path: root/prompt_info/old/overlays.pl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'prompt_info/old/overlays.pl')
1 files changed, 198 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/prompt_info/old/overlays.pl b/prompt_info/old/overlays.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3299e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prompt_info/old/overlays.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+# temp place for dumping all the stuff that doesn't belong in uberprompt.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Irssi;
+use Irssi::TextUI; # for sbar_items_redraw
+use Data::Dumper;
+# TODO: maybe eval { use Term::Size } and use tthat if poss.
+our $VERSION = "0.2";
+our %IRSSI =
+ (
+ authors => "shabble",
+ contact => 'shabble+irssi@metavore.org, shabble@#irssi/Freenode',
+ name => "overlays",
+ description => "Library script for drawing overlays on irssi UI",
+ license => "MIT",
+ changed => "24/7/2010"
+ );
+# overlay := { $num1 => line1, $num2 => line2 }
+# line := [ region, region, region ]
+# region := { start => x, end => y, ...? }
+my $overlays;
+my ($term_w, $term_h) = (0, 0);
+sub DEBUG () { 1 }
+sub update_terminal_size {
+ my @stty_data = qx/stty -a/;
+ my $line = $stty_data[0];
+ # linux
+ # speed 38400 baud; rows 36; columns 126; line = 0;
+ if ($line =~ m/rows (\d+); columns (\d+);/) {
+ $term_h = $1;
+ $term_w = $2;
+ # osx
+ # speed 9600 baud; 40 rows; 235 columns;
+ } elsif ($line =~ m/(\d+) rows; (\d+) columns;/) {
+ $term_h = $1;
+ $term_w = $2;
+ } else {
+ # guess?
+ $term_h = 24;
+ $term_w = 80;
+ }
+ print "Terminal detected as $term_w cols by $term_h rows" if DEBUG;
+sub _add_overlay_region {
+ my ($x, $y, $text) = @_;
+ my $region = { start => $x,
+ text => $text,
+ };
+ my $o_line = $overlays->{$y};
+ unless (defined $o_line) {
+ $o_line = [];
+ $overlays->{$y} = $o_line;
+ }
+ # foreach my $cur_region (@$o_line) {
+ # if (_region_overlaps($cur_region, $region)) {
+ # # do something.
+ # print "Region overlaps";
+ # last;
+ # }
+ # }
+ push @$o_line, $region;
+ redraw_overlay();
+# sub _remove_overlay_region {
+# my ($line, $start, $end) = @_;
+# my $o_line = $overlay->{$line};
+# return unless $o_line;
+# my $i = 0;
+# foreach my $region (@$o_line) {
+# if ($region->{start} == $start && $region->{end} == $end) {
+# last;
+# }
+# $i++;
+# }
+# splice @$o_line, $i, 1, (); # remove it.
+# }
+sub redraw_overlay {
+ # TODO: we can't assume the active win is the only one with overlays.
+ Irssi::active_win->view->redraw();
+ foreach my $y (sort keys %$overlays) {
+ my $line = $overlays->{$y};
+ foreach my $region (@$line) {
+ Irssi::gui_printtext($region->{start}, $y, $region->{text});
+ }
+ }
+sub augment_redraw {
+ #print "Redraw called" if DEBUG;
+ #redraw_overlay();
+ Irssi::timeout_add_once(10, \&redraw_overlay, 0);
+sub ctrl_L_intercept {
+ my $key = shift;
+ if ($key == 12) { # C-L
+ print "C-l pressed" if DEBUG;
+ Irssi::command("redraw");
+ Irssi::signal_stop();
+ }
+sub init {
+ die "needs uberprompt" unless script_is_loaded('uberprompt');
+ Irssi::signal_add_last ('command redraw', \&augment_redraw);
+ Irssi::signal_add_first('gui key pressed', \&ctrl_L_intercept);
+ Irssi::signal_add ('terminal resized', \&update_terminal_size);
+ Irssi::signal_add_first('gui print text finished', \&augment_redraw);
+ my $api_sigs = {
+ # input signals
+ 'overlay create' => [qw/int int string/], # x, y, str
+ 'overlay remove' => [qw/int int/], # x, y
+ 'overlay clear' => [], # no args
+ # output signals
+ };
+ Irssi::signal_register($api_sigs);
+ Irssi::signal_add('overlay create', \&_add_overlay_region);
+ # Irssi::signal_add('overlay remove', \&_add_overlay_region);
+ Irssi::signal_add('overlay clear', \&_clear_overlay);
+ Irssi::command_bind('ocr', \&cmd_overlay_create);
+ Irssi::command_bind('ocl', sub { Irssi::signal_emit('overlay clear'); });
+sub cmd_overlay_create {
+ my ($args) = @_;
+ my ($y, $x, $text) = split(/\s+/, $args, 3);
+ print "overlaying $text at [$x, $y]";
+ Irssi::signal_emit('overlay create', $x, $y, $text);
+sub _clear_overlay {
+ $overlays = {};
+ redraw_overlay();
+sub script_is_loaded {
+ my $name = shift;
+ print "Checking if $name is loaded" if DEBUG;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my $retval = defined %{ "Irssi::Script::${name}::" };
+ use strict 'refs';
+ return $retval;
+print "Moo!";
+# sub _draw_overlay_menu {
+# my $w = 10;
+# my @lines = (
+# '%7+' . ('-' x $w) . '+%n',
+# sprintf('%%7|%%n%*s%%7|%%n', $w, 'bacon'),
+# sprintf('|%*s|', $w, 'bacon'),
+# sprintf('|%*s|', $w, 'bacon'),
+# sprintf('|%*s|', $w, 'bacon'),
+# sprintf('|%*s|', $w, 'bacon'),
+# sprintf('|%*s|', $w, 'bacon'),
+# '%7+' . ('-' x $w) . '+%n',
+# );
+# my $i = 10; # start vert offset.
+# for my $line (@lines) {
+# Irssi::gui_printtext(int ($term_w / 2), $i++, $line);
+# }
+# }