From 7c1e24dd5a3afe9c8c43e70c57b10b2a89d4d9e2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tom Feist <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2010 20:32:51 +0100
Subject: more fixing and moving

 docs/Irssi.pod                | 24 +++++++--------
 docs/Irssi/Ban.pod            | 15 ---------
 docs/Irssi/Chatnet.pod        |  2 ++
 docs/Irssi/Client.pod         | 20 ------------
 docs/Irssi/Dcc.pod            | 72 -------------------------------------------
 docs/Irssi/Irc/Ban.pod        | 15 +++++++++
 docs/Irssi/Irc/Client.pod     | 20 ++++++++++++
 docs/Irssi/Irc/Dcc.pod        | 72 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 docs/Irssi/Irc/Notifylist.pod | 21 +++++++++++++
 docs/Irssi/Notifylist.pod     | 21 -------------
 docs/Irssi/UI/Process.pod     |  2 ++
 11 files changed, 144 insertions(+), 140 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 docs/Irssi/Ban.pod
 delete mode 100644 docs/Irssi/Client.pod
 delete mode 100644 docs/Irssi/Dcc.pod
 create mode 100644 docs/Irssi/Irc/Ban.pod
 create mode 100644 docs/Irssi/Irc/Client.pod
 create mode 100644 docs/Irssi/Irc/Dcc.pod
 create mode 100644 docs/Irssi/Irc/Notifylist.pod
 delete mode 100644 docs/Irssi/Notifylist.pod

diff --git a/docs/Irssi.pod b/docs/Irssi.pod
index 11837d4..fc7e81f 100644
--- a/docs/Irssi.pod
+++ b/docs/Irssi.pod
@@ -85,53 +85,53 @@ For example:
 =head2 Accessors
-=head3 active_win
+=head3 C<active_win>
 C<my $win = Irssi::active_win();>
 returns the currently active L<Irssi::Window>
-=head3 active_server
+=head3 C<active_server>
 C<my $server = Irssi::active_server();>
 returns the currently active L<Irssi::Server> in active window.
-=head3 windows
+=head3 C<windows>
 returns a list of all L<windows|Irssi::Window>.
-=head3 servers
+=head3 C<servers>
 returns a list of all L<servers|Irssi::Server>.
-=head3 reconnects
+=head3 C<reconnects>
 returns a list of all L<server reconnections|Irssi::Reconnect>.
-=head3 channels
+=head3 C<channels>
 returns a list of all L<channels|Irssi::Channel>.
-=head3 queries
+=head3 C<queries>
 returns a list of all L<queries|Irssi::Query>.
-=head3 commands
+=head3 C<commands>
 returns a list of all L<commands|Irssi::Command>.
-=head3 logs
+=head3 C<logs>
 returns a list of all L<log files|Irssi::Log>.
-=head3 ignores
+=head3 C<ignores>
 returns a list of all L<ignores|Irssi::Ignore>.
-=head3 dccs
+=head3 C<dccs>
-returns a list of all L<DCC connections|Irssi::Dcc>
+returns a list of all L<DCC connections|Irssi::Irc::Dcc>
 =head2 Signals
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/Ban.pod b/docs/Irssi/Ban.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index ba8381f..0000000
--- a/docs/Irssi/Ban.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
-  ban - The ban
-  setby - Nick of who set the ban
-  time - Timestamp when ban was set
-=head1 METHODS
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/Chatnet.pod b/docs/Irssi/Chatnet.pod
index 23fa134..991dd2b 100644
--- a/docs/Irssi/Chatnet.pod
+++ b/docs/Irssi/Chatnet.pod
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Irssi::Chatnet
 =head1 FIELDS
   type - "CHATNET" text
   chat_type - String ID of chat protocol, for example "IRC"
@@ -22,3 +23,4 @@ Chatnet->{}
 =head1 METHODS
+I<None found yet>
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/Client.pod b/docs/Irssi/Client.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index e07bed7..0000000
--- a/docs/Irssi/Client.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
-  nick - nick of the client
-  host - host of the client
-  proxy_address - address of the proxy server
-  server - Irc::Server for which we proxy to this client
-  pass_sent - whether the client already send a PASS command
-  user_sent - whether the client already send a USER command
-  connected - whether the client is connected and ready
-  want_ctcp - whether the client wants to receive CTCPs
-  ircnet - network tag of the network we proxy
-=head1 METHODS
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/Dcc.pod b/docs/Irssi/Dcc.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a68dd4..0000000
--- a/docs/Irssi/Dcc.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
-  type - Type of the DCC: chat, send, get
-  orig_type - Original DCC type that was sent to us - same as type except
-              GET and SEND are swapped
-  created - Time stamp when the DCC record was created
-  server - Server record where the DCC was initiated.
-  servertag - Tag of the server where the DCC was initiated.
-  mynick - Our nick to use in DCC chat.
-  nick - Other side's nick name.
-  chat - Dcc chat record if the request came through DCC chat
-  target - Who the request was sent to - your nick, channel or empty
-           if you sent the request
-  arg - Given argument .. file name usually
-  addr - Other side's IP address.
-  port - Port we're connecting in.
