/***************************************************Project Mutator****************************************************/ //-*-c++-*- /*first line intentionally left blank.*/ /*the main for bruiser.*/ /*Copyright (C) 2017 Farzad Sadeghi This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.*/ /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /*included modules*/ /*project headers*/ #include "bruiser.h" #include "CompletionHints.h" #include "../mutator_aux.h" #include "mutagen.h" #include "ORCmutation.h" #include "executioner.h" #include "bruiserffi.h" #include "bruisercapstone.h" #include "asmrewriter.h" /*standard headers*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*LLVM headers*/ #include "clang/AST/AST.h" #include "clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h" #include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchers.h" #include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchFinder.h" #include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h" #include "clang/Frontend/FrontendActions.h" #include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h" #include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h" #include "clang/Tooling/CommonOptionsParser.h" #include "clang/Tooling/Tooling.h" #include "clang/Rewrite/Core/Rewriter.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" #include "llvm/IR/Function.h" /*other*/ #include "linenoise/linenoise.h" #include "lua-5.3.4/src/lua.hpp" #include #include "luadummy.h" /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /*used namespaces*/ using namespace llvm; using namespace clang; using namespace clang::ast_matchers; using namespace clang::driver; using namespace clang::tooling; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ #define __DBG_1 #if 1 #undef __DBG_1 #endif /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /*global vars*/ namespace { // start of anonymous namespace static llvm::cl::OptionCategory BruiserCategory("Empty"); std::vector PushToLua; bruiser::M0_ERR m0_err [[maybe_unused]]; bruiser::BruiserReport BruiseRep; struct ShellGlobal { ShellGlobal() = default; std::vector PATH; std::vector SOURCE_FILES; std::string MAKEPATH; std::string BINPATH; unsigned int HISTORY_SIZE = SHELL_HISTORY_SIZE; bool droptocli; }; struct ShellCache { std::string LastFileUsed; std::string LastFileUsedShort; }; ShellGlobal ShellGlobalInstance; ShellCache ShellCacheInstance; } // end of anonymous naemspace /**********************************************************************************************************************/ cl::opt Intrusive("intrusive", cl::desc("If set true. bruiser will mutate the source."), cl::init(true), cl::cat(BruiserCategory), cl::ZeroOrMore); cl::opt CheckSystemHeader("SysHeader", cl::desc("bruiser will run through System Headers"), cl::init(false), cl::cat(BruiserCategory), cl::ZeroOrMore); cl::opt MainFileOnly("MainOnly", cl::desc("bruiser will only report the results that reside in the main file"), cl::init(false), cl::cat(BruiserCategory), cl::ZeroOrMore); cl::opt M0XMLPath("xmlpath", cl::desc("tells bruiser where to find the XML file containing the Mutator-LVL0 report."), cl::init(bruiser::M0REP), cl::cat(BruiserCategory), cl::ZeroOrMore); cl::opt LuaJIT("jit", cl::desc("should bruiser use luajit or not."), cl::init(true), cl::cat(BruiserCategory), cl::ZeroOrMore); cl::opt Verbose("verbose", cl::desc("verbosity"), cl::init(false), cl::cat(BruiserCategory), cl::ZeroOrMore); // @DEVI-FIXME-we need something like python's code module. lua's -i is not it. cl::opt LuaInteractive("interactive", cl::desc("run in interactive mode"), cl::init(false), cl::cat(BruiserCategory), cl::ZeroOrMore); cl::opt NonCLILuaScript("lua", cl::desc("specifies a lua script for bruiser to run in non-interactive mode"), cl::init(""), cl::cat(BruiserCategory), cl::Optional); cl::opt LuaDefault("luadefault", cl::desc("the path to the luadefault file. the default option is where the bruiser executable is."), cl::init("./defaults.lua"), cl::cat(BruiserCategory), cl::ZeroOrMore); /**********************************************************************************************************************/ template int pushLuaTableInt(lua_State* __ls, std::vector vec) { int tableindex = 1; lua_newtable(__ls); if (!lua_checkstack(__ls, vec.size())) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "cant grow lua stack. current size is too small."); return -1; } for (auto& iter : vec) { lua_pushinteger(__ls, tableindex); tableindex++; lua_pushinteger(__ls, iter); lua_settable(__ls, -3); } return 0; } int pushLuaTableString(lua_State* __ls, std::vector vec) { int tableindex = 1; lua_newtable(__ls); if (!lua_checkstack(__ls, vec.size())) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "cant grow lua stack. current size is too small."); return -1; } for (auto& iter : vec) { lua_pushinteger(__ls, tableindex); tableindex++; lua_pushstring(__ls, iter.c_str()); lua_settable(__ls, -3); } return 0; } template int pushLuaTableNumber(lua_State* __ls, std::vector vec) { int tableindex = 1; lua_newtable(__ls); if (!lua_checkstack(__ls, vec.size())) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "cant grow lua stack. current size is too small."); return -1; } for (auto& iter : vec) { lua_pushinteger(__ls, tableindex); tableindex++; lua_pushnumber(__ls, iter); lua_settable(__ls, -3); } return 0; } template std::vector getLuaTableInt(lua_State* __ls, int numargs, int argnum) { std::vector ret; int table_length = lua_rawlen(__ls, argnum); if (!lua_checkstack(__ls, table_length)) { std::cout << RED << "need to grow lua stack by " << table_length << ":"; PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "cant grow lua stack by that much."); } for (int i = 1; i <= table_length; ++i) { lua_rawgeti(__ls, argnum, i); ret.push_back(lua_tointeger(__ls, 1 + numargs)); lua_pop(__ls, 1); } return ret; } std::vector getLuaTableString(lua_State* __ls, int numargs, int argnum) { std::vector ret; int table_length = lua_rawlen(__ls, argnum); if (!lua_checkstack(__ls, table_length)) { std::cout << RED << "need to grow lua stack by " << table_length << ":"; PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "cant grow lua stack by that much."); } for (int i = 1; i <= table_length; ++i) { lua_rawgeti(__ls, argnum, i); ret.push_back(lua_tostring(__ls, 1 + numargs)); lua_pop(__ls, 1); } return ret; } template std::vector getLuaTableNumber(lua_State* __ls, int numargs, int argnum) { std::vector ret; int table_length = lua_rawlen(__ls, argnum); if (!lua_checkstack(__ls, table_length)) { std::cout << RED << "need to grow lua stack by " << table_length << ":"; PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "cant grow lua stack by that much."); } for (int i = 1; i <= table_length; ++i) { lua_rawgeti(__ls, argnum, i); ret.push_back(lua_tonumber(__ls, 1 + numargs)); lua_pop(__ls, 1); } return ret; } /**********************************************************************************************************************/ class LuaEngine { public: LuaEngine() { LS = luaL_newstate(); } /*@DEVI-this will just create member functions that open a single lua libarary. * For example to load the string library just call LuaEngine::LoadstringLib().*/ #define OPEN_LUA_LIBS(__x1) \ void Load##__x1##Lib(void){\ luaL_requiref(LS, #__x1, luaopen_##__x1, 1);} OPEN_LUA_LIBS(base) OPEN_LUA_LIBS(table) OPEN_LUA_LIBS(io) OPEN_LUA_LIBS(string) OPEN_LUA_LIBS(math) OPEN_LUA_LIBS(os) #undef OPEN_LUA_LIBS void LoadAuxLibs(void) { luaL_requiref(LS, "table", luaopen_table, 1); luaL_requiref(LS, "io", luaopen_io, 1); luaL_requiref(LS, "string", luaopen_string, 1); } void LoadEverylib(void) { luaL_openlibs(LS); } void registerJMPTable(void) { jmpt_register(LS); lua_pop(LS, 1); } void RunLuaDefaults(void) { luaL_dofile(LS, LuaDefault.c_str()); } void RunString(char* __lua_string) {} void RunChunk(char* __lua_chunk) { dostring(LS, __lua_chunk, "test"); } int RunScript(char* __lua_script) { return luaL_dofile(LS, __lua_script); } void Test(void) { luaL_dofile(LS, "./lua-scripts/test.lua"); luaL_dofile(LS, "./lua-scripts/test1.lua"); luaL_dofile(LS, "./lua-scripts/test2.lua"); } void Test2(void) { luaL_dofile(LS, "./lua-scripts/test1.lua"); } void Test3(void) { luaL_dofile(LS, "./lua-scripts/test2.lua"); } void Test4(void) { luaL_dofile(LS, "./lua-scripts/test3.lua"); } lua_State* GetLuaState(void) { return