path: root/bruiser/bruiser.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 104 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/bruiser/bruiser.cpp b/bruiser/bruiser.cpp
index 00076d1..ce0d6ec 100644
--- a/bruiser/bruiser.cpp
+++ b/bruiser/bruiser.cpp
@@ -1242,36 +1242,119 @@ class LuaWrapper
lua_rawgeti(__ls, 1, i);
xobj_code_.push_back(int(lua_tonumber(__ls, i + 2)));
- std::cout << RED << "function code: ";
- for (auto& iter : xobj_code_) {std::cout << RED << int(iter) << " ";}
+ std::cout << BLUE << "function code: ";
+ for (auto& iter : xobj_code_) {std::cout << NORMAL << int(iter) << " ";}
std::cout << NORMAL <<"\n";
xobj_name = lua_tostring(__ls, 2);
- //Executioner executioner;
std::pair<void*, size_t> xobj = executioner.loadObjsInXMem(xobj_code_);
std::cout << "xobj will be registered as " << YELLOW << xobj_name << NORMAL << ". " << "it is recommended to use a post- or pre-fix for the xobj names to avoid namespace pollution." "\n";
std::cout << GREEN << "pointer: " << BLUE << xobj.first << " " << GREEN << "size: " << BLUE << xobj.second << NORMAL << "\n";
- XObject ptr = (XObject)xobj.first;
executioner.pushvptr(xobj.first, xobj_name);
- ptr();
- xobj_2int ptr2;
- ptr2 = (xobj_2int)ptr;
- std::cout << MAGENTA << "result: " << NORMAL << ptr2(30,20) << "\n";
- //devi_luareg(__ls, ptr2, xobj_name, executioner);
return 0;
int BruiserLuaCallX(lua_State* __ls) {
int numargs = lua_gettop(__ls);
- if (numargs != 2) {PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "bad number of args. expected exactly two.");}
- int x_index = lua_tointeger(__ls, 1);
- int x_arg_num = lua_tointeger(__ls, 2);
- xobj_2int ptr;
- auto dummy = executioner.getvptrbyindex(x_index).first;
- if (dummy != nullptr) {
- ptr = (xobj_2int)dummy;
- int result = ptr(30, 20);
- std::cout << "call made to xobj named " << GREEN << executioner.getvptrbyindex(x_index).second << NORMAL << "\n";
- lua_pushnumber(__ls, result);
+ if (numargs != 5) {PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "xcall: bad number of args. expected exactly five.");}
+ int argc = lua_tointeger(__ls, 1);
+ // 2-table of strings
+ std::string ffi_ret_type_string = lua_tostring(__ls, 3);
+ int x_index = lua_tointeger(__ls, 4);
+ // 5-the actual args-table of values
+ // @DEVI-FIXME: currently we are not handling structs at all
+ ffi_type ret_type;
+ if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "void") == 0) {ret_type = ffi_type_void;}
+ else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "uint8") == 0) {ret_type = ffi_type_uint8;}
+ else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "sint8") == 0) {ret_type = ffi_type_sint8;}
+ else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "uint16") == 0) {ret_type = ffi_type_uint16;}
+ else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "sint16") == 0) {ret_type = ffi_type_sint16;}
+ else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "uint32") == 0) {ret_type = ffi_type_uint32;}
+ else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "sint32") == 0) {ret_type = ffi_type_sint32;}
+ else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "uint64") == 0) {ret_type = ffi_type_uint64;}
+ else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "sint64") == 0) {ret_type = ffi_type_sint64;}
+ else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "float") == 0) {ret_type = ffi_type_float;}
+ else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "double") == 0) {ret_type = ffi_type_double;}
+ else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "pointer") == 0) {ret_type = ffi_type_pointer;}
+ else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "struct") == 0) {ret_type = ffi_type_pointer;}
+ else {PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "unknown return type string.");return 0;
+ }
+ const char* args[argc];
+ int table_length_2 = lua_rawlen(__ls, 2);
+ if (lua_type(__ls, 2) != LUA_TTABLE) {
+ PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "xcall: the stack value is not a table but is being accessed as such.");
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(GREEN, "xcall: stack index 2 is a table.");
+ }
+ std::cout << CYAN << "table_length: " << table_length_2 << NORMAL << "\n";
+ for (int i = 1; i <= table_length_2; ++i) {
