path: root/docs
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- ban - The ban
- setby - Nick of who set the ban
- time - Timestamp when ban was set
-=head1 METHODS
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- type - "CHANNEL" text
- chat_type - String ID of chat protocol, for example "IRC"
- (..contains all the same data as Windowitem above..)
- topic - Channel topic
- topic_by - Nick who set the topic
- topic_time - Timestamp when the topic was set
- no_modes - Channel is modeless
- mode - Channel mode
- limit - Max. users in channel (+l mode)
- key - Channel key (password)
- chanop - You are channel operator
- names_got - /NAMES list has been received
- wholist - /WHO list has been received
- synced - Channel is fully synchronized
- joined - JOIN event for this channel has been received
- left - You just left the channel (for "channel destroyed" event)
- kicked - You was just kicked out of the channel (for
- "channel destroyed" event)
-=head1 METHODS
-Server::channels_join(channels, automatic)
- Join to channels in server. `channels' may also contain keys for
- channels just like with /JOIN command. `automatic' specifies if this
- channel was joined "automatically" or if it was joined because join
- was requested by user. If channel join is "automatic", irssi doesn't
- jump to the window where the channel was joined.
- Destroy channel.
- Return a list of bans in channel.
- Get ban mask for `nick'.
-Channel::banlist_add(ban, nick, time)
- Add a new ban to channel.
- Remove a ban from channel.
-Channel::nick_insert(nick, op, voice, send_massjoin)
- Add nick to nicklist.
- Remove nick from nicklist.
- Find nick from nicklist.
- Find nick mask from nicklist, wildcards allowed.
- Return a list of all nicks in channel.
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- type - "CHATNET" text
- chat_type - String ID of chat protocol, for example "IRC"
- name - name of chat network
- nick - if not empty, nick preferred in this network
- username - if not empty, username preferred in this network
- realname - if not empty, realname preferred in this network
- own_host - address to use when connecting this network
- autosendcmd - command to send after connecting to this network
-=head1 METHODS
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- nick - nick of the client
- host - host of the client
- proxy_address - address of the proxy server
- server - Irc::Server for which we proxy to this client
- pass_sent - whether the client already send a PASS command
- user_sent - whether the client already send a USER command
- connected - whether the client is connected and ready
- want_ctcp - whether the client wants to receive CTCPs
- ircnet - network tag of the network we proxy
-=head1 METHODS
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- Command->{}
- cmd - Command name
- category - Category
-=head1 METHODS
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- type - Type of the DCC: chat, send, get
- orig_type - Original DCC type that was sent to us - same as type except
- GET and SEND are swapped
- created - Time stamp when the DCC record was created
- server - Server record where the DCC was initiated.
- servertag - Tag of the server where the DCC was initiated.
- mynick - Our nick to use in DCC chat.
- nick - Other side's nick name.
- chat - Dcc chat record if the request came through DCC chat
- target - Who the request was sent to - your nick, channel or empty
- if you sent the request
- arg - Given argument .. file name usually
- addr - Other side's IP address.
- port - Port we're connecting in.
- starttime - Unix time stamp when the DCC transfer was started
- transfd - Bytes transferred
- id - Unique identifier - usually same as nick
- mirc_ctcp - Send CTCPs without the CTCP_MESSAGE prefix
- connection_lost - Other side closed connection
- (..contains all the same data as core Dcc object..)
- size - File size
- skipped - Bytes skipped from start (resuming file)
- get_type - What to do if file exists? 0=default, 1=rename, 2=overwrite,
- 3=resume
- file - The real file name which we use.
- file_quoted - 1 if file name was received quoted ("file name")
- (..contains all the same data as core Dcc object..)
- size - File size
- skipped - Bytes skipped from start (resuming file)
- file_quoted - 1 if file name was received quoted ("file name")
- waitforend - File is sent, just wait for the replies from the other side
- gotalldata - Got all acks from the other end
-=head1 METHODS
- Destroy DCC connection.
- Send `data' to dcc chat.
-Dcc::ctcp_message(target, notice, msg)
- Send a CTCP message/notify to target.
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- mask - Ignore mask
- servertag - Ignore only in server
- channels - Ignore only in channels (list of names)
- pattern - Ignore text pattern
- level - Ignore level
- exception - This is an exception ignore
- regexp - Regexp pattern matching
- fullword - Pattern matches only full words
-=head1 METHODS
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- fname - Log file name
- real_fname - The actual opened log file (after %d.%m.Y etc. are expanded)
- opened - Log file is open
- level - Log only these levels
- last - Timestamp when last message was written
- autoopen - Automatically open log at startup
- failed - Opening log failed last time
- temp - Log isn't saved to config file
- items - List of log items
-=head1 METHODS
- Add log to list of logs / save changes to config file.