this->LS; } void Cleanup(void) { lua_close(LS); } void HandleLuaErrorGeneric(lua_State* LS, const char* fmt, ...) { va_list argp; va_start(argp, fmt); std::vfprintf(stderr, fmt, argp); va_end(argp); lua_close(LS); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } private: lua_State* LS; }; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ class PyExec { public: PyExec(std::string __py_script_name, std::string __py_func_name, std::string __obj_path ) : py_script_name(__py_script_name), py_func_name(__py_func_name), obj_path(__obj_path) {} int run(void) { //std::wstring py_sys_path = L"../bfd"; Py_Initialize(); int argc = 2; //std::wstring argv[2]; wchar_t* argv[2]; argv[0] = Py_DecodeLocale((char*)py_script_name.c_str(), 0); argv[1] = Py_DecodeLocale((char*)obj_path.c_str(), 0); PySys_SetArgv(argc, argv); pName = PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault(py_script_name.c_str()); PyRun_SimpleString("import sys\nsys.path.append(\"../bfd\")\n"); pModule = PyImport_Import(pName); Py_DECREF(pName); if (pModule != nullptr) { pFunc = PyObject_GetAttrString(pModule, py_func_name.c_str()); if (pFunc && PyCallable_Check(pFunc)) { if (Verbose) std::cout << GREEN << "function is callable." << NORMAL << "\n"; pArgs = PyTuple_New(1); pValue = PyUnicode_FromString(obj_path.c_str()); PyTuple_SetItem(pArgs, 0, pValue); pArgs = nullptr; if (Verbose) std::cout << BLUE << "calling python function..." << NORMAL << "\n"; pValue = PyObject_CallObject(pFunc, pArgs); //Py_DECREF(pArgs); if (pValue != nullptr) { if (Verbose) std::cout << GREEN << "call finished successfully." << NORMAL << "\n"; //printf("Result of call: %ld\n", PyLong_AsLong(pValue)); //Py_DECREF(pValue); } else { Py_DECREF(pFunc); Py_DECREF(pModule); PyErr_Print(); std::cout << RED << "Call failed." << NORMAL << "\n"; return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else { if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Print(); fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find function\"%s\"\n", py_func_name.c_str()); } Py_XDECREF(pFunc); Py_DECREF(pModule); } else { PyErr_Print(); fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load \"%ls\"\n", argv[0]); return 1; } Py_Finalize(); return 0; } std::vector actionParser(std::string action) {} void convertNPush(PyObject* pyobject) {} int64_t pyInt(PyObject* po) {return PyLong_AsLong(po);} double pyFloat(PyObject* po) {return PyFloat_AsDouble(po);} std::vector pyList_unpack(PyObject* po) { std::vector dummy; if (PyList_Check(po)) { int size = PyList_Size(po); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { dummy.push_back(PyList_GetItem(po, i)); } } else { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "Not a PyList object."); } return dummy; } std::string pyString(PyObject* po) { return PyBytes_AsString(PyUnicode_AsEncodedString(PyObject_Repr(po), "utf-8", "surrogateescape")); } std::pair, std::vector> pyDict_unpack(PyObject* po) { std::vector Keys, Values; if (PyDict_Check(po)) { Keys = pyList_unpack(PyDict_Keys(po)); Values = pyList_unpack(PyDict_Values(po)); } else { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "Not a PyDict object."); } return std::make_pair(Keys, Values); } char* pyBytes(PyObject* po) { char* dummy; if (PyBytes_Check(po)) { dummy = PyBytes_AsString(po); } else { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "Not a PyBytes object."); } return dummy; } char* pyByteArray(PyObject* po) { char* dummy; if (PyByteArray_Check(po)) { dummy = PyByteArray_AsString(po); } else { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "Not a PyByteArray object."); } } int getAsCppStringVec(void) { if (Verbose) PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(BLUE, "processing return result..."); if (PyList_Check(pValue)) { if (Verbose) std::cout << GREEN << "got a python list\n" << NORMAL; int list_length = PyList_Size(pValue); if (Verbose) std::cout << BLUE << "length of list: " << list_length << NORMAL <<"\n"; for (int i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) { PyObject* pybytes = PyList_GetItem(pValue, i); //@DEVI-FIXIT-the weird '' we get for strings is because of