path: root/docs/Irssi
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authorTom Feist <shabble@metavore.org>2011-01-08 20:00:20 +0000
committerTom Feist <shabble@metavore.org>2011-01-08 20:00:20 +0000
commit8d4fe58ee09b7f5d00ee0c1a6e122a1bcff7ca4e (patch)
tree953fd2f06c31f9c6e9708dabca5dcc8990b36d68 /docs/Irssi
parentMerge branch 'tab_completion' (diff)
moved docs/ to https://github.com/shabble/irssi-docs
Diffstat (limited to '')
35 files changed, 0 insertions, 2415 deletions
diff --git a/docs/Irssi.pod b/docs/Irssi.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index f5d72b7..0000000
--- a/docs/Irssi.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1109 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-L<Irssi|http://irssi.org> is a console based fullscreen IRC client. It is
-written in the C programming language, and can be modified through both
-I<Modules> -- dynamically loadable compiled libraries -- and I<Scripts>, written
-in L<Perl|http://perl.org>.
-Modules are not covered in this documentation, other than to note that Perl
-scripting support itself may be compiled as a module rather than built directly
-into Irssi. The C</LOAD> command can be used from within Irssi to check if Perl
-support is available. If not, refer to the F<INSTALL> file for how to recompile
-The C<Irssi> package is the basis of Perl scripting in Irssi. It does not export any
-functions by default, and requires that all function-calls be fully qualified with the
-C<Irssi::I<cmd>> prefix. See L</EXPORTS> for alternatives.
-=head1 CLASSES
-This documentation has been split into a number of pages, each documenting a
-particular class or pseudo-class. The following list contains all of these
-additional pages.
-B<TODO: fix this list with proper package names>
-=over 4
-=item L<Irssi::Chatnet>
-=item L<Irssi::Command>
-=item L<Irssi::Ignore>
-=item L<Irssi::Irc::Ban>
-=item L<Irssi::Irc::Client>
-=item L<Irssi::Irc::Dcc>
-=item L<Irssi::Irc::Notifylist>
-=item L<Irssi::Log>
-=item L<Irssi::Logitem>
-=item L<Irssi::Nick>
-=item L<Irssi::Process>
-=item L<Irssi::Query>
-=item L<Irssi::Rawlog>
-=item L<Irssi::Reconnect>
-=item L<Irssi::Script>
-=item L<Irssi::Server>
-=item L<Irssi::Theme>
-=item L<Irssi::UI::Window>
-=item L<Irssi::Windowitem>
-=head1 EXPORTS
-Nothing by default, but passing a list of function names when C<use>ing the module
-will import them into the current namespace.
-For example:
- use Irssi qw/signal_emit signal_add .../;
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 Accessors
-=head3 C<active_win>
-C<my $win = Irssi::active_win();>
-returns the currently active L<Irssi::UI::Window>
-=head3 C<active_server>
-C<my $server = Irssi::active_server();>
-returns the currently active L<Irssi::Server> in active window.
-=head3 C<windows>
-C<my @windows = Irssi::windows();>
-returns a list of all L<windows|Irssi::UI::Window>.
-When called in scalar context C<my $win = Irssi::windows();>, only the first
-window is returned.
-=head3 C<servers>
-returns a list of all L<servers|Irssi::Server>.
-=head3 C<reconnects>
-returns a list of all L<server reconnections|Irssi::Reconnect>.
-=head3 C<channels>
-returns a list of all L<channels|Irssi::Channel>.
-=head3 C<queries>
-returns a list of all L<queries|Irssi::Query>.
-=head3 C<commands>
-returns a list of all L<commands|Irssi::Command>.
-=head3 C<logs>
-returns a list of all L<log files|Irssi::Log>.
-=head3 C<ignores>
-returns a list of all L<ignores|Irssi::Ignore>.
-=head2 File Accessors
-=head3 C<get_gui>
-Indicates if Irssi has been started with a GUI frontend.
-Return values are:
-=item C<IRSSI_GUI_NONE> - C<0>
-=item C<IRSSI_GUI_TEXT> - C<1>
-=item C<IRSSI_GUI_GTK> - C<2>
-=item C<IRSSI_GUI_GNOME> - C<3>
-=item C<IRSSI_GUI_QT> - C<4>
-=item C<IRSSI_GUI_KDE> - C<5>
-The symbolic constants listed above can be accessed from scripts as follows:
- my $is_text = Irssi::get_gui == Irssi::IRSSI_GUI_TEXT;
-=head3 C<get_irssi_binary>
-Returns a string containing the absolute location of the binary that this
-instance of Irssi was invoked from.
-=head3 C<get_irssi_config>
-Returns a string containing the absolute location of the config file that was
-specified or defaulted to when Irssi started up. Can be modified at startup
-using the C<--config=> commandline option, or defaults to F<~/.irssi/config>.
-=head3 C<get_irssi_dir>
-Returns a string containing the absolute location of the base directory that was
-specified or defaulted to when Irssi started up. Can be modified at startup
-using the C<--home=> commandline option, or defaults to F<~/.irssi/>.
-=head2 Signals
-See also L<General::Signals>
-Irssi is pretty much based on sending and handling different signals.
-Like when you receive a message from server, say:
-C<:nick!user@there.org PRIVMSG you :blahblah>
-Irssi will first send a signal:
-C<"server incoming", SERVER_REC, "nick!user@there PRIVMSG ...">
-You probably don't want to use this signal. Default handler for this
-signal interprets the header and sends a signal:
-C<"server event", Irssi::Server, "PRIVMSG ...", "nick", "user@there.org">
-You probably don't want to use this either, since this signal's default
-handler parses the event string and sends a signal:
-C<"event privmsg", Irssi::Server, "you :blahblah", "nick", "user@there.org">
-You can at any point grab the signal, do whatever you want to do with
-it and optionally stop it from going any further by calling
-For example:
- sub event_privmsg {
- # $data = "nick/#channel :text"
- my ($server, $data, $nick, $address) = @_;
- my ($target, $text) = split(/ :/, $data, 2);
- Irssi::signal_stop() if ($text =~ /free.*porn/ || $nick =~ /idiot/);
- }
- Irssi::signal_add("event privmsg", "event_privmsg");
-This will hide all public or private messages that match the regexp
-C<"free.*porn"> or the sender's nick contain the word "idiot". Yes, you
-could use /IGNORE instead for both of these C<:)>
-You can also use L<Irssi::signal_add_last|/signal_add_last> if you wish to let the
-Irssi's internal functions be run before yours.
-A list of signals that irssi sends can be found in the L<General::Signals>
-=head3 Handling Signals
-=head4 C<signal_add $sig_name, $func>
-Bind C<$sig_name> to function C<$func>. The C<$func> argument may be either
-a string containing the name of a function to call, or a coderef.
-For example:
- Irssi::signal_add("default command", sub { ... });
- Irssi::signal_add("default command", "my_function");
- Irssi::signal_add("default command", \&my_function);
-In all cases, the specified function will be passed arguments in C<@_> as specified
-in L<General::Signals>.
