path: root/vim-mode
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vim-mode')
1 files changed, 277 insertions, 192 deletions
diff --git a/vim-mode/vim_mode.pl b/vim-mode/vim_mode.pl
index cf75d7d..cbaa3c0 100644
--- a/vim-mode/vim_mode.pl
+++ b/vim-mode/vim_mode.pl
@@ -618,12 +618,14 @@ our %IRSSI =
+# a non-existent mode, where data goes to die.
+sub M_NONE () { 0 }
# command mode
-sub M_CMD () { 1 }
+sub M_CMD () { 1 }
# insert mode
-sub M_INS () { 0 }
+sub M_INS () { 0 }
# extended mode (after a :?)
-sub M_EX () { 2 }
+sub M_EX () { 2 }
# operator command
sub C_OPERATOR () { 0 }
@@ -984,7 +986,7 @@ my @escape_buf;
my $escape_buf_timeout;
my $escape_buf_ttimeout;
-my $escape_buf_enabled = 0;
+my $escape_buf_mode = 0;
# mode-related input buffers
# --------------------------
@@ -3480,29 +3482,48 @@ sub ex_history_show {
sub _append_to_mode_buffer {
- my ($keycode) = @_;
+ my ($keycode, $mode_override) = @_;
+ if (not defined $mode_override) {
+ $mode_override = $mode;
+ }
my $char = chr $keycode;
- if ($mode == M_CMD) {
+ if ($mode_override == M_CMD) {
_debug("Appending %s to CMD buf", $char);
push @cmd_mode_buf, $keycode;
- } elsif ($mode == M_EX) {
+ } elsif ($mode_override == M_EX) {
_debug("Appending %s to EX buf", $char);
push @ex_mode_buf, $keycode;
- } else {
+ } elsif ($mode_override == M_INS) {
_debug("Appending %s to INS buf", $char);
push @insert_mode_buf, $keycode;
+ } elsif (ref($mode_override) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ _debug("Appending %s to anon hashref buf", $char);
+ push @$mode_override, $keycode;
+ } else {
+ _warn("cannot append %s to unknown buffer %s", $char, $mode_override);
sub _get_mode_buffer {
- if ($mode == M_CMD) {
+ my ($mode_override) = @_;
+ if (not defined $mode_override) {
+ $mode_override = $mode;
+ }
+ if ($mode_override == M_CMD) {
return @cmd_mode_buf;
- } elsif ($mode == M_EX) {
+ } elsif ($mode_override == M_EX) {
return @ex_mode_buf;
- } else {
+ } elsif ($mode_override == M_INS) {
return @insert_mode_buf;
+ } elsif (ref($mode_override) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ return @$mode_override;
+ } else {
+ _warn("cannot get unknown buffer %s", $mode_override);
@@ -3522,6 +3543,8 @@ sub _reset_mode_buffer {
} elsif ($override_mode == M_INS) {
_debug("Resetting INS buffer");
@insert_mode_buf = ();
+ } elsif (ref($override_mode) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ @$override_mode = ();
} else {
_warn("Reset mode buffer: Unknown mode: $override_mode");
@@ -3563,6 +3586,20 @@ sub sig_gui_keypress {
+sub _is_cmd_entry_sequence {
+ my (@data) = @_;
+ return 1 if (@data == 1 and $data[0] == KEY_ESC);
+ return 1 if (@data == 1 and $data[0] == KEY_C_C);
+ my $str = _buf_to_str(@data);
+ my $cmd_seq = _setting_get_cached('cmd_seq');
+ return 2 if (@data == 2 and length($cmd_seq) and $str eq $cmd_seq);
+ return 0;
# buffer the input, and set up timeout handlers for both
# keycode processor and command mapping processor.
@@ -3579,39 +3616,31 @@ sub process_input_key {
= ($settings->{timeoutlen}->{value},
- if ($mode != M_INS
- and $key != KEY_BS
- and $key != KEY_DEL
- and $key != KEY_RET)
- {
- _append_to_mode_buffer($key);
- }
+ if ($key == KEY_ESC) {
+ $escape_buf_enabled = 1;
+ # TODO: more logic here about which timeout to use.