repr(). PyObject* pyrepr = PyObject_Repr(pybytes); PyObject* pyunicode = PyUnicode_AsEncodedString(pyrepr, "utf-8", "surrogateescape"); const char* dummy = PyBytes_AsString(pyunicode); //std::cout << RED << dummy << "\n" << NORMAL; hexobj_str.push_back(std::string(dummy)); } } return 0; } int getAsCppByte_PyIntList(void) { if(PyList_Check(pValue)) { int list_length = PyList_Size(pValue); for(int i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) { PyObject* pybytes = PyList_GetItem(pValue, i); if (PyLong_Check(pybytes)) { text_section.push_back(PyLong_AsLong(pybytes)); } } } return 0; } int getAsCppByte(void) { if (Verbose) PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(BLUE, "processing return result..."); std::vector tempvec; if(PyList_Check(pValue)) { int list_length = PyList_Size(pValue); if (Verbose) std::cout << BLUE << "length of list: " << list_length << NORMAL << "\n"; for(int i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) { PyObject* pybytes = PyList_GetItem(pValue, i); if(PyList_Check(pybytes)) { int list_length_2 = PyList_Size(pybytes); for(int j = 0; j < list_length_2; ++j) { PyObject* dummy_int = PyList_GetItem(pybytes, j); if (PyLong_Check(dummy_int)) { unsigned char byte = PyLong_AsLong(dummy_int); tempvec.push_back(int(byte)); } } //if (!tempvec.empty()) {hexobj.push_back(tempvec);} hexobj.push_back(tempvec); tempvec.clear(); } } } return 0; } void killPyObj(void) { Py_DECREF(pValue); } void printHexObjs(void) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(YELLOW, "functions with a zero size will not be printed:"); for (auto &iter : hexobj) { for (auto &iterer : iter) { std::cout << RED << std::hex << int(iterer) << " "; } std::cout << "\n" << NORMAL; } } std::vector> exportObjs(void) {return hexobj;} std::vector exportStrings(void) {return hexobj_str;} std::vector exportTextSection(void) {return text_section;} void getVarargs(std::vector _varargs) {varargs = _varargs;} private: std::string py_script_name; std::string py_func_name; std::string obj_path; PyObject* pName; PyObject* pModule; PyObject* pDict; PyObject* pFunc; PyObject* pArgs; PyObject* pValue; int argc; char** argv; std::vector hexobj_str; std::vector> hexobj; std::vector text_section; std::vector varargs; }; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ class XObjReliquary {}; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ class CompilationDatabaseProcessor { public: CompilationDatabaseProcessor(CompilationDatabase &__cdb) : CDB(__cdb) {} void CalcMakePath(void) { std::vector Paths; std::vector CCV = CDB.getAllCompileCommands(); for(auto &iter : CCV) { SourceFiles.push_back(iter.Filename); //PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, SourceFiles.back().c_str()); } MakePath = CCV[0].Directory; //PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, MakePath.c_str()); } bool CompilationDatabseIsEmpty(void) { std::vector CCV = CDB.getAllCompileCommands(); if(CCV.empty()) {return true;} return false; } std::string GetMakePath(void) {return this->MakePath;} std::vector GetSourceFiles(void) {return this->SourceFiles;} void PopulateGPATH(void) { ShellGlobalInstance.PATH.push_back(MakePath); } void PopulateGSOURCEFILES(void) { for (auto &iter : SourceFiles) { ShellGlobalInstance.SOURCE_FILES.push_back(iter); } } private: CompilationDatabase &CDB; std::string MakePath; std::vector SourceFiles; }; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /*the implementation of the bruiser logger.*/ bruiser::BruiserReport::BruiserReport () { BruiserLog.open("bruiser.log"); } bruiser::BruiserReport::~BruiserReport() { BruiserLog.close(); } /** * @brief Will print the argument in the log file. Expects to receive valid types usable for a stream. * * @param __arg * * @return Returns true if the write was successful, false otherwise. */ template bool bruiser::BruiserReport::PrintToLog(T __arg) { BruiserLog << __arg << "\n"; return !BruiserLog.bad(); } /**********************************************************************************************************************/ bruiser::TypeInfo::TypeInfo(const clang::ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode* __dtn) : DTN(__dtn) {}; bruiser::TypeInfo::~TypeInfo() {}; const