-=head4 C<signal_add_first $sig_name, $func>
-Bind C<$sig_name> to function C<$func>. Call C<$func> as soon as possible when
-the signal is raised.
-=head4 C<signal_add_last $sig_name, $func>
-Bind C<$sig_name> to function C<$func>. Call C<$func> as late as possible (after
-all other signal handlers).
-=head4 C<signal_remove $sig_name, $func>
-Unbind C<$sig_name> from function C<$func>.
-B<TODO: Can you unbind a signal from a C<sub { ...}> coderef? What happens?>
-=head3 Controlling Signal Propagation
-=head4 C<signal_emit $sig_name, @params>
-Send a signal of type C<$sig_name>. Up to 6 parameters can be passed in C<@params>.
-=head4 C<signal_continue @params>
-Propagate a currently emitted signal, but with different parameters. This only
-needs to be called if you wish to change them, otherwise all subsequent handlers
-will be invoked as normal.
-For example, we can intercept a public message and rewrite the content before
-passing it on:
- Irssi::signal_add_first 'message public',
- sub {
- my ($server, $msg, @rest) = @_;
- $msg =~ s/this/that/g;
- Irssi::signal_continue($server, $msg, @rest);
- };
-Note that if you want to do this sort of rewriting, it is important to add your
-handler using L<signal_add_first|/signal_add_first $sig_name, $func> to it is
-called before the internal Irssi handlers which would usually consume it.
-B<Note: It should only be called from within a signal handler>
-=head4 C<signal_stop>
-Stop the signal that's currently being emitted, no other handlers after this one will
-be called.
-=head4 C<signal_stop_by_name $sig_name>
-Stop the signal with name C<$sig_name> that is currently being emitted.
-=head3 Registering New Signals
-=head4 C<signal_register $hashref>
-Register parameter types for one or more signals. C<$hashref> must map one or
-more signal names to references to arrays containing 0 to 6 type names. Some
-recognized type names include int for integers, intptr for references to
-integers and string for strings. For all standard signals see
-F<src/perl/perl-signals-list.h> in the source code (this is generated by
-For example:
- my $signal_config_hash = { "new signal" => [ qw/string string integer/ ] };
- Irssi::signal_register($signal_config_hash);
-Any signals that were already registered are unaffected.
-B<Signals are not persistent.> Once registered, a signal cannot be unregistered without
-restarting Irssi. B<TODO: True?>, including modifying the type signature.
-Registration is required to get any parameters to signals written in
-Perl and to emit and continue signals from Perl.
-B<TODO: What are the complete list of recognised types?>
-=head2 Commands
-See also L<Irssi::Command>
-=head3 Registering Commands
-=head4 C<command_bind $cmd, $func, $category>
-Bind a command string C<$cmd> to call function C<$func>. C<$func> can be
-either a string or coderef. C<$category> is an optional string specifying
-the category to display the command in when C</HELP> is used.
-When a command is invoked, either by the user typing C</command args>, the
-handler function will be called.
-It will receive the following parameters, passed in C<@_>:
- my ($argument_string, $server_obj, $window_item_obj) = @_;
-The argument string must be processed by the handler to split it into
-individual words if necessary.
-The L<command_parse_options|/command_parse_options $cmd, $data> function can be
-used to process options (beginning with a single dash), and will also return the
-remainder of the string to be processed as desired.
-=head4 C<command_runsub $cmd, $data, $server, $item>
-Run subcommands for C<$cmd>. First word in C<$data> is parsed as
-subcommand. C<$server> is L<Irssi::Server> record for current
-L<Irssi::Windowitem> C<$item>.
-Call command_runsub in handler function for C<$cmd> and bind
- command_bind("$cmd $subcmd", subcmdfunc[, category]);
-See the L<example|General::Guide/Use Subcommands to Group Script Functionality>
-for further details.
-=head4 C<command_unbind $cmd, $func>
-Unbind command C<$cmd> from function C<$func>.
-=head3 Invoking Commands
-=head4 C<command $string>
-Run the command specified in C<$string> in the currently active context.
-B<TODO: passing args in C<@_> vs concatenating into the command string?>
-See also L<Irssi::Server/command $string>
-=head3 Parsing Command Arguments
-=head4 C<command_set_options $cmd, $data>
-Set options for command C<$cmd> to C<$data>. C<$data> is a string of
-space separated words which specify the options. Each word can be
-optionally prefixed with one of the following character:
-=over 16
-=item C<->: optional argument
-=item C<@>: optional numeric argument
-=item C<+>: required argument
-For example:
- my $argument_format = "+something -other -another @number";
- Irssi::command_set_options('mycmd', $argument_format);
-Thus, the command may be run as C</mycmd -something value -other value rest of args>.
-=head4 C<command_parse_options $cmd, $data>
-Parse out options as specified by L<command_set_options|/command_set_options
-$cmd, $data> for command C<$cmd>. A string containing the input received by the
-command handler should be passed in as C<$data>.
-The return value is either C<undef> if an error occurred, or a list containing
-two items. The first is a hashref mapping the option names to their
-values. Optional arguments which were not present in the input will not be
-included in the hash.
-The second item in the return list is a string containing the remainder of the input
-after the arguments have been parsed out.
-For example:
- sub my_cmd_handler {
- my ($command_args) = @_;
- my @options_list = Irssi::command_parse_options "my_cmd", $command_args;
- if (@options_list) {
- my $options = $options_list->[0];
- my $arg_remainder = $options_list->[1];
- if (exists $options->{other} && $options->{something} eq 'hello') {
- ...
- }
- }
- }
-=head2 Settings
-Settings are a way to permanently store values that your script may wish to use.
-They are also easily manipulable by the user through the C</SET> command, making
-them a good way to allow configuration of your script.
-The following list summarises the data types available:
-=item C<str>
-A generic string type, which can contain arbitrary text. It is also commonly
-used to build space-separated lists of entries.
-=item C<int>
-An integer type. Integers must be whole numbers, but may also be negative or zero.
-It is stored internally as a C<signed int>, and has a range of +/- 2^31.
-=item C<bool>
-A boolean type. In Perl terms, values are C<0> for false, and anything else for
-true. When acting on them externally, C<ON> and C<OFF> are the usual terms used.
-=item C<time>
-A time type. An integer with optional unit specifier. Valid specifiers are:
- days
- hours
- minutes / mins
- seconds / secs
- milliseconds / millisecs / mseconds / msecs
-B<TODO: can different specifiers be combined?>
-The value is stored internally as a number of milliseconds. Since it is stored
-as an C<signed int>, it will overflow at 2^31 ms, or approximately 24 days.
-Times longer than this are considered invalid.
-The default specifier if none are specified is I<seconds>.
-=item C<level>
-An irssi Messagelevel. See C</HELP LEVELS> for a full list and description, or
-L</Message Levels> for a list of the Perl equivalents.