+ $escape_buf_timeout =
+ Irssi::timeout_add_once($timeout_len, \&process_cmd_entry, undef);
+ }
+ if ($escape_buf_enabled) {
+ _append_to_mode_buffer($key, \@escape_buf);
+ }
if ((not $timeout) and (not $ttimeout)) {
# wait forever
_debug("process_keys_timeout none");
- return if $keycode_timeouts_active or $mapping_timeouts_active;
- process_keys_timeout($key, $char, TIMEOUT_MODE_NONE);
} elsif ($timeout) {
_debug("process_keys_timeout both");
# timeout on both mappings and keycodes
- process_keys_timeout($key, $char, TIMEOUT_MODE_BOTH,
- $timeout_len, $ttimeout_len);
} elsif ((not $timeout) and $ttimeout) {
# timeout on codes (but not mappings?
_debug("process_keys_timeout code");
- return if $keycode_timeouts_active;
- process_keys_timeout($key, $char, TIMEOUT_MODE_CODE,
- $timeout_len, $ttimeout_len);
} else {
_debug("What the buggery, shouldn't happen: T: $timeout, TT: $ttimeout");
@@ -3619,208 +3648,276 @@ sub process_input_key {
# stop signal propagation regardless. If we have to, we'll re-emit
# any buffer contents with _emulate_keystrokes() later on.
return SIG_STOP;
-# TODO: try process_keycode and /then/ mapping in some fashion
-# one should be able to suppress the other from acting.
+sub process_cmd_entry {
+ _debug('processing ESC buffer');
+ $escape_buf_timeout = undef;
+ $escape_buf_enabled = 0;
+ my @buf = _get_mode_buffer(\@escape_buf);
+ if (my $chars = _is_cmd_entry_sequence(@buf)) {
+ _update_mode(M_CMD);
+ # remove the escape sequence from teh buffer.
+ shift @buf for (1..$chars);
+ } elif {
+ }
+ # there may be remainder in the buffer.
-# set up the timeout callbacks based on the value of the various
-# timeout and ttimeout[_len] settings.
-sub process_keys_timeout {
- my ($key, $char, $timeout_mode, $timeout_len, $ttimeout_len) = @_;
+# my @escape_buf;
+# my $escape_buf_timeout;
+# my $escape_buf_ttimeout;
- my $ret;
+# my $escape_buf_enabled = 0;
- if ($timeout_mode eq TIMEOUT_MODE_NONE) {
- $ret = _try_processing_keycode($key, $char, 0);
- if (not $ret) {
- _try_processing_maps($key, $char, 0);
- }
- } elsif ($timeout_mode eq TIMEOUT_MODE_BOTH) {
+# if ($mode != M_INS
+# and $key != KEY_BS
+# and $key != KEY_DEL
+# and $key != KEY_RET)
+# {
+# _append_to_mode_buffer($key);
+# }
- my ($keycode_delay, $mapping_delay);
- if ($ttimeout_len == 0) {
- return if $keycode_timeouts_active;
- _try_processing_keycode($key, $char, 0);
+# if ((not $timeout) and (not $ttimeout)) {
+# # wait forever
+# _debug("process_keys_timeout none");
- } elsif ($ttimeout_len > 0 and $ttimeout_len < 10) {
- $mapping_delay = 10; # minimum irssi timeout.
- } else {
+# return if $keycode_timeouts_active or $mapping_timeouts_active;
- $timeout_len = 10 if $timeout_len < 10;
- $mapping_delay = $keycode_delay = $timeout_len;
- }
+# process_keys_timeout($key, $char, TIMEOUT_MODE_NONE);
- if (not $mapping_timeouts_active) {
+# } elsif ($timeout) {
+# _debug("process_keys_timeout both");
- _debug("Setting mapping delay to %d", $mapping_delay);
- $escape_buf_ttimeout
- = Irssi::timeout_add_once($mapping_delay,
- \&_try_processing_maps, [$key, $char, 1]);
- $mapping_timeouts_active = 1;
+# # timeout on both mappings and keycodes
+# process_keys_timeout($key, $char, TIMEOUT_MODE_BOTH,
+# $timeout_len, $ttimeout_len);
- } else {
- _debug ("Not adding new mapping timeout");
- }
+# } elsif ((not $timeout) and $ttimeout) {
+# # timeout on codes (but not mappings?
