path: root/vim-mode
diff options
authorTom Feist <shabble@metavore.org>2011-04-22 02:27:12 +0000
committerTom Feist <shabble@metavore.org>2011-04-22 02:27:12 +0000
commitfe6e50a76dba36899782fdda0f97590ee5f02a3c (patch)
treea8ae7406048f00807ba54aecb5dfcd9c0dd08944 /vim-mode
parentremoved docs/ from dev branch, since they're all in their own repo (well, wiki) (diff)
parentfeature-tests/key_sig: test to see if there's any useful info in the 'keyboard (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into dev
Diffstat (limited to '')
7 files changed, 1717 insertions, 326 deletions
diff --git a/vim-mode/README.pod b/vim-mode/README.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83962ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim-mode/README.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+=head1 NAME
+An Irssi script to emulate some of the vi(m) features for the Irssi inputline.
+Copy into your F<~/.irssi/scripts/> directory and load with
+C</SCRIPT LOAD vim_mode.pl>. You may wish to have it autoload in one of the
+L<usual ways|https://github.com/shabble/irssi-docs/wiki/Guide#Autorunning_Scripts>.
+For proper :ex mode support, vim-mode requires the installation of F<uberprompt.pl>
+Uberprompt can be downloaded from:
+and follow the instructions at the top of that file for installation.
+If you don't need Ex-mode, you can run vim_mode.pl without the
+uberprompt.pl script, but it is strongly recommended that you use it.
+=head3 Irssi requirements
+0.8.12 and above should work fine. However the following features are
+disabled in irssi < 0.8.13:
+=over 4
+=item * C<j> C<k> (only with count, they work fine without count in older versions)
+=item * C<gg>, C<G>
+It is intended to work with at Irssi 0.8.12 and later versions. However some
+features are disabled in older versions (see below for details).
+Perl >= 5.8.1 is recommended for UTF-8 support (which can be disabled if
+necessary). Please report bugs in older versions as well, we'll try to fix
+them. Later versions of Perl are also faster, which is probably beneficial
+to a script of this size and complexity.
+=head2 SETUP
+Vim Mode provides certain feedback to the user, such as the currently active
+mode (command, insert, ex), and if switching buffers, which buffer(s) currently
+match the search terms.
+There are two ways to go about displaying this information, as described in
+the following sections:
+=head3 Statusbar Items
+Run the following command to add a statusbar item that shows which mode
+you're in.
+C</statusbar window add vim_mode>
+And the following to let C<:b [str]> display a list of channels matching your
+search string.
+C</statusbar window add vim_windows>
+B<Note:> Remember to C</save> after adding these statusbar items to make them
+B<Note:> If you would rather have these statusbar items on your prompt
+line rather than thte window statusbar, please follow these steps.
+For technical reasons, I<uberprompt> must occasionally call C</statusbar prompt
+reset>, which will remove or deactivate any manually added items on the prompt
+statusbar. To get around this, uberprompt provides two command hooks,
+C<uberprompt_load_hook> and C<uberprompt_unload_hook>. Both of these settings
+can contain one (or more, using C</EVAL>) commands to be executed when the prompt
+is enabled and disabled, respectively.
+See the L<uberprompt documentation|https://github.com/shabble/irssi-scripts/blob/master/prompt_info/README.pod> for further details.
+For I<right-aligned> items (that is, after the input field:
+=over 4
+=item 1 C</alias vm_add /^statusbar prompt add -after input -alignment right vim_mode>
+=item 2 C</alias vm_del /^statusbar prompt remove vim_mode>
+=item 3 C</set uberprompt_load_hook /^vm_add>
+=item 4 C</set uberprompt_unload_hook /^vm_del>
+For I<left-aligned> items (before the prompt):
+=over 4
+=item 1 C</alias vm_add /^statusbar prompt add -before prompt -alignment left vim_mode>
+=item 2 C</alias vm_del /^statusbar prompt remove vim_mode>
+=item 3 C</set uberprompt_load_hook /^vm_add>
+=item 4 C</set uberprompt_unload_hook /^vm_del>
+If you wish to add both C<vim_mode> and C<vim_windows> items, replace steps 1 and 2
+above with the following (right-aligned):
+=over 4
+=item 1 C</alias vm_add /^eval /^statusbar prompt add -after input -alightment right vim_mode ; /^statusbar prompt add -after input -alignment right vim_windows>
+=item 2 C</alias vm_del /^eval /^statusbar prompt remove vim_mode ; /^statusbar prompt remove vim_windows>
+and then complete stages 3 and 4 as above. Replace the C<-after> and C<-alignment>
+to suit your location preferences.
+B<Note:> It is also possible to place the items between the prompt and input field,
+by specifying C<-after prompt> or C<-before input> as appropriate.
+=head3 Expando Variables
+Vim mode augments the existing Irssi expando (automatic variables) with two
+additional ones: C<$vim_cmd_mode> and C<$vim_wins>.
+C<$vim_cmd_mode> is the equivalent of the C<vim_mode> statusbar item, and
+C<$vim_wins> is the counterpart of C<vim_windows>.
+They can be added to your theme, or inserted into your uberprompt using
+a command such as:
+"C</set uberprompt_format [$vim_cmd_mode] $*$uber] >"
+Additionally to the irssi settings described in L<settings|/SETTINGS>, vim_mode
+can be configured through an external configuration file named "vim_moderc"
+located in F<~/.irssi/vim_moderc>. If available it's loaded on startup and every
+supported ex-command is run. Its syntax is similar to "vimrc". To (re)load it
+while vim_mode is running use C<:so[urce]>.
+Currently Supported ex-commands:
+=over 4
+=item * C<:map>
+=head1 USAGE
+The following section is divided into the different modes as supported by Vim itself:
+It supports most commonly used command mode features:
+=over 2
+=item * Insert/Command mode.
+C<Esc> and C<Ctrl-C> enter command mode. C</set vim_mode_cmd_seq j> allows
+to use C<jj> as Escape (any other character can be used as well).
+=item * Cursor motion:
+C<h l 0 ^ $ E<lt>SpaceE<gt> E<lt>BSE<gt> f t F T>
+=item * History motion:
+C<j k gg G> C<gg> moves to the oldest (first) history line. C<G> without a
+count moves to the current input line, with a count it goes to the I<count-th>
+history line (1 is the oldest).
+=item * Cursor word motion:
+C<w b ge e W gE B E>
+=item * Word objects (only the following work yet):
+C<aw aW>
+=item * Yank and paste:
+ C<y p P>
+=item * Change and delete:
+C<c d>
+=item * Delete at cursor:
+C<x X>
+=item * Replace at cursor:
+=item * Insert mode:
+C<i a I A>
+=item * Switch case:
+=item * Repeat change:
+=item * Repeat
+C<ftFT: ; ,>
+=item * Registers:
+C<"a-"z "" "0 "* "+ "_> (black hole)
+=item * Line-wise shortcuts:
+C<dd cc yy>
+=item * Shortcuts:
+C<s S C D>
+=item * Scroll the scrollback buffer:
+C<Ctrl-E Ctrl-D Ctrl-Y Ctrl-U Ctrl-F Ctrl-B>
+=item * Switch to last active window:
+=item * Switch split windows:
+<Ctrl-W j Ctrl-W k>
+=item * Undo/Redo:
+C<u Ctrl-R>
+Counts and combinations work as well, e.g. C<d5fx> or C<3iabcE<lt>escE<gt>>. Counts also work with mapped ex-commands (see below), e.g. if you map C<gb> to do C<:bn>, then C<2gb> will switch to the second next buffer. Repeat also supports counts.
+=over 4
+=item * Appending to register with C<"A-"Z>
+=item * C<""> is the default yank/delete register.
+=item * C<"0> contains the last yank (if no register was specified).
+=item * The special registers C<"* "+> both contain irssi's internal cut-buffer.