+ lua_rawgeti(__ls, 2, i);
+ args[i-1] = lua_tostring(__ls, i + numargs);
+ //std::cout << YELLOW << args[i-1] << NORMAL << "\n";
+ }
+ std::list<uint64_t> uints;
+ std::list<int64_t> ints;
+ std::list<std::string> strings;
+ std::list<bool> bools;
+ std::list<uintptr_t> ptrs;
+ std::list<float> floats;
+ std::list<double> doubles;
+ void* values[argc];
+ int numbers[argc];
+ int table_length_5 = lua_rawlen(__ls, 5);
+ if (!lua_checkstack(__ls, 10)) {
+ PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "cant grow lua stack. current size is too small.");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (lua_type(__ls, 5) != LUA_TTABLE) {
+ PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "xcall: the stack value is not a table but is being accessed as such.");
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(GREEN, "xcall: stack index 5 is a table.");
+ }
+ std::cout << CYAN << "table_length: " << table_length_5 << NORMAL << "\n";
+ for (int i = 1; i <= table_length_5; ++i) {
+ lua_rawgeti(__ls, 5, i);
+ numbers[i-1] = lua_tointeger(__ls, i + numargs + argc);
+ if (lua_type(__ls, i) == LUA_TBOOLEAN) {}
+ else if (lua_type(__ls, i) == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA) {}
+ else if (lua_type(__ls, i+numargs+argc) == LUA_TNUMBER) {
+ uints.push_back(lua_tointeger(__ls, i + numargs + argc));
+ values[i-1]=&uints.back();
+ }
+ else if (lua_type(__ls, i) == LUA_TSTRING) {}
+ else if (lua_type(__ls, i) == LUA_TTABLE) {}
+ else if (lua_type(__ls, i) == LUA_TFUNCTION) {}
+ else if (lua_type(__ls, i) == LUA_TUSERDATA) {}
+ else if (lua_type(__ls, i) == LUA_TTHREAD) {}
+ }
+ auto x_ptr = executioner.getvptrbyindex(x_index).first;
+ void* result;
+ if (x_ptr != nullptr) {
+ std::cout << "calling xobj named " << GREEN << executioner.getvptrbyindex(x_index).second << NORMAL << "\n";
+ result = ffi_callX(argc, args, ret_type, x_ptr, values);
+ std::cout << reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(result) << "\n";
+ lua_pushinteger(__ls, ffi_reinterpret_uint32_t(result));
+ if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "void") == 0) {return 0;}
+ else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "uint8") == 0) {lua_pushinteger(__ls, ffi_reinterpret_uint8_t(result));}
+ else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "sint8") == 0) {lua_pushinteger(__ls, ffi_reinterpret_int8_t(result));}
+ else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "uint16") == 0) {lua_pushinteger(__ls, ffi_reinterpret_uint16_t(result));}
+ else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "sint16") == 0) {lua_pushinteger(__ls, ffi_reinterpret_int16_t(result));}
+ else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "uint32") == 0) {lua_pushinteger(__ls, ffi_reinterpret_uint32_t(result));}
+ else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "sint32") == 0) {lua_pushinteger(__ls, ffi_reinterpret_int32_t(result));}
+ else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "uint64") == 0) {lua_pushinteger(__ls, ffi_reinterpret_uint64_t(result));}
+ else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "sint64") == 0) {lua_pushinteger(__ls, ffi_reinterpret_int64_t(result));}
+ else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "float") == 0) {}
+ else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "double") == 0) {}
+ else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "pointer") == 0) {lua_pushinteger(__ls, ffi_reinterpret_uintptr_t(result));}
+ else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "struct") == 0) {}
+ else {PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "unknown return type string.");return 0;}
return 1;
} else {
PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "the index is too high into the xobj vector.");
@@ -1286,9 +1369,9 @@ class LuaWrapper
PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "cant grow lua stack. current size is too small.");
for (auto& iter : xlist) {
- std::cout << CYAN << iter.second << NORMAL <<"\n";
+ std::cout << CYAN << iter.second << NORMAL;
lua_pushstring(__ls, iter.second.c_str());
- std::cout << MAGENTA << (long int)iter.first << NORMAL <<"\n";
+ std::cout << " " << MAGENTA << (long int)iter.first << NORMAL <<"\n";
lua_pushinteger(__ls, (long int)iter.first);
lua_settable(__ls, -3);