- Destroy log file.
- Open log file and start logging.
- Close log file.
-Log::item_add(type, name, server)
- Add log item to log.
- Remove log item from log.
-Log::item_find(type, item, server)
- Find item from log.
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- type - 0=target, 1=window refnum
- name - Name
- servertag - Server tag
-=head1 METHODS
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- type - "NICK" text
- chat_type - String ID of chat protocol, for example "IRC"
- nick - Plain nick
- host - Host address
- realname - Real name
- hops - Hop count to the server the nick is using
- gone, serverop - User status, 1 or 0
- op, voice, halfop - Channel status, 1 or 0
- last_check - timestamp when last checked gone/ircop status.
- send_massjoin - Waiting to be sent in a "massjoin" signal, 1 or 0
-=head1 METHODS
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- mask - Notify nick mask
- away_check - Notify away status changes
- idle_check_time - Notify when idle time is reset and idle was bigger
- than this (seconds)
- ircnets - List of ircnets (strings) the notify is checked
-=head1 METHODS
- Returns 1 if notify is checked in `ircnet'.
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- id - ID for the process
- name - Name for the process (if given)
- args - The command that is being executed
- pid - PID for the executed command
- target - send text with /msg <target> ...
- target_win - print text to this window
- shell - start the program via /bin/sh
- notice - send text with /notice, not /msg if target is set
- silent - don't print "process exited with level xx"
-=head1 METHODS
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- type - "QUERY" text
- chat_type - String ID of chat protocol, for example "IRC"
- (..contains all the same data as Windowitem above..)
- address - Host address of the queries nick
- server_tag - Server tag used for this nick (doesn't get erased if
- server gets disconnected)
- unwanted - 1 if the other side closed or some error occured (DCC chats)
-=head1 METHODS
- Destroy the query.
- Change the active server of the query.
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- logging - The rawlog is being written to file currently
- nlines - Number of lines in rawlog
-=head1 METHODS
- Destroy the rawlog.
- Returns all lines in rawlog.
- Start logging new messages in rawlog to specified file.
- Stop logging to file.
- Save the current rawlog history to specified file.
- Send `str' to raw log as input text.
- Send `str' to raw log as output text.
- Send `str' to raw log as redirection text.
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- type - "RECONNECT" text
- chat_type - String ID of chat protocol, for example "IRC"
- (..contains all the same data as Connect above..)
- tag - Unique numeric tag
- next_connect - Unix time stamp when the next connection occurs
-=head1 METHODS
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
-=head1 METHODS
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- type - "SERVER" text
- chat_type - String ID of chat protocol, for example "IRC"
- (..contains all the same data as Connect above..)
- connect_time - Time when connect() to server finished
- real_connect_time - Time when server sent "connected" message
- tag - Unique server tag
- nick - Current nick
- connected - Is connection finished? 1|0
- connection_lost - Did we lose the connection (1) or was
- the connection just /DISCONNECTed (0)
- rawlog - Rawlog object for the server
- version - Server version
- last_invite - Last channel we were invited to
- server_operator - Are we server operator (IRC op) 1|0
- usermode_away - Are we marked as away? 1|0
- away_reason - Away reason message
- banned - Were we banned from this server? 1|0
- lag - Current lag to server in milliseconds
-=head1 METHODS
-Server::channels() - return list of channels in server
-Server::queries() - return list of queries in server
-Server::print(channel, str[, level])
-=head2 C<command $string>
-Run the specified command on this server instance.
- Connect to server.
- Disconnect from server.
- Find server with tag
- Find first server that is in `chatnet'
- Returns 1 if flag is a nick mode flag (@, + or % in IRC)
- Returns 1 if start of `data' seems to mean channel.
- Returns nick flag characters in order: op, voice, halfop ("@+%" in IRC).
-Server::send_message(target, msg, target_type)
- Sends a message to nick/channel. target_type 0 = channel, 1 = nick
-Server::netsplit_find(nick, address)
- Check if nick!address is on the other side of netsplit. Netsplit records
- are automatically removed after 30 minutes (current default)..
-Server::netsplit_find_channel(nick, address, channel)
- Find nick record for nick!address in channel `channel'.
-Server::dcc_ctcp_message(target, notice, msg)
- Find channel from specified server.
-Server::ignore_check(nick, host, channel, text, level)
- Return 1 if ignoring matched.
- Return all nick objects in all channels in server. List is in format:
- Channel, Nick, Channel, ...
