local http_request = require("http.request") local libgen = require("posix.libgen") local base_path = libgen.dirname(arg[0]) package.path = package.path .. ";" .. base_path .. "/?.lua" local json = require("json") local ollama = {} function ollama.ollama_req(clipboard_content) local url = "" local req = http_request.new_from_uri(url) local body = { model = "llama3.1", stream = false, format = "json", messages = { {content = clipboard_content, role = "user"}, { content = [[ a public key is not a secret. a base64 encoded string is a not secret. a private key is a seceret. an api key is a secret. a password is a secret. a token is a secret. a long string of random characters is a secret. ]], role = "assistant" }, { content = [[ Only answer in json. The answer must a field named 'isSecret'. The answer must have a field named 'reasoning'. The value of 'isSecret' must be a boolean. The value of reasoning must be a string. The answer must be valid json. ]], role = "assistant" }, { content = [[ Now I will give you your task. Look at the user-provided string content. Is it a secret? answer in json. ]], role = "assistant" } }, options = { temperature = 0.5, max_tokens = 10000, top_p = 1.0, frequency_penalty = 0.0, presence_penalty = 0.0 } } local body_json = json.encode(body) req:set_body(body_json) req.headers:upsert(":method", "POST") local headers, stream = req:go(10000) if headers:get(":status") ~= "200" then return nil end local result_body = stream:get_body_as_string() return result_body end function ollama.ask_ollama(clipboard_content, count) local true_count = 0 local false_count = 0 for _ = 1, count do local result = ollama.ollama_req(clipboard_content) local result_decoded = json.decode(result) local final_result = json.decode(result_decoded["message"]["content"]) if final_result == true then true_count = true_count + 1 else false_count = false_count + 1 end end if true_count > false_count then return true else return false end end return ollama