#!/usr/bin/env lua5.3 -- needs xsel, clipnotify, pyclip, wclip -- luarocks-5.3 install --local luaposix -- luarocks-5.3 install --local argparse -- luarocks-5.3 install --local lsqlite3 -- luarocks-5.3 install --local http -- pipx install detect-secrets local string = require("string") --- Adds LUA_PATH and LUA_CPATH to the current interpreters path. local function add_luarocks_modules() local luarocks_handle = io.popen("luarocks-5.3 path --bin") local path_b = false local cpath_b = false for line in luarocks_handle:lines() do local path = string.match(line, "LUA_PATH%s*=%s*('.+')") local cpath = string.match(line, "LUA_CPATH%s*=%s*('.+')") if path ~= nil then package.path = package.path .. ";" .. string.sub(path, 2, -2) end if cpath ~= nil then package.cpath = package.cpath .. ";" .. string.sub(cpath, 2, -2) end end if path_b then os.exit(1) end if cpath_b then os.exit(1) end end add_luarocks_modules() -- we want to delete a pidfile if we wrote one, otherwise we won't local wrote_a_pidfile = false local signal = require("posix.signal") local argparse = require("argparse") local sys_stat = require("posix.sys.stat") local unistd = require("posix.unistd") local posix_syslog = require("posix.syslog") local sqlite3 = require("lsqlite3") local posix_wait = require("posix.sys.wait") local posix_socket = require("posix.sys.socket") local libgen = require("posix.libgen") local ollama = require("ollama") -- vendored dependency -- https://github.com/rxi/json.lua local base_path = libgen.dirname(arg[0]) package.path = package.path .. ";" .. base_path .. "/?.lua" local json = require("json") local sql_create_table = [=[ create table if not exists lclipd ( id integer primary key, content text unique not null, dateAdded integer unique not null ); ]=] -- We are deleting old entries in groups of 20 instead of one by one local sql_old_reap_trigger = [=[ create trigger if not exists hist_old_reap before insert on lclipd begin delete from lclipd where id in ( select id from lclipd order by dateAdded asc limit 20 ) and ( select count(id) from lclipd ) >= %s; end; ]=] local sql_insert = [=[ insert into lclipd(content,dateAdded) values('%s', unixepoch()); ]=] -- the shell command used to call detect-secrets. -- we are using a quoted heredoc string without expansion to bypass the -- need for escaping. local detect_secrets_cmd = [=[ %s scan %s --string <<- '%s' | grep True %s %s ]=] local tmp_dir = "/tmp/lclipd" local pid_file = "/tmp/lclipd/lclipd.pid" --- We are not longer running. local function remove_pid_file() if wrote_a_pidfile then os.remove(pid_file) end end --- exits lclipd, effectively killing all children -- @param n the exit status code local function lclip_exit(n) os.exit(n) remove_pid_file() end local parser = argparse() parser:option("-s --hist_size", "number of distinct entries for clipboard history", 500) parser:option("-e --detect_secrets_exe", "the command used to call detect-secrets", "detect-secrets") parser:option("-d --detect_secrets_args", "options that will be passed to detect secrets", "") parser:option("-a --address", "address to bind to", "::1") parser:option("-p --port", "port to bind to", 9999) parser:option("-c --custom_clip_command", "custom clipboard read command", "") parser:option("--x_clip_cmd", "the command used to get the X clipboard content", "xsel -ob") parser:option("--wayland_clip_cmd", "the command used to get the wayland clipboard content", "wl-paste") parser:option("--tmux_clip_cmd", "the command used to get the tmux paste-buffer content", "tmux show-buffer") parser:option("--db_path", "path to the db location,currently :memory: and ''(empty) is not supported", "/dev/shm/lclipd") parser:option("--sql_file", "path to the file containing a sql file that will be executed about lclip starting every time", "") parser:option("--ollama_endpoint", "the endpoint to send the clipboard content to", "") parser:option("--ollama_model", "the model to use for the ollama endpoint", "llama3.1") parser:option("--ollama_prompt", "the prompt to use for the ollama endpoint", "") --- Log the given string to syslog with the given priority. -- @param log_str the string passed to the logging facility -- @param log_priority the priority of the log string -- functions called through pcall will return nil when we -- try to get their name from debug.getinfo local function log_to_syslog(log_str, log_priority) local caller_name = debug.getinfo(2, "n").name posix_syslog.openlog("clipd", posix_syslog.LOG_NDELAY | posix_syslog.LOG_PID, posix_syslog.LOG_LOCAL0) posix_syslog.syslog(log_priority, tostring(caller_name) .. ": " .. log_str) posix_syslog.closelog() end --- checks the uid and gid to make sure that we are the same id as the one -- that created the db local function check_uid_gid() log_to_syslog(tostring(unistd.getuid()) .. ":" .. tostring(unistd.getgid()), posix_syslog.LOG_INFO) end --- Creates the necessary dirs local function make_tmp_dirs() local