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-=head1 Deprecated
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
-=head1 METHODS
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/UI/Window.pm b/docs/Irssi/UI/Window.pm
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--- a/docs/Irssi/UI/Window.pm
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-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
- refnum - Reference number
- name - Name
- width - Width
- height - Height
- history_name - Name of named historylist for this window
- active - Active window item
- active_server - Active server
- servertag - active_server must be either undef or have this same tag
- (unless there's items in this window). This is used by
- /WINDOW SERVER -sticky
- level - Current window level
- sticky_refnum - 1 if reference number is sticky
- data_level - Current data level
- hilight_color - Current activity hilight color
- last_timestamp - Last time timestamp was written in window
- last_line - Last time text was written in window
- theme_name - Active theme in window, undef = default
- window - Window where the text will be written
- server - Target server
- target - Target channel/query/etc name
- level - Text level
- hilight_priority - Priority for the hilighted text
- hilight_color - Color for the hilighted text
-=head1 METHODS
-Window::print(str[, level])
- Return a list of items in window.
- Create a new window.
- Destroy the window.
- Returns parent window for window item.
- Find window with name.
- Find window with reference number.
- Find window with level.
-window_find_closest(name, level)
-Server::window_find_closest(name, level)
- Find window that matches best to given arguments. `name' can be either
- window name or name of one of the window items.
- Find window which contains window item with specified name/server.
-Window::item_add(item, automatic)
- Add/remove/destroy window item
- Set window active.
- Change server/refnum/name/history/level in window.
- Change to previous/next window item.
- Return active item's name, or if none is active, window's name
-Window::item_find(server, name)
- Find window item that matches best to given arguments.
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-=head1 NAME
-The meaning of "window" should be pretty clear, but "window item" is something I
-couldn't really figure out a better name for :) They're simply something that's
-inside a window, a channel or a query usually. Windows can have multiple items
-inside them. It's possible to create non-channel/query window items too,
-currently the third possible window item is created by /EXEC -interactive.
-In scripts, I think you can quite safely assume that the window item is
-query or channel if the script is intended to be run in one of them.
-Stupid users won't probably have other window items, and smart users
-know where to run the script, or at least later figure out why it
-didn't work :)
-=head1 FIELDS
- type - Type of the window item, for example "CHANNEL" or "QUERY"
- chat_type - String ID of chat protocol, for example "IRC"
- server - Active server for item
- name - Name of the item
- createtime - Time the window item was created
- data_level - 0=no new data, 1=text, 2=msg, 3=highlighted text
- hilight_color - Color of the last highlighted text
-=head1 METHODS
-Windowitem::print(str[, level])
- Change window item active in parent window.
- Change server in window item.
- Returns 1 if window item is the active item in parent window.
- If `item' is a query of a =nick, return DCC chat record of nick.
diff --git a/docs/Signals.pm b/docs/Signals.pm
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-=head1 NAME
-Irssi Signal Documentation
-Perl POD documentation based on the doc/signals.txt documentation supplied with
-See L<Irssi/"Signals">
-=begin irssi_signal_types
-=item C<GList \* of ([^,]*)> C<glistptr_$1>
-=item C<GSList \* of (\w+)s> C<gslist_$1>
-=item C<char \*> C<string>
-=item C<ulong \*> C<ulongptr>
-=item C<int \*> C<intptr>
-=item C<int> C<int>
-=item C<CHATNET_REC> C<iobject>
-=item C<SERVER_REC> C<iobject>
-=item C<RECONNECT_REC> C<iobject>
-=item C<CHANNEL_REC> C<iobject>
-=item C<QUERY_REC> C<iobject>
-=item C<COMMAND_REC> C<iobject>
-=item C<NICK_REC> C<iobject>
-=item C<LOG_REC> C<Irssi::Log>
-=item C<RAWLOG_REC> C<Irssi::Rawlog>
-=item C<IGNORE_REC> C<Irssi::Ignore>
-=item C<MODULE_REC> C<Irssi::Module>
-=item C<BAN_REC> C<Irssi::Irc::Ban>
-=item C<NETSPLIT_REC> C<Irssi::Irc::Netsplit>
-=item C<NETSPLIT_SERVER__REC> C<Irssi::Irc::Netsplitserver>
-=item C<DCC_REC> C<siobject>
-=item C<AUTOIGNORE_REC> C<Irssi::Irc::Autoignore>
-=item C<AUTOIGNORE_REC> C<Irssi::Irc::Autoignore>
-=item C<NOTIFYLIST_REC> C<Irssi::Irc::Notifylist>
-=item C<CLIENT_REC> C<Irssi::Irc::Client>
-=item C<THEME_REC> C<Irssi::UI::Theme>
-=item C<KEYINFO_REC> C<Irssi::UI::Keyinfo>
-=item C<PROCESS_REC> C<Irssi::UI::Process>
-=item C<TEXT_DEST_REC> C<Irssi::UI::TextDest>
-=item C<WINDOW_REC> C<Irssi::UI::Window>
-=item C<WI_ITEM_REC> C<iobject>
-=item C<PERL_SCRIPT_REC> C<Irssi::Script>
-=end irssi_signal_types
-The following signals are categorised as in the original documentation, but
-have been revised to note Perl variable types and class names.
