path: root/fixery
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1 files changed, 277 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fixery/awayproxy.pl b/fixery/awayproxy.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..422a6ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fixery/awayproxy.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+# vim:syntax=perl
+# vim:tabstop=4
+# vim:shiftwidth=4
+# vim:foldmethod=marker
+# vim:foldenable
+# vim:enc=utf-8
+## This script is designed for those who have been using muh irc bouncer.
+## Basicly this script just monitors the proxy module and if new client
+## connects it sets you automatically back from away state and when client
+## disconnects it sets you automatically away if you arent allready away.
+## Other hand if you dont use irssi-proxy you still have a good reason to
+## use this if you want to forward messages that come to you while
+## you are away to email box.
+## This is usefull for forwarding messages to an SMS-gateway ;)
+## btw.. if you find any bugs or have any ideas for development of this
+## script dont hesitate to send msg to BCOW@IrcNET
+## or send email to anttip@n0-life.com
+#### Version history:
+# 0.1
+# * basic functionality
+# 0.2b
+# * a patch from Wulf that gives a user ability to change the autoaway reason.
+# * Added away_level parameter that gives you ability to control how many
+# clients there can be connected to the irssi_proxy module before you are
+# set away.
+# * You arent set away when disconnecting from the irssi_proxy if you already
+# are away. This means that your current away reason isn't changed.
+# * Sends cumulated away messages back to the client when it connects to the
+# irssi_proxy module.
+# 0.2c
+# * Fixes bug where cummulated messages weren't sent.
+# * Code cleanup.
+# * Text wrapping to standart 80x24 text console.
+# * Added debug mode.
+# * Added script modes.
+# * Got rid of crappy irssi setings system.
+# * New logging expansion capability, either time or line based.
+# 0.2d
+# * Micro fix to get back only when needed
+#### To come / planned / wanted:
+# * Make expansion system log several channels at once.
+# * Make this script server based.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+# irssi imports
+use Irssi;
+use Irssi::Irc;
+use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI %config);
+$VERSION = "0.2d";
+%IRSSI = (
+ authors => "BCOW",
+ contact => "anttip\@n0-life.com",
+ name => "awayproxy",
+ description => "Sets nick away when client discconects from the "
+ . "irssi-proxy. If away gathers messages targeted to nick and forwards "
+ . "them to an email address.",
+ license => "GPLv2",
+ url => "http://www.n0-life.com",
+# After how much seconds we can check if there are any messages to send?
+$config{check_interval} = 45;
+# this setting controls that when this amout of clients are connected to the
+# proxy module script sets you away. If you set this to 0 you are set away when
+# no clients are connected to the proxy module. If you set this to lets say 5
+# then you will be set away allways when the amount of clients connected to the
+# proxy module is 5 or under.
+$config{away_level} = 0;
+# Controls expansion mode. This mode records pub msgs that come after one with
+# your nick in it. you can use line counting or time counting.
+# 0 - off
+# line - line counting
+# time - time counting
+$config{expansion_mode} = 'time';
+# How many lines include after start line?
+$config{expansion_lines} = 12;
+# After how many seconds stop gathering msgs?
+$config{expansion_timeout} = 90;
+# script operation mode:
+# 0 - to send messages both to email and when you get back to proxy
+# 1 - only email
+# 2 - only irc
+# 3 - off
+$config{script_mode} = 1;
+# email address where to send the email
+$config{emailto} = 'email@email.org';
+# sendmail location
+$config{sendmail} = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
+# who is the sender of the email
+$config{emailfrom} = 'email@email.org';
+# Subject of email
+$config{emailsubject} = '[irssi-proxy]';
+# and the awayreason setting (Thanx Wulf)
+$config{awayreason} = 'Auto-away because client has disconnected from proxy.';
+# Debugging mode
+$config{debug} = 0;
+# -- Don't change anything below this line if you don't know Perl. --
+# number of clients connected
+$config{clientcount} = 0;
+# number of lines recorded
+$config{expansion_lines_count} = 0;
+$config{expansion_started} = 0;
+# the small list and archive list
+$config{awaymsglist} = [];
+$config{awaymsglist2} = [];
+if ( $config{script_mode} == 0 || $config{script_mode} == 1 ) { # {{{
+ # timeouts for check loop
+ debug('Timer on, timeout: ' . $config{check_interval});
+ Irssi::timeout_add($config{check_interval} * 1000, 'msgsend_check', '');
+} # }}}
+sub debug { # {{{
+ if ($config{debug}) {
+ my $text = shift;
+ my $caller = caller;
+ Irssi::print('From ' . $caller . ":\n" . $text);
+ }
+} # }}}
+sub msgsend_check { # {{{
+ # If there are any messages to send
+ my $count = @{$config{awaymsglist}};
+ debug("Checking for messages: $count");
+ # Check if we didn't grep msgs right now
+ if ($count > 0 && !$config{expansion_started}) {
+ # Concentate messages into one text.
+ my $text = join "\n", @{$config{awaymsglist}};
+ # Then empty list.
