* Documentation ** Finish writing up function defs in Irssi:: namespace ** Write up more stuff on Themes, including brief tutorial ** Fill in more stuff in Guide ** Write up what triggers signals, when/how, etc. ** Rest of docs *** Window *** WindowItem *** Server *** Channel *** Query *** Theme/View/Accessing screen content * Doc Gen ** Prettify snippets with perltidy HTML mode ** Javascript(?) c&p generator for signals eg: sub handle_sig_<foo> { my ($arg1, $arg2, $arg3) = @_; } Irssi::signal_add("<foo>", \&handle_sig_<foo>); ** Make CSS suck less (steal from perldoc.perl.org?) ** Sidebar/frameset with quick links menu? ** Write parser for module-formats files and incorporate into docs somewhere *** Some sort of javascript bacon for viewing default formats? Or just a big list? ** Have something to check link validity, since refs have changed a lot ** Index page *** Make it more multi-level, split on namespaces * Misc Code ** finish off build-signals script to parse POD and produce signals header file. * Patches ** Bindings *** Figure out how memory management / ref-counting works, and check for leaks *** Add "binding added/changed/deleted" signals *** Talk to someone (Bazerka?) about merging into trunk *** Proof of concept (modify adv_windowlist to use bindings rather than parsing cmd) ** Abstract raw access *** Where are they stored - why doesn't get_format work? ** Statusbars *** Access to entries (as objects) *** Create *** Remove ** StatusbarItems *** List (given sbar) *** Enable/Disable ** Aliases *** Add / Modify *** Remove *** List *** Fetch Single *** Signals * Misc Stuff ** Publicise it a bit more, try to get links from people ** Host on metavore? ** Talk to maintainers about inclusion in core *** Maybe as patches to .xs files + parsing scripts?