-Arguments are passed to signal handlers in the usual way, via C<@_>.
-=for irssi_signal_defs START OF SIGNAL DEFINITIONS
-=head2 Core
-=over 4
-=item C<"gui exit">
-=item I<None>
-=item C<"gui dialog">
-=item string C<$type>
-=item string C<$text>
-=item C<"send command">
-=item C<string $command>,
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>,
-=item L<Irssi::Windowitem> C<$window_item>
-This is sent when a command is entered via the GUI, or by scripts via L<Irssi::command>.
-=head3 F<chat-protocols.c>:
-B<TODO: What are CHAT_PROTOCOL_REC types?>
-=over 4
-=item C<"chat protocol created">
-=item CHAT_PROTOCOL_REC C<$protocol>
-=item C<"chat protocol updated">
-=item CHAT_PROTOCOL_REC C<$protocol>
-=item C<"chat protocol destroyed">
-=item CHAT_PROTOCOL_REC C<$protocol>
-=head3 F<channels.c>:
-=over 4
-=item C<"channel created">
-=item L<Irssi::Channel> C<$channel>
-=item int C<$automatic>
-=item C<"channel destroyed">
-=item L<Irssi::Channel> C<$channel>
-=head3 F<chatnets.c>:
-=over 4
-=item C<"chatnet created">
-=item CHATNET_REC C<$chatnet>
-=item C<"chatnet destroyed">
-=item CHATNET_REC C<$chatnet>
-=head3 F<commands.c>:
-=over 4
-=item C<"commandlist new">
-=item L<Irssi::Command> C<$cmd>
-=item C<"commandlist remove">
-=item L<Irssi::Command> C<$cmd>
-=item C<"error command">
-=item int C<$err>
-=item string C<$cmd>
-=item C<"send command">
-=item string C<$args>
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item L<Irssi::Windowitem> C<$witem>
-=item C<"send text">
-=item string C<$line>
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item L<Irssi::Windowitem> C<$witem>
-=item C<"command "<cmd>>
-=item string C<$args>
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item L<Irssi::Windowitem> C<$witem>
-B<TODO: check this "cmd" out?>
-=item C<"default command">
-=item string C<$args>
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item L<Irssi::Windowitem> C<$witem>
-=head3 F<ignore.c>:
-=over 4
-=item C<"ignore created">
-=item L<Irssi::Ignore> C<$ignore>
-=item C<"ignore destroyed">
-=item L<Irssi::Ignore> C<$ignore>
-=item C<"ignore changed">
-=item L<Irssi::Ignore> C<$ignore>
-=head3 F<log.c>:
-=over 4
-=item C<"log new">
-=item L<Irssi::Log> C<$log>
-=item C<"log remove">
-=item L<Irssi::Log> C<$log>
-=item C<"log create failed">
-=item L<Irssi::Log> C<$log>
-=item C<"log locked">
-=item L<Irssi::Log> C<$log>
-=item C<"log started">
-=item L<Irssi::Log> C<$log>
-=item C<"log stopped">
-=item L<Irssi::Log> C<$log>
-=item C<"log rotated">
-=item L<Irssi::Log> C<$log>
-=item C<"log written">
-=item L<Irssi::Log> C<$log>
-=item string C<$line>
-=head3 F<modules.c>:
-B<TODO: what are these types?>
-=over 4
-=item C<"module loaded">
-=item MODULE_REC C<$module>
-=item MODULE_FILE_REC C<$module_file>
-=item C<"module unloaded">
-=item MODULE_REC C<$module>
-=item MODULE_FILE_REC C<$module_file>
-=item C<"module error">
-=item int C<$error>
-=item string C<$text>
-=item string C<$root_module>
-=item string C<$sub_module>
-=head3 F<nicklist.c>:
-=over 4
-=item C<"nicklist new">
-=item L<Irssi::Channel> C<$channel>
-=item L<Irssi::Nick> C<$nick>
-=item C<"nicklist remove">
-=item L<Irssi::Channel> C<$channel>
-=item L<Irssi::Nick> C<$nick>
-=item C<"nicklist changed">
-=item L<Irssi::Channel> C<$channel>
-=item L<Irssi::Nick> C<$nick>
-=item string C<$old_nick>
-=item C<"nicklist host changed">
-=item L<Irssi::Channel> C<$channel>
-=item L<Irssi::Nick> C<$nick>
-=item C<"nicklist gone changed">
-=item L<Irssi::Channel> C<$channel>
-=item L<Irssi::Nick> C<$nick>
-=item C<"nicklist serverop changed">
-=item L<Irssi::Channel> C<$channel>
-=item L<Irssi::Nick> C<$nick>
-=head3 F<pidwait.c>:
-=over 4
-=item C<"pidwait">
-=item int C<$pid>
-=item int C<$status>
-=head3 F<queries.c>:
-=over 4
-=item C<"query created">
-=item L<Irssi::Query> C<$query>
-=item int C<$automatic>
-=item C<"query destroyed">
-=item L<Irssi::Query> C<$query>
-=item C<"query nick changed">
-=item L<Irssi::Query> C<$query>
-=item string C<$original_nick>
-=item C<"window item name changed">
-=item L<Irssi::Windowitem> C<$witem>