clang::Type* bruiser::TypeInfo::getTypeInfo(clang::ASTContext* __astc) { const clang::Expr* EXP = DTN->get(); const clang::Type* TP = EXP->getType().getTypePtr(); return __astc->getCanonicalType(TP); } /**********************************************************************************************************************/ namespace bruiser { void BruiserLinenoiseCompletionCallback(const char* __buf, linenoiseCompletions* __lc) { if (__buf[0] == 'h') { linenoiseAddCompletion(__lc, "help"); } } char* BruiserLinenoiseHintsCallback(const char* __buf, int* __color, int* __bold) { if (!strcasecmp(__buf, "h")) { *__color = LN_MAGENTA; *__bold = NO_BOLD; return (char *)"elp"; } return NULL; } } /**********************************************************************************************************************/ class AbstractMatcherHandler : public virtual MatchFinder::MatchCallback { public: AbstractMatcherHandler (Rewriter &Rewrite) : R(Rewrite) {} public: virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR) { } private: Rewriter &R [[maybe_unused]]; }; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ class MatcherHandlerLVL0 : public AbstractMatcherHandler { public: explicit MatcherHandlerLVL0 (Rewriter &Rewrite) : AbstractMatcherHandler(Rewrite) {} virtual ~MatcherHandlerLVL0() {} virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR) override { } private: }; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ class NameFinder { public: NameFinder () {} class runDeclRefExprMatcher { public: runDeclRefExprMatcher (Rewriter &__rwrt) : LVL0Proto(__rwrt), __rwrt(__rwrt) {} virtual void runMatcher(const StringRef __sr, ASTContext &__ctx) { Matcher.addMatcher(declRefExpr(to(namedDecl(hasName(__sr.str())))).bind("declrefexpbyname"), &LVL0Proto); Matcher.matchAST(__ctx); } private: MatchFinder Matcher; MatcherHandlerLVL0 LVL0Proto; Rewriter __rwrt; StringRef __sr; }; class runNamedDeclMatcher { public: runNamedDeclMatcher (Rewriter &__rwrt) : LVL0Proto(__rwrt), __rwrt(__rwrt) {} virtual void runMatcher(const StringRef __sr, ASTContext &__ctx) { Matcher.addMatcher(declRefExpr(to(namedDecl(hasName(__sr.str())))).bind("nameddeclbyname"), &LVL0Proto); Matcher.matchAST(__ctx); } private: MatchFinder Matcher; MatcherHandlerLVL0 LVL0Proto; Rewriter __rwrt; StringRef __sr; }; private: }; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /**********************************************************************************************************************/ class IfBreaker : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback { public: IfBreaker (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {} virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR) { if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs("uno") != nullptr) { const clang::UnaryOperator* UO = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs("uno"); SourceLocation SL = UO->getLocStart(); CheckSLValidity(SL); SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite); const Expr* EXP = UO->getSubExpr(); const ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode DynNode = ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode::create(*EXP); bruiser::TypeInfo TIProto(&DynNode); const clang::Type* CTP [[maybe_unused]] = TIProto.getTypeInfo(MR.Context); NameFinder::runDeclRefExprMatcher DRENameMatcher(Rewrite); DRENameMatcher.runMatcher(StringRef(), *MR.Context); } if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs("dous") != nullptr) { const clang::BinaryOperator* BO = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs("dous"); SourceLocation SL = BO->getLocStart(); CheckSLValidity(SL); SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite); const Expr* LHS = BO->getLHS(); const Expr* RHS = BO->getRHS(); QualType LQT = LHS->getType(); QualType RQT = RHS->getType(); const clang::Type* LTP = LQT.getTypePtr(); const clang::Type* RTP = RQT.getTypePtr(); const clang::Type* CLTP [[maybe_unused]] = MR.Context->getCanonicalType(LTP); const clang::Type* CRTP [[maybe_unused]] = MR.Context->getCanonicalType(RTP); } } private: Rewriter &Rewrite; MatchFinder