-=item C<size>
-A size type. This is an non-negative integer, and the default suffix is I<kbytes>.
-An optional suffix of C<bytes>, C<kbytes>, C<mbytes>, or C<gbytes> can be used
-to set the size accordingly. Note that sizes are given using the exponent of 2
-scheme, rather than the decimal C<$x * 1000> system.
-=head3 Creating New Settings
-If a setting does not currently exist, it must first be registered with Irssi
-using one of the C<settings_add> functions.
-=head4 C<settings_add_str $section, $key, $def>
-=head4 C<settings_add_int $section, $key, $def>
-=head4 C<settings_add_bool $section, $key, $def>
-=head4 C<settings_add_time $section, $key, $def>
-=head4 C<settings_add_level $section, $key, $def>
-=head4 C<settings_add_size $section, $key, $def>
-Each of the above functions operates in the same way, but creates a different
-data type. For each function, C<$section> is a string describing the
-group the entry falls into, C<$key> is the name of the setting. The key must
-be a single string, and typically multiple words are separated by underscores.
-The final parameter, C<$def>, is the default value of this setting. It should
-correspond to the type of the setting being created.
-B<TODO: move this list to another section?>
-=head3 Retrieving Settings
-=head4 C<settings_get_str $key>
-=head4 C<settings_get_int $key>
-=head4 C<settings_get_bool $key>
-=head4 C<settings_get_time $key>
-=head4 C<settings_get_level $key>
-=head4 C<settings_get_size $key>
-=head3 Modifying Settings
-=head4 C<settings_set_str $key, $value>
-=head4 C<settings_set_int $key, $value>
-=head4 C<settings_set_bool $key, $value>
-=head4 C<settings_set_time $key, $value>
-=head4 C<settings_set_level $key, $value>
-=head4 C<settings_set_size $key, $value>
-Changes the value of the setting with key C<$key> to C<$value>.
-B<If you change the settings of another module/script with one of these, you
-must emit a C<"setup changed"> signal afterwards.>
-This can be done with:
- Irssi::signal_emit("setup changed");
-=head4 C<settings_remove $key>
-Remove a setting specified with C<$key>.
-=head2 IO and Process Management
-=head3 C<timeout_add $msecs, $func, $data>
-Call C<$func> every C<$msecs> milliseconds (1/1000th of a second) with parameter
-C<$data>. C<$msecs> must be at least 10 or an error is signaled via C<croak>.
-Returns a tag which can be used to stop the timeout via L</timeout_remove $tag>.
-=head3 C<timeout_add_once $msecs, $func, $data>
-Call C<$func> once after C<$msecs> milliseconds (1000 = 1 second) with parameter
-C<$data>. C<$msecs> must be at least 10 or an error is signaled via C<croak>.
-Returns tag which can be used to stop the timeout via L</timeout_remove $tag>.
-=head3 C<timeout_remove $tag>
-Remove timeout specified with tag C<$tag>.
-=head3 C<input_add $source, $condition, $func, $data>
-Call C<$func> with parameter C<$data> when specified IO happens. C<$source> is
-the file handle that is being listened. C<$condition> can be
-C<Irssi::INPUT_READ>, C<Irssi::INPUT_WRITE> or both. Returns tag which can be
-used to remove the listener with L</input_remove $tag>.
-=head3 C<input_remove $tag>
-Remove listener with C<$tag>.
-=head3 C<pidwait_add $pid>
-Adds C<$pid> to the list of processes to wait for. The pid must identify
-a child process of the irssi process. When the process terminates, a
-"pidwait" signal will be sent with the pid and the status from
-waitpid(). This is useful to avoid zombies if your script forks.
-=head3 C<pidwait_remove $pid>
-Removes C<$pid> from the list of processes to wait for. Terminated
-processes are removed automatically, so it is usually not necessary
-to call this function.
-=head2 Message Levels
-The standard Irssi levels (as specified in C</HELP LEVELS>) are accessible from
-within scripts with the following zero-arguments functions:
-=head3 C<level2bits $level>
-Level string -> number
-=head3 C<bits2level $bits>
-Level number -> string
-=head3 C<combine_level $level, $str>
-Combine level number to level string (C<"+level -level">).
-Return new level number.
-=head2 Themes
-See also L<Irssi::UI::Theme>
-=head3 C<themes_reload>
-Reloads the current theme (set with C</SET THEME>) from file.
-See also L<Irssi::UI::Theme/Loading and Testing>.
-=head3 C<current_theme>
-Returns the current L<theme|Irssi::UI::Theme> object.
-=head3 C<theme_register $format_list_ref>
-You can have user configurable texts in scripts that work just like
-irssi's internal texts that can be changed in themes.
-See also the L<template|Irssi::UI::Theme/TEMPLATES> and L<format
-arguments|General::Formats/ALIAS AND FORMAT TEMPLATE ARGUMENTS> docs for
-details on the structure of these templates.
- Irssi::theme_register([
- 'format_name', '{hilight my perl format!}',
- 'format2', 'testing.. nick = $0, channel = $1'
- ]);
-B<NB: Format variable placeholders should be single-quoted or escaped to prevent
-Perl from trying to expand the C<$> variables prematurely.>
-=head3 Printing
-Printing happens with one of the following functions:
-=item C<printformat $level, $format, ...>
-=item C<Irssi::UI::Window::printformat $window, $level, $format, ...>
-=item C<Irssi::Server::printformat $server, $target, $level, $format, ...>
-=item C<Irssi::Windowitem::printformat $win_item, $level, $format, ...>
-The remaining args passed after C<$format> are passed to the format template as
-arguments, starting at C<$0>.
-Note that the latter 3 functions are intended to be called as methods on a
-Window, Server, or Windowitem object, and will print to their respective
-B<TODO: What does plain old printformat use as a destination?>
-For example:
- $channel->printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, 'format2',
- 'nick', $channel->{name});
- $window->printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, 'format_blah', @format_data);
-=head3 C<parse_special $str, $data, $flags>
-This function takes a string in C<$str> containing L<colour
-codes|General::Formats/COLOURS> and L<expandos|General::Formats/EXPANDOS
-(SPECIAL VARIABLES)> and ordinary text, returns a string with all variables,
-formats and expandos expanded to their appropriate values.
-B<TODO: What is data?>
-B<TODO: What are flags?>
-=head2 Expandos
-Expandos are special variables which can be used in format and abstract
-They behave similarly to Perl "Magic" variables, and their value is set behind
-the scenes depending on calling context.
-See also L<Formats/Expandos|General::Formats/EXPANDOS (SPECIAL VARIABLES)> for
-a list of builtin expandos.
-Scripts can fetch the value of expandos using the L<parse_special|/parse_special
-$cmd, $data, $flags> function, and can also register and handle rendering of
-additional ones.
-=head3 C<expando_create $name, $func, $update_flags>
-This function creates a new expando with name C<$name>. The expando is
-accessible from templates via C<I<$expando_name>>.