f = sys_stat.stat(tmp_dir) if f == nil then local ret = sys_stat.mkdir(tmp_dir) if ret ~= 0 then log_to_syslog(ret, posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT) os.exit(1) end end f = sys_stat.stat(tmp_dir .. "/secrets") if f == nil then local ret = sys_stat.mkdir(tmp_dir .. "/secrets") if ret ~= 0 then log_to_syslog(ret, posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT) os.exit(1) end end end --- Tries to determine whether another instance is running, if yes, quits -- obvisouly doing it like this is imprecise but the chances of it failing -- are very low unless we have a constant known way of calling the script -- so that we can match for that exactly in the procfs cmdline check. local function check_pid_file() local f = sys_stat.stat(pid_file) if f ~= nil then local pid_file_handle = io.open(pid_file, "r") local pid_file_content = pid_file_handle:read("*a") pid_file_content = pid_file_content:gsub("\n", "") log_to_syslog(pid_file_content, posix_syslog.LOG_INFO) local old_pid_file = sys_stat.stat("/proc/" .. pid_file_content) if old_pid_file ~= nil then local pid_cmdline = io.open("/proc/" .. pid_file_content .. "/cmdline", "r") local pid_cmdline_content = pid_cmdline:read("*a") if string.match(pid_cmdline_content, "lclipd") then -- we assume a lclipd instance is already running at this point log_to_syslog("clipd is already running", posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT) lclip_exit(1) end -- the old pid file is stale, meaning the previous instance -- died without being able to clean up after itself because -- e.g. it received a SIGKILL end end end --- Write a pidfile local function write_pid_file() local f = io.open(pid_file, "w") if f == nil then log_to_syslog("cant open pid file for writing", posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT) lclip_exit(1) end f:write(tostring(unistd.getpid())) wrote_a_pidfile = true end --- generates a random string -- @param n the length of the random string local function get_random_str(n) local result = "" for _ = 1, n do result = result .. string.char(math.random(65, 65 + 25)) end return result end --- Asks the ollama server whether we should keep the clipboard content local function ask_ollama(clipboard_content, args) if clipboard_content == nil or clipboard_content == "" then return false end local pipe_read, pipe_write = unistd.pipe() if pipe_read == nil then log_to_syslog("could not create pipe", posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT) log_to_syslog(pipe_write, posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT) lclip_exit(1) end local pid, errmsg = unistd.fork() if pid == nil then -- error unistd.close(pipe_read) unistd.close(pipe_write) log_to_syslog("could not fork", posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT) log_to_syslog(errmsg, posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT) lclip_exit(1) elseif pid == 0 then -- child unistd.close(pipe_read) local is_secert = ollama.ask_ollama(clipboard_content, args, 5) if is_secert == true then unistd.write(pipe_write, "0") else unistd.write(pipe_write, "1") end elseif pid > 0 then -- parent log_to_syslog("spawned " .. tostring(pid), posix_syslog.LOG_INFO) unistd.close(pipe_write) posix_wait.wait(pid) local result = unistd.read(pipe_read, 1) unistd.close(pipe_read) if result == "0" then return false else return true end end end --- Runs secret detection tests -- returns true if the string is not a secret -- @param clipboard_content the content that will be checked against detect-secrets -- @param detect_secrets_arg extra args that will be passed to detect-secrets scan local function detect_secrets(clipboard_content, args) if clipboard_content == nil or clipboard_content == "" then return false end local pipe_read, pipe_write = unistd.pipe() if pipe_read == nil then log_to_syslog("could not create pipe", posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT) log_to_syslog(pipe_write, posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT) lclip_exit(1) end local pid, errmsg = unistd.fork() if pid == nil then -- error unistd.close(pipe_read) unistd.close(pipe_write) log_to_syslog("could not fork", posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT) log_to_syslog(errmsg, posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT) lclip_exit(1) elseif pid == 0 then -- child unistd.close(pipe_read) -- we need to use a random string that changes every time for -- the heredoc name so that we dont run the risk of having the name -- of the heredoc appear in the clipboard content. -- we need to change the name every time to not end up with a -- heredoc-ception scenario. local random_str = get_random_str(15) local cmd = string.format(detect_secrets_cmd, args["detect_secrets_exe"], args["detect_secrets_args"], random_str, clipboard_content, random_str) -- returns true or nil local ret = os.execute(cmd) if ret then unistd.write(pipe_write, "0") else