+# _debug("process_keys_timeout code");
- if (not $keycode_timeouts_active) {
+# return if $keycode_timeouts_active;
- _debug("Setting keycode delay to %d", $keycode_delay);
- $escape_buf_timeout
- = Irssi::timeout_add_once($keycode_delay,
- \&_try_processing_keycode, [$key, $char, 1]);
- $keycode_timeouts_active = 1;
+# process_keys_timeout($key, $char, TIMEOUT_MODE_CODE,
+# $timeout_len, $ttimeout_len);
- } else {
- _debug ("Not adding new keycode timeout");
- }
+# } else {
+# _debug("What the buggery, shouldn't happen: T: $timeout, TT: $ttimeout");
+# }
- } elsif ($timeout_mode eq TIMEOUT_MODE_CODE) {
+# # stop signal propagation regardless. If we have to, we'll re-emit
+# # any buffer contents with _emulate_keystrokes() later on.
+# return SIG_STOP;
+# }
- $keycode_timeouts_active = 1;
- _try_processing_maps($key, $char, 0);
- $escape_buf_timeout
- = Irssi::timeout_add_once($timeout_len,
- \&_try_processing_keycode, [$key, $char, 1]);
- }
+# # TODO: try process_keycode and /then/ mapping in some fashion
+# # one should be able to suppress the other from acting.
-sub _try_processing_maps {
- my $args = shift;
- my ($key, $char, $from_timer) = @$args;
+# # set up the timeout callbacks based on the value of the various
+# # timeout and ttimeout[_len] settings.
- # TODO: Temp disabled.
- $mapping_timeouts_active = 0 if defined $from_timer;
- return 0;
+# sub process_keys_timeout {
+# my ($key, $char, $timeout_mode, $timeout_len, $ttimeout_len) = @_;
- # my $cmd;
- # my @buf = _get_mode_buffer();
- # my $str = _buf_to_str(@buf);
- # _debug("process mapping: '%s'", $str);
- # $cmd = search_user_mode_maps($str);
- # if (defined $cmd) {
- # _execute_cmd($cmd);
- # } else {
- # if ($mode == M_CMD) {
- # _debug('checking existence of $commands->{%s}', $str);
- # if (exists $commands->{$str}) {
- # $cmd = $commands->{$str};
- # _execute_cmd($cmd);
- # }
- # }
- # }
+# my $ret;
- # $mapping_timeouts_active = 0 if defined $from_timer;
+# if ($timeout_mode eq TIMEOUT_MODE_NONE) {
-sub _try_processing_keycode {
- my $args = shift;
- my ($key, $char, $from_timer) = @$args;
+# $ret = _try_processing_keycode($key, $char, 0);
+# if (not $ret) {
+# _try_processing_maps($key, $char, 0);
+# }
- my $ret = 0;
+# } elsif ($timeout_mode eq TIMEOUT_MODE_BOTH) {
+# my ($keycode_delay, $mapping_delay);
- _debug("keycode mapping: '%s'", $char);
+# if ($ttimeout_len == 0) {
+# return if $keycode_timeouts_active;
+# _try_processing_keycode($key, $char, 0);
- if ($mode == M_INS) {
- $ret = process_keycode_insert($key, $char);
- } elsif ($mode == M_CMD) {
- $ret = process_keycode_command($key, $char);
- } elsif ($mode == M_EX) {
- $ret = process_keycode_ex($key, $char);
- }
+# } elsif ($ttimeout_len > 0 and $ttimeout_len < 10) {
+# $mapping_delay = 10; # minimum irssi timeout.