-C<$func> is a CODEREF which is called by Irssi internally when the expando
-should be updated.
-A simple handler function would look something like:
- sub handle_my_expando {
- my ($server, $win_item, $arg) = @_;
- return "some string";
- }
-B<TODO: What is passed in $arg?>
-C<$update_flags> is a hashref containing one or more C<SIGNAL =E<gt> BEHAVIOUR> pairs.
-The signals are strings containing ordinary Irssi L<signals|General::Signals>.
-The behaviour flag can take one of the following (string) values:
-=item C<"none">
-Unconditionally update the expando when this signal is received.
-=item C<"server">
-Only update this expando if the signal received passes an L<Irssi::Server>
-argument that matches the Server in which the expando is used in.
-=item C<"window">
-Only update this expando if the signal received passes an L<Irssi::UI::Window>
-argument that matches the Window in which the expando is used in.
-=item C<"windowitem">
-Only update this expando if the signal received passes an L<Irssi::Windowitem>
-argument that matches the Windowitem in which the expando is used in.
-=item C<"never">
-Never update the value of this expando. It is calculated once and never altered.
-For example:
- Irssi::expando_create 'my_expando', \&handle_my_expando, { 'message part' => 'none' };
-This expando will be refreshed (via a call to C<handle_my_expando()>) every time
-a C<message part> signal is emitted.
-B<NB: Only expandos used in statusbars will be updated dynamically to reflect
-their new value. Those used in a template to print text will remain static as
-determined by their value when they were firstrendered.>
-Expandos used in statusbars can be forced to refresh using
-L<statusbar_items_redraw|/statusbar_items_redraw $name>, even if they have no
-autorefresh signals set.
-=head3 C<expando_destroy $name>
-This function removes the expando specified by C<$name>. Its handler function
-will no longer be called, and all update signal listeners are also removed.
-B<TODO: What is the value of a destroyed expando if used in a template/sbar?>
-=head2 Text GUI
-=head3 C<gui_input_get_pos>
-Returns the position of the cursor in the input field.
-=head3 C<gui_input_set $str>
-Replaces the contents of the input field with C<$str>
-=head3 C<gui_input_set_pos $pos>
-Sets the position of the cursor in the input field.
-=head3 Getting the Input Field Contents
-There is no equivalent function for accessing this directly as there
-are for the others above, but it can be determined using the C<$L> expando
-documented in L<General::Formats>.
-For example:
- my $gui_input_contents = Irssi::parse_special '$L', undef, 0;
-See L<parse_special|/parse_special $cmd, $data, $flags> for more detail.
-=head3 C<gui_printtext $x, $y, $str>
-Prints C<$str> starting at the C<$x, $y> position on the current screen.
-The coordinates treat the top-left corner of the screen as the origin (0, 0).
-B<NB: The contents of the string will overwrite whatever is currently located at
-that screen position, but is transient, and will be replaced by the original
-content if the screen is redrawn (C</REDRAW> or C<Ctrl-L>).>
-=head2 Channels
-=head3 C<channel_find $channel>
-Find channel from any server. Returns an L<Irssi::Channel> object.
-=head2 Ignores
-=head3 C<ignore_add_rec $ignore>
-Add ignore record.
-=head3 C<ignore_update_rec $ignore>
-Update ignore record in configuration
-=head3 C<ignore_check $nick, $host, $channel, $text, $level>
-B<TODO: Document what this does>
-=head2 Logging
-=head3 C<log_create_rec $fname, $level>
-Create log file. Returns L<Irssi::Log>
-=head3 C<log_find $fname>
-Find log with file name. Returns L<Irssi::Log>
-=head2 Raw Logging
-=head3 C<rawlog_create>
-Create a new rawlog. Returns an L<Irssi::Rawlog> object.
-=head3 C<rawlog_set_size $lines>
-Set the default rawlog size for new rawlogs.
-=head2 Chat-Nets
-=head3 C<chatnet_find $name>
-Find chat network with name.
-=head2 Status Bars
-See also L<Irssi::TextUI::Statusbaritem>
-=head3 C<statusbar_item_register $name, $value, $func>
-=head3 C<statusbar_item_unregister $name>
-=head3 C<statusbar_items_redraw $name>
-=head3 C<statusbars_recreate_items>
-All the content of this site is copyright E<copy> 2000-2010 L<The Irssi
-Formatting to POD, and some additional comments by Tom Feist
- L<shabble+irssi@metavore.org|mailto:shabble+irssi@metavore.org>
-=head1 Complete List of Functions
-C<*> indicates functions currently documented, C<+> for those which aren't
-useful for scripting, and won't be dealt with here. Go read the source C<:)>
- *Irssi::abstracts_register
- *Irssi::active_server
- *Irssi::active_win
- Irssi::bits2level
- Irssi::channel_find
- Irssi::channels
- Irssi::chatnet_find
- Irssi::chatnets
- Irssi::combine_level
- *Irssi::command
- *Irssi::command_bind
- *Irssi::command_bind_first
- *Irssi::command_bind_last
- *Irssi::command_parse_options
- *Irssi::command_runsub
- *Irssi::command_set_options
- *Irssi::command_unbind
- *Irssi::commands
- Irssi::ctcp_register
- Irssi::ctcp_unregister
- *Irssi::current_theme
- +Irssi::deinit
- *Irssi::expando_create
- *Irssi::expando_destroy
- Irssi::format_create_dest
- Irssi::format_get_length
- Irssi::format_real_length
- *Irssi::get_gui
- *Irssi::get_irssi_binary
- *Irssi::get_irssi_config
- *Irssi::get_irssi_dir
- *Irssi::gui_input_get_pos
- *Irssi::gui_input_set
- *Irssi::gui_input_set_pos
- *Irssi::gui_printtext
- Irssi::ignore_check
- *Irssi::ignores
- +Irssi::init
- *Irssi::input_add
- *Irssi::input_remove
- Irssi::level2bits
- +Irssi::log_create_rec
- Irssi::log_find
- *Irssi::logs
- Irssi::mask_match
- Irssi::mask_match_address
- Irssi::masks_match
- *Irssi::parse_special
- *Irssi::pidwait_add
- *Irssi::pidwait_remove
- Irssi::print
- *Irssi::printformat
- *Irssi::queries
- Irssi::query_find
- *Irssi::rawlog_create
- *Irssi::rawlog_set_size
- *Irssi::reconnects
- Irssi::server_create_conn
- Irssi::server_find_chatnet
- Irssi::server_find_tag
- *Irssi::servers
- *Irssi::settings_add_bool
- *Irssi::settings_add_int
- *Irssi::settings_add_level
- *Irssi::settings_add_size
- *Irssi::settings_add_str
- *Irssi::settings_add_time
- *Irssi::settings_get_bool
- *Irssi::settings_get_int
- *Irssi::settings_get_level
- *Irssi::settings_get_size
- *Irssi::settings_get_str
- *Irssi::settings_get_time
- *Irssi::settings_remove
- *Irssi::settings_set_bool
- *Irssi::settings_set_int
- *Irssi::settings_set_level
- *Irssi::settings_set_size
- *Irssi::settings_set_str
- *Irssi::settings_set_time
- *Irssi::signal_add
- *Irssi::signal_add_first
- *Irssi::signal_add_last
- Irssi::signal_add_priority
- *Irssi::signal_continue
- *Irssi::signal_emit
- Irssi::signal_get_emitted
- Irssi::signal_get_emitted_id
- *Irssi::signal_register
- Irssi::signal_remove
- *Irssi::signal_stop
- Irssi::signal_stop_by_name
- Irssi::statusbar_item_register
- Irssi::statusbar_item_unregister
- Irssi::statusbar_items_redraw
- Irssi::statusbars_recreate_items
- Irssi::strip_codes
- Irssi::theme_register
- *Irssi::themes_reload
- *Irssi::timeout_add
- *Irssi::timeout_add_once
- *Irssi::timeout_remove
- Irssi::version
- Irssi::window_find_closest
- Irssi::window_find_item
- Irssi::window_find_level
- Irssi::window_find_name
- Irssi::window_find_refnum
- Irssi::window_item_find
- Irssi::window_refnum_next
- Irssi::window_refnum_prev
- *Irssi::windows
- Irssi::windows_refnum_last
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- type - "CHANNEL" text
- chat_type - String ID of chat protocol, for example "IRC"
- (..contains all the same data as Windowitem above..)
