick - Other side's nick name.
+ chat - Dcc chat record if the request came through DCC chat
+ target - Who the request was sent to - your nick, channel or empty
+ if you sent the request
+ arg - Given argument .. file name usually
+ addr - Other side's IP address.
+ port - Port we're connecting in.
+ starttime - Unix time stamp when the DCC transfer was started
+ transfd - Bytes transferred
+ id - Unique identifier - usually same as nick
+ mirc_ctcp - Send CTCPs without the CTCP_MESSAGE prefix
+ connection_lost - Other side closed connection
+ (..contains all the same data as core Dcc object..)
+ size - File size
+ skipped - Bytes skipped from start (resuming file)
+ get_type - What to do if file exists? 0=default, 1=rename, 2=overwrite,
+ 3=resume
+ file - The real file name which we use.
+ file_quoted - 1 if file name was received quoted ("file name")
+ (..contains all the same data as core Dcc object..)
+ size - File size
+ skipped - Bytes skipped from start (resuming file)
+ file_quoted - 1 if file name was received quoted ("file name")
+ waitforend - File is sent, just wait for the replies from the other side
+ gotalldata - Got all acks from the other end
+=head1 METHODS
+ Destroy DCC connection.
+ Send `data' to dcc chat.
+Dcc::ctcp_message(target, notice, msg)
+ Send a CTCP message/notify to target.
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/Ignore.pm b/docs/Irssi/Ignore.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..108c0ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/Irssi/Ignore.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 FIELDS
+ mask - Ignore mask
+ servertag - Ignore only in server
+ channels - Ignore only in channels (list of names)
+ pattern - Ignore text pattern
+ level - Ignore level
+ exception - This is an exception ignore
+ regexp - Regexp pattern matching
+ fullword - Pattern matches only full words
+=head1 METHODS
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/Log.pm b/docs/Irssi/Log.pm
index 6787f85..673a183 100644
--- a/docs/Irssi/Log.pm
+++ b/docs/Irssi/Log.pm
@@ -6,5 +6,41 @@ Irssi::Log
=head1 FIELDS
+ fname - Log file name
+ real_fname - The actual opened log file (after %d.%m.Y etc. are expanded)
+ opened - Log file is open
+ level - Log only these levels
+ last - Timestamp when last message was written
+ autoopen - Automatically open log at startup
+ failed - Opening log failed last time
+ temp - Log isn't saved to config file
+ items - List of log items
=head1 METHODS
+ Add log to list of logs / save changes to config file.
+ Destroy log file.
+ Open log file and start logging.
+ Close log file.
+Log::item_add(type, name, server)
+ Add log item to log.
+ Remove log item from log.
+Log::item_find(type, item, server)
+ Find item from log.
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/Logitem.pm b/docs/Irssi/Logitem.pm
index 21ec401..6db0c7b 100644
--- a/docs/Irssi/Logitem.pm
+++ b/docs/Irssi/Logitem.pm
@@ -6,5 +6,11 @@ Irssi::Logitem
=head1 FIELDS
+ type - 0=target, 1=window refnum
+ name - Name
+ servertag - Server tag
=head1 METHODS
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/Notifylist.pm b/docs/Irssi/Notifylist.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b2628a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/Irssi/Notifylist.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 FIELDS
+ mask - Notify nick mask
+ away_check - Notify away status changes
+ idle_check_time - Notify when idle time is reset and idle was bigger
+ than this (seconds)
+ ircnets - List of ircnets (strings) the notify is checked
+=head1 METHODS
+ Returns 1 if notify is checked in `ircnet'.
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/Process.pm b/docs/Irssi/Process.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b311a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/Irssi/Process.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 FIELDS
+ id - ID for the process
+ name - Name for the process (if given)
+ args - The command that is being executed
+ pid - PID for the executed command
+ target - send text with /msg <target> ...
+ target_win - print text to this window
+ shell - start the program via /bin/sh
+ notice - send text with /notice, not /msg if target is set
+ silent - don't print "process exited with level xx"
+=head1 METHODS
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/Query.pm b/docs/Irssi/Query.pm
index 953c179..c823a4a 100644
--- a/docs/Irssi/Query.pm
+++ b/docs/Irssi/Query.pm
@@ -19,3 +19,10 @@ Query->{}
=head1 METHODS
+ Destroy the query.