+The following insert mode mappings are supported:
+=over 4
+=item * Insert register content: Ctrl-R x (where x is the register to insert)
+=head2 EX-MODE
+Ex-mode (activated by C<:> in command mode) supports the following commands:
+=over 4
+=item * Command History:
+C<E<lt>uparrowE<gt>> - cycle backwards through history
+C<E<lt>downarrowE<gt>> - cycle forwards through history
+C<:eh> - show ex history
+=item * Switching buffers:
+C<:[N]b [N]> - switch to channel number
+C<:b#> - switch to last channel
+C<:b> E<lt>partial-channel-nameE<gt>
+C<:b> <partial-server>/<partial-channel>
+C<:buffer {args}> (same as C<:b>)
+C<:[N]bn[ext] [N]> - switch to next window
+C<:[N]bp[rev] [N]> - switch to previous window
+=item * Close window:
+C<:[N]bd[elete] [N]>
+=item * Display windows:
+C<:ls>, C<:buffers>
+=item * Display registers:
+C<:reg[isters] {args}>, C<:di[splay] {args}>
+=item * Display undolist:
+C<:undol[ist]> (mostly used for debugging)
+=item * Source files:
+C<:so[urce]> - only sources vim_moderc at the moment,
+ F<{file}> not supported
+=item * Mappings:
+C<:map> - display custom mappings
+=item * Saving mappings:
+C<:mkv[imrc][!]> - like in Vim, but [file] not supported
+=item * Substitution:
+C<:s///> - I<i> and I<g> are supported as flags, only C<///> can be used as
+eparator, and it uses Perl regex syntax instead of Vim syntax.
+=item * Settings:
+C<:se[t]> - display all options
+C<:se[t] {option}> - display all matching options
+C<:se[t] {option} {value}> - change option to value
+=head3 MAPPINGS
+=head4 Commands
+=over 4
+=item * C<:map {lhs}> - display mappings starting with {lhs}
+=item * C<:map {lhs} {rhs}> - add mapping
+=item * C<:unm[ap] {lhs}> - remove custom mapping
+=head4 Parameters
+I<{lhs}> is the key combination to be mapped, I<{rhs}> the target. The
+C<E<lt>E<gt>> notation is used
+(e.g. C<E<lt>C-FE<gt>> is I<Ctrl-F>), case is ignored.
+ Supported C<E<lt>E<gt>> keys are:
+=over 4
+=item * C<E<lt>C-AE<gt>> - C<E<lt>C-ZE<gt>>,
+=item * C<E<lt>C-^E<gt>>, C<E<lt>C-6E<gt>>
+=item * C<E<lt>SpaceE<gt>>
+=item * C<E<lt>CRE<gt>> - Enter
+=item * C<E<lt>BSE<gt>> - Backspace
+=item * C<E<lt>NopE<gt>> - No-op (Do Nothing).
+Mapping ex-mode and irssi commands is supported. When mapping ex-mode commands
+the trailing C<E<lt>CrE<gt>> is not necessary. Only default mappings can be used
+in I<{rhs}>.
+=over 4
+=item * C<:map w W> - to remap w to work like W
+=item * C<:map gb :bnext> - to map gb to call :bnext
+=item * C<:map gB :bprev>
+=item * C<:map g1 :b 1> - to map g1 to switch to buffer 1
+=item * C<:map gb :b> - to map gb to :b, 1gb switches to buffer 1, 5gb to 5
+=item * C<:map E<lt>C-LE<gt> /clear> - map Ctrl-L to irssi command /clear
+=item * C<:map E<lt>C-GE<gt> /window goto 1>
+=item * C<:map E<lt>C-EE<gt> <Nop>> - disable E<lt>C-EE<gt>, it does nothing now
+=item * C<:unmap E<lt>C-EE<gt>> - restore default behavior of C<E<lt>C-EE<gt>>
+after disabling it
+Note that you must use C</> for irssi commands (like C</clear>), the current value
+of Irssi's cmdchars does B<not> work! This is necessary do differentiate between
+ex-commands and irssi commands.
+=head2 SETTINGS
+The settings are stored as irssi settings and can be set using C</set> as usual
+(prepend C<vim_mode_> to setting name) or using the C<:set> ex-command. The
+following settings are available:
+=over 4
+=item * utf8 - Support UTF-8 characters, boolean, default on
+=item * debug - Enable debug output, boolean, default off
+=item * cmd_seq - Char that when double-pressed simulates C<E<lt>EscE<gt>>, string, default '' (disabled)
+=item * start_cmd - Start every line in command mode, boolean, default off
+=item * max_undo_lines - Sze of the undo buffer. Integer, default 50 items.
+=item * ex_history_size - Number of items stored in the ex-mode history. Integer, default 100.
+=item * prompt_leading_space - Ddetermines whether ex mode prepends a space to the displayed input. Boolean, default on
+In contrast to irssi's settings, C<:set> accepts 0 and 1 as values for boolean
+settings, but only vim_mode's settings can be set/displayed.
+ :set cmd_seq=j # set cmd_seq to j
+ :set cmd_seq= # disable cmd_seq
+ :set debug=on # enable debug
+ :set debug=off # disable debug
+=head1 SUPPORT
+Any behavior different from Vim (unless explicitly documented) should be
+considered a bug and reported.
+B<NOTE:> This script is still under heavy development, and there may be bugs.
+Please submit reproducible sequences to the bug-tracker at:
+or contact rudi_s or shabble on irc.freenode.net (#irssi and #irssi_vim)
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Copyright E<copy> 2010-2011 Tom Feist C<E<lt>shabble+irssi@metavore.orgE<gt>> and
+Copyright E<copy> 2010-2011 Simon Ruderich C<E<lt>simon@ruderich.orgE<gt>>
+=head1 THANKS
+Particular thanks go to
+=over 4
+=item * estragib: a lot of testing and many bug reports and feature requests
+=item * iaj: testing
+=item * tmr: explaining how various bits of vim work
+as well as the rest of C<#irssi> and C<#irssi_vim> on Freenode IRC.
+=head1 LICENCE
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+=head1 BUGS
+=over 4
+=item *
+count before register doesn't work: e.g. 3"ap doesn't work, but "a3p does
+=item *
+mapping an incomplete ex-command doesn't open the ex-mode with the partial
+command (e.g. C<:map gb :b> causes an error instead of opening the ex-mode and
+displaying C<:bE<lt>cursorE<gt>>)
+=item *
+ undo/redo cursor positions are mostly wrong
+=head1 TODO
+=over 4
+=item *
+=over 4
+=item *
+ C< * /,?,n,N> to search through history (like rl_history_search.pl)
+=item *
+Window switching (C<:b>)
+=over 4
+=item *
+Tab completion of window(-item) names
+=item *
+non-sequential matches(?)
+See also the TODO file at
+L<github|https://github.com/shabble/irssi-scripts/blob/master/vim-mode/TODO> for
+many many more things.
+=head2 WONTFIX
+Things we're not ever likely to do:
+=over 4
+=item * Macros
diff --git a/vim-mode/input.txt b/vim-mode/input.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..790060a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim-mode/input.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+How the input system for vim_mode should work.
+* insert mode mappings
+* normal (command) mode mappings
+* timeout for ambiguous mappings
+** but support for no timeout for some mappings (like Ctrl-R in insert mode)
+* maybe 'timeout' and 'ttimeout' settings (and 'timeoutlen' and 'ttimeoutlen')
+* partial commands/mappings (like :map a :b a which inserts ex mode and
+* displays :b a there without running any command)
+* support for mappings entering insert mode: :map gX itexthere<esc> (also without esc!)
+** (.) (repeat) for all (most) commands
+* more general command order: 3"ap doesn't work but "a3p does
+* arbitrary mappings, like 3dwjjihi<esc>10G (at the moment even :map Y y$ doesn't work)
+* support to disable mappings temporarily (:set paste, 'pastetoggle')
+* (better) support multiple bindings for the same action (especially <BS> and <C-H>)
+* unmapping of internal mappings (for example <C-C> to <Nop> as it's also used for colors in irssi)
+* better approach to detecting single ESC push (compared to F-keys or meta-* keys)
+We base the input model on a simple state machine.
+It can exist in any of 4 (5) states:
+ - insert mode
+ - insert escape mode
+ a transitional mode to distingush that we've received an escape char.
+ - command mode
+ - ex mode
+ - visual mode (can be mostly ignored for now, until I sort my overlays stuff
+ out)
+to swap between these modes, there are various bindings available.
+The most challenging is going from insert -> command. Typically this is done
+by a single push of the <esc> key, but C-c and <jj> are both alternatives that
+people use.
+The single entrypoint we have into the input system is detecting keystrokes.
+when a 'gui key pressed' signal is fired, we can receive, process and interrupt
+it such that it never gets passed to irssi proper.