- topic - Channel topic
- topic_by - Nick who set the topic
- topic_time - Timestamp when the topic was set
- no_modes - Channel is modeless
- mode - Channel mode
- limit - Max. users in channel (+l mode)
- key - Channel key (password)
- chanop - You are channel operator
- names_got - /NAMES list has been received
- wholist - /WHO list has been received
- synced - Channel is fully synchronized
- joined - JOIN event for this channel has been received
- left - You just left the channel (for "channel destroyed" event)
- kicked - You was just kicked out of the channel (for
- "channel destroyed" event)
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 C<channels_join(channels, automatic)>
-Join to channels in server. `channels' may also contain keys for
-channels just like with /JOIN command. `automatic' specifies if this
-channel was joined "automatically" or if it was joined because join
-was requested by user. If channel join is "automatic", irssi doesn't
-jump to the window where the channel was joined.
-=head2 C<destroy>
-Destroy channel.
-=head2 C<bans>
-Return a list of bans in channel.
-=head2 C<ban_get_mask $nick>
-Get ban mask for `nick'.
-=head2 C<banlist_add $ban, $nick, $time>
-Add a new ban to channel.
-=head2 C<banlist_remove $ban>
-Remove a ban from channel.
-=head2 C<nick_insert $nick, $op, $voice, $send_massjoin>
-Add nick to nicklist. Returns a L<Irssi::Nick>.
-=head2 C<nick_remove $nick>
-Remove nick from nicklist.
-=head2 C<nick_find $nick>
-Find nick from nicklist. Returns L<Irssi::Nick>.
-=head2 C<nick_find_mask $mask>
-Find nick mask from nicklist, wildcards allowed. Returns L<Irssi::Nick>.
-=head2 C<nicks>
-Return a list of all nicks in channel.
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- type - "CHATNET" text
- chat_type - String ID of chat protocol, for example "IRC"
- name - name of chat network
- nick - if not empty, nick preferred in this network
- username - if not empty, username preferred in this network
- realname - if not empty, realname preferred in this network
- own_host - address to use when connecting this network
- autosendcmd - command to send after connecting to this network
-=head1 METHODS
-I<None found yet>
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- Command->{}
- cmd - Command name
- category - Category
-=head1 METHODS
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- mask - Ignore mask
- servertag - Ignore only in server
- channels - Ignore only in channels (list of names)
- pattern - Ignore text pattern
- level - Ignore level
- exception - This is an exception ignore
- regexp - Regexp pattern matching
- fullword - Pattern matches only full words
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 C<add_rec>
-=head2 C<update_rec>
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 CLASSES
-=head1 EXPORTS
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 TODO
- Irssi::Irc::dcc_chat_find_id
- Irssi::Irc::dcc_chat_send
- Irssi::Irc::dcc_ctcp_message
- Irssi::Irc::dcc_find_request
- Irssi::Irc::dcc_find_request_latest
- Irssi::Irc::dcc_get_download_path
- Irssi::Irc::dcc_register_type
- Irssi::Irc::dcc_str2type
- Irssi::Irc::dcc_type2str
- Irssi::Irc::dcc_unregister_type
- Irssi::Irc::dccs
- Irssi::Irc::deinit
- Irssi::Irc::get_mask
- Irssi::Irc::init
- Irssi::Irc::modes_join
- Irssi::Irc::notifies
- Irssi::Irc::notifylist_add
- Irssi::Irc::notifylist_find
- Irssi::Irc::notifylist_ison
- Irssi::Irc::notifylist_remove
-=head2 Accessors
-=head3 C<dccs>
-returns a list of all L<DCC connections|Irssi::Irc::Dcc>
-All the content of this site is copyright E<copy> 2000-2010 L<The Irssi
-Formatting to POD and linking by Tom Feist
- L<shabble+irssi@metavore.org|mailto:shabble+irssi@metavore.org>
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@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- ban - The ban
- setby - Nick of who set the ban
- time - Timestamp when ban was set
-=head1 METHODS
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
-=head1 METHODS
- Irssi::Irc::Channel::ban_get_mask
- Irssi::Irc::Channel::banlist_add
- Irssi::Irc::Channel::banlist_remove
- Irssi::Irc::Channel::bans
- Irssi::Irc::Channel::nick_insert
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- nick - nick of the client
- host - host of the client
- proxy_address - address of the proxy server
- server - Irc::Server for which we proxy to this client
- pass_sent - whether the client already send a PASS command
- user_sent - whether the client already send a USER command
- connected - whether the client is connected and ready
- want_ctcp - whether the client wants to receive CTCPs
- ircnet - network tag of the network we proxy
-=head1 METHODS
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
-=head2 C<Dcc-E<gt>{}>
- type - Type of the DCC: chat, send, get
- orig_type - Original DCC type that was sent to us - same as type except
- GET and SEND are swapped
- created - Time stamp when the DCC record was created
- server - Server record where the DCC was initiated.
- servertag - Tag of the server where the DCC was initiated.
- mynick - Our nick to use in DCC chat.
- nick - Other side's nick name.
- chat - Dcc chat record if the request came through DCC chat
- target - Who the request was sent to - your nick, channel or empty
- if you sent the request
- arg - Given argument .. file name usually
- addr - Other side's IP address.
- port - Port we're connecting in.
- starttime - Unix time stamp when the DCC transfer was started
- transfd - Bytes transferred
-=head2 C<Dcc::Chat-E<gt>{}>
- id - Unique identifier - usually same as nick
- mirc_ctcp - Send CTCPs without the CTCP_MESSAGE prefix
- connection_lost - Other side closed connection
-=head2 C<Dcc::Get-E<gt>{}>
- (..contains all the same data as core Dcc object..)
