# mutator a C code mutator,Misra-C 2004 checker and when possible, a Misra-C implementer. mutator-lvl0.cpp contains the Misra-C rules to check. mutator.cpp contains the mutators which are not copiled for the time being since im working on Misra-C only for the time being, along with some Misra-C implementers. mutator-lvl2.cpp contains some other Misra-C implementers. Rewriting the code inmultiple stages allows for more simplistic rewrites and is also a check to see whether the output is actually buildable. mutator.sh is the UI, which is supposed to work like just any other nix UI(option-wise). the utility folder holds the C source and headers that are necessary to run the instruented code(currently unused). mutator-aux.cpp.h hold the auxillary functions that most modules will need. well there is the makefile...