+ Change the active server of the query.
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/Rawlog.pm b/docs/Irssi/Rawlog.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f89c64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/Irssi/Rawlog.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 FIELDS
+ logging - The rawlog is being written to file currently
+ nlines - Number of lines in rawlog
+=head1 METHODS
+ Destroy the rawlog.
+ Returns all lines in rawlog.
+ Start logging new messages in rawlog to specified file.
+ Stop logging to file.
+ Save the current rawlog history to specified file.
+ Send `str' to raw log as input text.
+ Send `str' to raw log as output text.
+ Send `str' to raw log as redirection text.
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/Server.pm b/docs/Irssi/Server.pm
index bb93d20..dfb8500 100644
--- a/docs/Irssi/Server.pm
+++ b/docs/Irssi/Server.pm
@@ -37,7 +37,10 @@ Server->{}
Server::channels() - return list of channels in server
Server::queries() - return list of queries in server
Server::print(channel, str[, level])
+=head2 C<command $string>
+Run the specified command on this server instance.
@@ -67,3 +70,80 @@ Server::get_nick_flags()
Server::send_message(target, msg, target_type)
Sends a message to nick/channel. target_type 0 = channel, 1 = nick
+Server::netsplit_find(nick, address)
+ Check if nick!address is on the other side of netsplit. Netsplit records
+ are automatically removed after 30 minutes (current default)..
+Server::netsplit_find_channel(nick, address, channel)
+ Find nick record for nick!address in channel `channel'.
+Server::dcc_ctcp_message(target, notice, msg)
+ Find channel from specified server.
+Server::ignore_check(nick, host, channel, text, level)
+ Return 1 if ignoring matched.
+ Return all nick objects in all channels in server. List is in format:
+ Channel, Nick, Channel, ...
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/Theme.pm b/docs/Irssi/Theme.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9efc85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/Irssi/Theme.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 FIELDS
+=head1 METHODS
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/Window.pm b/docs/Irssi/Window.pm
index 77b880c..540fae2 100644
--- a/docs/Irssi/Window.pm
+++ b/docs/Irssi/Window.pm
@@ -94,7 +94,6 @@ Window::item_remove(item)
Add/remove/destroy window item
Set window active.
@@ -108,3 +107,10 @@ Window::set_level(level)
Change to previous/next window item.
+ Return active item's name, or if none is active, window's name
+Window::item_find(server, name)
+ Find window item that matches best to given arguments.
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/Windowitem.pm b/docs/Irssi/Windowitem.pm
index 78919cc..7781a44 100644
--- a/docs/Irssi/Windowitem.pm
+++ b/docs/Irssi/Windowitem.pm
@@ -39,3 +39,17 @@ Windowitem::print(str[, level])
+ Change window item active in parent window.
+ Change server in window item.
+ Returns 1 if window item is the active item in parent window.
+ If `item' is a query of a =nick, return DCC chat record of nick.
diff --git a/docs/perl.txt b/docs/perl.txt
index 309a808..89588ca 100644
--- a/docs/perl.txt
+++ b/docs/perl.txt
@@ -147,11 +147,8 @@ command(cmd)
+Windowitem window_item_find(name)
-Window::item_find(server, name)
- Find window item that matches best to given arguments.
window_refnum_prev(refnum, wrap)
window_refnum_next(refnum, wrap)
@@ -160,19 +157,6 @@ window_refnum_next(refnum, wrap)
Return refnum for last window.
- Change window item active in parent window.
- Change server in window item.
- Returns 1 if window item is the active item in parent window.
- Return active item's name, or if none is active, window's name
*** Server Connects
@@ -204,21 +188,6 @@ server_create_conn(address[, port=6667[, password=''[, nick=''[, channels='']]]]
*** Chat networks
- type - "CHATNET" text
- chat_type - String ID of chat protocol, for example "IRC"
- name - name of chat network
- nick - if not empty, nick preferred in this network
- username - if not empty, username preferred in this network
- realname - if not empty, realname preferred in this network
- own_host - address to use when connecting this network
- autosendcmd - command to send after connecting to this network
- Find chat network with name.