+in order to detect single <esc> presses from their meta comrades, we operate
+as the following:
+if (key == 27) {
+ mode = insert_escape
+ add_timeout(short, check_escape_buffer)
+} elsif (mode == insert_escape) {
+ insert(key, escape_buffer)
+} else {
+ # do nothing
+sub check_escape_buffer {
+# when the timeout fires, we can assume that only meta-keys would be fast enough
+# to insert additional characters into the buffer. In which case, we replay
+# them and clear the buffer.
+ mode = insert_mode;
+# if the buffer is otherwise empty, we have received a single escape press.
+ mode = command_mode;
diff --git a/vim-mode/irssi/config b/vim-mode/irssi/config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0b0805
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim-mode/irssi/config
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Minimal default irssi configuration file - with vim-mode statusbars.
+servers = ( );
+chatnets = { };
+channels = ( );
+aliases = { };
+statusbar = {
+ default = {
+ window = {
+ items = {
+ barstart = { priority = "100"; };
+ time = { };
+ user = { };
+ window = { };
+ window_empty = { };
+ lag = { priority = "-1"; };
+ act = { priority = "10"; };
+ more = { priority = "-1"; alignment = "right"; };
+ barend = { priority = "100"; alignment = "right"; };
+ vim_mode = { };
+ vim_windows = { };
+ };
+ };
+ prompt = {
+ items = {
+ uberprompt = { priority = "-1"; };
+ input = { priority = "10"; };
+ };
+ position = "100";
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/vim-mode/irssi/scripts/autorun/uberprompt.pl b/vim-mode/irssi/scripts/autorun/uberprompt.pl
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..3d4d97a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim-mode/irssi/scripts/autorun/uberprompt.pl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../../../../prompt_info/uberprompt.pl \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vim-mode/irssi/scripts/autorun/vim_mode.pl b/vim-mode/irssi/scripts/autorun/vim_mode.pl
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..ed78131
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim-mode/irssi/scripts/autorun/vim_mode.pl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../../../../vim-mode/vim_mode.pl \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vim-mode/tests.pl b/vim-mode/tests.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9007171
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim-mode/tests.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# Must be run in a 80x24 terminal unless a fixed POE is released.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use lib '../testing/blib/lib';
+use Test::Irssi;
+# Mode constants: C(ommand), I(nsert).
+sub C () { 0 }
+sub I () { 1 }
+sub statusbar_mode {
+ my ($test, $mode) = @_;
+ $test->add_pattern_match(qr/^ \[\d{2}:\d{2}\] \[\] \[1\] \[$mode\]\s+$/,
+ 'window_sbar', "[$mode] in vim-mode statusbar");
+sub cursor_position {
+ my ($test, $position) = @_;
+ $test->test_cursor_position($position, 24, "Checking cursor position");
+sub check {
+ my ($test, $input, $mode, $position, $delay) = @_;
+ if (defined $input) {
+ $test->add_input_sequence($input);
+ if (not defined $delay) {
+ $delay = 0.1;
+ $delay += 0.4 if $input =~ /\e/; # esc needs a longer delay
+ }
+ $test->add_delay($delay);
+ }
+ cursor_position($test, $position);
+ if ($mode == C) {
+ statusbar_mode($test, 'Command');
+ } elsif ($mode == I) {
+ statusbar_mode($test, 'Insert');
+ } else {
+ die "Wrong mode: $mode";
+ }
+my $tester = Test::Irssi->new
+ (irssi_binary => "irssi",
+ irssi_homedir => "./irssi/");
+my $test = $tester->new_test('insert-command-mode');
+$test->description("switching between insert and command mode");
+# Make sure irssi is finished - not entirely sure why this is necessary.
+# We start in insert mode.
+check $test, undef, I, 12 + 0;
+check $test, "\e", C, 12 + 0;
+check $test, 'i', I, 12 + 0;
+# Quit irssi, necessary to terminate the test.
+# FIXME: multiple tests don't work
+#$test = $tester->new_test('basic-movement');
+#$test->description('basic movement');
+my $test_string =
+ 'Test $tring. with a 4711, words , w.r#s42 etc. and more123! ..';
+check $test, $test_string, I, 12 + length $test_string;
+check $test, "\e", C, 12 + 64;
+# h l
+check $test, "0", C, 12 + 0;
+check $test, "l", C, 12 + 1;
+check $test, "l", C, 12 + 2;
+check $test, "l", C, 12 + 3;
+check $test, "l", C, 12 + 4;
+check $test, "l", C, 12 + 5;
+check $test, "l", C, 12 + 6;
+check $test, "l", C, 12 + 7;
+check $test, "h", C, 12 + 6;
+check $test, "h", C, 12 + 5;
+check $test, "h", C, 12 + 4;
+check $test, "h", C, 12 + 3;
+check $test, "h", C, 12 + 2;
+check $test, "10l", C, 12 + 12;
+check $test, "7l", C, 12 + 19;
+check $test, "3l", C, 12 + 22;
+check $test, "3h", C, 12 + 19;
+check $test, "50l", C, 12 + 64;
+check $test, "10l", C, 12 + 64;
+check $test, "24h", C, 12 + 40;
+check $test, "100h", C, 12 + 0;
+# 0 ^ $
+check $test, "I \e", C, 12 + 4; # insert test string for ^
+check $test, "0", C, 12 + 0;
+check $test, "^", C, 12 + 5;
+check $test, "3^", C, 12 + 5;
+check $test, "12^", C, 12 + 5;
+check $test, "\$", C, 12 + 46;
+check $test, "05x", C, 12 + 0; # remove test string for ^
+# <Space> <BS>
+check $test, "0", C, 12 + 0;
+check $test, " ", C, 12 + 1;
+check $test, " ", C, 12 + 2;
+check $test, " ", C, 12 + 3;
+check $test, " ", C, 12 + 4;
+check $test, " ", C, 12 + 5;
+check $test, " ", C, 12 + 6;
+check $test, " ", C, 12 + 7;
+check $test, " ", C, 12 + 8;
+check $test, "5 ", C, 12 + 13;
+check $test, "2 ", C, 12 + 15;
+check $test, "10 ", C, 12 + 25;
+check $test, "30 ", C, 12 + 55;
+check $test, "20 ", C, 12 + 64;
+check $test, "10 ", C, 12 + 64;
+check $test, " ", C, 12 + 64;
+check $test, "\x7f", C, 12 + 63;
+check $test, "\x7f", C, 12 + 62;
+check $test, "\x7f", C, 12 + 61;
+check $test, "\x7f", C, 12 + 60;
+check $test, "1\x7f", C, 12 + 59;
+check $test, "3\x7f", C, 12 + 56;
+check $test, "5\x7f", C, 12 + 51;
+check $test, "10\x7f", C, 12 + 41;
+check $test, "50\x7f", C, 12 + 0;
+check $test, "\x7f", C, 12 + 0;
+check $test, "5\x7f", C, 12 + 0;
+# f t
+check $test, "0", C, 12 + 0;
+check $test, "fe", C, 12 + 1;
+check $test, "fs", C, 12 + 2;
+check $test, "ft", C, 12 + 3;
+check $test, "f ", C, 12 + 4;
+check $test, "2f ", C, 12 + 17;
+check $test, "5f,", C, 12 + 17;
+check $test, "2f,", C, 12 + 32;
+check $test, "tw", C, 12 + 33;
+check $test, "t ", C, 12 + 40;
+check $test, "t ", C, 12 + 40;
+check $test, "t ", C, 12 + 40;
+check $test, "2t ", C, 12 + 41;
+check $test, "2t ", C, 12 + 46;
+check $test, "3t ", C, 12 + 48;
+check $test, "t!", C, 12 + 60;
+check $test, "t ", C, 12 + 61;
+check $test, "t.", C, 12 + 62;
+check $test, "t.", C, 12 + 62;
+check $test, "5t.", C, 12 + 62;
+check $test, "\$", C, 12 + 64;
diff --git a/vim-mode/vim_mode.pl b/vim-mode/vim_mode.pl
index 7d898ab..b0f739f 100644
--- a/vim-mode/vim_mode.pl
+++ b/vim-mode/vim_mode.pl
@@ -1,238 +1,584 @@
-# A script to emulate some of the vi(m) features for the Irssi inputline.
-# It should work fine with at least 0.8.12 and later versions. However some
-# features are disabled in older versions (see below for details). Perl >=
-# 5.8.1 is recommended for UTF-8 support (which can be disabled if necessary).
-# Please report bugs in older versions as well, we'll try to fix them.
