path: root/mutator.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 144 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mutator.py b/mutator.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..376140c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mutator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+import argparse
+import sys
+from subprocess import call
+class Colors:
+ purple = '\033[95m'
+ blue = '\033[94m'
+ green = '\033[92m'
+ yellow = '\033[93m'
+ red = '\033[91m'
+ grey = '\033[1;37m'
+ darkgrey = '\033[1;30m'
+ cyan = '\033[1;36m'
+ ENDC = '\033[0m'
+ BOLD = '\033[1m'
+ UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
+class ArgParser(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.inputs = []
+ self.outputs = []
+ self.opts = []
+ self.copts = []
+ self.command = []
+ self.pretty = bool
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument("-help", action='store_true', help="display the driver's help", default=False)
+ parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", type=str, help="run an action file")
+ parser.add_argument("-c", "--command", type=str, help="run a command")
+ parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", action='store_true', help="display version info", default=False)
+ parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", type=str, help="the input file(s)")
+ parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", type=str, help="the output file(s)")
+ parser.add_argument("-pp", "--print-pretty", action='store_true', help="print pretty simple text reports", default=False)
+ parser.add_argument("-t", "--test", type=str, help="runs the tests on the built executables")
+ parser.add_argument("-opts", "--options", type=str, help="pass clang options to the executables")
+ parser.add_argument("-copts", "--custom-options", type=str, help="runs the tests on the built executables")
+ self.args = parser.parse_args()
+ def run(self):
+ if self.args.file is not None:
+ self.parseActionFile(self.args.file)
+ if self.args.command is not None:
+ self.runCommand(self.args.command)
+ def runTest(self):
+ pass
+ def parseActionFile(self, action_file_path):
+ line_number = int()
+ action_file = open(action_file_path)
+ self.inputs = str
+ self.outputs = str
+ self.opts = str
+ self.copts = str
+ self.command = str
+ self.logfile = str
+ self.pretty = bool
+ self.exename = str
+ self.endaction = str
+ self.action_name = str
+ for line in action_file:
+ line_number += 1
+ pos = line.find("action_name:", 0, len(line))
+ if pos == 0:
+ self.action_name = line[pos+len("action_name:"):-1]
+ print(Colors.green + "action name: " + Colors.cyan + self.action_name + Colors.ENDC)
+ pos = line.find("executable_name:", 0, len(line))
+ if pos == 0:
+ self.exename = line[pos+len("executable_name:"):-1]
+ print(Colors.green + "executable_name: " + Colors.cyan + self.exename + Colors.ENDC)
+ pos = line.find("exec_opts:", 0, len(line))
+ if pos == 0:
+ self.copts = line[pos+len("exec_opts:"):-1]
+ print(Colors.green + "exec options: " + Colors.cyan + self.copts + Colors.ENDC)
+ pos = line.find("in_files:", 0, len(line))
+ if pos == 0:
+ self.inputs = line[pos+len("in_files:"):-1]
+ print(Colors.green + "input files: " + Colors.cyan + self.inputs + Colors.ENDC)
+ pos = line.find("libtooling_options:", 0, len(line))
+ if pos == 0:
+ self.opts = line[pos+len("libtooling_options:"):-1]
+ print(Colors.green + "libtooling options: " + Colors.cyan + self.opts + Colors.ENDC)
+ pos = line.find("out_files:", 0, len(line))
+ if pos == 0:
+ self.outputs = line[pos+len("out_files:"):-1]
+ print(Colors.green + "output files: " + Colors.cyan + self.outputs + Colors.ENDC)
+ pos = line.find("log_files:", 0, len(line))
+ if pos == 0:
+ self.logfile = line[pos+len("log_files:"):-1]
+ print(Colors.green + "log files: " + Colors.cyan + self.logfile + Colors.ENDC)
+ pos = line.find("print_pretty:", 0, len(line))
+ if pos == 0:
+ if line[pos+len("print_pretty:"):-1] == "true": self.pretty = True
+ elif line[pos+len("print_pretty:"):-1] == "false": self.pretty = False
+ else: raise Exception(Colors.red + repr(line_number) + " : " + "invalid value for a boolean switch. should be true or false." + Colors.ENDC)
+ print(Colors.green + "pretty print: " + Colors.cyan + repr(self.pretty) + Colors.ENDC)
+ pos = line.find("end_action:", 0, len(line))
+ if pos == 0:
+ self.endaction = line[pos+len("end_action:"):-1]
+ print(Colors.green + "end action: " + Colors.cyan + self.endaction + Colors.ENDC)
+ def runActionFile(self):
+ pass
+ def printVersionInfo(self):
+ pass
+ def runCommand(self, command):
+ if command == "clean":
+ call(["make", "clean"])
+ elif command == "build":
+ call(["make", "all"])
+ elif command == "install":
+ call(["make", "install"])
+ elif command == "format":
+ pass
+ elif command == "test":
+ pass
+ elif command == "build-all":
+ call(["make", "build-all"])
+ elif command == "m0":
+ pass
+ elif command == "m1":
+ pass
+ elif command == "m2":
+ pass
+ elif command == "bruiser":
+ pass
+ elif command == "obfuscator":
+ pass
+ elif command == "safercpp":
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise Exception(Colors.red + "unknown command. for a list of valid commands run with -h." + Colors.ENDC);
+def main():
+ argparser = ArgParser()
+ argparser.run()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()