diff options
authorbloodstalker <thabogre@gmail.com>2018-10-01 00:35:09 +0000
committerbloodstalker <thabogre@gmail.com>2018-10-01 00:35:09 +0000
commit8e0033ab05987e967d953f535a128d97b8006d15 (patch)
parentupdate (diff)
Diffstat (limited to '')
2 files changed, 34 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/luatablegen.py b/luatablegen.py
index d8b1a25..387108c 100755
--- a/luatablegen.py
+++ b/luatablegen.py
@@ -657,7 +657,21 @@ class TbgParser(object):
temp2 = self.gen_luato_generic(struct_name, field_name, rev_counter)
dummy = temp[0] + "=" + temp2
elif lua_type == "conditional":
- dummy = "void* " + child.attrib["name"] + "=" + self.gen_luato_generic(struct_name, field_name, rev_counter)
+ dummy = "void*" + child.attrib["name"] + ";\n"
+ for kind in child:
+ #print(kind.tag)
+ #print(child.attrib["condition"][6:])
+ cond_node = get_def_node_tag(child.attrib["condition"][6:], parent)
+ lua_eq_type = get_eq_lua_type(kind.attrib["type"])
+ push = str()
+ if lua_eq_type == "integer": push = child.attrib["name"]+"=luaL_optinteger(__ls,"+repr(rev_counter)+",0);\n"
+ elif lua_eq_type == "number":push = child.attrib["name"]+"=lua_tonumber(__ls,"+repr(rev_counter)+");\n"
+ elif lua_eq_type == "string":push = child.attrib["name"]+"=lua_tostring(__ls,"+repr(rev_counter)+");\n"
+ elif lua_eq_type == "lightuserdata":push = child.attrib["name"]+"=lua_touserdata(__ls,"+repr(rev_counter)+");\n"
+ elif lua_eq_type == None:push = child.attrib["name"]+"=lua_touserdata(__ls,"+repr(rev_counter)+");\n"
+ else: print("this was not supposed to happen...")
+ dummy += "if (" + cond_node.attrib["name"] + " ==" + kind.text+ ") {"+push+"}\n"
+ #dummy = "void* " + child.attrib["name"] + "=" + self.gen_luato_generic(struct_name, field_name, rev_counter)
print("bad lua_type entry in the json file")
@@ -717,7 +731,22 @@ class TbgParser(object):
dummy = "\tpushluatable_" + type_resolver(child, self.elems) +"(__ls, dummy->"+field_name+", dummy->"+count_node_name+");\n"
elif lua_type == "conditional":
- pass
+ #FIXME-wont work properly for counts greater than 1
+ for kind in child:
+ cond_node = get_def_node_tag(child.attrib["condition"][6:], parent)
+ lua_eq_type = get_eq_lua_type(kind.attrib["type"])
+ push = str()
+ if lua_eq_type == "integer": push = "lua_pushinteger(__ls, dummy->"+child.attrib["name"]+");\n"
+ elif lua_eq_type == "number": push = "lua_pushnumber(__ls, dummy->"+child.attrib["name"]+");\n"
+ elif lua_eq_type == "string": push = "lua_pushstring(__ls, dummy->"+child.attrib["name"]+");\n"
+ elif lua_eq_type == "lightuserdata": push = ""
+ elif lua_eq_type == None:
+ type_node = get_def_node_tag(kind.attrib["type"][6:], self.elems)
+ print(kind.attrib["type"])
+ push = type_node.attrib["name"]+"_push_args(__ls, dummy->"+child.attrib["name"]+");\n"
+ push += "new_" + type_node.attrib["name"] + "(__ls);\n"
+ else: print("this was not supposed to happen...")
+ dummy += "if (dummy->" + cond_node.attrib["name"] + " ==" + kind.text+ ") {"+push+"}\n"
print("bad lua_type entry in the json file")
diff --git a/test/luwasm.xml b/test/luwasm.xml
index d650f68..1a71c71 100644
--- a/test/luwasm.xml
+++ b/test/luwasm.xml
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
<Init_Expr name="init_expr_t" isaggregate="true" luatype="lightuserdata">
- <Code name="code" type="string" count="1" size="-1" delimiter="11" luatype="integer"></Code>
+ <Code name="code" type="string" count="1" size="-1" delimiter="11" luatype="string"></Code>
<Resizable_Limit name="resizable_limit_t" isaggregate="true" luatype="lightuserdata">
<Flags name="flags" encoding="leb128u" type="uint8" count="1" luatype="integer"></Flags>
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
<Index name="index" encoding="leb128u" type="uint32" count="1" luatype="integer"/>
<Init name="init" type="self::Init_Expr" count="1" luatype="lightuserdata"/>
<Num_Length name="num_length" encoding="leb128u" type="uint32" count="1" luatype="integer"/>
- <Elems name="elems" encoding="leb128u" type="uint32" count="self::Num_Length" luatype="integer"/>
+ <Elems name="elems" encoding="leb128u" type="uint32" count="self::Num_Length" luatype="lightuserdata"/>
<Local_Entry name="W_Local_Entry" isaggregate="true" luatype="lightuserdata">
<Count name="count" encoding="leb128u" type="uint32" count="1" luatype="integer"/>
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
<Body_size name="body_size" encoding="leb128u" type="uint32" count="1" luatype="integer"/>
<Local_Count name="local_count" encoding="leb128u" type="uint32" count="1" luatype="integer"/>
<Local_Entries name="locals" type="self::Local_Entry" count="self::Local_Count" luatype="lightuserdata"/>
- <Code name="code" type="uchar" count="self::Body_size" luatype="integer"/>
+ <Code name="code" type="uchar" count="self::Body_size" luatype="lightuserdata"/>
<Data_Segment name="W_Data_Segment" isaggregate="true" luatype="lightuserdata">
<Index name="index" encoding="leb128u" type="uint32" count="1" luatype="integer"/>