-# Any behavior different from Vim (unless explicitly documented) should be
-# considered a bug and reported.
-# NOTE: This script is still under heavy development, and there may be bugs.
-# Please submit reproducible sequences to the bug-tracker at:
-# http://github.com/shabble/irssi-scripts/issues
-# or contact rudi_s or shabble on irc.freenode.net (#irssi and #irssi_vim)
-# Features:
-# It supports most commonly used command mode features:
-# * Insert/Command mode. Escape and Ctrl-C enter command mode.
-# /set vim_mode_cmd_seq j allows to use jj as Escape (any other character
-# can be used as well).
-# * Cursor motion: h l 0 ^ $ <Space> <BS> f t F T
-# * History motion: j k gg G
-# gg moves to the oldest (first) history line.
-# G without a count moves to the current input line, with a count it goes to
-# the count-th history line (1 is the oldest).
-# * Cursor word motion: w b ge e W gE B E
-# * Word objects (only the following work yet): aw aW
-# * Yank and paste: y p P
-# * Change and delete: c d
-# * Delete at cursor: x X
-# * Replace at cursor: r
-# * Insert mode: i a I A
-# * Switch case: ~
-# * Repeat change: .
-# * Repeat ftFT: ; ,
-# * Registers: "a-"z "" "0 "* "+ "_ (black hole)
-# Appending to register with "A-"Z
-# "" is the default yank/delete register.
-# "0 contains the last yank (if no register was specified).
-# The special registers "* "+ contain both irssi's cut-buffer.
-# * Line-wise shortcuts: dd cc yy
-# * Shortcuts: s S C D
-# * Scroll the scrollback buffer: Ctrl-E Ctrl-D Ctrl-Y Ctrl-U Ctrl-F Ctrl-B
-# * Switch to last active window: Ctrl-6/Ctrl-^
-# * Switch split windows: Ctrl-W j Ctrl-W k
-# * Undo/Redo: u Ctrl-R
-# Counts and combinations work as well, e.g. d5fx or 3iabc<esc>. Counts also
-# work with mapped ex-commands (see below), e.g. if you map gb to do :bn, then
-# 2gb will switch to the second next buffer.
-# Repeat also supports counts.
-# The following insert mode mappings are supported:
-# * Insert register content: Ctrl-R x (where x is the register to insert)
-# Ex-mode supports (activated by : in command mode) the following commands:
-# * Switching buffers: :[N]b [N] - switch to channel number
-# :b# - switch to last channel
-# :b <partial-channel-name>
-# :b <partial-server>/<partial-channel>
-# :buffer {args} (same as :b)
-# :[N]bn[ext] [N] - switch to next window
-# :[N]bp[rev] [N] - switch to previous window
-# * Close window: :[N]bd[elete] [N]
-# * Display windows: :ls :buffers
-# * Display registers: :reg[isters] {args} :di[splay] {args}
-# * Display undolist: :undol[ist] (mostly used for debugging)
-# * Source files :so[urce] - only sources vim_moderc at the moment,
-# {file} not supported
-# * Mappings: :map - display custom mappings
-# :map {lhs} - display mappings starting with {lhs}
-# :map {lhs} {rhs} - add mapping
-# :unm[ap] {lhs} - remove custom mapping
-# * Save mappings: :mkv[imrc][!] - like in Vim, but [file] not supported
-# * Substitute: :s/// - i and g are supported as flags, only /// can be
-# used as separator, uses Perl regex instead of
-# Vim regex
-# * Settings: :se[t] - display all options
-# :se[t] {option} - display all matching options
-# :se[t] {option} {value} - change option to value
-# Mappings:
-# {lhs} is the key combination to be mapped, {rhs} the target. The <> notation
-# is used (e.g. <C-F> is Ctrl-F), case is ignored. Supported <> keys:
-# <C-A>-<C-Z>, <C-^>, <C-6>, <Space>, <CR>, <BS>, <Nop>. Mapping ex-mode and
-# irssi commands is supported. When mapping ex-mode commands the trailing <Cr>
-# is not necessary. Only default mappings can be used in {rhs}.
-# Examples:
-# :map w W - to remap w to work like W
-# :map gb :bnext - to map gb to call :bnext
-# :map gB :bprev
-# :map g1 :b 1 - to map g1 to switch to buffer 1
-# :map gb :b - to map gb to :b, 1gb switches to buffer 1, 5gb to 5
-# :map <C-L> /clear - map Ctrl-L to irssi command /clear
-# :map <C-G> /window goto 1
-# :map <C-E> <Nop> - disable <C-E>, it does nothing now
-# :unmap <C-E> - restore default behavior of <C-E> after disabling it
-# Note that you must use / for irssi commands (like /clear), the current value
-# of cmdchars does _not_ work! This is necessary do differentiate between
-# ex-commands and irssi commands.
-# Settings:
-# The settings are stored as irssi settings and can be set using /set as usual
-# (prepend vim_mode_ to setting name) or using the :set ex-command. The
-# following settings are available:
-# * utf8: support UTF-8 characters, boolean, default on
-# * debug: enable debug output, boolean, default off
-# * cmd_seq: char that when double-pressed simulates <esc>, string, default ''
-# * start_cmd: start every line in command mode, boolean, default off
-# In contrast to irssi's settings, :set accepts 0 and 1 as values for boolean
-# settings, but only vim_mode's settings can be set/displayed.
-# Examples:
-# :set cmd_seq=j # set cmd_seq to j
-# :set cmd_seq= # disable cmd_seq
-# :set debug=on # enable debug
-# :set debug=off # disable debug
-# The following statusbar items are available:
-# * vim_mode: displays current mode
-# * vim_windows: displays windows selected with :b
-# Configuration
-# Additionally to the irssi settings described above vim_mode can be
-# configured through an external configuration file named "vim_moderc" located
-# in ~/.irssi/vim_moderc. If available it's loaded on startup and every
-# supported ex-command is run. It's syntax is similar to "vimrc". To (re)load
-# it while vim_mode is running use :so[urce].
-# Supported ex-commands:
-# * :map
-# Installation:
-# As always copy the script into .irssi/scripts and load it with
-# /script load # vim_mode.pl
-# Use the following command to get a statusbar item that shows which mode
-# you're in.
-# /statusbar window add vim_mode
-# And the following to let :b name display a list of matching channels
-# /statusbar window add vim_windows
-# Dependencies:
-# For proper :ex mode support, requires the installation of uberprompt.pl
-# Uberprompt can be downloaded from:
-# http://github.com/shabble/irssi-scripts/raw/master/prompt_info/uberprompt.pl
-# and follow the instructions at the top of that file for installation.
-# If you don't need Ex-mode, you can run vim_mode.pl without the
-# uberprompt.pl script, but it is recommended.
-# Irssi requirements:
-# 0.8.12 and above should work fine. However the following features are
-# disabled in irssi < 0.8.13:
-# * j k (only with count, they work fine without count in older versions)
-# * gg G
-# Known bugs:
-# * count before register doesn't work: e.g. 3"ap doesn't work, but "a3p does
-# * mapping an incomplete ex-command doesn't open the ex-mode with the partial
-# command (e.g. :map gb :b causes an error instead of opening the ex-mode
-# and displaying :b<cursor>)
-# * undo/redo positions are mostly wrong
-# TODO:
-# * History:
-# * /,?,n,N to search through history (like history_search.pl)
-# * Window switching (:b)
-# * Tab completion of window(-item) names
-# * non-sequential matches(?)
-# WONTFIX - things we're not ever likely to do
-# * Macros
-# * estragib: a lot of testing and many bug reports and feature requests
-# * iaj: testing
-# Copyright (c) 2010 Tom Feist & Simon Ruderich
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-# Have fun!
+=head1 NAME
+An Irssi script to emulate some of the vi(m) features for the Irssi inputline.
+Copy into your F<~/.irssi/scripts/> directory and load with
+C</SCRIPT LOAD vim_mode.pl>. You may wish to have it autoload in one of the
+L<usual ways|https://github.com/shabble/irssi-docs/wiki/Guide#Autorunning_Scripts>.
+For proper :ex mode support, vim-mode requires the installation of F<uberprompt.pl>
+Uberprompt can be downloaded from:
+and follow the instructions at the top of that file for installation.
+If you don't need Ex-mode, you can run vim_mode.pl without the
+uberprompt.pl script, but it is strongly recommended that you use it.
