diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
6 files changed, 159 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/bfd/load.py b/bfd/load.py
index aeaa67b..9178db6 100755
--- a/bfd/load.py
+++ b/bfd/load.py
@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ class ELF(object):
return ret_list
- def dump_section(self, section_name):
+ def dump_section(self, section_name, dump):
for section in self.shhdr:
name = self.read_section_name(byte2int(section.sh_name))
if name == section_name:
@@ -749,27 +749,34 @@ class ELF(object):
obj = self.so.read(byte2int(section.sh_size))
if section_name == ".interp": self.dlpath = repr(obj)
count = int()
- strrep = []
- for byte in obj:
- if count%16 == 0:
- for ch in strrep:
- if ord(ch) > 16: print(ch, end = '')
- else: pass
- print()
- strrep = []
- print(format(count, "06x"), ': ', end='')
- strrep.append(str(chr(byte)))
- print(format(byte, '02x') + ' ', end='')
- else:
- strrep += str(chr(byte))
- print(format(byte, '02x') + ' ', end='')
- count += 1
- for i in range(0, 16-count%16): print(" ", end="")
- for ch in strrep:
- if ord(ch) > 16: print(ch, end = '')
- else: pass
- print()
- return self.dlpath
+ if dump:
+ strrep = []
+ for byte in obj:
+ if count%16 == 0:
+ for ch in strrep:
+ if ord(ch) > 16 and ord(ch) < 127: print(ch, end = '')
+ else: pass
+ print()
+ strrep = []
+ print(format(count, "06x"), ': ', end='')
+ strrep.append(str(chr(byte)))
+ print(format(byte, '02x') + ' ', end='')
+ else:
+ pass
+ strrep += str(chr(byte))
+ print(format(byte, '02x') + ' ', end='')
+ count += 1
+ for i in range(0, 16-count%16): print(" ", end="")
+ #for ch in strrep:
+ #if ord(ch) > 63 and ord(ch) < 100: print(repr(ch), end = '')
+ #else: pass
+ print()
+ ret_dummy = []
+ for i in range(0, len(obj)):
+ ret_dummy.append(obj[i])
+ #print(ret_dummy)
+ return ret_dummy
def dump_obj_size(self, stt_type, dump_b):
ret_list = []
@@ -991,6 +998,12 @@ def elf_get_func_names():
return elf.dump_symbol_string(ELF_ST_TYPE.STT_FUNC, False)
+def elf_get_text_section():
+ so = openSO_r(sys.argv[1])
+ elf = ELF(so)
+ elf.init(64)
+ return elf.dump_section(".text", False)
# obj here means variables or what the C standard means by objects
def elf_get_obj_names():
so = openSO_r(sys.argv[1])
@@ -1050,8 +1063,8 @@ def main():
elif argparser.args.funcs: elf.dump_symbol_string(ELF_ST_TYPE.STT_FUNC, True)
elif argparser.args.objs: elf.dump_symbol_string(ELF_ST_TYPE.STT_OBJECT, True)
elif argparser.args.dynsym: elf.dump_st_entries_dyn()
- elif argparser.args.dlpath: elf.dump_section(".interp")
- elif argparser.args.section: elf.dump_section(argparser.args.section)
+ elif argparser.args.dlpath: elf.dump_section(".interp", True)
+ elif argparser.args.section: elf.dump_section(argparser.args.section, True)
elif argparser.args.test:
counter = 0
diff --git a/bruiser/README.md b/bruiser/README.md
index da86ce5..72b44d8 100644
--- a/bruiser/README.md
+++ b/bruiser/README.md
@@ -77,3 +77,21 @@ Running the following command will return a table containing the names of the ob
objload("elf_get_obj_names", "../bfd/test/test.so", "symbol_list")
+For a more detailed example look at the wiki here on github.<br/>
+The xobj functionality is provided as a lua module. You can use it by:<br/>
+xobj = require("lua-scripts.xobj")
+you can see a working example if you run `lua-scripts/demo2.lua`. The example requires `ansicolors`. You can get that by `luarocks install ansicolors`.<br/>
+#### Lua Defaults
