path: root/lclipd.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 143 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/lclipd.lua b/lclipd.lua
index 7dcddba..bba5c05 100755
--- a/lclipd.lua
+++ b/lclipd.lua
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
-- luarocks-5.3 install --local luaposix
-- luarocks-5.3 install --local argparse
-- luarocks-5.3 install --local lsqlite3
--- front-end example: sqlite3 $(cat /tmp/lclipd/lclipd_db_name) 'select content from lclipd;' | dmenu -l 10 | xsel -ib
+-- pipx install detect-secrets
local string = require("string")
--- Adds the lua rocks modules to the require path for this script
-local function default_luarocks_modules()
+--- Adds LUA_PATH and LUA_CPATH to the current interpreters path.
+local function add_luarocks_modules()
local luarocks_handle = io.popen("luarocks-5.3 path --bin")
local path_b = false
local cpath_b = false
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ local function default_luarocks_modules()
if path_b then os.exit(1) end
if cpath_b then os.exit(1) end
-- we want to delete a pidfile if we wrote one, otherwise we won't
local wrote_a_pidfile = false
@@ -38,6 +38,14 @@ local unistd = require("posix.unistd")
local posix_syslog = require("posix.syslog")
local sqlite3 = require("lsqlite3")
local posix_wait = require("posix.sys.wait")
+local posix_socket = require("posix.sys.socket")
+local libgen = require("posix.libgen")
+-- vendored dependency
+-- https://github.com/rxi/json.lua
+local base_path = libgen.dirname(arg[0])
+package.path = package.path .. ";" .. base_path .. "/?.lua"
+local json = require("json")
local sql_create_table = [=[
create table if not exists lclipd (
@@ -70,20 +78,17 @@ insert into lclipd(content,dateAdded) values('%s', unixepoch());
-- using a heredoc string without expansion bypasses the need for escaping
local detect_secrets_cmd = [=[
-detect-secrets scan %s --string <<- STR | grep -v False
+detect-secrets scan %s --string <<- STR | grep True
local tmp_dir = "/tmp/lclipd"
local pid_file = "/tmp/lclipd/lclipd.pid"
-local db_file_name = "/tmp/lclipd/lclipd_db_name"
--- We are not longer running.
local function remove_pid_file() if wrote_a_pidfile then os.remove(pid_file) end end
---- Adds LUA_PATH and LUA_CPATH to the current interpreters path.
local function lclip_exit(n)
@@ -94,6 +99,8 @@ parser:option("-s --hist_size",
"number of distinct entries for clipboard history", 200)
parser:option("-d --detect_secrets_args",
"options that will be passed to detect secrets", "")
+parser:option("-a --address", "address to bind to", "")
+parser:option("-p --port", "port to bind to", 9999)
--- Log the given string to syslog with the given priority.
-- @param log_str the string passed to the logging facility
@@ -114,16 +121,6 @@ local function check_uid_gid()
---- Change the permission to user read/write i.e. chmod 600
--- @param path to the database file whose permissions will be set
-local function set_db_permissions(db_path)
- local ret = sys_stat.chmod(db_path, sys_stat.S_IRUSR | sys_stat.S_IWUSR)
- if ret ~= 0 then
- log_to_syslog(tostring(ret), posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT)
- lclip_exit(1)
- end
--- Creates the necessary dirs
local function make_tmp_dirs()
local f = sys_stat.stat(tmp_dir)
@@ -210,12 +207,11 @@ local function detect_secrets(clipboard_content, detect_secrets_args)
local cmd = string.format(detect_secrets_cmd, detect_secrets_args,
- local _, secrets_baseline_handle = pcall(io.popen, cmd)
- local secrets_baseline = secrets_baseline_handle:read("*a")
- if secrets_baseline == "" then
- unistd.write(pipe_write, "1")
- else
+ local ret = os.execute(cmd)
+ if ret == 0 then
unistd.write(pipe_write, "0")
+ else
+ unistd.write(pipe_write, "1")
@@ -258,6 +254,7 @@ local function get_clipboard_content()
local _, handle_x = pcall(io.popen, "xsel -ob")
if handle_x ~= nil then
local last_clip_entry_x = handle_x:read("*a")
+ handle_x:close()
if last_clip_entry_x ~= "" and last_clip_entry_x ~= nil then
return last_clip_entry_x
@@ -266,6 +263,7 @@ local function get_clipboard_content()
local _, handle_w = pcall(io.popen, "wl-paste")
if handle_w ~= nil then
local last_clip_entry_w = handle_w:read("*a")
+ handle_w:close()
if last_clip_entry_w ~= "" and last_clip_entry_w ~= nil then
return last_clip_entry_w
@@ -277,33 +275,122 @@ end
--- Get the sqlite DB handle.