+=head3 Irssi requirements
+0.8.12 and above should work fine. However the following features are
+disabled in irssi < 0.8.13:
+=over 4
+=item * C<j> C<k> (only with count, they work fine without count in older versions)
+=item * C<gg>, C<G>
+It is intended to work with at Irssi 0.8.12 and later versions. However some
+features are disabled in older versions (see below for details).
+Perl >= 5.8.1 is recommended for UTF-8 support (which can be disabled if
+necessary). Please report bugs in older versions as well, we'll try to fix
+them. Later versions of Perl are also faster, which is probably beneficial
+to a script of this size and complexity.
+=head2 SETUP
+Vim Mode provides certain feedback to the user, such as the currently active
+mode (command, insert, ex), and if switching buffers, which buffer(s) currently
+match the search terms.
+There are two ways to go about displaying this information, as described in
+the following sections:
+=head3 Statusbar Items
+Run the following command to add a statusbar item that shows which mode
+you're in.
+C</statusbar window add vim_mode>
+And the following to let C<:b [str]> display a list of channels matching your
+search string.
+C</statusbar window add vim_windows>
+B<Note:> Remember to C</save> after adding these statusbar items to make them
+B<Note:> If you would rather have these statusbar items on your prompt
+line rather than thte window statusbar, please follow these steps.
+For technical reasons, I<uberprompt> must occasionally call C</statusbar prompt
+reset>, which will remove or deactivate any manually added items on the prompt
+statusbar. To get around this, uberprompt provides two command hooks,
+C<uberprompt_load_hook> and C<uberprompt_unload_hook>. Both of these settings
+can contain one (or more, using C</EVAL>) commands to be executed when the prompt
+is enabled and disabled, respectively.
+See the L<uberprompt documentation|https://github.com/shabble/irssi-scripts/blob/master/prompt_info/README.pod> for further details.
+For I<right-aligned> items (that is, after the input field:
+=over 4
+=item 1 C</alias vm_add /^statusbar prompt add -after input -alignment right vim_mode>
+=item 2 C</alias vm_del /^statusbar prompt remove vim_mode>
+=item 3 C</set uberprompt_load_hook /^vm_add>
+=item 4 C</set uberprompt_unload_hook /^vm_del>
+For I<left-aligned> items (before the prompt):
+=over 4
+=item 1 C</alias vm_add /^statusbar prompt add -before prompt -alignment left vim_mode>
+=item 2 C</alias vm_del /^statusbar prompt remove vim_mode>
+=item 3 C</set uberprompt_load_hook /^vm_add>
+=item 4 C</set uberprompt_unload_hook /^vm_del>
+If you wish to add both C<vim_mode> and C<vim_windows> items, replace steps 1 and 2
+above with the following (right-aligned):
+=over 4
+=item 1 C</alias vm_add /^eval /^statusbar prompt add -after input -alightment right vim_mode ; /^statusbar prompt add -after input -alignment right vim_windows>
+=item 2 C</alias vm_del /^eval /^statusbar prompt remove vim_mode ; /^statusbar prompt remove vim_windows>
+and then complete stages 3 and 4 as above. Replace the C<-after> and C<-alignment>
+to suit your location preferences.
+B<Note:> It is also possible to place the items between the prompt and input field,
+by specifying C<-after prompt> or C<-before input> as appropriate.
+=head3 Expando Variables
+Vim mode augments the existing Irssi expando (automatic variables) with two
+additional ones: C<$vim_cmd_mode> and C<$vim_wins>.
+C<$vim_cmd_mode> is the equivalent of the C<vim_mode> statusbar item, and
+C<$vim_wins> is the counterpart of C<vim_windows>.
+They can be added to your theme, or inserted into your uberprompt using
+a command such as:
+"C</set uberprompt_format [$vim_cmd_mode] $*$uber] >"
+Additionally to the irssi settings described in L<settings|/SETTINGS>, vim_mode
+can be configured through an external configuration file named "vim_moderc"
+located in F<~/.irssi/vim_moderc>. If available it's loaded on startup and every
+supported ex-command is run. Its syntax is similar to "vimrc". To (re)load it
+while vim_mode is running use C<:so[urce]>.
+Currently Supported ex-commands:
+=over 4
+=item * C<:map>
+=head1 USAGE
+The following section is divided into the different modes as supported by Vim itself:
+It supports most commonly used command mode features:
+=over 2
+=item * Insert/Command mode.
+C<Esc> and C<Ctrl-C> enter command mode. C</set vim_mode_cmd_seq j> allows
+to use C<jj> as Escape (any other character can be used as well).
+=item * Cursor motion:
+C<h l 0 ^ $ E<lt>SpaceE<gt> E<lt>BSE<gt> f t F T>
+=item * History motion:
+C<j k gg G> C<gg> moves to the oldest (first) history line. C<G> without a
+count moves to the current input line, with a count it goes to the I<count-th>
+history line (1 is the oldest).
+=item * Cursor word motion:
+C<w b ge e W gE B E>
+=item * Word objects (only the following work yet):
+C<aw aW>
+=item * Yank and paste:
+ C<y p P>
+=item * Change and delete:
+C<c d>
+=item * Delete at cursor:
+C<x X>
+=item * Replace at cursor:
+=item * Insert mode:
+C<i a I A>
+=item * Switch case:
+=item * Repeat change:
+=item * Repeat
+C<ftFT: ; ,>
+=item * Registers:
+C<"a-"z "" "0 "* "+ "_> (black hole)
+=item * Line-wise shortcuts:
+C<dd cc yy>
+=item * Shortcuts:
+C<s S C D>
+=item * Scroll the scrollback buffer:
+C<Ctrl-E Ctrl-D Ctrl-Y Ctrl-U Ctrl-F Ctrl-B>
+=item * Switch to last active window:
+=item * Switch split windows:
+<Ctrl-W j Ctrl-W k>
+=item * Undo/Redo:
+C<u Ctrl-R>
+Counts and combinations work as well, e.g. C<d5fx> or C<3iabcE<lt>escE<gt>>. Counts also work with mapped ex-commands (see below), e.g. if you map C<gb> to do C<:bn>, then C<2gb> will switch to the second next buffer. Repeat also supports counts.
+=over 4
+=item * Appending to register with C<"A-"Z>
+=item * C<""> is the default yank/delete register.
+=item * C<"0> contains the last yank (if no register was specified).
+=item * The special registers C<"* "+> both contain irssi's internal cut-buffer.
+The following insert mode mappings are supported:
+=over 4
+=item * Insert register content: Ctrl-R x (where x is the register to insert)
+=head2 EX-MODE
+Ex-mode (activated by C<:> in command mode) supports the following commands:
+=over 4
+=item * Command History:
+C<E<lt>uparrowE<gt>> - cycle backwards through history
+C<E<lt>downarrowE<gt>> - cycle forwards through history
+C<:eh> - show ex history
+=item * Switching buffers:
+C<:[N]b [N]> - switch to channel number
+C<:b#> - switch to last channel
+C<:b> E<lt>partial-channel-nameE<gt>
+C<:b> <partial-server>/<partial-channel>
+C<:buffer {args}> (same as C<:b>)
+C<:[N]bn[ext] [N]> - switch to next window
+C<:[N]bp[rev] [N]> - switch to previous window
+=item * Close window:
+C<:[N]bd[elete] [N]>
+=item * Display windows:
+C<:ls>, C<:buffers>
+=item * Display registers:
+C<:reg[isters] {args}>, C<:di[splay] {args}>
+=item * Display undolist:
+C<:undol[ist]> (mostly used for debugging)
+=item * Source files:
+C<:so[urce]> - only sources vim_moderc at the moment,
+ F<{file}> not supported
+=item * Mappings:
+C<:map> - display custom mappings
+=item * Saving mappings:
+C<:mkv[imrc][!]> - like in Vim, but [file] not supported
+=item * Substitution:
+C<:s///> - I<i> and I<g> are supported as flags, only C<///> can be used as
+eparator, and it uses Perl regex syntax instead of Vim syntax.
+=item * Settings:
+C<:se[t]> - display all options
+C<:se[t] {option}> - display all matching options
+C<:se[t] {option} {value}> - change option to value
+=head3 MAPPINGS
+=head4 Commands
+=over 4
+=item * C<:map {lhs}> - display mappings starting with {lhs}
+=item * C<:map {lhs} {rhs}> - add mapping
+=item * C<:unm[ap] {lhs}> - remove custom mapping
+=head4 Parameters
+I<{lhs}> is the key combination to be mapped, I<{rhs}> the target. The
+C<E<lt>E<gt>> notation is used
+(e.g. C<E<lt>C-FE<gt>> is I<Ctrl-F>), case is ignored.
