# by Stefan "tommie" Tomanek # # scriptassist.pl use strict; use warnings; use Irssi; use Data::Dumper; use File::Basename; use LWP::UserAgent; use POSIX; our $VERSION = '2003020803'; our %IRSSI = ( authors => 'Stefan \'tommie\' Tomanek', contact => 'stefan@pico.ruhr.de', name => 'scriptassist', description => 'keeps your scripts on the cutting edge', license => 'GPLv2', url => 'http://irssi.org/scripts/', changed => $VERSION, modules => 'Data::Dumper LWP::UserAgent (GnuPG)', commands => "scriptassist" ); our ($forked, %remote_db, @complist); # GnuPG is not always needed our $have_gpg = 0; eval { require GnuPG; GnuPG->import( qw/:algo :trust/ ); }; $have_gpg = 1 unless $@; sub script_is_loaded { my ($script) = @_; return exists($Irssi::Script::{$script . '::'}); } sub show_help { my @help = ( "scriptassist $VERSION ", "/scriptassist check", " Check all loaded scripts for new available versions", "/scriptassist update ", " Update the selected or all script to the newest version", "/scriptassist search ", " Search the script database", "/scriptassist info ", " Display information about ", "/scriptassist ratings ", " Retrieve the average ratings of the the scripts", "/scriptassist top ", " Retrieve the first top rated scripts", "/scriptassist new ", " Display the newest scripts", "/scriptassist rate