__END__ =head1 NAME Irssi::Server =head1 FIELDS Server->{} type - "SERVER" text chat_type - String ID of chat protocol, for example "IRC" (..contains all the same data as Connect above..) connect_time - Time when connect() to server finished real_connect_time - Time when server sent "connected" message tag - Unique server tag nick - Current nick connected - Is connection finished? 1|0 connection_lost - Did we lose the connection (1) or was the connection just /DISCONNECTed (0) rawlog - Rawlog object for the server version - Server version last_invite - Last channel we were invited to server_operator - Are we server operator (IRC op) 1|0 usermode_away - Are we marked as away? 1|0 away_reason - Away reason message banned - Were we banned from this server? 1|0 lag - Current lag to server in milliseconds =head1 METHODS Server::channels() - return list of channels in server Server::queries() - return list of queries in server Server::print(channel, str[, level]) Server::command(cmd) Server Connect::connect() Connect to server. Server::disconnect() Disconnect from server. Server server_find_tag(tag) Find server with tag Server server_find_chatnet(chatnet) Find first server that is in `chatnet' Server::isnickflag(flag) Returns 1 if flag is a nick mode flag (@, + or % in IRC) Server::ischannel(data) Returns 1 if start of `data' seems to mean channel. Server::get_nick_flags() Returns nick flag characters in order: op, voice, halfop ("@+%" in IRC). Server::send_message(target, msg, target_type) Sends a message to nick/channel. target_type 0 = channel, 1 = nick