+ Supported C<E<lt>E<gt>> keys are:
+=over 4
+=item * C<E<lt>C-AE<gt>> - C<E<lt>C-ZE<gt>>,
+=item * C<E<lt>C-^E<gt>>, C<E<lt>C-6E<gt>>
+=item * C<E<lt>SpaceE<gt>>
+=item * C<E<lt>CRE<gt>> - Enter
+=item * C<E<lt>BSE<gt>> - Backspace
+=item * C<E<lt>NopE<gt>> - No-op (Do Nothing).
+Mapping ex-mode and irssi commands is supported. When mapping ex-mode commands
+the trailing C<E<lt>CrE<gt>> is not necessary. Only default mappings can be used
+in I<{rhs}>.
+=over 4
+=item * C<:map w W> - to remap w to work like W
+=item * C<:map gb :bnext> - to map gb to call :bnext
+=item * C<:map gB :bprev>
+=item * C<:map g1 :b 1> - to map g1 to switch to buffer 1
+=item * C<:map gb :b> - to map gb to :b, 1gb switches to buffer 1, 5gb to 5
+=item * C<:map E<lt>C-LE<gt> /clear> - map Ctrl-L to irssi command /clear
+=item * C<:map E<lt>C-GE<gt> /window goto 1>
+=item * C<:map E<lt>C-EE<gt> <Nop>> - disable E<lt>C-EE<gt>, it does nothing now
+=item * C<:unmap E<lt>C-EE<gt>> - restore default behavior of C<E<lt>C-EE<gt>>
+after disabling it
+Note that you must use C</> for irssi commands (like C</clear>), the current value
+of Irssi's cmdchars does B<not> work! This is necessary do differentiate between
+ex-commands and irssi commands.
+=head2 SETTINGS
+The settings are stored as irssi settings and can be set using C</set> as usual
+(prepend C<vim_mode_> to setting name) or using the C<:set> ex-command. The
+following settings are available:
+=over 4
+=item * utf8 - Support UTF-8 characters, boolean, default on
+=item * debug - Enable debug output, boolean, default off
+=item * cmd_seq - Char that when double-pressed simulates C<E<lt>EscE<gt>>, string, default '' (disabled)
+=item * start_cmd - Start every line in command mode, boolean, default off
+=item * max_undo_lines - Sze of the undo buffer. Integer, default 50 items.
+=item * ex_history_size - Number of items stored in the ex-mode history. Integer, default 100.
+=item * prompt_leading_space - Ddetermines whether ex mode prepends a space to the displayed input. Boolean, default on
+In contrast to irssi's settings, C<:set> accepts 0 and 1 as values for boolean
+settings, but only vim_mode's settings can be set/displayed.
+ :set cmd_seq=j # set cmd_seq to j
+ :set cmd_seq= # disable cmd_seq
+ :set debug=on # enable debug
+ :set debug=off # disable debug
+=head1 SUPPORT
+Any behavior different from Vim (unless explicitly documented) should be
+considered a bug and reported.
+B<NOTE:> This script is still under heavy development, and there may be bugs.
+Please submit reproducible sequences to the bug-tracker at:
+or contact rudi_s or shabble on irc.freenode.net (#irssi and #irssi_vim)
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Copyright E<copy> 2010-2011 Tom Feist C<E<lt>shabble+irssi@metavore.orgE<gt>> and
+Copyright E<copy> 2010-2011 Simon Ruderich C<E<lt>simon@ruderich.orgE<gt>>
+=head1 THANKS
+Particular thanks go to
+=over 4
+=item * estragib: a lot of testing and many bug reports and feature requests
+=item * iaj: testing
+=item * tmr: explaining how various bits of vim work
+as well as the rest of C<#irssi> and C<#irssi_vim> on Freenode IRC.
+=head1 LICENCE
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+=head1 BUGS
+=over 4
+=item *
+count before register doesn't work: e.g. 3"ap doesn't work, but "a3p does
+=item *
+mapping an incomplete ex-command doesn't open the ex-mode with the partial
+command (e.g. C<:map gb :b> causes an error instead of opening the ex-mode and
+displaying C<:bE<lt>cursorE<gt>>)
+=item *
+ undo/redo cursor positions are mostly wrong
+=head1 TODO
+=over 4
+=item *
+=over 4
+=item *
+ C< * /,?,n,N> to search through history (like rl_history_search.pl)
+=item *
+Window switching (C<:b>)
+=over 4
+=item *
+Tab completion of window(-item) names
+=item *
+non-sequential matches(?)
+See also the TODO file at
+L<github|https://github.com/shabble/irssi-scripts/blob/master/vim-mode/TODO> for
+many many more things.
+=head2 WONTFIX
+Things we're not ever likely to do:
+=over 4
+=item * Macros
use strict;
use warnings;
@@ -245,9 +591,9 @@ use Irssi::TextUI; # for sbar_items_redraw
use Irssi::Irc; # necessary for 0.8.14
-use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
-$VERSION = "1.0.1";
+our $VERSION = "1.0.2";
+our %IRSSI =
authors => "Tom Feist (shabble), Simon Ruderich (rudi_s)",
contact => 'shabble+irssi@metavore.org, '
@@ -267,24 +613,24 @@ sub M_CMD () { 1 }
# insert mode
sub M_INS () { 0 }
# extended mode (after a :?)
-sub M_EX () { 2 }
+sub M_EX () { 2 }
# operator command
-sub C_OPERATOR () { 0 }
+sub C_OPERATOR () { 0 }
# normal command, no special handling necessary
-sub C_NORMAL () { 1 }
+sub C_NORMAL () { 1 }
# command taking another key as argument
-sub C_NEEDSKEY () { 2 }
+sub C_NEEDSKEY () { 2 }
# text-object command (i a)
sub C_TEXTOBJECT () { 3 }
# commands entering insert mode
-sub C_INSERT () { 4 }
+sub C_INSERT () { 4 }
# ex-mode commands
-sub C_EX () { 5 }
+sub C_EX () { 5 }
# irssi commands
-sub C_IRSSI () { 6 }
+sub C_IRSSI () { 6 }
# does nothing
-sub C_NOP () { 7 }
+sub C_NOP () { 7 }
# setting types, match irssi types as they are stored as irssi settings
sub S_BOOL () { 0 }
@@ -310,19 +656,19 @@ my $commands
repeatable => 1 },
# arrow like movement
- h => { char => 'h', func => \&cmd_h, type => C_NORMAL },
- l => { char => 'l', func => \&cmd_l, type => C_NORMAL },
+ h => { char => 'h', func => \&cmd_h, type => C_NORMAL },
+ l => { char => 'l', func => \&cmd_l, type => C_NORMAL },
"\x7F" => { char => '<BS>', func => \&cmd_h, type => C_NORMAL },
' ' => { char => '<Space>', func => \&cmd_l, type => C_NORMAL },
# history movement
- j => { char => 'j', func => \&cmd_j, type => C_NORMAL,
- no_operator => 1 },
- k => { char => 'k', func => \&cmd_k, type => C_NORMAL,
- no_operator => 1 },
- gg => { char => 'gg', func => \&cmd_gg, type => C_NORMAL,
- no_operator => 1 },
- G => { char => 'G', func => \&cmd_G, type => C_NORMAL,
- needs_count => 1, no_operator => 1 },
+ j => { char => 'j', func => \&cmd_j, type => C_NORMAL,
+ no_operator => 1 },
+ k => { char => 'k', func => \&cmd_k, type => C_NORMAL,
+ no_operator => 1 },
+ gg => { char => 'gg', func => \&cmd_gg, type => C_NORMAL,
+ no_operator => 1 },
+ G => { char => 'G', func => \&cmd_G, type => C_NORMAL,
+ needs_count => 1, no_operator => 1 },
# char movement, take an additional parameter and use $movement
f => { char => 'f', func => \&cmd_f, type => C_NEEDSKEY,
selection_needs_move_right => 1 },
@@ -345,11 +691,11 @@ my $commands
gE => { char => 'gE', func => \&cmd_gE, type => C_NORMAL,
selection_needs_move_right => 1 },
# text-objects, leading _ means can't be mapped!
- _i => { char => 'i', func => \&cmd__i, type => C_TEXTOBJECT },
- _a => { char => 'a', func => \&cmd__a, type => C_TEXTOBJECT },
+ _i => { char => 'i', func => \&cmd__i, type => C_TEXTOBJECT },
+ _a => { char => 'a', func => \&cmd__a, type => C_TEXTOBJECT },
# line movement
- '0' => { char => '0', func => \&cmd_0, type => C_NORMAL },
- '^' => { char => '^', func => \&cmd_caret, type => C_NORMAL },
+ '0' => { char => '0', func => \&cmd_0, type => C_NORMAL },
+ '^' => { char => '^', func => \&cmd_caret, type => C_NORMAL },
'$' => { char => '$', func => \&cmd_dollar, type => C_NORMAL },
# delete chars
x => { char => 'x', func => \&cmd_x, type => C_NORMAL,
@@ -423,6 +769,16 @@ my $commands
# All available commands in Ex-Mode.
my $commands_ex
= {
+ # arrow keys - not actually used, see handle_input_buffer()
+ # TODO: make these work.