-=item C<"query address changed">
-=item L<Irssi::Query> C<$query>
-=item C<"query server changed">
-=item L<Irssi::Query> C<$query>
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=head3 F<rawlog.c>:
-=over 4
-=item C<"rawlog">
-=item L<Irssi::Rawlog> C<$raw_log>
-=item string C<$data>
-=head3 F<server.c>:
-=over 4
-=item C<"server looking">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item C<"server connected">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item C<"server connecting">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item ulongptr C<$ip>
-=item C<"server connect failed">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item C<"server disconnected">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item C<"server quit">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$message>
-=item C<"server sendmsg">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$target>
-=item string C<$message>
-=item int C<$target_type>
-=head3 F<settings.c>:
-=over 4
-=item C<"setup changed">
-=item I<None>
-=item C<"setup reread">
-=item string C<$fname>
-=item C<"setup saved">
-=item string C<$fname>
-=item int C<$autosaved>
-=head2 IRC Core
-=head3 F<bans.c>:
-=over 4
-=item C<"ban type changed">
-=item string C<$bantype>
-=head3 F<channels>, F<nicklist>:
-B<TODO: are these actual files? .c?>
-=over 4
-=item C<"channel joined">
-=item L<Irssi::Channel> C<$channel>
-=item C<"channel wholist">
-=item L<Irssi::Channel> C<$channel>
-=item C<"channel sync">
-=item L<Irssi::Channel> C<$channel>
-=item C<"channel topic changed">
-=item L<Irssi::Channel> C<$channel>
-=head3 F<ctcp.c>:
-=item C<"ctcp msg">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$args>
-=item string C<$nick>
-=item string C<$addr>
-=item string C<$target>
-=item C<"ctcp msg "<cmd>>
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$args>
-=item string C<$nick>
-=item string C<$addr>
-=item string C<$target>
-=item C<"default ctcp msg">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$args>
-=item string C<$nick>
-=item string C<$addr>
-=item string C<$target>
-=item C<"ctcp reply">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$args>
-=item string C<$nick>
-=item string C<$addr>
-=item string C<$target>
-=item C<"ctcp reply "<cmd>>
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$args>
-=item string C<$nick>
-=item string C<$addr>
-=item string C<$target>
-=item C<"default ctcp reply">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$args>
-=item string C<$nick>
-=item string C<$addr>
-=item string C<$target>
-=item C<"ctcp action">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$args>
-=item string C<$nick>
-=item string C<$addr>
-=item string C<$target>
-=head3 F<irc-log.c>:
-=item C<"awaylog show">
-=item L<Irssi::Log> C<$log>
-=item int C<$away_msgs>
-=item int C<$filepos>
-=head3 F<irc-nicklist.c>:
-=item C<"server nick changed">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=head3 F<irc-servers.c>:
-=item C<"event connected">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=head3 F<irc.c>:
-=item C<"server event">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$data>
-=item string C<$sender_nick>
-=item string C<$sender_addr>
-=item C<"event "<cmd>>
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$args>
-=item string C<$sender_nick>
-=item string C<$sender_addr>
-=item C<"default event">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$data>
-=item string C<$sender_nick>
-=item string C<$sender_addr>
-=item C<"whois default event">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$data>
-=item string C<$sender_nick>
-=item string C<$sender_addr>
-=item C<"server incoming">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$data>
-=item C<"redir "<cmd>>
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$args>
-=item string C<$sender_nick>
-=item string C<$sender_addr>
-=head3 F<lag.c>:
-=item C<"server lag">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item C<"server lag disconnect">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=head3 F<massjoin.c>:
-=item C<"massjoin">