+# } else {
- $keycode_timeouts_active = 0 if defined $from_timer;
+# $timeout_len = 10 if $timeout_len < 10;
+# $mapping_delay = $keycode_delay = $timeout_len;
+# }
- # avoids warnings about _reset_mode_buffer being symbol-table murdered
- # during script destruction.
+# if (not $mapping_timeouts_active) {
- return $ret if $unloading;
+# _debug("Setting mapping delay to %d", $mapping_delay);
+# $escape_buf_ttimeout
+# = Irssi::timeout_add_once($mapping_delay,
+# \&_try_processing_maps, [$key, $char, 1]);
+# $mapping_timeouts_active = 1;
- # TODO: only reset necessary buffers.
- # _reset_mode_buffer($_) for (M_CMD, M_INS, M_EX);
+# } else {
+# _debug ("Not adding new mapping timeout");
+# }
- return $ret;
+# if (not $keycode_timeouts_active) {
-sub process_keycode_ex {
- my ($key, $char);
+# _debug("Setting keycode delay to %d", $keycode_delay);
+# $escape_buf_timeout
+# = Irssi::timeout_add_once($keycode_delay,
+# \&_try_processing_keycode, [$key, $char, 1]);
+# $keycode_timeouts_active = 1;
- _debug('process_keycode_ex %s', $char);
+# } else {
+# _debug ("Not adding new keycode timeout");
+# }
- # BS key (8) or DEL key (127) - remove last character.
- if ($key == KEY_BS or $key == KEY_DEL) {
+# } elsif ($timeout_mode eq TIMEOUT_MODE_CODE) {
- _debug("Ex: Delete");
+# $keycode_timeouts_active = 1;
- if (@ex_mode_buf > 0) {
- pop @ex_mode_buf;
- _set_prompt(':' . _buf_to_str(@ex_mode_buf));
- # Backspacing over : exits ex-mode.
- } else {
- _update_mode(M_CMD);
- }
+# _try_processing_maps($key, $char, 0);
+# $escape_buf_timeout
+# = Irssi::timeout_add_once($timeout_len,
+# \&_try_processing_keycode, [$key, $char, 1]);
+# }
+# }
- # Return key - execute command
- } elsif ($key == KEY_RET) {
+# sub _try_processing_maps {
+# my $args = shift;
+# my ($key, $char, $from_timer) = @$args;
+# # TODO: Temp disabled.
+# $mapping_timeouts_active = 0 if defined $from_timer;
+# return 0;
+# # my $cmd;
+# # my @buf = _get_mode_buffer();
+# # my $str = _buf_to_str(@buf);
+# # _debug("process mapping: '%s'", $str);
+# # $cmd = search_user_mode_maps($str);
+# # if (defined $cmd) {
+# # _execute_cmd($cmd);
+# # } else {
+# # if ($mode == M_CMD) {
+# # _debug('checking existence of $commands->{%s}', $str);
+# # if (exists $commands->{$str}) {
+# # $cmd = $commands->{$str};
+# # _execute_cmd($cmd);
+# # }
+# # }
+# # }
+# # $mapping_timeouts_active = 0 if defined $from_timer;
+# }
- _debug("Run ex-mode command");
- cmd_ex_command();
- _update_mode(M_CMD);
- _reset_mode_buffer(M_EX) unless $unloading;
+# sub _try_processing_keycode {
+# my $args = shift;
+# my ($key, $char, $from_timer) = @$args;
- } elsif ($key > 0 and $key < 32) {
- # TODO: use them later, e.g. completion
- _debug("Ex: Control key: 0x%02x", $key);
- } else {
+# my $ret = 0;
- _append_to_mode_buffer($key);
- _set_prompt(':' . _buf_to_str(@ex_mode_buf));
- }
- Irssi::statusbar_items_redraw("vim_windows");
+# _debug("keycode mapping: '%s'", $char);
- _stop();
+# if ($mode == M_INS) {
+# $ret = process_keycode_insert($key, $char);
+# } elsif ($mode == M_CMD) {
+# $ret = process_keycode_command($key, $char);
+# } elsif ($mode == M_EX) {
+# $ret = process_keycode_ex($key, $char);
+# }
-sub process_keycode_insert {
- my ($key, $char) = @_;
+# $keycode_timeouts_active = 0 if defined $from_timer;
- my $ret = 0;
- _debug('process_keycode_insert');
- my @buf = ($key);
+# # avoids warnings about _reset_mode_buffer being symbol-table murdered
+# # during script destruction.