+ "\e[A" => { char => ':exprev', func => \&ex_history_back,
+ type => C_EX },
+ "\e[B" => { char => ':exnext', func => \&ex_history_fwd,
+ type => C_EX },
+ # normal Ex mode commands.
+ eh => { char => ':exhist', func => \&ex_history_show,
+ type => C_EX },
s => { char => ':s', func => \&ex_substitute,
type => C_EX },
bnext => { char => ':bnext', func => \&ex_bnext,
@@ -499,11 +855,16 @@ my $commands_ex
# default command mode mappings
my $maps = {};
-# Add all default mappings.
-foreach my $char (keys %$commands) {
- next if $char =~ /^_/; # skip private commands (text-objects for now)
- add_map($char, $commands->{$char});
+# current imap still pending (first character entered)
+my $imap = undef;
+# maps for insert mode
+my $imaps
+ = {
+ # CTRL-R, insert register
+ "\x12" => { map => undef, func => \&insert_ctrl_r },
+ };
@@ -520,8 +881,12 @@ my $settings
start_cmd => { type => S_BOOL, value => 0 },
# not used yet
max_undo_lines => { type => S_INT, value => 50 },
+ # size of history buffer for Ex mode.
+ ex_history_size => { type => S_INT, value => 100 },
# prompt_leading_space
prompt_leading_space => { type => S_BOOL, value => 1 },
+ # <Leader> value for prepending to commands.
+ map_leader => { type => S_STR, value => '\\' },
sub DEBUG { $settings->{debug}->{value} }
@@ -541,6 +906,10 @@ my $should_ignore = 0;
# ex mode buffer
my @ex_buf;
+# ex mode history storage.
+my @ex_history;
+my $ex_history_index = 0;
# we are waiting for another mapped key (e.g. g pressed, but there are
# multiple mappings like gg gE etc.)
my $pending_map = undef;
@@ -582,19 +951,6 @@ my $registers
'*' => '', # same
'_' => '', # black hole register, always empty
-foreach my $char ('a' .. 'z') {
- $registers->{$char} = '';
-# current imap still pending (first character entered)
-my $imap = undef;
-# maps for insert mode
-my $imaps
- = {
- # CTRL-R, insert register
- "\x12" => { map => undef, func => \&insert_ctrl_r },
- };
# index into the history list (for j,k)
my $history_index = undef;
@@ -615,24 +971,20 @@ my $completion_active = 0;
my $completion_string = '';
sub script_is_loaded {
- my $name = shift;
- print "Checking if $name is loaded" if DEBUG;
- no strict 'refs';
- my $retval = defined %{ "Irssi::Script::${name}::" };
- use strict 'refs';
- return $retval;
+ return exists($Irssi::Script::{shift(@_) . '::'});
sub insert_ctrl_r {
my ($key) = @_;
+ _debug("ctrl-r called");
my $char = chr($key);
+ _debug("ctrl-r called with $char");
return if not defined $registers->{$char} or $registers->{$char} eq '';
my $pos = _insert_at_position($registers->{$char}, 1, _input_pos());
@@ -1640,6 +1992,10 @@ sub cmd_ex_command {
return _warn("Ex-mode $1$2 doesn't exist!");
+ # add this item to the ex mode history
+ ex_history_add($arg_str);
+ $ex_history_index = 0; # and reset the history position.
my $count = $1;
if ($count eq '') {
$count = undef;
@@ -2022,6 +2378,7 @@ sub _parse_mapping {
my ($string) = @_;
$string =~ s/<([^>]+)>/_parse_mapping_bracket($1)/ge;
+ _warn("Parse mapping: $string");
if (index($string, '<invalid>') != -1) {
return undef;
@@ -2047,6 +2404,8 @@ sub _parse_mapping_bracket {
# <BS>
} elsif ($string eq 'bs') {
$string = chr(127);
+ } elsif ($string eq 'leader') {
+ $string = $settings->{map_leader}->{value};
# Invalid char, return special string to recognize the error.
} else {
$string = '<invalid>';
@@ -2056,6 +2415,14 @@ sub _parse_mapping_bracket {
sub _parse_mapping_reverse {
my ($string) = @_;
+ if (not defined $string) {
+ _warn("Unable to reverse-map command: " . join('', @ex_buf));
+ return;
+ }
+ my $escaped_leader = quotemeta($settings->{map_leader}->{value});
+ $string =~ s/$escaped_leader/<Leader>/g;
# Convert char to <char-name>.
$string =~ s/ /<Space>/g;
$string =~ s/\n/<CR>/g;
@@ -2070,6 +2437,9 @@ sub _parse_mapping_reverse {
sub _parse_partial_command_reverse {
my ($string) = @_;
+ my $escaped_leader = quotemeta($settings->{map_leader}->{value});
+ $string =~ s/$escaped_leader/<Leader>/g;
# Convert Ctrl-X to ^X.
$string =~ s/([\x01-\x1A])/"^" . chr(ord($1) + 64)/ge;
# Convert Ctrl-6 and Ctrl-^ to <C-^>.
@@ -2227,9 +2597,9 @@ sub _matching_windows {
-# vi mode status item.
-sub vim_mode_cb {
- my ($sb_item, $get_size_only) = @_;
+#TODO: give these things better names.
+sub vim_mode_cmd {
my $mode_str = '';
if ($mode == M_INS) {
$mode_str = 'Insert';
@@ -2238,7 +2608,7 @@ sub vim_mode_cb {
} else {
$mode_str = '%_Command%_';
if ($register ne '"' or $numeric_prefix or $operator or $movement or
- $pending_map) {
+ $pending_map) {
my $partial = '';
if ($register ne '"') {
$partial .= '"' . $register;
@@ -2260,13 +2630,10 @@ sub vim_mode_cb {
$mode_str .= " ($partial)";
- $sb_item->default_handler($get_size_only, "{sb $mode_str}", '', 0);
+ return $mode_str;
-# :b window list item.
-sub b_windows_cb {
- my ($sb_item, $get_size_only) = @_;
+sub vim_wins_data {
my $windows = '';
# A little code duplication of cmd_ex_command(), but \s+ instead of \s* so
@@ -2286,6 +2653,31 @@ sub b_windows_cb {
+ return $windows;
+sub vim_exp_mode {
+ my ($server, $witem, $arg) = @_;
+ return vim_mode_cmd();
+sub vim_exp_wins {
+ my ($server, $witem, $arg) = @_;
+ return vim_wins_data();
+# vi mode status item.
+sub vim_mode_cb {
+ my ($sb_item, $get_size_only) = @_;
+ my $mode_str = vim_mode_cmd();
+ $sb_item->default_handler($get_size_only, "{sb $mode_str}", '', 0);
+# :b window list item.
+sub b_windows_cb {
+ my ($sb_item, $get_size_only) = @_;
+ my $windows = vim_wins_data();
$sb_item->default_handler($get_size_only, "{sb $windows}", '', 0);
@@ -2309,8 +2701,10 @@ sub got_key {
= Irssi::timeout_add_once(10, \&handle_input_buffer, undef);
print "Buffer Timer tag: $input_buf_timer" if DEBUG;
} elsif ($mode == M_INS) {
- if ($key == 3) { # Ctrl-C enter command mode
+ if ($key == 3) { # Ctrl-C enters command mode
@@ -2370,6 +2764,13 @@ sub got_key {
} elsif ($mode == M_EX) {
+ if ($key == 3) { # C-c cancels Ex mdoe as well.
