path: root/923
diff options
authorterminaldweller <thabogre@gmail.com>2022-04-06 12:56:41 +0000
committerterminaldweller <thabogre@gmail.com>2022-04-06 12:56:41 +0000
commit50dcc51aa192049484e4aaf8b260e8d900ec520d (patch)
treedf4e907ad836a18b496c66a1e6cd6cd4e086a8cd /923
parentupdate (diff)
Diffstat (limited to '')
3 files changed, 318 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/923/header.hpp b/923/header.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2df2a5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/923/header.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
diff --git a/923/main.cpp b/923/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e0349e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/923/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#include "header.hpp"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <map>
+#include <utility>
+int fact(int n) {
+ int64_t result = 1;
+ for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
+ result *= i;
+ }
+ return result;
+int selection(int n, int m) {
+ return (fact(m) / (fact(n) * fact(std::abs(m - n))));
+class Solution {
+ static int threeSumMulti(std::vector<int> &arr, int target) {
+ int MOD = 1000000007;
+ long ans = 0;
+ std::sort(arr.begin(), arr.end());
+ for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); ++i) {
+ // We'll try to find the number of i < j < k
+ // with A[j] + A[k] == T, where T = target - A[i].
+ // The below is a "two sum with multiplicity".
+ int T = target - arr[i];
+ int j = i + 1, k = arr.size() - 1;
+ while (j < k) {
+ // These steps proceed as in a typical two-sum.
+ if (arr[j] + arr[k] < T)
+ j++;
+ else if (arr[j] + arr[k] > T)
+ k--;
+ else if (arr[j] != arr[k]) { // We have A[j] + A[k] == T.
+ // Let's count "left": the number of A[j] == A[j+1] == A[j+2] == ...
+ // And similarly for "right".
+ int left = 1, right = 1;
+ while (j + 1 < k && arr[j] == arr[j + 1]) {
+ left++;
+ j++;
+ }
+ while (k - 1 > j && arr[k] == arr[k - 1]) {
+ right++;
+ k--;
+ }
+ ans += left * right;
+ ans %= MOD;
+ j++;
+ k--;
+ } else {
+ // M = k - j + 1
+ // We contributed M * (M-1) / 2 pairs.
+ ans += (k - j + 1) * (k - j) / 2;
+ ans %= MOD;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (int)ans;
+ }
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ std::vector<int> arr = {1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5};
+ auto target = 8;
+ std::cout << Solution::threeSumMulti(arr, target) << "\n";
+ return 0;
diff --git a/923/makefile b/923/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5e9dc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/923/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+ifdef OS
+CXX_FLAGS=-std=c++20 -fpic
+LD_FLAGS= -include-pch header.hpp.gch
+ADD_SANITIZERS_CC= -g -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer
+ADD_SANITIZERS_LD= -g -fsanitize=address
+MEM_SANITIZERS_CC= -g -fsanitize=memory -fno-omit-frame-pointer
+MEM_SANITIZERS_LD= -g -fsanitize=memory
+UB_SANITIZERS_CC= -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-omit-frame-pointer
+UB_SANITIZERS_LD= -g -fsanitize=undefined
+FUZZ_SANITIZERS_CC= -fsanitize=fuzzer,address -g -fno-omit-frame-pointer
+FUZZ_SANITIZERS_LD= -fsanitize=fuzzer,address -g -fno-omit-frame-pointer
+COV_CXX= -fprofile-instr-generate -fcoverage-mapping
+COV_LD= -fprofile-instr-generate
+OBJ_LIST:=$(patsubst %.cpp, %.o, $(shell find . -name '*.cpp' | grep -Ev $(EXCLUSION_LIST)))
+OBJ_COV_LIST:=$(patsubst %.cpp, %.ocov, $(shell find . -name '*.cpp' | grep -Ev $(EXCLUSION_LIST)))
+OBJ_DBG_LIST:=$(patsubst %.cpp, %.odbg, $(shell find . -name '*.cpp' | grep -Ev $(EXCLUSION_LIST)))
+ASM_LIST:=$(patsubst %.cpp, %.s, $(shell find . -name '*.cpp' | grep -Ev $(EXCLUSION_LIST)))
+WASM_LIST:=$(patsubst %.cpp, %.wasm, $(shell find . -name '*.cpp' | grep -Ev $(EXCLUSION_LIST)))
+WAST_LIST:=$(patsubst %.cpp, %.wast, $(shell find . -name '*.cpp' | grep -Ev $(EXCLUSION_LIST)))
+IR_LIST:=$(patsubst %.cpp, %.ir, $(shell find . -name '*.cpp' | grep -Ev $(EXCLUSION_LIST)))
+JS_LIST:=$(patsubst %.cpp, %.js, $(shell find . -name '*.cpp' | grep -Ev $(EXCLUSION_LIST)))
+AST_LIST:=$(patsubst %.cpp, %.ast, $(shell find . -name '*.cpp' | grep -Ev $(EXCLUSION_LIST)))
+ifeq ($(CXX), g++)
+$(error This build mode is only useable with clang++.)
+ifeq ($(CXX), g++)
+$(error This build mode is only useable with clang++.)
+ifeq ($(BUILD_MODE), UBSAN)
+ifeq ($(CXX), g++)
+$(error This build mode is only useable with clang++.)