- if (_is_cmd_entry_sequence(@buf)) {
- _debug ("Buf contains ESC!");
- _update_mode(M_CMD);
- $ret = 1;
- } elsif (@buf == 1 and $buf[0] == KEY_RET) {
- _commit_line();
- _debug("Pressed enter");
- _emulate_keystrokes(KEY_RET);
- _reset_mode_buffer(M_INS) unless $unloading;
- $ret = 1;
- } else {
- _debug("buf contains: '%s'", _buf_to_hex_str(@buf));
- _emulate_keystrokes(@buf);
- $ret = 0;
- }
- return $ret;
+# return $ret if $unloading;
-sub process_keycode_command {
- my ($key, $char) = @_;
+# # TODO: only reset necessary buffers.
+# # _reset_mode_buffer($_) for (M_CMD, M_INS, M_EX);
+# return $ret;
+# }
- _debug('process_keycode_command %s', $char);
+# sub process_keycode_ex {
+# my ($key, $char);
+# _debug('process_keycode_ex %s', $char);
+# # BS key (8) or DEL key (127) - remove last character.
+# if ($key == KEY_BS or $key == KEY_DEL) {
+# _debug("Ex: Delete");
+# if (@ex_mode_buf > 0) {
+# pop @ex_mode_buf;
+# _set_prompt(':' . _buf_to_str(@ex_mode_buf));
+# # Backspacing over : exits ex-mode.
+# } else {
+# _update_mode(M_CMD);
+# }
+# # Return key - execute command
+# } elsif ($key == KEY_RET) {
+# _debug("Run ex-mode command");
+# cmd_ex_command();
+# _update_mode(M_CMD);
+# _reset_mode_buffer(M_EX) unless $unloading;
+# } elsif ($key > 0 and $key < 32) {
+# # TODO: use them later, e.g. completion
+# _debug("Ex: Control key: 0x%02x", $key);
+# } else {
+# _append_to_mode_buffer($key);
+# _set_prompt(':' . _buf_to_str(@ex_mode_buf));
+# }
+# Irssi::statusbar_items_redraw("vim_windows");
+# _stop();
+# }
+# sub process_keycode_insert {
+# my ($key, $char) = @_;
+# my $ret = 0;
+# _debug('process_keycode_insert');
+# my @buf = ($key);
+# if (_is_cmd_entry_sequence(@buf)) {
+# _debug ("Buf contains ESC!");
+# _update_mode(M_CMD);
+# $ret = 1;
+# } elsif (@buf == 1 and $buf[0] == KEY_RET) {
+# _commit_line();
+# _debug("Pressed enter");
+# _emulate_keystrokes(KEY_RET);
+# _reset_mode_buffer(M_INS) unless $unloading;
+# $ret = 1;
+# } else {
+# _debug("buf contains: '%s'", _buf_to_hex_str(@buf));
+# _emulate_keystrokes(@buf);
+# $ret = 0;
+# }
+# return $ret;
+# }
+# sub process_keycode_command {
+# my ($key, $char) = @_;
+# _debug('process_keycode_command %s', $char);
+# }
# sub blahblbhal {
@@ -4106,18 +4203,6 @@ sub process_keycode_command {
# determines whether the buffer contents contains keystroke(s) that
# would enter command mode.
-sub _is_cmd_entry_sequence {
- my (@data) = @_;
- return 1 if (@data == 1 and $data[0] == KEY_ESC);
- return 1 if (@data == 1 and $data[0] == KEY_C_C);
- my $str = _buf_to_str(@data);
- my $cmd_seq = _setting_get_cached('cmd_seq');
- return 1 if (@data == 2 and length($cmd_seq) and $str eq $cmd_seq);
- return 0;
# sub attempt_escape_buffer_parse {