path: root/vim-mode/README.md
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diff --git a/vim-mode/README.md b/vim-mode/README.md
index a59691a..593d39d 100644
--- a/vim-mode/README.md
+++ b/vim-mode/README.md
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Uberprompt can be downloaded from:
and follow the instructions at the top of that file for installation.
If you don't need Ex-mode, you can run vim_mode.pl without the
-uberprompt.pl script, but it is recommended.
+uberprompt.pl script, but it is strongly recommended that you use it.
### Irssi requirements
@@ -42,12 +42,13 @@ to a script of this size and complexity.
-Use the following command to get a statusbar item that shows which mode
+Run the following command to add a statusbar item that shows which mode
you're in.
`/statusbar window add vim_mode`
-And the following to let `:b _name_` display a list of matching channels
+And the following to let `:b [str]` display a list of channels matching your
+search string.
`/statusbar window add vim_windows`
@@ -70,34 +71,28 @@ Currently Supported ex-commands:
+The following section is divided into the different modes as supported by Vim itself:
It supports most commonly used command mode features:
- - Insert/Command mode. Escape and Ctrl-C enter command mode.
- /set vim_mode_cmd_seq j allows to use jj as Escape (any other character
- can be used as well).
- - Cursor motion: h l 0 ^ $ <Space> <BS> f t F T
- - History motion: j k gg G
- gg moves to the oldest (first) history line.
- G without a count moves to the current input line, with a count it goes to
- the count-th history line (1 is the oldest).
- - Cursor word motion: `w b ge e W gE B E`
- - Word objects (only the following work yet): `aw aW`
- - Yank and paste: `y p P`
- - Change and delete: `c d`
- - Delete at cursor: `x X`
- - Replace at cursor: `r`
- - Insert mode: `i a I A`
- - Switch case: `~`
- - Repeat change: `.`
- - Repeat `ftFT: ; ,`
- - Registers: `"a-"z "" "0 "* "+ "_` (black hole)
- - Appending to register with `"A-"Z`
- - `""` is the default yank/delete register.
- - `"0` contains the last yank (if no register was specified).
- - The special registers `"* "+` both contain irssi's internal cut-buffer.
+- Insert/Command mode. `Escape` and `Ctrl-C` enter command mode. `/set
+vim_mode_cmd_seq j` allows to use `jj` as Escape (any other character can be used as well).
+- Cursor motion: `h l 0 ^ $ <Space> <BS> f t F T`
+- History motion: `j k gg G` `gg` moves to the oldest (first) history
+line. `G` without a count moves to the current input line, with a count it goes to the _count-th_ history line (1 is the oldest).
+- Cursor word motion: `w b ge e W gE B E`
+- Word objects (only the following work yet): `aw aW`
+- Yank and paste: `y p P`
+- Change and delete: `c d`
+- Delete at cursor: `x X`
+- Replace at cursor: `r`
+- Insert mode: `i a I A`
+- Switch case: `~`
+- Repeat change: `.`
+- Repeat `ftFT: ; ,`
+- Registers: `"a-"z "" "0 "* "+ "_` (black hole)
- Line-wise shortcuts: `dd cc yy`
- Shortcuts: `s S C D`
- Scroll the scrollback buffer: `Ctrl-E Ctrl-D Ctrl-Y Ctrl-U Ctrl-F Ctrl-B`
@@ -105,10 +100,14 @@ It supports most commonly used command mode features:
- Switch split windows: <Ctrl-W j Ctrl-W k>
- Undo/Redo: `u Ctrl-R`
-Counts and combinations work as well, e.g. `d5fx` or `3iabc<esc>`.
-Counts also work with mapped ex-commands (see below), e.g. if you map `gb` to do
-`:bn`, then `2gb` will switch to the second next buffer. Repeat also supports
+Counts and combinations work as well, e.g. `d5fx` or `3iabc<esc>`. Counts also work with mapped ex-commands (see below), e.g. if you map `gb` to do `:bn`, then `2gb` will switch to the second next buffer. Repeat also supports counts.
+- Appending to register with `"A-"Z`
+- `""` is the default yank/delete register.
+- `"0` contains the last yank (if no register was specified).
+- The special registers `"* "+` both contain irssi's internal cut-buffer.
