#https://github.com/irssi/scripts.irssi.org/blob/master/scripts/il.pl # # for all who dont like perl: # inputlength = "{sb length: $@L}"; # # with leading spaces: (3 spaces in example) # inputlength = "{sb $[-!3]@L}"; # # with leading char "-" # # inputlength = "{sb $[-!3-]@L}"; # # you cant use numbers here. if you want to use the numbers use the # perl script # # # thanks to: Wouter Coekaerts aka coekie # # add one of these 2 lines to your config in statusbar items section # # the perl scripts reacts on every keypress and updates the counter. # if you dont need/want this the settings are maybe enough for you. # with the settings the item is update with a small delay. # use strict; use Irssi 20021105; use Irssi::TextUI; use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); $VERSION = '0.0.6'; %IRSSI = ( authors => 'Marcus Rueckert', contact => 'darix@irssi.org', name => 'inputlength', description => 'adds a statusbar item which show length of the inputline', sbitems => 'inputlength', license => 'BSD License or something more liberal', url => 'http://www.irssi.de./', changed => '2021-01-11' ); my $help = << "END"; %9Name%9 $IRSSI{name} %9Version%9 $VERSION %9Description%9 $IRSSI{description} To activate the inputlength indicator do: /STATUSBAR window add inputlength Statusbar syntax was changed in Irssi 1.2. /STATUSBAR ADDITEM inputlength window %9Settings%9 /set inputlength_width 0 /set inputlength_padding_char END sub beancounter { my ( $sbItem, $get_size_only ) = @_; my ( $width, $padChar, $padNum, $length ); # # getting settings # $width = Irssi::settings_get_int ( 'inputlength_width' ); $padChar = Irssi::settings_get_str ( 'inputlength_padding_char' ); # # only one char allowed # # $padChar =~ s/^(.).*?$/$1/; # # do we have to deal wit numbers for padding? # # if ( $padChar =~ m/\d/ ) { # $padNum = $padChar; # $padChar = '-'; # }; # # getting formatted lengh # $length = Irssi::parse_special ( "\$[-!$width]\@L" ); # $length = Irssi::parse_special ( "$padChar\@L$padChar" ); # # did we have a number? # $length =~ s/$padChar/$padNum/g if ( $padNum ne '' ); $sbItem->default_handler ( $get_size_only, "{sb $padChar $length $padChar}", undef, 1 ); } Irssi::statusbar_item_register ( 'inputlength', 0, 'beancounter' ); # # ToDo: # - statusbar item register doesnt support function references. # so we have to stuck to the string and wait for cras. # Irssi::signal_add_last 'gui key pressed' => sub { Irssi::statusbar_items_redraw ( 'inputlength' ); }; Irssi::settings_add_int ( 'inputlength', 'inputlength_width', 0 ); # # setting: # # 0 means it resizes automatically # greater means it has at least a size of n chars. # it will grow if the space is to space is too small # Irssi::settings_add_str ( 'inputlength', 'inputlength_padding_char', " " ); # # char to pad with # # you can use any char you like here. :) even numbers should work # sub cmd_help { my ($args, $server, $witem)=@_; $args=~ s/\s+//g; if ($IRSSI{name} eq $args) { Irssi::print($help, MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP); Irssi::signal_stop(); } } Irssi::command_bind('help', \&cmd_help); Irssi::command_bind($IRSSI{name}, sub { cmd_help($IRSSI{name}); } );