# Search within your typed history as you type (like ctrl-R in bash) # # INSTALL: # # This script requires that you have first installed and loaded 'uberprompt.pl' # Uberprompt can be downloaded from: # # http://github.com/shabble/irssi-scripts/raw/master/prompt_info/uberprompt.pl # # and follow the instructions at the top of that file for installation. # # USAGE: # # * Setup: /bind ^R /history_search_start # # * Then type ctrl-R and type what you're searching for # # * You can cycle through multiple matches with ^R (older matches), and # ^S (newer matches) # # NOTE: Ctrl-S may not work if you have software flow control configured for # your terminal. It may appear to freeze irssi entirely. If this happens, it can # be restored with Ctrl-Q, but you will be unable to use the Ctrl-S binding. # You can disable flow control by running the command `stty -ixon' in your # terminal, or setting `defflow off' in your ~/.screenrc if using GNU Screen. # # * Hitting enter selects a match and terminates search mode. # # * You can use ^G to exit search mode without selecting. # # * Any other ctrl- or meta- key binding will terminate search mode, leaving the # selected item in the input line. # # Original script Copyright 2007 Wouter Coekaerts # Heavy modifications by Shabble , 2010. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA use strict; use Irssi; use Irssi::TextUI; use Data::Dumper; use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); $VERSION = '2.0'; %IRSSI = ( authors => 'Tom Feist, Wouter Coekaerts', contact => 'shabble+irssi@metavore.org, shabble@#irssi/freenode', name => 'rl_history_search', description => 'Search within your typed history as you type' . ' (like ctrl-R in readline applications)', license => 'GPLv2 or later', url => 'http://github.com/shabble/irssi-scripts/tree/master/history-search/', changed => '24/7/2010' ); my $search_str = ''; my $search_active = 0; my @history_cache = (); my @search_matches = (); my $match_index = 0; # split info my $split_ref; my $original_win_ref; my $DEBUG_ENABLED = 0; sub DEBUG () { $DEBUG_ENABLED } # check we have uberprompt loaded. sub script_is_loaded { return exists($Irssi::Script::{$_[0] . '::'}) ; } if (not script_is_loaded('uberprompt')) { print "This script requires 'uberprompt.pl' in order to work. " . "Attempting to load it now..."; Irssi::signal_add('script error', 'load_uberprompt_failed'); Irssi::command("script load uberprompt.pl"); unless(script_is_loaded('uberprompt')) { load_uberprompt_failed("File does not exist"); } history_init(); } else { history_init(); } sub load_uberprompt_failed { Irssi::signal_remove('script error', 'load_prompt_failed'); print "Script could not be loaded. Script cannot continue. " . "Check you have uberprompt.pl installed in your path and " . "try again."; die "Script Load Failed: " . join(" ", @_); } sub history_init { Irssi::settings_add_bool('history_search', 'histsearch_debug', 0); Irssi::command_bind('history_search_start', \&history_search); Irssi::signal_add ('setup changed' => \&setup_changed); Irssi::signal_add_first('gui key pressed' => \&handle_keypress); setup_changed(); } sub setup_changed { $DEBUG_ENABLED = Irssi::settings_get_bool('histsearch_debug'); } sub history_search { $search_active = 1; $search_str = ''; $match_index = 0; @history_cache = Irssi::active_win()->get_history_lines(); @search_matches = (); update_history_prompt(); } sub history_exit { $search_active = 0; close_listing_split(); Irssi::signal_emit('change prompt', '', 'UP_INNER'); } sub update_history_prompt { my $col = scalar(@search_matches) ? '%g' : '%r'; Irssi::signal_emit('change prompt', ' reverse-i-search: `' . $col . $search_str . '%n' . "'", 'UP_INNER'); } sub update_history_matches { my ($match_str) = @_; $match_str = $search_str unless defined $match_str; my %unique; my @matches = grep { m/\Q$match_str/i } @history_cache; @search_matches = (); # uniquify the results, whilst maintaining order. # TODO: duplicates should keep teh most recent one? foreach my $m (@matches) { unless (exists($unique{$m})) { # add them in reverse order. unshift @search_matches, $m; } $unique{$m}++; } print "updated matches: ", scalar(@search_matches), " ", join(", ", @search_matches) if DEBUG; } sub get_history_match { return $search_matches[$match_index]; } sub prev_match { $match_index++; if ($match_index > $#search_matches) { $match_index = 0; } print "index now: $match_index" if DEBUG; } sub next_match { $match_index--; if ($match_index < 0) { $match_index = $#search_matches; } print "index now: $match_index" if DEBUG; } sub update_input { my $match = get_history_match(); Irssi::gui_input_set($match); Irssi::gui_input_set_pos(length $match); } sub handle_keypress { my ($key) = @_; return unless $search_active; if ($key == 7) { # Ctrl-G print "aborting search" if DEBUG; history_exit(); # cancel empties the inputline. Irssi::gui_input_set(''); Irssi::gui_input_set_pos(0); Irssi::signal_stop(); return; } if ($key == 9) { # TAB update_history_matches(); if (not defined $split_ref) { create_listing_split(); } else { print_current_matches(); } Irssi::signal_stop(); return; } if ($key == 10) { # enter print "selecting history and quitting" if DEBUG; history_exit(); return; } if ($key == 18) { # Ctrl-R print "skipping to prev match" if DEBUG; prev_match(); update_input(); update_history_prompt(); print_current_matches(); Irssi::signal_stop(); # prevent the bind from being re-triggered. return; } if ($key == 19) { # Ctrl-S print "skipping to next match" if DEBUG; next_match(); update_input(); update_history_prompt(); print_current_matches(); Irssi::signal_stop(); return; } # TODO: handle arrow-keys? if ($key == 27) { close_listing_split(); Irssi::signal_stop(); return; } if ($key >= 32 and $key < 127) { # printable $search_str .= chr($key); update_history_matches(); update_history_prompt(); update_input(); print_current_matches(); Irssi::signal_stop(); return; } if ($key == 127) { # DEL if (length $search_str) { $search_str = substr($search_str, 0, -1); print "Deleting char, now: $search_str" if DEBUG; } update_history_matches(); update_history_prompt(); update_input(); print_current_matches(); Irssi::signal_stop(); return; } # any other key exits, for now. history_exit(); #Irssi::signal_stop(); } sub create_listing_split { return unless @search_matches > 0; $original_win_ref = Irssi::active_win; Irssi::signal_add_first('window created', 'sig_win_created'); Irssi::command('window new split'); Irssi::signal_remove('window created', 'sig_win_created'); } sub close_listing_split { return unless defined $split_ref; Irssi::command("window close $split_ref->{refnum}"); undef $split_ref; # restore original window focus if (Irssi::active_win()->{refnum} != $original_win_ref->{refnum}) { Irssi::command("window goto $original_win_ref->{refnum}"); } } sub sig_win_created { my ($win) = @_; $split_ref = $win; # printing directly from this handler causes irssi to segfault. Irssi::timeout_add_once(10, \&print_current_matches, {}); } sub print_current_matches { return unless defined $split_ref; return unless @search_matches > 0; $split_ref->command("clear"); $split_ref->print('Current history matches. Press to close.'); my $hist_entry = get_history_match(); foreach my $i (0..$#search_matches) { my $j = $#search_matches - $i; my $entry = $search_matches[$j]; my $hilight = $hist_entry eq $entry ? '%_' : ''; my $str = sprintf("%s%-6d %s%s", $hilight, $j, $entry, $hilight); $split_ref->print($str); } }