*** Server redirections
@@ -300,114 +269,18 @@ Server::redirect_event(command, count, arg, remote, failure_signal, signals)
*** Channels
- type - "CHANNEL" text
- chat_type - String ID of chat protocol, for example "IRC"
- (..contains all the same data as Windowitem above..)
- topic - Channel topic
- topic_by - Nick who set the topic
- topic_time - Timestamp when the topic was set
- no_modes - Channel is modeless
- mode - Channel mode
- limit - Max. users in channel (+l mode)
- key - Channel key (password)
- chanop - You are channel operator
- names_got - /NAMES list has been received
- wholist - /WHO list has been received
- synced - Channel is fully synchronized
- joined - JOIN event for this channel has been received
- left - You just left the channel (for "channel destroyed" event)
- kicked - You was just kicked out of the channel (for
- "channel destroyed" event)
-Server::channels_join(channels, automatic)
- Join to channels in server. `channels' may also contain keys for
- channels just like with /JOIN command. `automatic' specifies if this
- channel was joined "automatically" or if it was joined because join
- was requested by user. If channel join is "automatic", irssi doesn't
- jump to the window where the channel was joined.
- Destroy channel.
- Find channel from any server.
- Find channel from specified server.
*** Nick list
- type - "NICK" text
- chat_type - String ID of chat protocol, for example "IRC"
- nick - Plain nick
- host - Host address
- realname - Real name
- hops - Hop count to the server the nick is using
- gone, serverop - User status, 1 or 0
- op, voice, halfop - Channel status, 1 or 0
- last_check - timestamp when last checked gone/ircop status.
- send_massjoin - Waiting to be sent in a "massjoin" signal, 1 or 0
-Channel::nick_insert(nick, op, voice, send_massjoin)
- Add nick to nicklist.
- Remove nick from nicklist.
- Find nick from nicklist.
- Find nick mask from nicklist, wildcards allowed.
- Return a list of all nicks in channel.
- Return all nick objects in all channels in server. List is in format:
- Channel, Nick, Channel, ...
*** Queries
- type - "QUERY" text
- chat_type - String ID of chat protocol, for example "IRC"
- (..contains all the same data as Windowitem above..)
- address - Host address of the queries nick
- server_tag - Server tag used for this nick (doesn't get erased if
- server gets disconnected)
- unwanted - 1 if the other side closed or some error occured (DCC chats)
query_create(chat_type, server_tag, nick, automatic)
Create a new query.
- Destroy the query.
- Change the active server of the query.
Find query from any server.
@@ -436,132 +309,17 @@ Server::masks_match(masks, nick, address)
matches nick!address.
- *** Rawlog
- logging - The rawlog is being written to file currently
- nlines - Number of lines in rawlog
- Create a new rawlog.
- Destroy the rawlog.
- Returns all lines in rawlog.
- Set the default rawlog size for new rawlogs.
- Start logging new messages in rawlog to specified file.
- Stop logging to file.
- Save the current rawlog history to specified file.
- Send `str' to raw log as input text.
- Send `str' to raw log as output text.
- Send `str' to raw log as redirection text.
*** Logging
- fname - Log file name
- real_fname - The actual opened log file (after %d.%m.Y etc. are expanded)
- opened - Log file is open
- level - Log only these levels
- last - Timestamp when last message was written
- autoopen - Automatically open log at startup
- failed - Opening log failed last time
- temp - Log isn't saved to config file
- items - List of log items
- type - 0=target, 1=window refnum
- name - Name
- servertag - Server tag
-log_create_rec(fname, level)
- Create log file.
- Add log to list of logs / save changes to config file.
- Find log with file name.
- Destroy log file.
- Open log file and start logging.
- Close log file.
-Log::item_add(type, name, server)
- Add log item to log.
- Remove log item from log.
-Log::item_find(type, item, server)
- Find item from log.
*** Ignores
- mask - Ignore mask
- servertag - Ignore only in server
- channels - Ignore only in channels (list of names)
- pattern - Ignore text pattern
- level - Ignore level
- exception - This is an exception ignore
- regexp - Regexp pattern matching
- fullword - Pattern matches only full words
- Add ignore record.