-=item L<Irssi::Channel> C<$channel>
-=item List of L<Irssi::Nick> C<@nicks>
-B<TODO: Check this is actually a perl list (array)>
-=head3 F<mode-lists.c>:
-=item C<"ban new">
-=item L<Irssi::Channel> C<$channel>
-=item L<Irssi::Irc::Ban> C<$ban>
-=item C<"ban remove">
-=item L<Irssi::Channel> C<$channel>
-=item L<Irssi::Irc::Ban> C<$ban>
-=item string C<$set_by>
-=head3 F<modes.c>:
-=item C<"channel mode changed">
-=item L<Irssi::Channel> C<$channel>
-=item string C<$set_by>
-=item C<"nick mode changed">
-=item L<Irssi::Channel> C<$channel>
-=item L<Irssi::Nick> C<$nick>
-=item string C<$set_by>
-=item string C<$mode>
-=item string C<$type>
-=item C<"user mode changed">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$old_mode>
-=item C<"away mode changed">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=head3 F<netsplit.c>:
-=item C<"netsplit server new">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item L<Irssi::Irc::Netsplitserver> C<$netsplit_server>
-=item C<"netsplit server remove">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item L<Irssi::Irc::Netsplitserver> C<$netsplit_server>
-=item C<"netsplit new">
-=item L<Irssi::Irc::Netsplit> C<$netsplit>
-=item C<"netsplit remove">
-=item L<Irssi::Irc::Netsplit> C<$netsplit>
-=head2 IRC Modules
-=head3 F<dcc*.c>:
-=item C<"dcc ctcp "<cmd>>
-=item string C<$args>
-=item L<Irssi::Dcc> C<$dcc>
-=item C<"default dcc ctcp">
-=item string C<$args>
-=item L<Irssi::Dcc> C<$dcc>
-=item C<"dcc unknown ctcp">
-=item string C<$args>
-=item string C<$sender>
-=item string C<$send_addr>
-=item C<"dcc reply "<cmd>>
-=item string C<$args>
-=item L<Irssi::Dcc> C<$dcc>
-=item C<"default dcc reply">
-=item string C<$args>
-=item L<Irssi::Dcc> C<$dcc>
-=item C<"dcc unknown reply">
-=item string C<$args>
-=item string C<$sender>
-=item string C<$send_addr>
-=item C<"dcc chat message">
-=item L<Irssi::Dcc> C<$dcc>
-=item string C<$msg>
-=item C<"dcc created">
-=item L<Irssi::Dcc> C<$dcc>
-=item C<"dcc destroyed">
-=item L<Irssi::Dcc> C<$dcc>
-=item C<"dcc connected">
-=item L<Irssi::Dcc> C<$dcc>
-=item C<"dcc rejecting">
-=item L<Irssi::Dcc> C<$dcc>
-=item C<"dcc closed">
-=item L<Irssi::Dcc> C<$dcc>
-=item C<"dcc request">
-=item L<Irssi::Dcc> C<$dcc>
-=item string C<$send_addr>
-=item C<"dcc request send">
-=item L<Irssi::Dcc> C<$dcc>
-=item C<"dcc chat message">
-=item L<Irssi::Dcc> C<$dcc>
-=item string C<$msg>
-=item C<"dcc transfer update">
-=item L<Irssi::Dcc> C<$dcc>
-=item C<"dcc get receive">
-=item L<Irssi::Dcc> C<$dcc>
-=item C<"dcc error connect">
-=item L<Irssi::Dcc> C<$dcc>
-=item C<"dcc error file create">
-=item L<Irssi::Dcc> C<$dcc>
-=item string C<$filename>
-=item C<"dcc error file open">
-=item string C<$nick>
-=item string C<$filename>
-=item int C<$errno>
-=item C<"dcc error get not found">
-=item string C<$nick>
-=item C<"dcc error send exists">
-=item string C<$nick>
-=item string C<$filename>
-=item C<"dcc error unknown type">
-=item string C<$type>
-=item C<"dcc error close not found">
-=item string C<$type>
-=item string C<$nick>
-=item string C<$filename>
-=head3 F<autoignore.c>:
-=item C<"autoignore new">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item L<Irssi::Irc::Autoignore> C<$autoignore>
-=item C<"autoignore remove">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item L<Irssi::Irc::Autoignore> C<$autoignore>
-=head3 F<flood.c>:
-=item C<"flood">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$nick>
-=item string C<$host>
-=item int C<$level>
-=item string C<$target>
-=head3 F<notifylist.c>:
-=item C<"notifylist new">
-=item L<Irssi::Irc::Notifylist> C<$notify_list>
-=item C<"notifylist remove">
-=item L<Irssi::Irc::Notifylist> C<$notify_list>
-=item C<"notifylist joined">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$nick>
-=item string C<$user>
-=item string C<$host>
-=item string C<$real_name>
-=item string C<$away_message>
-=item C<"notifylist away changed">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$nick>
-=item string C<$user>
-=item string C<$host>
-=item string C<$real_name>
-=item string C<$away_message>