- size - File size
- skipped - Bytes skipped from start (resuming file)
- get_type - What to do if file exists?
- 0=default, 1=rename, 2=overwrite, 3=resume
- file - The real file name which we use.
- file_quoted - 1 if file name was received quoted ("file name")
-=head2 C<Dcc::Send-E<gt>{}>
- (..contains all the same data as core Dcc object..)
- size - File size
- skipped - Bytes skipped from start (resuming file)
- file_quoted - 1 if file name was received quoted ("file name")
- waitforend - File is sent, just wait for the replies from the other side
- gotalldata - Got all acks from the other end
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 C<destroy>
-Destroy DCC connection.
-=head2 C<chat_send $data>
-Send `data' to dcc chat.
-=head2 C<ctcp_message $target, $notice, $msg>
-Send a CTCP message/notify to target.
-=head2 C<close>
-=head2 C<init_rec>
-=head2 C<reject>
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- mask - Notify nick mask
- away_check - Notify away status changes
- idle_check_time - Notify when idle time is reset and idle was bigger
- than this (seconds)
- ircnets - List of ircnets (strings) the notify is checked
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 C<ircnets_match $ircnet>
-Returns 1 if notify is checked in `ircnet'.
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
-=head1 METHODS
- Irssi::Irc::Server::ctcp_send_reply
- Irssi::Irc::Server::get_channels
- Irssi::Irc::Server::isupport
- Irssi::Irc::Server::netsplit_find
- Irssi::Irc::Server::netsplit_find_channel
- Irssi::Irc::Server::notifylist_ison_server
- Irssi::Irc::Server::query_create
- Irssi::Irc::Server::redirect_event
- Irssi::Irc::Server::redirect_get_signal
- Irssi::Irc::Server::redirect_peek_signal
- Irssi::Irc::Server::redirect_register
- Irssi::Irc::Server::send_raw
- Irssi::Irc::Server::send_raw_first
- Irssi::Irc::Server::send_raw_now
- Irssi::Irc::Server::send_raw_split
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- fname - Log file name
- real_fname - The actual opened log file (after %d.%m.Y etc. are expanded)
- opened - Log file is open
- level - Log only these levels
- last - Timestamp when last message was written
- autoopen - Automatically open log at startup
- failed - Opening log failed last time
- temp - Log isn't saved to config file
- items - List of log items
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 C<update>
-Add log to list of logs / save changes to config file.
-=head2 C<close>
-Destroy log file.
-=head2 C<start_logging>
-Open log file and start logging.
-=head2 C<stop_logging>
-Close log file.
-=head2 C<item_add $type, $name, $server>
-Add log item to log.
-=head2 C<item_destroy $item>
-Remove log item from log.
-=head2 C<item_find $type, $item, $server>
-Find item from log. Returns L<Irssi::Logitem>
-=head2 C<write_rec>
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- type - 0=target, 1=window refnum
- name - Name
- servertag - Server tag
-=head1 METHODS
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- type - "NICK" text
- chat_type - String ID of chat protocol, for example "IRC"
- nick - Plain nick
- host - Host address
- realname - Real name
- hops - Hop count to the server the nick is using
- gone, serverop - User status, 1 or 0
- op, voice, halfop - Channel status, 1 or 0
- last_check - timestamp when last checked gone/ircop status.
- send_massjoin - Waiting to be sent in a "massjoin" signal, 1 or 0
-=head1 METHODS
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- type - "QUERY" text
- chat_type - String ID of chat protocol, for example "IRC"
- (..contains all the same data as Windowitem above..)
- address - Host address of the queries nick
- server_tag - Server tag used for this nick (doesn't get erased if
- server gets disconnected)
- unwanted - 1 if the other side closed or some error occured (DCC chats)
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 C<destroy>
-Destroy the query.
-=head2 C<query_change_server $server>
-Change the active server of the query.
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index a5428bf..0000000
--- a/docs/Irssi/Rawlog.pod
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@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- logging - The rawlog is being written to file currently
- nlines - Number of lines in rawlog
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 C<destroy>
-Destroy the rawlog.
-=head2 C<get_lines>
-Returns all lines in rawlog.
-=head2 C<open $filename>
-Start logging new messages in rawlog to specified file.
-=head2 C<close>
-Stop logging to file.
-=head2 C<save $filename>
-Save the current rawlog history to specified file.
-=head2 C<input $str>
-Send `str' to raw log as input text.
-=head2 C<output $str>
-Send `str' to raw log as output text.
-=head2 C<redirect $str>
-Send `str' to raw log as redirection text.
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@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- type - "RECONNECT" text
- chat_type - String ID of chat protocol, for example "IRC"
- (..contains all the same data as Connect above..)
- tag - Unique numeric tag
- next_connect - Unix time stamp when the next connection occurs
-=head1 METHODS
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
-=head1 METHODS
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@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- type - "SERVER" text
- chat_type - String ID of chat protocol, for example "IRC"
- (..contains all the same data as Connect above..)
- connect_time - Time when connect() to server finished
- real_connect_time - Time when server sent "connected" message
- tag - Unique server tag
- nick - Current nick
- connected - Is connection finished? 1|0
- connection_lost - Did we lose the connection (1) or was
- the connection just /DISCONNECTed (0)
- rawlog - Rawlog object for the server
- version - Server version
- last_invite - Last channel we were invited to
- server_operator - Are we server operator (IRC op) 1|0
- usermode_away - Are we marked as away? 1|0
- away_reason - Away reason message
- banned - Were we banned from this server? 1|0
- lag - Current lag to server in milliseconds
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 C<channels>
-- return list of channels in server
-=head2 C<queries>
-Return list of queries in server
-=head2 C<print $channel, $str, [$level]>
-=head2 C<command $string>
-Run the specified command on this server instance.
-=head2 C<Connect::connect>
-B<TODO: What is C<Connect::> package?>
-Connect to server. returns L<Irssi::Server> object.
-=head2 C<disconnect>
-Disconnect from server.
-=head2 C<server_find_tag $tag>
-Find server with tag. Returns L<Irssi::Server>
-=head2 C<server_find_chatnet $chatnet>
-Find first server that is in `chatnet'
-returns L<Irssi::Server>
-=head2 C<isnickflag $flag>
-Returns 1 if flag is a nick mode flag (C<@>, C<+> or C<%> in IRC)
-=head2 C<ischannel $data>
-Returns 1 if start of `data' seems to mean channel.
-=head2 C<get_nick_flags>
-Returns nick flag characters in order: op, voice, halfop (C<"@+%"> in IRC).
-=head2 C<send_message $target, $msg, $target_type>
-Sends a message to nick/channel. target_type 0 = channel, 1 = nick
-=head2 C<netsplit_find $nick, $address>
-Check if nick!address is on the other side of netsplit. Netsplit records
-are automatically removed after 30 minutes (current default)..
