use strict; use warnings; my $VERSION = "0.3"; my %IRSSI = ( authors => 'Bazerka ', contact => '', name => 'cmpusers', description => 'compare channels for two users', licence => 'BSD', url => 'n/a', ); use Irssi; use Data::Dumper; sub request_whois($$); sub event_whois_user($$); sub event_whois_channels($$); sub event_whois_end($$); sub event_whois_nosuchnick($$); sub event_whois_timeout($$); sub compare_channels(); sub cleanup(); sub to_casemap($); sub cmd_cmpusers($$$); my $debug = 0; my $running = 0; my @nick_list = (); my %nick_info = (); my %isupport = (); # bahamut - % hidden chan; my $custom_chanprefix = '%'; sub request_whois ($$) { my ($server, $nick) = @_; $server->redirect_event( 'whois', 1, $nick, 0, 'redir cmpusers_whois_timeout', { 'event 311' => 'redir cmpusers_whois_user', 'event 318' => 'redir cmpusers_whois_end', 'event 319' => 'redir cmpusers_whois_channels', 'event 401' => 'redir cmpusers_whois_nosuchnick', '' => 'event empty', } ); $server->send_raw("WHOIS $nick"); } sub event_whois_user ($$) { my ($server, $data) = @_; my ($nick, $user, $host) = (split / +/, $data, 6)[1,2,3]; my $casenick = to_casemap($nick); $nick_info{$casenick} = { 'nick' => $nick, 'username' => $user, 'hostname' => $host, 'channels' => {}, }; Irssi::print("cmpusers whois_user: $nick!$user\@$host", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) if $debug; } sub event_whois_channels ($$) { my ($server, $data) = @_; my ($nick, $channels) = (split / +/, $data, 3)[1,2]; my $casenick = to_casemap($nick); $channels =~ s/^://; my @channel_list = split / /, $channels; foreach my $channel (@channel_list) { my $prefix = ''; my $unknown_prefix = ''; my $stripped_channel; Irssi::print("cmpusers whois_channels: channel \"$channel\"", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) if $debug; for (my $i=0; $i -1) { $stripped_channel .= $char; Irssi::print("cmpusers whois_channels: stripped_channel \"$stripped_channel\"", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) if $debug; next; } if (index ($isupport{'CHANTYPES'}, $char) > -1) { $stripped_channel .= substr($channel, $i, length($channel)); Irssi::print("cmpusers whois_channels: stripped_chan \"$stripped_channel\"", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) if $debug; last; } if (index ($isupport{'PREFIX'}, $char) > -1) { $prefix .= $char; Irssi::print("cmpusers whois_channels: prefix \"$prefix\"", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) if $debug; } else { $unknown_prefix .= $char; Irssi::print("cmpusers whois_channels: unknown_prefix \"$prefix\"", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) if $debug; } } $nick_info{$casenick}{'channels'}{$stripped_channel}{prefix} = $prefix; $nick_info{$casenick}{'channels'}{$stripped_channel}{unknown_prefix} = $unknown_prefix; Irssi::print("cmpuser whois_channels: stripped_channel \"$stripped_channel\"", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) if $debug; } Irssi::print("cmpusers whois_channels: $nick - $channels", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) if $debug; } sub event_whois_end ($$) { my ($server, $data) = @_; my ($nick) = (split / +/, $data, 3)[1]; Irssi::print("cmpusers whois_end: $nick", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) if $debug; return if $running == 0; # catch 318 -> 401 (nosuchnick followed by endofwhois) if (to_casemap($nick) eq $nick_list[0]) { request_whois($server, $nick_list[1]); } else { compare_channels(); } } sub event_whois_nosuchnick ($$) { my ($server, $data) = @_; my $nick = (split / +/, $data, 4)[1]; Irssi::active_win->print("cmpusers error: no such nick $nick - aborting.", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP); cleanup(); } sub event_whois_timeout($$) { my ($server, $data) = @_; Irssi::print("cmpusers whois_timeout", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) if $debug; Irssi::active_win->print("cmpusers error: whois timed out or failed. please try again.", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP); cleanup(); } sub cleanup () { $running = 0; print Dumper \@nick_list if $debug; print Dumper \%nick_info if $debug; print Dumper \%isupport if $debug; @nick_list = (); %nick_info = (); %isupport = (); Irssi::print("cmpusers cleanup", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) if $debug; } sub to_casemap ($) { my $nick = shift; my $type = $isupport{'CASEMAPPING'}; for (my $i = 0; $i < length($nick); $i++) { my $ord = ord(substr($nick, $i, 