@@ -120,52 +119,98 @@ The following insert mode mappings are supported:
Ex-mode (activated by `:` in command mode) supports the following commands:
- - Command History: `<uparrow>`, `<<downarrow>`
- `:eh` - show ex history
- - Switching buffers: `:[N]b [N]` - switch to channel number
- `:b#` - switch to last channel
- `:b` <partial-channel-name>
- `:b` <partial-server>/<partial-channel>
- `:buffer {args}` (same as `:b`)
- `:[N]bn[ext] [N]` - switch to next window
- `:[N]bp[rev] [N]` - switch to previous window
- - Close window: `:[N]bd[elete] [N]`
- - Display windows: `:ls`, `:buffers`
- - Display registers: `:reg[isters] {args}`, `:di[splay] {args}`
- - Display undolist: `:undol[ist]` (mostly used for debugging)
- - Source files `:so[urce]` - only sources vim_moderc at the moment,
- `{file}` not supported
- - Mappings: `:map` - display custom mappings
- - `:map {lhs}` - display mappings starting with {lhs}
- - `:map {lhs} {rhs}` - add mapping
- - `:unm[ap] {lhs}` - remove custom mapping
-- Save mappings: `:mkv[imrc][!]` - like in Vim, but [file] not supported
-- Substitute: `:s///` - _i_ and _g_ are supported as flags, only /// can
- be used as separator, uses Perl regex instead of
- Vim regex
-- Settings: `:se[t]` - display all options
- `:se[t] {option}` - display all matching options
- `:se[t] {option} {value}` - change option to value
+- Command History:
+`<uparrow>` - cycle backwards through history
+`<downarrow>` - cycle forwards through history
+`:eh` - show ex history
+- Switching buffers:
+`:[N]b [N]` - switch to channel number
+`:b#` - switch to last channel
+`:b` <partial-channel-name>
+`:b` <partial-server>/<partial-channel>
+`:buffer {args}` (same as `:b`)
+`:[N]bn[ext] [N]` - switch to next window
+`:[N]bp[rev] [N]` - switch to previous window
+- Close window:
+`:[N]bd[elete] [N]`
+- Display windows:
+`:ls`, `:buffers`
+- Display registers:
+<:reg[isters] {args}>, `:di[splay] {args}`
+- Display undolist:
+`:undol[ist]` (mostly used for debugging)
+- Source files:
+`:so[urce]` - only sources vim_moderc at the moment,
+ `{file}` not supported
+- Mappings:
+`:map` - display custom mappings
+- Save mappings:
+`:mkv[imrc][!]` - like in Vim, but [file] not supported
+- Substitute:
+`:s///` - _i_ and _g_ are supported as flags, only /// can be used as
+ separator, uses Perl regex instead of Vim regex
+- Settings:
+`:se[t]` - display all options
+`:se[t] {option}` - display all matching options
+`:se[t] {option} {value}` - change option to value
-`{lhs}` is the key combination to be mapped, `{rhs}` the target. The
-`<>`> notation is used
+#### Commands
+- `:map {lhs}` - display mappings starting with {lhs}
+- `:map {lhs} {rhs}` - add mapping
+- `:unm[ap] {lhs}` - remove custom mapping
+#### Parameters
+_{lhs}_ is the key combination to be mapped, _{rhs}_ the target. The
+`<>` notation is used
-(e.g. `<C-F>` is Ctrl-F), case is ignored. Supported `<>` keys:
+(e.g. `<C-F>` is _Ctrl-F_), case is ignored.
+ Supported `<>` keys are:
- `<C-A>` - `<C-Z>`,
-- `<C-^>`
-- `<C-6>`
+- `<C-^>`, `<C-6>`
- `<Space>`
-- `&LT;CR&GT;`
-- `&LT;BS&GT;`
-- `<Nop>`
+- `<CR>` - Enter
+- `<BS>` - Backspace
+- `<Nop>` - No-op (Do Nothing).
Mapping ex-mode and irssi commands is supported. When mapping ex-mode commands
the trailing `<Cr>` is not necessary. Only default mappings can be used
-in {rhs}.
+in _{rhs}_.
@@ -174,10 +219,11 @@ Examples:
- `:map gB :bprev`
- `:map g1 :b 1` - to map g1 to switch to buffer 1
- `:map gb :b` - to map gb to :b, 1gb switches to buffer 1, 5gb to 5
-- `:map <C-L` /clear> - map Ctrl-L to irssi command /clear
-- `:map <C-G` /window goto 1>
-- `:map <C-E` <Nop>> - disable <C-E>, it does nothing now
-- `:unmap <C-E`> - restore default behavior of <C-E> after disabling it
+- `:map <C-L> /clear` - map Ctrl-L to irssi command /clear
+- `:map <C-G> /window goto 1`
+- `:map <C-E> <Nop`> - disable <C-E>, it does nothing now
+- `:unmap <C-E>` - restore default behavior of `<C-E>`
+after disabling it
Note that you must use `/` for irssi commands (like `/clear`), the current value
of Irssi's cmdchars does __not__ work! This is necessary do differentiate between
@@ -191,14 +237,11 @@ following settings are available:
- utf8: support UTF-8 characters, boolean, default on
- debug: enable debug output, boolean, default off
-- cmd_seq: char that when double-pressed simulates <esc>,
- string, default ''
-=item start_cmd: start every line in command mode, boolean, default off
+- cmd_seq: char that when double-pressed simulates `<Esc>`, string, default '' (disabled)
+- start_cmd: start every line in command mode, boolean, default off
- max_undo_lines: size of the undo buffer. Integer, default 50 items.
-- ex_history_size: number of items stored in the ex-mode history.
- Integer, default 100.
-- prompt_leading_space: determines whether ex mode prepends a space to the
- displayed input. Boolean, default on
+- ex_history_size: number of items stored in the ex-mode history. Integer, default 100.
+- prompt_leading_space: determines whether ex mode prepends a space to the displayed input. Boolean, default on
In contrast to irssi's settings, `:set` accepts 0 and 1 as values for boolean
settings, but only vim_mode's settings can be set/displayed.
@@ -217,14 +260,14 @@ considered a bug and reported.
__NOTE:__ This script is still under heavy development, and there may be bugs.
Please submit reproducible sequences to the bug-tracker at:
or contact rudi_s or shabble on irc.freenode.net (#irssi and #irssi_vim)
Copyright &copy; 2010-2011 Tom Feist `<shabble+irssi@metavore.org>` and
-Copyright &copy; 2010-2011 Simon Ruderich `<simon@ruderich.org<gt`>
+Copyright &copy; 2010-2011 Simon Ruderich `<simon@ruderich.org>`