[ircd.devinet] ircServer = "irc.myawesomeircnet.com" ircPort = 6697 ircNick = "milla" enableSasl = true ircSaslUser = "milla" ircSaslPass = "xxxxx" ircChannels = ["##chan1", "##chan2"] temp = 0.2 requestTimeout = 10 millaReconnectDelay = 60 model = "gpt-3.5-turbo" chromaStyle = "rose-pine-moon" chromaFormatter = "terminal256" provider = "chatgpt" apikey = "xxxx" memoryLimit = 20 admins = ["noone_has_this_nick"] debug = true out = true databaseAddress = "postgres:5432" databasePassword = "changeme" databaseUser = "devi" databaseName = "milla" scrapeChannels = ["#soulhack", "#warroom", "#securityfeeds"] ircProxy = "socks5://" llmProxy = "" skipTLSVerify = false useTLS = true adminOnly = false context = ["please respond in french even if i use another language unless you are specifically asked to use any language other than french", "your name is terra"] plugins = ["/plugins/ip.lua", "/plugins/urban.lua"] [ircd.devinet.watchlist.security] watchList = ["#securityfeeds"] watchFiles = ["/watchfiles/voidbox.list"] alertChannel = "#milla_alerts" eventTypes = ["PRIVMSG"] fgColor = 0 bgColor = 28 [ircd.devinet.rss.manga] rssFile = "/rssfeeds/manga.json" channel = "#manga" [ircd.devinet.rss.anime] rssFile = "/rssfeeds/anime.json" channel = "#anime" [ircd.liberanet] ircServer = "irc.libera.chat" ircNick = "milla" model = "gpt-3.5-turbo" ircPort = 6697 chromaStyle = "rose-pine-moon" chromaFormatter = "terminal16m" provider = "gemini" apikey = "xxxx" temp = 0.5 requestTimeout = 10 millaReconnectDelay = 60 keepAlive = 20 memoryLimit = 20 pingDelay = 20 pingTimeout = 600 skipTLSVerify = false useTLS = true disableSTSFallback = true allowFlood = false admins = ["noone_has_this_nick"] ircChannels = ["##milla1", "##milla2"] debug = true out = true ircProxy = "socks5://" llmProxy = "" adminOnly = true [ircd.liberanet.customCommands.digest] sql = "select log from liberanet_milla_us_market_news order by log desc;" limit = 300 context = ["you are a sentiment-analysis bot"] prompt= "i have provided to you news headlines in the form of previous conversations between you and me using the user role. please provide the digest of the news for me." [ircd.liberanet.customCommands.summarize] sql= "select log from liberanet_milla_us_market_news order by log desc;" limit= 300 context = ["you are a sentiment-analysis bot"] prompt= "i have provided to you news headlines in the form of previous conversations between you and me using the user role. please summarize the provided news for me. provide some details."