+Upon start-up, bruiser will look to find a file called `defaults.lua` in the same directory as the bruiser executable to run before running any user provided lua code, both in interactive and non-interactive modes. The path to the lua default file could be changed from the default value by the `LuaDefault` option passed to bruiser on startup.<br/>
+If you use `luarocks`, you can run `luarocks path --bin` to see where rocks on your machine are and then add that to your path to have the rocks available in bruiser as well.<br/>
+One way do to that is to add the following lines to your `defaults.lua`:<br/>
+package.path = package.path .. ";LUA_PATH"
+packege.cpath = package.cpath .. ";LUA_CPATH"
+The following lines make the rocks in `LUA_PATH` and `LUA_CPATH` available on bruiser. You can get `LUA_PATH` and `LUA_CPATH` by runnin `luarocks path --bin`. You can also look at the `default.lua` that is shipped with bruiser.<br/>
diff --git a/bruiser/bruiser.cpp b/bruiser/bruiser.cpp
index 808010f..50c01cc 100644
--- a/bruiser/bruiser.cpp
+++ b/bruiser/bruiser.cpp
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ cl::opt<std::string> M0XMLPath("xmlpath", cl::desc("tells bruiser where to find
cl::opt<bool> LuaJIT("jit", cl::desc("should bruiser use luajit or not."), cl::init(true), cl::cat(BruiserCategory), cl::ZeroOrMore);
cl::opt<bool> Verbose("verbose", cl::desc("verbosity"), cl::init(false), cl::cat(BruiserCategory), cl::ZeroOrMore);
cl::opt<std::string> NonCLILuaScript("lua", cl::desc("specifies a lua script for bruiser to run in non-interactive mode"), cl::init(""), cl::cat(BruiserCategory), cl::Optional);
+cl::opt<std::string> LuaDefault("luadefault", cl::desc("the path to the luadefault file. the default option is where the bruiser executable is."), cl::init("./defaults.lua"), cl::cat(BruiserCategory), cl::ZeroOrMore);
class LuaEngine
@@ -139,6 +140,10 @@ class LuaEngine
+ void RunLuaDefaults(void) {
+ luaL_dofile(LS, LuaDefault.c_str());
+ }
void RunString(char* __lua_string) {}
void RunChunk(char* __lua_chunk) {
@@ -247,6 +252,9 @@ class PyExec {
return 0;
+ //std::vector<std::string> actionParser(std::string action) {}
+ //void convertPush(PyObject* pyobject) {}
int getAsCppStringVec(void) {
if (Verbose) PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(BLUE, "processing return result...");
if (PyList_Check(pValue)) {
@@ -266,6 +274,19 @@ class PyExec {
return 0;
+ int getAsCppByte_PyIntList(void) {
+ if(PyList_Check(pValue)) {
+ int list_length = PyList_Size(pValue);
+ for(int i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
+ PyObject* pybytes = PyList_GetItem(pValue, i);
+ if (PyLong_Check(pybytes)) {
+ text_section.push_back(PyLong_AsLong(pybytes));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
int getAsCppByte(void) {
if (Verbose) PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(BLUE, "processing return result...");
std::vector<uint8_t> tempvec;
@@ -308,6 +329,7 @@ class PyExec {
std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t>> exportObjs(void) {return hexobj;}
std::vector<std::string> exportStrings(void) {return hexobj_str;}
+ std::vector<std::uint8_t> exportTextSection(void) {return text_section;}
std::string py_script_name;
@@ -323,6 +345,7 @@ class PyExec {
char** argv;
std::vector<std::string> hexobj_str;
std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t>> hexobj;
+ std::vector<uint8_t> text_section;
class XObjReliquary {};
@@ -1165,8 +1188,11 @@ class LuaWrapper
if (numargs == 3) {
if (Verbose) std::cout << CYAN << "got args." << NORMAL << "\n";
funcname = lua_tostring(__ls, 1);
+ if (funcname == "") PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "first argument is nil");