-returns L<Irssi::Irc::Netsplit>
-=head2 C<netsplit_find_channel $nick, $address, $channel>
-Find nick record for nick!address in channel `channel'.
-returns L<Irssi::Nick>
-=head2 C<dcc_ctcp_message $target, $notice, $msg>
-=head2 C<channel_find $channel>
-Find channel from specified server. Returns L<Irssi::Channel>
-=head2 C<ignore_check $nick, $host, $channel, $text, $level>
-Return 1 if ignoring matched.
-=head2 C<nicks_get_same $nick>
-Return all L<nick|Irssi::Nick> objects in all channels in server.
-List is in format:
- Channel, Nick, Channel, ...
- Irssi::Server::channel_find
- Irssi::Server::channels
- Irssi::Server::channels_join
- Irssi::Server::command
- Irssi::Server::disconnect
- Irssi::Server::format_create_dest
- Irssi::Server::get_nick_flags
- Irssi::Server::ignore_check
- Irssi::Server::ischannel
- Irssi::Server::isnickflag
- Irssi::Server::mask_match
- Irssi::Server::mask_match_address
- Irssi::Server::masks_match
- Irssi::Server::nicks_get_same
- Irssi::Server::parse_special
- Irssi::Server::print
- Irssi::Server::printformat
- Irssi::Server::queries
- Irssi::Server::query_find
- Irssi::Server::ref
- Irssi::Server::send_message
- Irssi::Server::unref
- Irssi::Server::window_find_closest
- Irssi::Server::window_find_item
- Irssi::Server::window_find_level
- Irssi::Server::window_item_find
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index 7993274..0000000
--- a/docs/Irssi/TextUI.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
-=head1 METHODS
- Irssi::TextUI::deinit
- Irssi::TextUI::init
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@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 C<get_text>
-=head2 C<next>
-=head2 C<prev>
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-=head1 Empty
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-=head1 Empty
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-=head1 Empty
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 C<default_handler>
-=item C<$item>
-=item C<$get_size_only>
-=item C<$str>
-=item C<$data>
-=item C<$escape_vars> - defaults to C<TRUE>
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@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
-=head1 METHODS
- Irssi::TextUI::TextBufferView::clear
- Irssi::TextUI::TextBufferView::get_bookmark
- Irssi::TextUI::TextBufferView::get_line_cache
- Irssi::TextUI::TextBufferView::get_lines
- Irssi::TextUI::TextBufferView::redraw
- Irssi::TextUI::TextBufferView::remove_all_lines
- Irssi::TextUI::TextBufferView::remove_line
- Irssi::TextUI::TextBufferView::scroll
- Irssi::TextUI::TextBufferView::scroll_line
- Irssi::TextUI::TextBufferView::set_bookmark
- Irssi::TextUI::TextBufferView::set_bookmark_bottom
- Irssi::TextUI::TextBufferView::set_default_indent
- Irssi::TextUI::TextBufferView::set_scroll
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deleted file mode 100644
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-=head1 Empty
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index aac1c6e..0000000
--- a/docs/Irssi/UI.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
-=head1 METHODS
- Irssi::UI::deinit
- Irssi::UI::init
- Irssi::UI::processes
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/UI/Process.pod b/docs/Irssi/UI/Process.pod
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index 23d9100..0000000
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- id - ID for the process
- name - Name for the process (if given)
- args - The command that is being executed
- pid - PID for the executed command
- target - send text with /msg <target> ...
- target_win - print text to this window
- shell - start the program via /bin/sh
- notice - send text with /notice, not /msg if target is set
- silent - don't print "process exited with level xx"
-=head1 METHODS
-I<None found yet>
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
-=head1 METHODS
- Irssi::UI::Server::gui_printtext_after
- Irssi::UI::Server::term_refresh_freeze
- Irssi::UI::Server::term_refresh_thaw
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/UI/TextDest.pod b/docs/Irssi/UI/TextDest.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 24b9d04..0000000
--- a/docs/Irssi/UI/TextDest.pod
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@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
-=head1 METHODS
- Irssi::UI::TextDest::print
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/UI/Theme.pod b/docs/Irssi/UI/Theme.pod
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 C<format_expand $theme, $format, $flags>
-C<$flags> is an optional bitmask of any of the following flags:
-Any replacements specified in the theme are not applied to this expansion.
-B<TODO: dunno>
-If the format contains variables and no values are specified, an empty string is
-returned instead of a partially filled template.
-B<TODO: What?>
- my $formatted_str = Irssi::current_theme()->format_expand('{hilight Hello}');
-B<NOTE: it seems that this only operates on abstract templates, not those
-accessible with C</FORMAT>. Weird>
-=head2 C<get_format $theme, $module, $tag>
-Returns the unexpanded format template for the format name supplied in C<$tag>.
-Valid values for C<$module> are:
-=item C<fe-common/perl>
-=item C<fe-common/irc/dcc>
-=item C<fe-common/irc>
-=item C<fe-common/core>
-=item C<fe-common/irc/notifylist>
-=item C<fe-text>
- my $pubmsg_format = Irssi::current_theme()->get_format('fe-common/core', 'pubmsg');
-=head2 Loading and Testing
-You can change themes by issuing a C</SET theme F<theme-name>> command from Irssi.
-Reloading is slightly harder, since Irssi will only reload and process a new theme
-if the C<theme> variable I<changes>.
-You can force a reload of the theme (and everything else) with C</RELOAD>. This
-reloads the configuration file too, so if you did any changes remember to C</SAVE>
-B<Remember also that C</SAVE> overwrites the theme file with old data so keep
-backups C<:)>>
-Better alternatives are the following aliases:
- /ALIAS THEMERELOAD SCRIPT EXEC Irssi::themes_reload();
- /ALIAS THEMERELOAD SET theme default; EVAL SET theme $theme
-The former is preferred if you have scripting support, whereas the latter will
-work without scripting (Perl) support loaded, but requires that you are editing
-a custom theme, rather than modifying F<default.theme>.
-The actual mechanism used by Irssi to print text into the client involves a
-certain amount of indirection, which allows themes to reformat messages in
-various ways before they are displayed.
-The overall structure of these templates is based around 3 basic ideas:
-=item Nested Templates
-=item Colour Codes
-=item Variable Expansion
-=item Special Variables
-The real text formats that irssi uses are the ones you can find with
-/FORMAT command. Back in the old days all the colors and texts were mixed
-up in those formats, and it was really hard to change the colors since you
-might have had to change them in tens of different places. So, then came
-this templating system.
-Now the C</FORMAT>s don't have any colors in them, and they also have very
-little other styling. Most of the stuff you need to change is in this
-theme file. If you can't change something here, you can always go back
-to change the /FORMATs directly, they're also saved in the F<*.theme> files.
-So, the templates. They're those C<{blahblah}> parts you see all over the
-/FORMATs and here. Their usage is simply C<{name parameter1 parameter2}>.
