path: root/lclipd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 158 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lclipd b/lclipd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bf3d1f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lclipd
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env lua5.3
+-- needs xsel, clipnotify
+-- luarocks-5.3 install --local luaposix
+-- luarocks-5.3 install --local argparse
+-- cat .clip_history | dmenu -l 10 | xsel -ib
+local string = require("string")
+local signal = require("posix.signal")
+local argparse = require("argparse")
+local sys_stat = require("posix.sys.stat")
+local unistd = require("posix.unistd")
+local posix_syslog = require("posix.syslog")
+local function default_luarocks_modules()
+ local luarocks_handle = io.popen("luarocks-5.3 path --bin")
+ local path_b = false
+ local cpath_b = false
+ for line in luarocks_handle:lines() do
+ local path = string.match(line, "LUA_PATH%s*=%s*('.+')")
+ local cpath = string.match(line, "LUA_CPATH%s*=%s*('.+')")
+ if path ~= nil then
+ package.path = package.path .. ";" .. string.sub(path, 2, -2)
+ end
+ if cpath ~= nil then
+ package.cpath = package.cpath .. ";" .. string.sub(cpath, 2, -2)
+ end
+ end
+ if path_b then os.exit(1) end
+ if cpath_b then os.exit(1) end
+local function sleep(n) os.execute("sleep " .. tonumber(n)) end
+local function trim(s) return s:gsub("^%s+", ""):gsub("%s+$", "") end
+local parser = argparse()
+parser:option("-s --hist_size", "history file size", 200)
+parser:option("-f --hist_file", "history file location",
+ "/home/devi/.clip_history")
+local function log_to_syslog(log_str, log_priority)
+ posix_syslog.openlog("clipd",
+ posix_syslog.LOG_NDELAY | posix_syslog.LOG_PID,
+ posix_syslog.LOG_LOCAL0)
+ posix_syslog.syslog(log_priority, log_str)
+ posix_syslog.closelog()
+local function check_clip_hist_perms(clip_hist)
+ local uid = unistd.getuid()
+ local gid = unistd.getgid()
+ for k, v in pairs(sys_stat.stat(clip_hist)) do
+ if k == "st_uid" then
+ if v ~= uid then
+ log_to_syslog(
+ "clipboard history file owned by uid other than the clipd uid",
+ posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT)
+ os.exit(1)
+ end
+ end
+ if k == "st_gid" then
+ if v ~= gid then
+ log_to_syslog(
+ "clipboard history file owned by gid other than the clipd gid",
+ posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT)
+ os.exit(1)
+ end
+ end
+ if k == "st_mode" then
+ if v and (sys_stat.S_IRUSR or sys_stat.S_IWUSR) ~=
+ (sys_stat.S_IRUSR or sys_stat.S_IWUSR) then
+ log_to_syslog(
+ "file permissions are too open. they need to be 0600.",
+ posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT)
+ os.exit(1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function check_pid_file()
+ local f = sys_stat.stat("/var/run/clipd.pid")
+ if f ~= nil then
+ log_to_syslog("clipd is already running", posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT)
+ os.exit(1)
+ end
+-- FIXME- we cant write to /var/run since we are running as non-root user
+local function write_pid_file()
+ local f = io.open("/var/run/clipd.pid", "w")
+ if f == nil then
+ log_to_syslog("cant open pid file for writing", posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT)
+ os.exit(1)
+ end
+ f.write(unistd.getpid())
+local function remove_pid_file() end
+local function loop(clip_hist, clip_hist_size)
+ local clips_table = {}
+ local hist_current_count = 0
+ local hist_file = io.open(clip_hist, "r")
+ if hist_file ~= nil then
+ for line in hist_file:lines() do
+ if line ~= "\n" and line ~= "" and line ~= "\r\n" and line ~= " " then
+ clips_table[line] = true
+ hist_current_count = hist_current_count + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ hist_file:close()
+ while true do
+ local wait_for_event = io.popen("clipnotify")
+ local handle = io.popen("xsel -ob")
+ local last_clip_entry = handle:read("*a")
+ if last_clip_entry[-1] == "\n" then
+ clips_table[string.sub(last_clip_entry, 0,
+ string.len(last_clip_entry))] = true
+ else
+ clips_table[last_clip_entry] = true;
+ end
+ hist_current_count = hist_current_count + 1
+ if hist_current_count >= tonumber(clip_hist_size) then
+ table.remove(clips_table, 1)
+ hist_current_count = hist_current_count - 1
+ end
+ hist_file = io.open(clip_hist, "w")
+ for k, _ in pairs(clips_table) do
+ if clips_table[k] then hist_file:write(trim(k) .. "\n") end
+ end
+ hist_file:close()
+ wait_for_event:close()
+ handle:close()
+ sleep(.2)
+ end
+local function main()
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, function(signum) os.exit(128 + signum) end)
+ local args = parser:parse()
+ check_clip_hist_perms(args["hist_file"])
+ check_pid_file()
+ -- write_pid_file()
+ local status, err = pcall(loop(args["hist_file"], args["hist_size"]))
+ if ~status then log_to_syslog(err, posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT) end
+ remove_pid_file()