objjpath = lua_tostring(__ls, 2);
+ if (objjpath == "") PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "second argument is nil");
action = lua_tostring(__ls, 3);
+ if (action == "") PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "third argument is nil");
lua_pop(__ls, 3);
else {
@@ -1203,8 +1229,7 @@ class LuaWrapper
lua_settable(__ls, -3);
- }
- else if (action == "symbol_list") {
+ } else if (action == "symbol_list") {
int tableindex = 1 ;
// the return type to lua is a table
@@ -1218,6 +1243,20 @@ class LuaWrapper
lua_pushstring(__ls, iter.c_str());
lua_settable(__ls, -3);
+ } else if (action == "bytes") {
+ py.getAsCppByte_PyIntList();
+ int tableindex = 1 ;
+ // the return type to lua is a table
+ lua_newtable(__ls);
+ if (!lua_checkstack(__ls, py.exportStrings().size())) {
+ PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "cant grow lua stack. current size is too small.");
+ }
+ for (auto& iter : py.exportTextSection()) {
+ lua_pushnumber(__ls, tableindex);
+ tableindex++;
+ lua_pushinteger(__ls, iter);
+ lua_settable(__ls, -3);
+ }
if (Verbose) PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(GREEN, "done.");
@@ -1990,6 +2029,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
LuaEngine LE;
+ LE.RunLuaDefaults();
*static_cast<LuaWrapper**>(lua_getextraspace(LE.GetLuaState())) = &LW;
/*@DEVI-this part is just registering our LuaWrapper member functions with lua so we can call them from lua.*/
@@ -2043,6 +2083,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
while((command = linenoise(">>>")) != NULL) {
+#if 0
if (std::string(command).find("!", 0) == 0) {
std::string histnumber_str = std::string(command).substr(1, std::string::npos);
unsigned int history_num = std::stoi(histnumber_str, 0, 10);
@@ -2051,6 +2092,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
} else {}
diff --git a/bruiser/defaults.lua b/bruiser/defaults.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dd09df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bruiser/defaults.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+package.path = package.path .. ";/home/bloodstalker/.luarocks/share/lua/5.3/?.lua;/home/bloodstalker/.luarocks/share/lua/5.3/?/init.lua;/usr/share/lua/5.3/?.lua;/usr/share/lua/5.3/?/init.lua;/usr/lib64/lua/5.3/?.lua;/usr/lib64/lua/5.3/?/init.lua;./?.lua;./?/init.lua"
+package.cpath = package.cpath .. ";/home/bloodstalker/.luarocks/lib64/lua/5.3/?.so;/usr/lib64/lua/5.3/?.so;/usr/lib64/lua/5.3/loadall.so;./?.so"
diff --git a/bruiser/lua-scripts/demo2.lua b/bruiser/lua-scripts/demo2.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b6007a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bruiser/lua-scripts/demo2.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+xobj = require("lua-scripts.xobj")
+colors = require("ansicolors")
+elf_file = "../bfd/test/test.so"
+elf_exe = "../bfd/test/test"
+function main()
+ xobj.getSO(elf_file)
+ local add2_code = xobj.codeTableByName_number("'add2'")
+ local sub2_code = xobj.codeTableByName_number("'sub2'")
+ local adddouble_code = xobj.codeTableByName_number("'adddouble'")
+ local subdouble_code = xobj.codeTableByName_number("'subdouble'")
+ local triple_code = xobj.codeTableByName_number("'triple'")
+ local quad_code = xobj.codeTableByName_number("'quad'")
+ local passthrough_code = xobj.codeTableByName_number("'passthrough'")
+ --xobj.printFuncSizes()
+ xobjregister(add2_code, "add2")
+ xobjregister(sub2_code, "sub2")
+ xobjregister(adddouble_code, "adddouble")