local function get_sqlite_handle()
- local tmp_db_name = "/tmp/" ..
- io.popen(
- "tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 </dev/urandom | head -c 17"):read(
- "*a")
- log_to_syslog(tmp_db_name, posix_syslog.LOG_INFO)
- local clipDB = sqlite3.open(tmp_db_name,
- sqlite3.OPEN_READWRITE + sqlite3.OPEN_CREATE)
+ local clipDB = sqlite3.open("/dev/shm/lclipd")
+ -- local clipDB = sqlite3.open("")
if clipDB == nil then
log_to_syslog("could not open the database", posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT)
- set_db_permissions(tmp_db_name)
- local tmp_db_file = io.open(db_file_name, "w")
- local stdout = io.output()
- io.output(tmp_db_file)
- io.write(tmp_db_name .. "\n")
- io.close(tmp_db_file)
- io.output(stdout)
return clipDB
+--- Callback function to get the result when we receive a query from the socket
+local function server_query_callback(conn, columns, values, _)
+ local result_table = {}
+ for i = 1, columns do result_table[i] = values[i] end
+ local result_json = json.encode(result_table)
+ local bytes_sent, errmsg = posix_socket.send(conn, result_json)
+ if bytes_sent == nil then
+ log_to_syslog(errmsg, posix_syslog.LOG_WARNING)
+ unistd._exit(1)
+ end
+ return 0
+--- Start the lclipd server
+-- @param bind_address
+-- @param bind_port
+local function run_server(bind_address, bind_port, sqlite_handle)
+ local server_pid, errmsg = unistd.fork()
+ if server_pid == nil then -- error
+ log_to_syslog(errmsg, posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT)
+ lclip_exit(1)
+ elseif server_pid == 0 then -- child
+ log_to_syslog("server component forked", posix_syslog.LOG_INFO)
+ local sock, errmsg = posix_socket.socket(posix_socket.AF_INET,
+ posix_socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0)
+ if sock == nil then
+ log_to_syslog(errmsg, posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT)
+ lclip_exit(1)
+ end
+ local ret, errmsg = posix_socket.bind(sock, {
+ port = bind_port,
+ addr = bind_address,
+ family = posix_socket.AF_INET,
+ socktype = posix_socket.SOCK_STREAM
+ })
+ if ret == nil then
+ log_to_syslog(errmsg, posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT)
+ lclip_exit(1)
+ end
+ ret, errmsg = posix_socket.listen(sock, posix_socket.SOMAXCONN)
+ if ret == nil then
+ log_to_syslog(errmsg, posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT)
+ lclip_exit(1)
+ end
+ log_to_syslog("listening on " .. bind_address .. ":" ..