-  starttime - Unix time stamp when the DCC transfer was started
-  transfd - Bytes transferred
-  id - Unique identifier - usually same as nick
-  mirc_ctcp - Send CTCPs without the CTCP_MESSAGE prefix
-  connection_lost - Other side closed connection
-  (..contains all the same data as core Dcc object..)
-  size - File size
-  skipped - Bytes skipped from start (resuming file)
-  get_type - What to do if file exists? 0=default, 1=rename, 2=overwrite,
-             3=resume
-  file - The real file name which we use.
-  file_quoted - 1 if file name was received quoted ("file name")
-  (..contains all the same data as core Dcc object..)
-  size - File size
-  skipped - Bytes skipped from start (resuming file)
-  file_quoted - 1 if file name was received quoted ("file name")
-  waitforend - File is sent, just wait for the replies from the other side
-  gotalldata - Got all acks from the other end
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 C<destroy>
-Destroy DCC connection.
-=head2 C<chat_send $data>
-Send `data' to dcc chat.
-=head2 C<ctcp_message $target, $notice, $msg>
-Send a CTCP message/notify to target.
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/Irc/Ban.pod b/docs/Irssi/Irc/Ban.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba8381f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/Irssi/Irc/Ban.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 FIELDS
+  ban - The ban
+  setby - Nick of who set the ban
+  time - Timestamp when ban was set
+=head1 METHODS
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/Irc/Client.pod b/docs/Irssi/Irc/Client.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e07bed7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/Irssi/Irc/Client.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 FIELDS
+  nick - nick of the client
+  host - host of the client
+  proxy_address - address of the proxy server
+  server - Irc::Server for which we proxy to this client
+  pass_sent - whether the client already send a PASS command
+  user_sent - whether the client already send a USER command
+  connected - whether the client is connected and ready
+  want_ctcp - whether the client wants to receive CTCPs
+  ircnet - network tag of the network we proxy
+=head1 METHODS
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/Irc/Dcc.pod b/docs/Irssi/Irc/Dcc.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7ab4a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/Irssi/Irc/Dcc.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 FIELDS
+=head2 C<Dcc->{}>
+  type - Type of the DCC: chat, send, get
+  orig_type - Original DCC type that was sent to us - same as type except
+              GET and SEND are swapped
+  created - Time stamp when the DCC record was created
+  server - Server record where the DCC was initiated.
+  servertag - Tag of the server where the DCC was initiated.
+  mynick - Our nick to use in DCC chat.
+  nick - Other side's nick name.
+  chat - Dcc chat record if the request came through DCC chat
+  target - Who the request was sent to - your nick, channel or empty
+           if you sent the request
+  arg - Given argument .. file name usually
+  addr - Other side's IP address.
+  port - Port we're connecting in.
+  starttime - Unix time stamp when the DCC transfer was started
+  transfd - Bytes transferred
+=head2 C<Dcc::Chat->{}>
+  id - Unique identifier - usually same as nick
+  mirc_ctcp - Send CTCPs without the CTCP_MESSAGE prefix
+  connection_lost - Other side closed connection
+=head2 C<Dcc::Get->{}>
+  (..contains all the same data as core Dcc object..)
+  size - File size
+  skipped - Bytes skipped from start (resuming file)
+  get_type - What to do if file exists?
+               0=default, 1=rename, 2=overwrite, 3=resume
+  file - The real file name which we use.
+  file_quoted - 1 if file name was received quoted ("file name")
+=head2 C<Dcc::Send->{}>
+  (..contains all the same data as core Dcc object..)
+  size - File size
+  skipped - Bytes skipped from start (resuming file)
+  file_quoted - 1 if file name was received quoted ("file name")
+  waitforend - File is sent, just wait for the replies from the other side
+  gotalldata - Got all acks from the other end
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 C<destroy>
+Destroy DCC connection.
+=head2 C<chat_send $data>
+Send `data' to dcc chat.
+=head2 C<ctcp_message $target, $notice, $msg>
+Send a CTCP message/notify to target.
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/Irc/Notifylist.pod b/docs/Irssi/Irc/Notifylist.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b2628a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/Irssi/Irc/Notifylist.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 FIELDS
+  mask - Notify nick mask
+  away_check - Notify away status changes
+  idle_check_time - Notify when idle time is reset and idle was bigger
+                    than this (seconds)
+  ircnets - List of ircnets (strings) the notify is checked
+=head1 METHODS
+  Returns 1 if notify is checked in `ircnet'.
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/Notifylist.pod b/docs/Irssi/Notifylist.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b2628a..0000000
--- a/docs/Irssi/Notifylist.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-=head1 FIELDS
-  mask - Notify nick mask
-  away_check - Notify away status changes
-  idle_check_time - Notify when idle time is reset and idle was bigger
-                    than this (seconds)
-  ircnets - List of ircnets (strings) the notify is checked
-=head1 METHODS
-  Returns 1 if notify is checked in `ircnet'.
diff --git a/docs/Irssi/UI/Process.pod b/docs/Irssi/UI/Process.pod
index 43442eb..23d9100 100644
--- a/docs/Irssi/UI/Process.pod
+++ b/docs/Irssi/UI/Process.pod
@@ -21,3 +21,5 @@ Process->{}
   silent - don't print "process exited with level xx"
 =head1 METHODS
+I<None found yet>
cgit v1.2.3