-=item C<"notifylist left">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$nick>
-=item string C<$user>
-=item string C<$host>
-=item string C<$real_name>
-=item string C<$away_message>
-=head3 F<proxy/listen.c>:
-=item C<"proxy client connected">
-=item L<Irssi::Irc::Client> C<$client>
-=item C<"proxy client disconnected">
-=item L<Irssi::Irc::Client> C<$client>
-=item C<"proxy client command">
-=item L<Irssi::Irc::Client> C<$client>
-=item string C<$args>
-=item string C<$data>
-=item C<"proxy client dump">
-=item L<Irssi::Irc::Client> C<$client>
-=item string C<$data>
-=head2 Display (FE) Common
-B<Requires to work properly:>
-=item C<"gui print text">
-=item L<Irssi::Window> C<$window>
-=item int C<$fg>
-=item int C<$bg>
-=item int C<$flags>
-=item string C<$text>
-=item L<Irssi::UI::TextDest> C<$text_dest>
-(Can be used to determine when all "gui print text"s are sent (not required))
- "gui print text finished", WINDOW_REC
-B<Provides signals:>
-=head3 F<completion.c>:
-=item C<"complete word">
-, GList * of char*, WINDOW_REC, char *word, char *linestart, int *want_space
-=head3 F<fe-common-core.c>:
-=item C<"irssi init read settings">
-=item I<None>
-=head3 F<fe-exec.c>:
-=item C<"exec new">
-=item L<Irssi::UI::Process> C<$process>
-=item C<"exec remove">
-=item L<Irssi::UI::Process> C<$process>
-=item int C<$status>
-=item C<"exec input">
-=item L<Irssi::UI::Process> C<$process>
-=item string C<$text>
-=head3 F<fe-messages.c>:
-=item C<"message public">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$msg>
-=item string C<$nick>
-=item string C<$address>
-=item string C<$target>
-=item C<"message private">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$msg>
-=item string C<$nick>
-=item string C<$address>
-=item C<"message own_public">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$msg>
-=item string C<$target>
-=item C<"message own_private">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$msg>
-=item string C<$target>
-=item string C<$original_target>
-=item C<"message join">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$channel>
-=item string C<$nick>
-=item string C<$address>
-=item C<"message part">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$channel>
-=item string C<$nick>
-=item string C<$address>
-=item string C<$reason>
-=item C<"message quit">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$nick>
-=item string C<$address>
-=item string C<$reason>
-=item C<"message kick">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$channel>
-=item string C<$nick>
-=item string C<$kicker>
-=item string C<$address>
-=item string C<$reason>
-=item C<"message nick">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$new_nick>
-=item string C<$old_nick>
-=item string C<$address>
-=item C<"message own_nick">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$new_nick>
-=item string C<$old_nick>
-=item string C<$address>
-=item C<"message invite">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$channel>
-=item string C<$nick>
-=item string C<$address>
-=item C<"message topic">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$channel>
-=item string C<$topic>
-=item string C<$nick>
-=item string C<$address>
-=head3 F<keyboard.c>:
-=item C<"keyinfo created">
-=item L<Irssi::UI::Keyinfo> C<$key_info>
-=item C<"keyinfo destroyed">
-=item L<Irssi::UI::Keyinfo> C<$key_info>
-=head3 F<printtext.c>:
-=item C<"print text">
-=item L<Irssi::UI::TextDest> C<$text_dest>
-=item string C<$text>
-=item string C<$stripped_text>
-=head3 F<themes.c>:
-=item C<"theme created">
-=item L<Irssi::UI::Theme> C<$theme>
-=item C<"theme destroyed">
-=item L<Irssi::UI::Theme> C<$theme>
-=head3 F<window-activity.c>:
-=item C<"window hilight">
-=item L<Irssi::UI::Window> C<$window>
-=item C<"window dehilight">
-=item L<Irssi::UI::Window> C<$window>
-=item C<"window activity">
-=item L<Irssi::UI::Window> C<$window>
-=item int C<$old_level>
-=item C<"window item hilight">
-=item L<Irssi::Windowitem> C<$window_item>
-=item C<"window item activity">
-=item L<Irssi::Windowitem> C<$window_item>
-=item int C<$old_level>
-=head3 F<window-items.c>:
