path: root/bruiser
diff options
authorbloodstalker <thabogre@gmail.com>2017-06-05 17:15:32 +0000
committerbloodstalker <thabogre@gmail.com>2017-06-05 17:15:32 +0000
commitd404e7217d41c1e7b20fdf021fd536a54e5c1c93 (patch)
treeb773972eaa2a3db36652811a5bf1b3f587ecdfc5 /bruiser
parentfixed some commands (diff)
moved the other commands into lua now, so they are working again
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 96 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/bruiser/bruiser.cpp b/bruiser/bruiser.cpp
index 89e84f2..12cbea0 100644
--- a/bruiser/bruiser.cpp
+++ b/bruiser/bruiser.cpp
@@ -835,6 +835,92 @@ class LuaWrapper
LuaWrapper(ClangTool &__CT) : CT(__CT) {}
+ int BruiserLuaHistory(lua_State* __ls)
+ {
+ std::ifstream historyfile;
+ historyfile.open(SHELL_HISTORY_FILE);
+ std::string tempstring;
+ unsigned int tempint = 0;
+ while(std::getline(historyfile, tempstring))
+ {
+ printf(GREEN"%d - %s", tempint, tempstring.c_str());
+ printf(NORMAL"\n");
+ tempint++;
+ }
+ return tempint;
+ }
+ int BruiserLuaHelp(lua_State* __ls)
+ {
+ unsigned int argcount = 0U;
+ for (auto &iter : bruiser::CMDHelp)
+ {
+ printf(GREEN"%s:%s:%s",iter.name.c_str(),iter.proto.c_str(),iter.descr.c_str());
+ printf(NORMAL"\n");
+ argcount++;
+ }
+ std::cout << NORMAL;
+ return argcount;
+ }
+ int BruiserLuaHijackMain(lua_State* __ls)
+ {
+ int RunResult = this->GetClangTool().run(newFrontendActionFactory<BruiserFrontendAction>().get());
+ //std::cout << CYAN <<"hijacking main returned " << RunResult << "\n" << NORMAL;
+ printf(CYAN"hijacking main returned %d", RunResult);
+ printf(NORMAL"\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ int BruiserLuaVersion(lua_State* __ls)
+ {
+ PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(GREEN, "bruiser experimental version something.");
+ PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(GREEN, "project mutator");
+ PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(GREEN, "bloodstalker 2017");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ int BruiserLuaClear(lua_State* _ls)
+ {
+ linenoiseClearScreen();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int BruiserLuaM0(lua_State* __ls)
+ {
+ BruiseRep.PrintToLog("bruiser exited with:");
+ bruiser::ReadM0 M0Rep;
+ tinyxml2::XMLError XMLErr;
+ XMLErr = M0Rep.LoadXMLDoc();
+ if (XMLErr != XML_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ std::cout << RED << "could not load m0 xml report.\n" << NORMAL;
+ std::cout << RED << "tinyxml2 returned " << XMLErr << NORMAL;
+ return XMLErr;
+ }
+ XMLErr = M0Rep.ReadFirstElement();
+ if (XMLErr != XML_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ std::cerr << RED << "could not read first element of m0 xml report.\n" << NORMAL;
+ return XMLErr;
+ }
+ bruiser::SearchM0(M0Rep.getRootPointer());
+ return 1;
+ }
#define LIST_GENERATOR(__x1) \
int List##__x1(lua_State* __ls)\
@@ -889,13 +975,6 @@ int LuaDispatch(lua_State* __ls)
return ((*LWPtr).*func)(__ls);
-int bubu(lua_State* __ls)
- int n = lua_gettop(__ls);
- std::cout << "hi im bubu\n";
- lua_pushfstring(__ls, "hi im bubu\n");
- return 1;
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
@@ -914,8 +993,10 @@ int main(int argc, const char **argv)
std::regex dumplist("^list\\sdump\\s");
std::smatch smresult;
+ /*gets the compilation database and options for the clang instances that we would later run*/
CommonOptionsParser op(argc, argv, BruiserCategory);
ClangTool Tool(op.getCompilations(), op.getSourcePathList());
+ /*initialize the LuaWrapper class so we can register and run them from lua.*/
LuaWrapper LW(Tool);
/*linenoise init*/
@@ -930,12 +1011,17 @@ int main(int argc, const char **argv)
char* command;
-#if 1
LuaEngine LE;
*static_cast<LuaWrapper**>(lua_getextraspace(LE.GetLuaState())) = &LW;
/*@DEVI-this part is just registering our LuaWrapper member functions with lua so we can call them from lua.*/
+ lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "history", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaHistory>);
+ lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "help", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaHelp>);
+ lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "hijackmain", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaHijackMain>);
+ lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "version", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaVersion>);
+ lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "clear", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaClear>);
+ /*its just regisering the List function from LuaWrapper with X-macros.*/
#define X(__x1, __x2) lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), #__x1, &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::List##__x1>);
@@ -943,21 +1029,14 @@ int main(int argc, const char **argv)
#undef X
- lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "bubu", bubu);
while((command = linenoise("bruiser>>")) != NULL)
-#if 1
- //LE.Test();
- //LE.Test2();
- //LE.Test3();
- //luaL_dofile(LE.GetLuaState(), "./lua-scripts/test4.lua");
+ /*end of bruiser main*/
while((command = linenoise("bruiser>>")) != NULL)