+ tostring(bind_port), posix_syslog.LOG_INFO)
+ while true do
+ local conn, conn_addr = posix_socket.accept(sock)
+ if conn == nil then
+ log_to_syslog(conn_addr, posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT)
+ lclip_exit(1)
+ end
+ -- we fork on every incoming connection
+ local pid, errmsg = unistd.fork() -- connection fork
+ if pid == nil then -- error
+ log_to_syslog(errmsg, posix_syslog.LOG_WARNING)
+ elseif pid == 0 then -- child
+ local msg = {}
+ log_to_syslog("forked on incoming connection",
+ posix_syslog.LOG_INFO)
+ while true do
+ local b = posix_socket.recv(conn, 2 ^ 14)
+ if not b or #b == 0 then break end
+ table.insert(msg, b)
+ end
+ if msg == nil then
+ log_to_syslog(errmsg, posix_syslog.LOG_WARNING)
+ unistd.close(conn)
+ unistd._exit(1)
+ end
+ msg = table.concat(msg)
+ log_to_syslog(msg, posix_syslog.LOG_INFO)
+ local return_code = sqlite_handle:exec(msg,
+ server_query_callback,
+ conn)
+ if return_code ~= sqlite3.OK then
+ log_to_syslog(tostring(return_code),
+ posix_syslog.LOG_WARNING)
+ unistd.close(conn)
+ unistd._exit(1)
+ end
+ unistd.close(conn)
+ unistd._exit(0)
+ -- nothing to do for the parent here, we want the parent to return
+ -- and wait on accept for a new incoming connection
+ end
+ unistd.close(conn)
+ end
+ elseif server_pid > 0 then -- parent
+ -- the parent process can just return at this point
+ -- we are simply achieving asynchronicity with this
+ -- for the server component
+ return
+ end
--- The clipboard's main loop
-- @param clip_hist_size number of entries limit for the clip history file
-- @param detect_secrets_artgs args to pass to detect-secrets scan
-local function loop(clip_hist_size, detect_secrets_args)
+local function loop(args)
local sqlite_handle = get_sqlite_handle()
-- create the table if it does not exist
@@ -315,7 +402,8 @@ local function loop(clip_hist_size, detect_secrets_args)
-- add the old_reap trigger
- sql_old_reap_trigger = string.format(sql_old_reap_trigger, clip_hist_size)
+ sql_old_reap_trigger =
+ string.format(sql_old_reap_trigger, args["hist_size"])
return_code = sqlite_handle:exec(sql_old_reap_trigger)
if return_code ~= sqlite3.OK then
log_to_syslog(tostring(return_code), posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT)
@@ -324,6 +412,9 @@ local function loop(clip_hist_size, detect_secrets_args)
+ -- fork the server component and give control back to the clipboard
+ run_server(args["address"], args["port"], sqlite_handle)
log_to_syslog("starting the main loop", posix_syslog.LOG_INFO)
while true do
local clip_content = get_clipboard_content()
@@ -334,11 +425,11 @@ local function loop(clip_hist_size, detect_secrets_args)
if clip_content == nil then goto continue end
local insert_string = string.format(sql_insert, clip_content)
- if detect_secrets(clip_content, detect_secrets_args) then
- sqlite_handle:exec(insert_string)
- end
- if return_code ~= sqlite3.OK then
- log_to_syslog(tostring(return_code), posix_syslog.LOG_WARNING)
+ if detect_secrets(clip_content, args["detect_secrets_args"]) then
+ return_code = sqlite_handle:exec(insert_string)
+ if return_code ~= sqlite3.OK then
+ log_to_syslog(tostring(return_code), posix_syslog.LOG_WARNING)
+ end
@@ -356,14 +447,19 @@ local function main()
os.exit(128 + signum)
+ -- we reap dead processes so we dont end up with zombies all over.
+ -- in our case, we dont really care how a child is terminated as
+ -- long as it terminates.
+ -- signal.signal(signal.SIGCHILD, function(_)
+ -- while posix_wait.wait(-1, posix_wait.WNOHANG) > 0 do end
+ -- end)
local args = parser:parse()
- local status, err = pcall(loop, args["hist_size"],
- args["detect_secrets_args"])
+ local status, err = pcall(loop, args)
if status ~= true then log_to_syslog(err, posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT) end