-=item C<"window item new">
-=item L<Irssi::UI::Window> C<$window>
-=item L<Irssi::Windowitem> C<$window_item>
-=item C<"window item remove">
-=item L<Irssi::UI::Window> C<$window>
-=item L<Irssi::Windowitem> C<$window_item>
-=item C<"window item moved">
-B<TODO: Check ordering of arguments from/to here>
-=item L<Irssi::UI::Window> C<$window_from>
-=item L<Irssi::Windowitem> C<$window_item>
-=item L<Irssi::UI::Window> C<$window_to>
-=item C<"window item changed">
-=item L<Irssi::UI::Window> C<$window>
-=item L<Irssi::Windowitem> C<$window_item>
-=item C<"window item server changed">
-=item L<Irssi::UI::Window> C<$window>
-=item L<Irssi::Windowitem> C<$window_item>
-=head3 F<windows.c>:
-=item C<"window created">
-=item L<Irssi::UI::Window> C<$window>
-=item C<"window destroyed">
-=item L<Irssi::UI::Window> C<$window>
-=item C<"window changed">
-=item L<Irssi::UI::Window> C<$window>
-=item L<Irssi::UI::Window> C<$old_window>
-=item C<"window changed automatic">
-=item L<Irssi::UI::Window> C<$window>
-=item C<"window server changed">
-=item L<Irssi::UI::Window> C<$window>
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item C<"window refnum changed">
-=item L<Irssi::UI::Window> C<$window>
-=item int C<$old_refnum>
-=item C<"window name changed">
-=item L<Irssi::UI::Window> C<$window>
-=item C<"window history changed">
-=item L<Irssi::UI::Window> C<$window>
-=item string C<$old_name>
-=item C<"window level changed">
-=item L<Irssi::UI::Window> C<$window>
-=head2 Display (FE) IRC
-=head3 F<fe-events.c>:
-=item C<"default event numeric">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$data>
-=item string C<$nick>
-=item string C<$address>
-=head3 F<fe-irc-messages.c>:
-=item C<"message irc op_public">
-=item L<Irssi::Server C<$server>
-=item string C<$msg>
-=item string C<$nick>
-=item string C<$address>
-=item string C<$target>
-=item C<"message irc own_wall">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$msg>
-=item string C<$target>
-=item C<"message irc own_action">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$msg>
-=item string C<$target>
-=item C<"message irc action">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$msg>
-=item string C<$nick>
-=item string C<$address>
-=item string C<$target>
-=item C<"message irc own_notice">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$msg>
-=item string C<$target>
-=item C<"message irc notice">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$msg>
-=item string C<$nick>
-=item string C<$address>
-=item string C<$target>
-=item C<"message irc own_ctcp">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$cmd>
-=item string C<$data>
-=item string C<$target>
-=item C<"message irc ctcp">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$cmd>
-=item string C<$data>
-=item string C<$nick>
-=item string C<$address>
-=item string C<$target>
-=head3 F<fe-modes.c>:
-=item C<"message irc mode">
-=item L<Irssi::Server> C<$server>
-=item string C<$channel>
-=item string C<$nick>
-=item string C<$address>
-=item string C<$mode>
-=head3 F<dcc/fe-dcc-chat-messages.c>:
-=item C<"message dcc own">
-=item L<Irssi::Dcc> C<$dcc>
-=item string C<$msg>
-=item C<"message dcc own_action">
-=item L<Irssi::Dcc> C<$dcc>
-=item string C<$msg>
-=item C<"message dcc own_ctcp">
-=item L<Irssi::Dcc> C<$dcc>
-=item string C<$cmd>
-=item string C<$data>
-=item C<"message dcc">
-=item L<Irssi::Dcc> C<$dcc>
-=item string C<$msg>
-=item C<"message dcc action">
-=item L<Irssi::Dcc> C<$dcc>
-=item string C<$msg>
-=item C<"message dcc ctcp">
-=item L<Irssi::Dcc> C<$dcc>
-=item string C<$cmd>
-=item string C<$data>
-=head2 Display (FE) Text
-=head3 F<gui-readline.c>:
-=over 4
-=item C<"gui key pressed">
-=item int C<$key>
-=head3 F<gui-printtext.c>:
-=over 4
-=item C<"beep">
-=item I<None>
-=head2 Perl Scripting
-=over 4
-=item C<"script error">
-=item L<Irssi::Script> C<$script>
-=item string C<$error_msg>
-=for irssi_signal_defs END OF SIGNAL DEFINITIONS
-This file is used to auto-generate the signal definitions used by Irssi, and hence
-must be edited in order to add new signals.
-=head2 Format