+ xobjregister(subdouble_code, "subdouble")
+ xobjregister(triple_code, "triple")
+ xobjregister(quad_code, "quad")
+ xobjregister(passthrough_code, "passthrough")
+function asm_rewriter()
+ local text_section = xobj.getTextSection()
+ for k,v in pairs(text_section) do io.write(colors("%{blue}"..string.format("%02x",k)),":",colors("%{green}"..string.format("%02x",v)),"\t") end
+ io.write("\n")
diff --git a/bruiser/lua-scripts/xobj.lua b/bruiser/lua-scripts/xobj.lua
index b69f0e5..880730a 100644
--- a/bruiser/lua-scripts/xobj.lua
+++ b/bruiser/lua-scripts/xobj.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
------------------------------------------------Project Mutator-----------------------------------------------
+--bruiser's xobj module
--Copyright (C) 2018 Farzad Sadeghi
--This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
@@ -15,11 +16,15 @@
--along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
--Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.*/
-function getSO(so_path)
+--start of xobj module
+local xobj = {}
+local elf_file = ""
+function xobj.getSO(so_path)
elf_file = so_path
-function getGlobalTable()
+function xobj.getGlobalTable()
local return_table = {}
local names = objload("elf_get_obj_names", elf_file, "symbol_list")
local sizes = objload("elf_get_obj_sizes", elf_file, "symbol_list")
@@ -29,28 +34,28 @@ function getGlobalTable()
return return_table
-function printObjNames()
+function xobj.printObjNames()
local c = objload("elf_get_obj_names", elf_file, "symbol_list")
for k,v in ipairs(c) do
-function printObjSizes()
+function xobj.printObjSizes()
local c = objload("elf_get_obj_sizes", elf_file, "symbol_list")
for k,v in ipairs(c) do
-function printFuncNames()
+function xobj.printFuncNames()
local c = objload("elf_get_func_names", elf_file, "symbol_list")
for k,v in ipairs(c) do
-function printFuncCode()
+function xobj.printFuncCode()
local c = objload("elf_get_func_code", elf_file, "code_list")
for k,v in ipairs(c) do
@@ -63,7 +68,7 @@ function printFuncCode()
-function findMain()
+function xobj.findMain()
local c = objload("elf_get_func_names", elf_file, "symbol_list")
for k,v in ipairs(c) do
if v == "'main'" then
@@ -73,7 +78,7 @@ function findMain()
-function codeTables()
+function xobj.codeTables()
local return_table = {}
local func_name_table = objload("elf_get_func_names", elf_file, "symbol_list")
local code_table = objload("elf_get_func_code", elf_file, "code_list")
@@ -83,7 +88,7 @@ function codeTables()
return return_table
-function codeTableByName(name)
+function xobj.codeTableByName(name)
local return_table = {}
local func_name_table = objload("elf_get_func_names", elf_file, "symbol_list")
local code_table = objload("elf_get_func_code", elf_file, "code_list")
@@ -98,7 +103,7 @@ function codeTableByName(name)
return nil
-function codeTableByName_number(name)
+function xobj.codeTableByName_number(name)
local return_table = {}
local func_name_table = objload("elf_get_func_names", elf_file, "symbol_list")
local code_table = objload("elf_get_func_code", elf_file, "code_list")
@@ -113,7 +118,7 @@ function codeTableByName_number(name)
return nil
-function printFuncSizes()
+function xobj.printFuncSizes()
local func_name_table = objload("elf_get_func_names", elf_file, "symbol_list")
local code_table = objload("elf_get_func_code", elf_file, "code_list")
local counter = 1
@@ -123,5 +128,12 @@ function printFuncSizes()
counter = counter + 1
+function xobj.getTextSection()
+ return objload("elf_get_text_section", elf_exe, "bytes")
+--end of xobj module
+return xobj