unistd.write(pipe_write, "1") end unistd.close(pipe_write) unistd._exit(0) elseif pid > 0 then -- parent log_to_syslog("spawned " .. tostring(pid), posix_syslog.LOG_INFO) unistd.close(pipe_write) posix_wait.wait(pid) local result = unistd.read(pipe_read, 1) unistd.close(pipe_read) if result == "0" then return false else return true end end end --- Get the clipboard content from X or wayland. local function get_clipboard_content(args) -- if we use a plain os.execute for clipnotify the parent wont get the -- SIGINT when it is passed.clipnotify will end up getting it. -- if we fork though, the parent receives the SIGINT just fine. local pid, errmsg = unistd.fork() if pid == nil then -- error log_to_syslog("could not fork", posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT) log_to_syslog(errmsg, posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT) lclip_exit(1) elseif pid == 0 then -- child os.execute("clipnotify") unistd._exit(0) elseif pid > 0 then -- parent log_to_syslog("spawned " .. tostring(pid), posix_syslog.LOG_INFO) -- clipnotify exits when there is a new entry on the clipboard -- so we do want a blocking call here posix_wait.wait(pid) -- we dont care whether all the calls to the different clipboard apps -- succeed or not so we just ignore the errors. -- X local _, handle_x = pcall(io.popen, args["x_clip_cmd"]) if handle_x ~= nil then local last_clip_entry_x = handle_x:read("*a") handle_x:close() if last_clip_entry_x ~= "" and last_clip_entry_x ~= nil then return last_clip_entry_x end end -- wayland local _, handle_w = pcall(io.popen, args["wayland_clip_cmd"]) if handle_w ~= nil then local last_clip_entry_w = handle_w:read("*a") handle_w:close() if last_clip_entry_w ~= "" and last_clip_entry_w ~= nil then return last_clip_entry_w end end -- tmux local _, handle_t = pcall(io.popen, args["tmux_clip_cmd"]) if handle_t ~= nil then local last_clip_entry_t = handle_t:read("*a") handle_t:close() if last_clip_entry_t ~= "" and last_clip_entry_t ~= nil then return last_clip_entry_t end end -- custom if args["custom_clip_command"] ~= "" then local _, handle_c = pcall(io.popen, args["custom_clip_command"]) if handle_c ~= nil then local last_clip_entry_c = handle_c:read("*a") handle_c:close() if last_clip_entry_c ~= "" and last_clip_entry_c ~= nil then return last_clip_entry_c end end end return nil end end --- Get the sqlite DB handle. local function get_sqlite_handle(db_path) local clipDB = sqlite3.open(db_path) if clipDB == nil then log_to_syslog("could not open the database", posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT) lclip_exit(1) end return clipDB end --- Callback function to get the result when we receive a query from the TCP port -- @param conn current TCP connection that we will reply to -- @param columns the columns of the query -- @param values the value of the query local function server_query_callback(conn, columns, values, _) local result_table = {} for i = 1, columns do result_table[i] = values[i] end local result_json = json.encode(result_table) local bytes_sent, errmsg = posix_socket.send(conn, result_json) if bytes_sent == nil then log_to_syslog(errmsg, posix_syslog.LOG_WARNING) unistd._exit(1) end return 0 end --- Starts the lclipd server in a separate process -- @param args cli args -- @param sqlite_handle db handle local function run_server(args, sqlite_handle) local server_pid, errmsg = unistd.fork() if server_pid == nil then -- error log_to_syslog(errmsg, posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT) lclip_exit(1) elseif server_pid == 0 then -- child log_to_syslog("server component forked", posix_syslog.LOG_INFO) local sock, errmsg = posix_socket.socket(posix_socket.AF_INET6, posix_socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0) if sock == nil then log_to_syslog(errmsg, posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT) lclip_exit(1) end -- the default on linux is to usually have this cleared but disabling -- it is good manners local ret = posix_socket.setsockopt(sock, posix_socket.IPPROTO_IPV6, posix_socket.IPV6_V6ONLY, 0) if ret ~= 0 then log_to_syslog("could not clear IPV6 only flag", posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT) lclip_exit(1) end ret, errmsg = posix_socket.bind(sock, { port = args["port"], addr = args["address"], family = posix_socket.AF_INET6, socktype = posix_socket.SOCK_STREAM }) if ret == nil then log_to_syslog(errmsg, posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT) lclip_exit(1) end ret, errmsg = posix_socket.listen(sock, posix_socket.SOMAXCONN) if ret == nil then log_to_syslog(errmsg, posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT) lclip_exit(1) end log_to_syslog("listening on " .. args["address"] .. ":" .. tostring(args["port"]), posix_syslog.LOG_INFO) while true do local conn, conn_addr = posix_socket.accept(sock) if conn == nil then log_to_syslog(conn_addr, posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT) goto