+ _update_mode(M_CMD);
+ _stop();
+ return;
+ }
@@ -2389,20 +2790,33 @@ sub handle_input_buffer {
} else {
- # we need to identify what we got, and either replay it
- # or pass it off to the command handler.
- # if ($mode == M_CMD) {
- # # command
- # my $key_str = join '', map { chr } @input_buf;
- # if ($key_str =~ m/^\e\[([ABCD])/) {
- # print "Arrow key: $1" if DEBUG;
- # } else {
- # print "Dunno what that is." if DEBUG;
- # }
- # } else {
- # _emulate_keystrokes(@input_buf);
- # }
- _emulate_keystrokes(@input_buf);
+ # we have more than a single esc, implying an escape sequence
+ # (meta-* or esc-*)
+ # currently, we only extract escape sequences if:
+ # a) we're in ex mode
+ # b) they're arrow keys (for history control)
+ if ($mode == M_EX) {
+ # ex mode
+ my $key_str = join '', map { chr } @input_buf;
+ if ($key_str =~ m/^\e\[([ABCD])/) {
+ my $arrow = $1;
+ _debug( "Arrow key: $arrow");
+ if ($arrow eq 'A') { # up
+ ex_history_back();
+ } elsif ($arrow eq 'B') { # down
+ ex_history_fwd();
+ } else {
+ $arrow =~ s/C/right/;
+ $arrow =~ s/D/left/;
+ _debug("Arrow key $arrow not supported");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ # otherwise, we just forward them to irssi.
+ _emulate_keystrokes(@input_buf);
+ }
# Clear insert buffer, pressing "special" keys (like arrow keys)
# resets it.
@@ -2414,7 +2828,7 @@ sub handle_input_buffer {
sub flush_input_buffer {
- Irssi::timeout_remove($input_buf_timer);
+ Irssi::timeout_remove($input_buf_timer) if defined $input_buf_timer;
$input_buf_timer = undef;
# see what we've collected.
print "Input buffer flushed" if DEBUG;
@@ -2537,13 +2951,7 @@ sub handle_command_cmd {
} elsif ($cmd->{type} == C_IRSSI) {
print "Processing irssi-command: $map->{char} ($cmd->{char})" if DEBUG;
- # TODO: fix me more better (general server/win/none context?)
- my $server = Irssi::active_server;
- if (defined $server) {
- $server->command($cmd->{func});
- } else {
- Irssi::command($cmd->{func});
- }
+ _command_with_context($cmd->{func});
$numeric_prefix = undef;
return 1; # call _stop();
@@ -2746,7 +3154,7 @@ sub handle_command_ex {
# DEL key - remove last character
if ($key == 127) {
print "Delete" if DEBUG;
- if (scalar @ex_buf > 0) {
+ if (@ex_buf > 0) {
pop @ex_buf;
_set_prompt(':' . join '', @ex_buf);
# Backspacing over : exits ex-mode.
@@ -2764,14 +3172,21 @@ sub handle_command_ex {
print "Tab pressed" if DEBUG;
print "Ex buf contains: " . join('', @ex_buf) if DEBUG;
@tab_candidates = _tab_complete(join('', @ex_buf), [keys %$commands_ex]);
+ _debug("Candidates: " . join(", ", @tab_candidates));
+ if (@tab_candidates == 1) {
+ @ex_buf = ( split('', $tab_candidates[0]), ' ');
+ _set_prompt(':' . join '', @ex_buf);
+ }
# Ignore control characters for now.
- } elsif ($key < 32) {
+ } elsif ($key > 0 && $key < 32) {
# TODO: use them later, e.g. completion
# Append entered key
} else {
- push @ex_buf, chr $key;
+ if ($key != -1) {
+ # check we're not called from an ex_history_* function
+ push @ex_buf, chr $key;
+ }
_set_prompt(':' . join '', @ex_buf);
@@ -2794,15 +3209,32 @@ sub _tab_complete {
sub vim_mode_init {
Irssi::signal_add_first 'gui key pressed' => \&got_key;
- Irssi::signal_add 'setup changed' => \&setup_changed;
- Irssi::statusbar_item_register ('vim_mode', 0, 'vim_mode_cb');
+ Irssi::statusbar_item_register ('vim_mode', 0, 'vim_mode_cb');
Irssi::statusbar_item_register ('vim_windows', 0, 'b_windows_cb');
+ Irssi::expando_create('vim_cmd_mode' => \&vim_exp_mode, {});
+ Irssi::expando_create('vim_wins' => \&vim_exp_wins, {});
# Register all available settings.
foreach my $name (keys %$settings) {
+ foreach my $char ('a' .. 'z') {
+ $registers->{$char} = '';
+ }
+ setup_changed();
+ Irssi::signal_add 'setup changed' => \&setup_changed;
+ # Add all default mappings.
+ foreach my $char (keys %$commands) {
+ next if $char =~ /^_/; # skip private commands (text-objects for now)
+ add_map($char, $commands->{$char});
+ }
# Load the vim_moderc file if it exists.
@@ -2811,6 +3243,8 @@ sub vim_mode_init {
if ($settings->{start_cmd}->{value}) {
+ } else {
+ _update_mode(M_INS);
@@ -2995,7 +3429,7 @@ sub delete_map {
push @add, $keys;
- # Restore default keybindings in case we :unmaped a <Nop> or a remapped
+ # Restore default keybindings in case we :unmapped a <Nop> or a remapped
# key.
foreach my $key (@add) {
if (exists $commands->{$key}) {
@@ -3129,6 +3563,8 @@ sub _update_mode {
+ Irssi::statusbar_items_redraw ('uberprompt');
sub _set_prompt {
@@ -3206,3 +3642,105 @@ sub _warn {
print '%_vim_mode: ', $warning, '%_';
+sub _debug {
+ return unless DEBUG;
+ my ($format, @args) = @_;
+ my $str = sprintf($format, @args);
+ print $str;
+sub _command_with_context {
+ my ($command) = @_;
+ my $context;
+ my $window = Irssi::active_win;
+ if (defined $window) {
+ my $witem = $window->{active};
+ if (defined $witem and ref($witem) eq 'Irssi::Windowitem') {
+ $context = $witem;
+ } else {
+ $context = $window;
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $server = Irssi::active_server;
+ if (defined $server) {
+ $context = $server;
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $context) {
+ print "Command $command Using context: " . ref($context) if DEBUG;
+ $context->command($command);
+ } else {
+ print "Command $command has no context" if DEBUG;
+ Irssi::command($command);
+ }
+sub ex_history_add {
+ my ($line) = @_;
+ # check it's not an exact dupe of the previous history line
+ my $last_hist = $ex_history[$ex_history_index];
+ $last_hist = '' unless defined $last_hist;
+ return if $last_hist eq $line;
+ _debug("Adding $line to ex command history");
+ # add it to the history
+ unshift @ex_history, $line;
+ if ($settings->{ex_history_size}->{value} < @ex_history) {
+ pop @ex_history; # junk the last entry if we've hit the max.
+ }
+sub ex_history_fwd {
+ my $hist_max = $#ex_history;
+ $ex_history_index++;
+ if ($ex_history_index > $hist_max) {
+ $ex_history_index = 0;
+ _debug("ex history hit top, wrapping to 0");
+ }
+ my $line = $ex_history[$ex_history_index];
+ $line = '' if not defined $line;
+ _debug("Ex history line: $line");
+ @ex_buf = split '', $line;
+ handle_command_ex(-1);
+sub ex_history_back {
+ my $hist_max = $#ex_history;
+ $ex_history_index--;
+ if ($ex_history_index == -1) {
+ $ex_history_index = $hist_max;
+ _debug("ex history hit bottom, wrapping to $hist_max");
+ }
+ my $line = $ex_history[$ex_history_index];
+ $line = '' if not defined $line;
+ _debug("Ex history line: $line");
+ @ex_buf = split '', $line;
+ handle_command_ex(-1);
+sub ex_history_show {
+ my $win = Irssi::active_win();
+ $win->print("Ex command history:");
+ for my $i (0 .. $#ex_history) {
+ my $flag = $i == $ex_history_index
+ ? ' <'
+ : '';
+ $win->print("$i " . $ex_history[$i] . $flag);
+ }