-When irssi sees this kind of text, it goes to find C<name> from the abstracts
-block below and sets C<parameter1> into C<$0> and C<parameter2> into C<$1> (you
-can have more parameters of course). Templates can have sub-templates. Here's a
-small example:
- /FORMAT format hello {colorify {underline world}}
- abstracts = { colorify = "%G$0-%n"; underline = "%U$0-%U"; }
-When irssi expands the templates in C<"format">, the final string would be:
- hello %G%Uworld%U%n
-ie. underlined bright green "world" text. and why C<$0->, why not C<$0>? C<$0>
-would only mean the first parameter, C<$0-> means all the parameters. With
-C<{underline hello world}> you'd really want to underline both of the words, not
-just the hello (and world would actually be removed entirely).
-See also L<Formats#arguments|Formats/ALIAS AND FORMAT TEMPLATE ARGUMENTS> for
-details on the variable to argument mapping.
-=head2 COLOURS
-You can find definitions for the colour format codes in L<Formats/COLOURS>.
-There's one difference here though. C<%n> format. Normally it means the default
-color of the terminal (white mostly), but here it means the "reset color back to
-the one it was in higher template". For example if there was C</FORMAT test
-%g{foo}bar>, and C<foo = "%Y$0%n">, irssi would print yellow C<"foo"> (as set
-with C<%Y>) but C<"bar"> would be green, which was set at the beginning before
-the C<{foo}> template. If there wasn't the C<%g> at start, the normal behaviour
-of C<%n> would occur. If you I<really> want to use the terminal's default color,
-use C<%N>.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Based on the original content found as comments in the F<default.theme> file.
-Copyright E<copy> 2000-2010 L<The Irssi project|http://irssi.org>.
-Formatting and additional content by Tom Feist
- L<shabble+irssi@metavore.org|mailto:shabble+irssi@metavore.org>
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/UI/Window.pod b/docs/Irssi/UI/Window.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 2dd6389..0000000
--- a/docs/Irssi/UI/Window.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- refnum - Reference number
- name - Name
- width - Width
- height - Height
- history_name - Name of named historylist for this window
- active - Active window item
- active_server - Active server
- servertag - active_server must be either undef or have this same tag
- (unless there's items in this window). This is used by
- /WINDOW SERVER -sticky
- level - Current window level
- sticky_refnum - 1 if reference number is sticky
- data_level - Current data level
- hilight_color - Current activity hilight color
- last_timestamp - Last time timestamp was written in window
- last_line - Last time text was written in window
- theme_name - Active theme in window, undef = default
- window - Window where the text will be written
- server - Target server
- target - Target channel/query/etc name
- level - Text level
- hilight_priority - Priority for the hilighted text
- hilight_color - Color for the hilighted text
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 C<command $cmd>
-=head2 C<print $str, [$level]>
-=head2 C<items>
-Return a list of items in window.
-=head2 C<window_create $automatic>
-=head2 C<destroy>
-Destroy the window.
- Returns parent window for window item.
-=head2 C<window_find_name $name>
-Find window with name.L<Irssi::UI::Window>
-=head2 C<window_find_refnum $refnum>
-Find window with reference number.
- Find window with level.
-window_find_closest(name, level)
-Server::window_find_closest(name, level)
- Find window that matches best to given arguments. `name' can be either
- window name or name of one of the window items.
- Find window which contains window item with specified name/server.
-=head2 C<item_add $item, $automatic>
-Add specified windowitem
-=head2 C<item_remove $item>
-remove specified windowitem
-=head2 C<item_destroy $item>
-destroy specified windowitem
-=head2 C<set_active>
-Set window active.
-=head2 C<change_server $server>
-=head2 C<set_refnum $refnum>
-=head2 C<set_name $name>
-=head2 C<set_history $name>
-=head2 C<set_level $level>
-Change server/refnum/name/history/level in window.
-=head2 C<item_prev>
-=head2 C<item_next>
-Change to previous/next window item.
-=head2 C<get_active_name>
-Return active item's name, or if none is active, window's name
-=head2 C<item_find $server, $name>
-Find window item that matches best to given arguments.
-=head1 Full list of functions
- Irssi::UI::Window::activity
- Irssi::UI::Window::change_server
- Irssi::UI::Window::command
- Irssi::UI::Window::destroy
- Irssi::UI::Window::format_get_text
- Irssi::UI::Window::get_active_name
- Irssi::UI::Window::get_history_lines
- Irssi::UI::Window::gui_printtext_after
- Irssi::UI::Window::item_add
- Irssi::UI::Window::item_destroy
- Irssi::UI::Window::item_find
- Irssi::UI::Window::item_next
- Irssi::UI::Window::item_prev
- Irssi::UI::Window::item_remove
- Irssi::UI::Window::items
- Irssi::UI::Window::last_line_insert
- Irssi::UI::Window::print
- Irssi::UI::Window::print_after
- Irssi::UI::Window::printformat
- Irssi::UI::Window::set_active
- Irssi::UI::Window::set_history
- Irssi::UI::Window::set_level
- Irssi::UI::Window::set_name
- Irssi::UI::Window::set_refnum
- Irssi::UI::Window::view
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index 896600b..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-The meaning of "window" should be pretty clear, but "window item" is something I
-couldn't really figure out a better name for :) They're simply something that's
-inside a window, a channel or a query usually. Windows can have multiple items
-inside them. It's possible to create non-channel/query window items too,
-currently the third possible window item is created by /EXEC -interactive.
-In scripts, I think you can quite safely assume that the window item is
-query or channel if the script is intended to be run in one of them.
-Stupid users won't probably have other window items, and smart users
-know where to run the script, or at least later figure out why it
-didn't work :)
-=head1 FIELDS
- type - Type of the window item, for example "CHANNEL" or "QUERY"
- chat_type - String ID of chat protocol, for example "IRC"
- server - Active server for item
- name - Name of the item
- createtime - Time the window item was created
- data_level - 0=no new data, 1=text, 2=msg, 3=highlighted text
- hilight_color - Color of the last highlighted text
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 C<print $str, [$level]>
-=head2 C<command $cmd>
-=head2 C<set_active>
-Change window item active in parent window.
-=head2 C<change_server $server>
-Change server in window item.
-=head2 C<is_active>
-Returns 1 if window item is the active item in parent window.
-=head2 C<get_dcc $item>
-If `item' is a query of a =nick, return DCC chat record of nick.
-returns L<Irssi::Dcc> object.
- Create a new window.
-=head1 full func list
- Irssi::Windowitem::activity
- Irssi::Windowitem::change_server
- Irssi::Windowitem::command
- Irssi::Windowitem::get_dcc
- Irssi::Windowitem::is_active
- Irssi::Windowitem::parse_special
- Irssi::Windowitem::print
- Irssi::Windowitem::printformat
- Irssi::Windowitem::set_active
- Irssi::Windowitem::window
- Irssi::Windowitem::window_create