- Update ignore record in configuration
-ignore_check(nick, host, channel, text, level)
-Server::ignore_check(nick, host, channel, text, level)
- Return 1 if ignoring matched.
*** /EXEC processes
- id - ID for the process
- name - Name for the process (if given)
- args - The command that is being executed
- pid - PID for the executed command
- target - send text with /msg <target> ...
- target_win - print text to this window
- shell - start the program via /bin/sh
- notice - send text with /notice, not /msg if target is set
- silent - don't print "process exited with level xx"
@@ -620,96 +378,12 @@ Server::isupport(name)
*** IRC channels
- ban - The ban
- setby - Nick of who set the ban
- time - Timestamp when ban was set
- Return a list of bans in channel.
- Get ban mask for `nick'.
-Channel::banlist_add(ban, nick, time)
- Add a new ban to channel.
- Remove a ban from channel.
*** DCC
- type - Type of the DCC: chat, send, get
- orig_type - Original DCC type that was sent to us - same as type except
- GET and SEND are swapped
- created - Time stamp when the DCC record was created
- server - Server record where the DCC was initiated.
- servertag - Tag of the server where the DCC was initiated.
- mynick - Our nick to use in DCC chat.
- nick - Other side's nick name.
- chat - Dcc chat record if the request came through DCC chat
- target - Who the request was sent to - your nick, channel or empty
- if you sent the request
- arg - Given argument .. file name usually
- addr - Other side's IP address.
- port - Port we're connecting in.
- starttime - Unix time stamp when the DCC transfer was started
- transfd - Bytes transferred
- id - Unique identifier - usually same as nick
- mirc_ctcp - Send CTCPs without the CTCP_MESSAGE prefix
- connection_lost - Other side closed connection
- (..contains all the same data as core Dcc object..)
- size - File size
- skipped - Bytes skipped from start (resuming file)
- get_type - What to do if file exists? 0=default, 1=rename, 2=overwrite,
- 3=resume
- file - The real file name which we use.
- file_quoted - 1 if file name was received quoted ("file name")
- (..contains all the same data as core Dcc object..)
- size - File size
- skipped - Bytes skipped from start (resuming file)
- file_quoted - 1 if file name was received quoted ("file name")
- waitforend - File is sent, just wait for the replies from the other side
- gotalldata - Got all acks from the other end
-dccs() - return list of all dcc connections
- Destroy DCC connection.
-dcc_find_item(type, nick, arg)
- Find DCC connection.
-dcc_find_by_port(nick, port)
- Find DCC connection by port.
- If `item' is a query of a =nick, return DCC chat record of nick.
- Send `data' to dcc chat.
-Server::dcc_ctcp_message(target, notice, msg)
-Dcc::ctcp_message(target, notice, msg)
- Send a CTCP message/notify to target.
*** Netsplits
@@ -730,24 +404,10 @@ Netsplitchannel->{}
name - Channel name
nick - Nick object
-Server::netsplit_find(nick, address)
- Check if nick!address is on the other side of netsplit. Netsplit records
- are automatically removed after 30 minutes (current default)..
-Server::netsplit_find_channel(nick, address, channel)
- Find nick record for nick!address in channel `channel'.
*** Notify list
- mask - Notify nick mask
- away_check - Notify away status changes
- idle_check_time - Notify when idle time is reset and idle was bigger
- than this (seconds)
- ircnets - List of ircnets (strings) the notify is checked
notifies() - Return list of all notifies
@@ -770,21 +430,8 @@ notifylist_ison(nick, serverlist)
Check if `nick' is on IRC server.
- Returns 1 if notify is checked in `ircnet'.
*** Proxy clients
- nick - nick of the client
- host - host of the client
- proxy_address - address of the proxy server
- server - Irc::Server for which we proxy to this client
- pass_sent - whether the client already send a PASS command
- user_sent - whether the client already send a USER command
- connected - whether the client is connected and ready
- want_ctcp - whether the client wants to receive CTCPs
- ircnet - network tag of the network we proxy
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