1)); if ($type == 1) { # rfc1459 substr($nick, $i, 1) = ($ord >= 65 && $ord <= 94) ? chr($ord + 32) : chr($ord); } elsif ($type == 2) { # ascii substr($nick, $i, 1) = ($ord >= 65 && $ord <= 90) ? chr($ord + 32) : chr($ord); } else { # unknown } } return $nick; } sub compare_channels() { my @intersection = my @uniq_chans_0 = my @uniq_chans_1 = (); my %count = (); foreach my $element ( keys %{$nick_info{$nick_list[0]}{'channels'}}, keys %{$nick_info{$nick_list[1]}{'channels'}} ) { $count{$element}++; # nasty :< if ( exists $nick_info{$nick_list[0]}{'channels'}{$element} && (!exists $nick_info{$nick_list[1]}{'channels'}{$element})) { push @uniq_chans_0, $element; } elsif ((!exists $nick_info{$nick_list[0]}{'channels'}{$element}) && exists $nick_info{$nick_list[1]}{'channels'}{$element}) { push @uniq_chans_1, $element; } } foreach my $element (keys %count) { push @intersection, $element if $count{$element} == 2; } my $common_chans = join " ", sort @intersection; my $uniq0 = join " ", sort @uniq_chans_0; my $uniq1 = join " ", sort @uniq_chans_1; # workaround Irssi's crappy % handling. No, really, this irssi issue needs fixing. $common_chans =~ s/%/%%/g; $uniq0 =~ s/%/%%/g; $uniq1 =~ s/%/%%/g; Irssi::active_win->print(sprintf('Comparing user <%s!%s@%s> with user <%s!%s@%s>', $nick_info{$nick_list[0]}{'nick'}, $nick_info{$nick_list[0]}{'username'}, $nick_info{$nick_list[0]}{'hostname'}, $nick_info{$nick_list[1]}{'nick'}, $nick_info{$nick_list[1]}{'username'}, $nick_info{$nick_list[1]}{'hostname'}), MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP ); Irssi::active_win->print(sprintf("Common channels for both users: %s", $common_chans), MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP); Irssi::active_win->print(sprintf("Unique channels for %s: %s", $nick_info{$nick_list[0]}{'nick'}, $uniq0), MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP); Irssi::active_win->print(sprintf("Unique channels for %s: %s", $nick_info{$nick_list[1]}{'nick'}, $uniq1), MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP); cleanup(); } sub cmd_cmpusers($$$) { my ($args, $server, $witem) = @_; $args = lc $args; my @nicks = split /\s+/, $args; if (scalar @nicks != 2) { Irssi::active_win->print("cmpusers error: please supply two nickname arguments.", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP); return; } if ($nicks[0] eq $nicks[1]) { Irssi::active_win->print("cmpusers error: please supply two unique nicknames.", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP); return; } if (!defined $server) { Irssi::active_win->print("cmpusers error: active window not connected to a server.", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP); return; } if ($server->{'chat_type'} ne 'IRC') { Irssi::active_win->print("cmpusers error: server is not of type IRC.", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP); } if ($running) { Irssi::active_win->print("cmpusers error: a request is currently being processed - please try again shortly.", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP); return; } $running = 1; if ($server->{'isupport_sent'}) { if (defined $server->isupport('PREFIX')) { my $prefix = $server->isupport('PREFIX'); my $l = (length($prefix) - 2) / 2; $isupport{'PREFIX'} = substr($prefix, $l + 2, $l); Irssi::print("cmpusers prefix: $prefix", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) if $debug; } if (defined $server->isupport('CASEMAPPING')) { my $casemap = $server->isupport('CASEMAPPING'); $isupport{'CASEMAPPING'} = $casemap eq 'rfc1459' ? 1 : $casemap eq 'ascii' ? 2 : 3; Irssi::print("cmpusers casemap: $casemap", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) if $debug; } if (defined $server->isupport('CHANTYPES')) { $isupport{'CHANTYPES'} = $server->isupport('CHANTYPES'); Irssi::print("cmpusers chantypes: $isupport{CHANTYPES}", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) if $debug; } } for (my $i=0; $i <= $#nicks; $i++) { $nicks[$i] = to_casemap($nicks[$i]); } push @nick_list, @nicks; request_whois($server, $nicks[0]); } Irssi::signal_add( { 'redir cmpusers_whois_user' => \&event_whois_user, 'redir cmpusers_whois_channels' => \&event_whois_channels, 'redir cmpusers_whois_end' => \&event_whois_end, 'redir cmpusers_whois_nosuchnick' => \&event_whois_nosuchnick, 'redir cmpusers_whois_timeout' => \&event_whois_timeout, } ); Irssi::command_bind("cmpusers", \&cmd_cmpusers); Irssi::print(sprintf("Loaded %s v%s...", $IRSSI{'name'}, $VERSION));