+ $config{awaymsglist} = [];
+ # Finally send email
+ debug("Concentated msgs: $text");
+ send_mail($text);
+ }
+} # }}}
+sub send_mail { # {{{
+ my $text = shift;
+ debug("Sending mail");
+ open MAIL, "|" . $config{sendmail} . " -t";
+ print MAIL "To: $config{emailto}\n";
+ print MAIL "From: $config{emailfrom}\n";
+ print MAIL "Subject: $config{emailsubject}\n";
+ print MAIL "$text";
+ close MAIL;
+} # }}}
+sub client_connect { # {{{
+ my (@servers) = Irssi::servers;
+ $config{clientcount}++;
+ debug("Client connected, current script mode: $config{script_mode}");
+ # setback
+ foreach my $server (@servers) {
+ # if you're away on that server send yourself back
+ if ($server->{usermode_away} == 1) {
+ $server->send_raw('AWAY :');
+ # and then send the current contents of archive list as notify's to
+ # your self ;)
+ # .. weird huh? :)
+ # This sends all the away messages to ALL the servers where you are
+ # connected... this is somewhat weird i know
+ # but if someone wants to make a patch to this i would really
+ # appreciate it.
+ if ($config{script_mode} == 0 || $config{script_mode} == 2) {
+ debug('Sending notices');
+ $server->send_raw('NOTICE ' . $server->{nick} . " :$_")
+ for @{$config{awaymsglist2}};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # and "clear" the awaymessage list
+ $config{awaymsglist2} = []
+ if $config{script_mode} == 0 || $config{script_mode} == 2;
+} # }}}
+sub client_disconnect { # {{{
+ my (@servers) = Irssi::servers;
+ debug('Client Disconnectted');
+ $config{clientcount}-- unless $config{clientcount} == 0;
+ # setaway
+ if ($config{clientcount} <= $config{away_level}) {
+ # ok.. we have the away_level of clients connected or less.
+ foreach my $server (@servers) {
+ if ($server->{usermode_away} == "0") {
+ # we are not away on this server allready.. set the autoaway
+ # reason
+ $server->send_raw(
+ 'AWAY :' . $config{awayreason}
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} # }}}
+sub msg_pub { # {{{
+ my ($server, $data, $nick, $mask, $target) = @_;
+ sub push_into_archive { # {{{
+ my ($nick, $mask, $target, $data) = @_;
+ # simple list that is emptied on the email run
+ push @{$config{awaymsglist}}, "<$nick!$mask\@$target> $data"
+ if $config{script_mode} == 0 || $config{script_mode} == 1;
+ # archive list that is emptied only on the client connect run
+ push @{$config{awaymsglist2}}, "<$nick!$mask\@$target> $data"
+ if $config{script_mode} == 0 || $config{script_mode} == 2;
+ } # }}}
+ if ($config{expansion_started}) {
+ if ($config{expansion_mode} eq 'line') {
+ if ($config{expansion_lines_count} <= $config{expansion_lines} -1) {
+ if ($config{expansion_chan} eq $target) {
+ debug("In effect from line expansion, pushing on. Cnt: "
+ . $config{expansion_lines_count});
+ push_into_archive($nick, $mask, $target, $data);
+ $config{expansion_lines_count}++;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ debug("Line counter reached max, stopping expansion");
+ $config{expansion_lines_count} = 0;
+ $config{expansion_started} = 0;
+ $config{expansion_chan} = '';
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($config{expansion_mode} eq 'time') {
+ if ($config{expansion_chan} eq $target) {
+ debug("Time expansion in effect, pushing on.");
+ push_into_archive($nick, $mask, $target, $data);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($server->{usermode_away} == "1" && $data =~ /$server->{nick}/i) {
+ debug("Got pub msg with my name");
+ push_into_archive($nick, $mask, $target, $data);
+ if ($config{expansion_mode}) {
+ debug("Starting expansion in mode: " . $config{expansion_mode});
+ $config{expansion_started} = 1;
+ $config{expansion_chan} = $target;
+ $config{expansion_time_out} = Irssi::timeout_add(
+ $config{expansion_timeout} * 1000, 'expansion_stop', ''
+ ) if $config{expansion_mode} eq 'time';
+ }
+ }
+} # }}}
+sub expansion_stop { # {{{
+ debug("Stopping expansion from timer");
+ $config{expansion_started} = 0;
+ $config{expansion_chan} = '';
+} # }}}
+sub msg_pri { # {{{
+ my ($server, $data, $nick, $address) = @_;
+ if ($server->{usermode_away} == "1") {
+ debug("Got priv msg");
+ # simple list that is emptied on the email run
+ push @{$config{awaymsglist}}, "<$nick!$address> $data"
+ if $config{script_mode} == 0 || $config{script_mode} == 1;
+ # archive list that is emptied only on the client connect run
+ push @{$config{awaymsglist2}}, "<$nick!$address> $data"
+ if $config{script_mode} == 0 || $config{script_mode} == 2;
+ }
+} # }}}
+Irssi::signal_add_last('proxy client connected', 'client_connect');
+Irssi::signal_add_last('proxy client disconnected', 'client_disconnect');
+Irssi::signal_add_last('message public', 'msg_pub');
+Irssi::signal_add_last('message private', 'msg_pri');