server_continue end -- we fork on every incoming connection local pid, errmsg = unistd.fork() -- connection fork if pid == nil then -- error log_to_syslog(errmsg, posix_syslog.LOG_WARNING) elseif pid == 0 then -- child local msg = {} log_to_syslog("forked on incoming connection", posix_syslog.LOG_INFO) while true do local b = posix_socket.recv(conn, 2 ^ 14) if not b or #b == 0 then break end table.insert(msg, b) end if msg == nil then log_to_syslog(errmsg, posix_syslog.LOG_WARNING) unistd.close(conn) unistd._exit(1) end msg = table.concat(msg) log_to_syslog(msg, posix_syslog.LOG_INFO) local return_code = sqlite_handle:exec(msg, server_query_callback, conn) if return_code ~= sqlite3.OK then log_to_syslog(tostring(return_code), posix_syslog.LOG_WARNING) unistd.close(conn) unistd._exit(1) end unistd.close(conn) unistd._exit(0) -- nothing to do for the parent here, we want the parent to return -- and wait on accept for a new incoming connection end unistd.close(conn) ::server_continue:: end elseif server_pid > 0 then -- parent -- the parent process can just return at this point -- we are simply achieving asynchronicity with this -- for the server component return end end --- handles writing of the clipboard -- @pram args the cli args -- @pram sqlite_handle db handle local function clipboard_writer(args, sqlite_handle) local server_pid, errmsg = unistd.fork() if server_pid == nil then -- error log_to_syslog(errmsg, posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT) lclip_exit(1) elseif server_pid == 0 then local return_code while true do local clip_content = get_clipboard_content(args) if clip_content == nil then goto continue end -- remove trailing/leading whitespace clip_content = string.gsub(clip_content, '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1') -- escaping single quote characters clip_content = string.gsub(clip_content, '\'', '\'\'') if clip_content == nil then goto continue end local insert_string = string.format(sql_insert, clip_content) local cpid, errmsg = unistd.fork() if cpid == nil then -- error log_to_syslog(errmsg, posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT) lclip_exit(1) elseif cpid == 0 then -- child if detect_secrets(clip_content, args) then return_code = sqlite_handle:exec(insert_string) if return_code ~= sqlite3.OK then log_to_syslog(tostring(return_code), posix_syslog.LOG_WARNING) end end unistd._exit(0) -- parent should just return to wait on the next -- incoming event from clipnotify end ::continue:: end elseif server_pid > 0 then return end end local function add_triggers_from_file(args, sqlite_handle) local trigger_file = io.open(args["sql_file"], "r") if not trigger_file then return end local content = trigger_file:read("*a") trigger_file:close() local return_code = sqlite_handle:exec(content) if return_code ~= sqlite3.OK then log_to_syslog("error executing sql file:", posix_syslog.LOG_WARNING) log_to_syslog(tostring(return_code), posix_syslog.LOG_WARNING) end end --- The clipboard's main loop -- @param args the cli args local function loop(args) local sqlite_handle = get_sqlite_handle(args["db_path"]) -- create the table if it does not exist local return_code = sqlite_handle:exec(sql_create_table) if return_code ~= sqlite3.OK then log_to_syslog(tostring(return_code), posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT) log_to_syslog("could not create table", posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT) lclip_exit(1) end -- add the old_reap trigger sql_old_reap_trigger = string.format(sql_old_reap_trigger, args["hist_size"]) return_code = sqlite_handle:exec(sql_old_reap_trigger) if return_code ~= sqlite3.OK then log_to_syslog(tostring(return_code), posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT) log_to_syslog("could not add old_reap trigger to table", posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT) lclip_exit(1) end add_triggers_from_file(args, sqlite_handle) -- run the server process run_server(args, sqlite_handle) -- run the clipboard writer process clipboard_writer(args, sqlite_handle) while true do local pid = posix_wait.wait(-1) while pid do pid = posix_wait.wait(-1) end end end --- The entry point. local function main() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, function(signum) remove_pid_file() io.write("\n") os.exit(128 + signum) end) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, function(signum) remove_pid_file() io.write("\n") os.exit(128 + signum) end) signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, function() local pid = posix_wait.wait(-1) while pid do pid = posix_wait.wait(-1) end end) local args = parser:parse() make_tmp_dirs() check_pid_file() write_pid_file() check_uid_gid() local status, err = pcall(loop, args) if status ~= true then log_to_syslog(err, posix_syslog.LOG_CRIT) end end local status, _ = pcall(main) if status ~= true then remove_pid_file() end