+ifeq ($(BUILD_MODE), FUZZ)
+ifeq ($(CXX), g++)
+$(error This build mode is only useable with clang++.)
+SRCS:=$(wildcard *.cpp)
+HDRS:=$(wildcard *.h)
+.PHONY:all clean help ASM SO TAGS WASM JS exe IR WAST A ADBG AST cppcheck DOCKER
+ rm -rf .depend
+ $(CXX) -MM $(CXX_FLAGS) $^ > ./.depend
+ echo $(patsubst %.o:, %.odbg:, $(shell $(CXX) -MM $(CXX_FLAGS) $^)) | sed -r 's/[A-Za-z0-9\-\_]+\.odbg/\n&/g' >> ./.depend
+ echo $(patsubst %.o:, %.ocov:, $(shell $(CXX) -MM $(CXX_FLAGS) $^)) | sed -r 's/[A-Za-z0-9\-\_]+\.ocov/\n&/g' >> ./.depend
+-include ./.depend
+.cpp.o: header.hpp.gch
+ $(CXX) $(CXX_FLAGS) -c $< -o $@
+ $(CXX) $(CXX_FLAGS) -g -c $< -o $@
+ $(CXX) $(CXX_FLAGS) $(COV_CXX) -c $< -o $@
+ $(CXX) $(CXX_FLAGS) -c $< -o $@
+exe: header.hpp.gch $(TARGET)
+ $(CXX) $(LD_FLAGS) $^ -o $@
+$(TARGET)-static: $(OBJ_LIST)
+ $(CXX) $(LD_FLAGS) $^ -static -o $@
+ $(CXX) $(LD_FLAGS) $^ -g -o $@
+ $(CXX) $(LD_FLAGS) $^ $(COV_LD) -o $@
+cov: runcov
+ @llvm-profdata merge -sparse ./default.profraw -o ./default.profdata
+ @llvm-cov show $(TARGET)-cov -instr-profile=default.profdata
+covrep: runcov
+ @llvm-profdata merge -sparse ./default.profraw -o ./default.profdata
+ @llvm-cov report $(TARGET)-cov -instr-profile=default.profdata
+BEAR: clean
+ bear make
+ $(shell $(CXX) -c -I $(CTAGS_I_PATH) -M $(SRCS)|\
+ sed -e 's/[\\ ]/\n/g'|sed -e '/^$$/d' -e '/\.o:[ \t]*$$/d'|\
+ ctags -L - --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q)
+%.s: %.cpp
+ $(CXX) -S $< -o $@
+ # objdump -r -d -M intel -S $< > $@
+%.ir: %.cpp
+ $(CXX) -emit-llvm -S -o $@ $<
+%.wasm: %.cpp
+ em++ $< -o $@
+%.wast: %.wasm
+ wasm2wat $< > $@
+%.js: %.cpp
+ em++ $< -s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1 -s EXIT_RUNTIME=1 -o $@
+%.ast: %.cpp
+ $(CXX) -Xclang -ast-dump -fsyntax-only $< > $@
+$(TARGET).so: $(OBJ_LIST)
+ $(CXX) $(LD_FLAGS) $^ -shared -o $@
+ ar rcs $(TARGET).a $(OBJ_LIST)
+$(TARGET).adbg: $(OBJ_DBG_LIST)
+ ar rcs $(TARGET).adbg $(OBJ_DBG_LIST)
+runcov: $(TARGET)-cov
+ $(TARGET)-cov
+test: $(TARGET)
+run: $(TARGET)
+ "./$(TARGET)"
+valgrind: $(TARGET)
+ - valgrind --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all $(TARGET)
+ cppcheck $(SRCS)
+rundbg: $(TARGET)-dbg
+ gdb --batch --command=./debug.dbg --args $(TARGET)-dbg
+ - clang-format -i $(SRCS) $(HDRS)
+DOCKER: Dockerfile
+ docker buld -t proto ./
+ - rm -f *.o *.dis *.odbg *.ocov *.js *.ir *~ $(TARGET) $(TARGET).so $(TARGET)-static \
+ $(TARGET)-dbg $(TARGET).a $(TARGET)-cov *.wasm *.wast $(TARGET).adbg *.ast
+deepclean: clean
+ - rm tags
+ - rm .depend
+ - rm ./default.profraw ./default.profdata
+ - rm vgcore.*
+ - rm compile_commands.json
+ - rm *.gch
+ @echo "--all is the default target, runs $(TARGET) target"
+ @echo "--everything will build everything"
+ @echo "--SO will generate the so"
+ @echo "--ASM will generate assembly files"
+ @echo "--TAGS will generate tags file"
+ @echo "--BEAR will generate a compilation database"
+ @echo "--IR will generate llvm IR"
+ @echo "--$(TARGET) builds the dynamically-linked executable"
+ @echo "--$(TARGET)-dbg will generate the debug build. BUILD_MODE should be set to DEBUG to work"
+ @echo "--$(TARGET)-static will statically link the executable to the libraries"
+ @echo "--$(TARGET)-cov is the coverage build"
+ @echo "--cov will print the coverage report"
+ @echo "--covrep will print the line coverage report"
+ @echo "--A will build the static library"
+ @echo "--TAGS will build the tags file"
+ @echo "--clean"
+ @echo "--deepclean will clean almost everything"