Matcher; }; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /** * @brief Hijacks the main main and replaces it with bruiser's main. */ class MainWrapper : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback { public: MainWrapper (Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {} virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR) { if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs("mainwrapper") != nullptr) { const FunctionDecl* FD = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs("mainwrapper"); SourceLocation SL = FD->getLocStart(); CheckSLValidity(SL); SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, Rewrite); SourceLocation SLE = FD->getLocEnd(); CheckSLValidity(SLE); SLE = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SLE, Rewrite); if (!Devi::IsTheMatchInMainFile(MainFileOnly, MR, SL) || Devi::IsTheMatchInSysHeader(CheckSystemHeader, MR, SL)) { return void(); } SourceRange SR(SL, SLE); std::string MainSig = Rewrite.getRewrittenText(SR); size_t mainbegin = MainSig.find("main"); StringRef __sr("sub_main"); Rewrite.ReplaceText(SL.getLocWithOffset(mainbegin), 4U, __sr); /*@DEVI-obviously the best way to do this is to use the main signature already used, instead of going with a general predefined one. the current form is a temp.*/ Rewrite.InsertTextAfter(SLE.getLocWithOffset(1U), StringRef("\n\nint main(int argc, const char **argv)\n{\n\treturn sub_main(argc, argv);\n}\n")); BruiseRep.PrintToLog("hijacked main main."); } } private: Rewriter &Rewrite; }; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ class LiveListFuncs : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback { public: LiveListFuncs (Rewriter &R) : R(R) {} virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR) { if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs("livelistfuncs") != nullptr) { const clang::FunctionDecl* FD = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs("livelistfuncs"); SourceLocation SL = FD->getLocStart(); CheckSLValidity(SL); SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, R); if (!Devi::IsTheMatchInMainFile(MainFileOnly, MR, SL) || Devi::IsTheMatchInSysHeader(CheckSystemHeader, MR, SL)) { return void(); } if (FD->hasBody()) { Stmt* Body = FD->getBody(); SourceLocation SLBody = Body->getLocStart(); SourceLocation SLShebang = FD->getLocStart(); PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(CYAN, R.getRewrittenText(clang::SourceRange(SLShebang, SLBody.getLocWithOffset(-1))).c_str()); PushToLua.push_back(R.getRewrittenText(clang::SourceRange(SLShebang, SLBody.getLocWithOffset(-1)))); } else { SourceLocation SL = FD->getLocStart(); SourceLocation SLE = FD->getLocEnd(); PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(CYAN, R.getRewrittenText(clang::SourceRange(SL, SLE)).c_str()); PushToLua.push_back(R.getRewrittenText(clang::SourceRange(SL, SLE))); } } } private: Rewriter R; }; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ class LiveListVars : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback { public: LiveListVars (Rewriter &R) : R(R) {} virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR) { if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs("livelistvars") != nullptr) { const clang::VarDecl* VD = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs("livelistvars"); SourceLocation SL = VD->getLocStart(); CheckSLValidity(SL); SL = Devi::SourceLocationHasMacro(SL, R); if (!Devi::IsTheMatchInMainFile(MainFileOnly, MR, SL) || Devi::IsTheMatchInSysHeader(CheckSystemHeader, MR, SL)) { return void(); } PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(CYAN, R.getRewrittenText(SourceRange(VD->getLocStart(), VD->getLocEnd())).c_str()); PushToLua.push_back(R.getRewrittenText(SourceRange(VD->getLocStart(), VD->getLocEnd()))); } } private: Rewriter R; }; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ class LiveListRecords : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback { public: LiveListRecords (Rewriter &R) : R(R) {} virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &MR) { if (MR.Nodes.getNodeAs("livelistvars") != nullptr) { const clang::RecordDecl* RD = MR.Nodes.getNodeAs("livelistvars"); PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(CYAN, R.getRewrittenText(SourceRange(RD->getLocStart(), RD->getLocEnd())).c_str()); PushToLua.push_back(R.getRewrittenText(SourceRange(RD->getLocStart(), RD->getLocEnd()))); } } private: Rewriter R; }; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /**********************************************************************************************************************/ class BruiserASTConsumer : public ASTConsumer { public: BruiserASTConsumer(Rewriter &R) : HIfBreaker(R), HMainWrapper(R) {} void HandleTranslationUnit(ASTContext &Context) override { Matcher.addMatcher(ifStmt(hasDescendant(expr(anyOf(unaryOperator().bind("uno"), binaryOperator().bind("dous"))))), &HIfBreaker); Matcher.addMatcher(functionDecl(hasName("main")).bind("mainwrapper"), &HMainWrapper); Matcher.matchAST(Context); } private: IfBreaker HIfBreaker; MainWrapper HMainWrapper; MatchFinder Matcher; Rewriter R; }; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ class LiveConsumerFactory { public: LiveConsumerFactory() {} template void operator()(T __consumer) { } }; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ class LiveConsumer : public ASTConsumer { public: LiveConsumer(Rewriter &R) : HLLVars(R), HLLFuncs(R), HLLRecords(R) {} void HandleTranslationUnit(ASTContext &ctx) override { Matcher.matchAST(ctx); } private: MatchFinder Matcher; LiveListVars HLLVars; LiveListFuncs HLLFuncs; LiveListRecords HLLRecords; Rewriter R; }; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ class LiveListVarsConsumer : public ASTConsumer { public: LiveListVarsConsumer(Rewriter &R) : HLLVars(R) {} void HandleTranslationUnit(ASTContext &ctx) override { Matcher.addMatcher(varDecl().bind("livelistvars"), &HLLVars); Matcher.matchAST(ctx); } private: LiveListVars HLLVars; Rewriter R; MatchFinder Matcher; }; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ class LiveListFuncsConsumer : public ASTConsumer { public: LiveListFuncsConsumer(Rewriter &R) : HLLFuncs(R) {} void HandleTranslationUnit(ASTContext &ctx) override { Matcher.addMatcher(functionDecl().bind("livelistfuncs"), &HLLFuncs); Matcher.matchAST(ctx); } private: MatchFinder Matcher; LiveListFuncs HLLFuncs; Rewriter R; }; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ class LiveListClassConsumer : public ASTConsumer { public: LiveListClassConsumer(Rewriter &R) : HLLRecords(R) {} void HandleTranslationUnit(ASTContext &ctx) override { Matcher.addMatcher(recordDecl(isClass()).bind("livelistclass"), &HLLRecords); Matcher.matchAST(ctx); } private: MatchFinder Matcher; LiveListRecords HLLRecords; Rewriter R; }; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ class LiveListStructConsumer : public ASTConsumer { public: LiveListStructConsumer(Rewriter &R) : HLLRecords(R) {} void HandleTranslationUnit(ASTContext &ctx) override { Matcher.addMatcher(recordDecl(isStruct()).bind("liveliststruct"), &HLLRecords); Matcher.matchAST(ctx); } private: MatchFinder Matcher; LiveListRecords HLLRecords; Rewriter R; }; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ class LiveListUnionConsumer : public ASTConsumer { public: LiveListUnionConsumer(Rewriter &R) : HLLRecords(R) {} void HandleTranslationUnit(ASTContext &ctx) override { Matcher.addMatcher(recordDecl(isUnion()).bind("livelistclass"), &HLLRecords); Matcher.matchAST(ctx); } private: MatchFinder Matcher; LiveListRecords HLLRecords; Rewriter R; }; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ class LiveListArrayConsumer : public ASTConsumer { public: LiveListArrayConsumer(Rewriter &R) : HLLVars(R) {} void HandleTranslationUnit(ASTContext &ctx) override { Matcher.addMatcher(varDecl(hasType(arrayType())).bind("livelistvars"), &HLLVars); Matcher.matchAST(ctx); } private: MatchFinder Matcher; LiveListVars HLLVars; Rewriter R; }; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /**********************************************************************************************************************/ class BlankDiagConsumer : public clang::DiagnosticConsumer { public: BlankDiagConsumer() = default; virtual ~BlankDiagConsumer() {} virtual void HandleDiagnostic(DiagnosticsEngine::Level DiagLevel, const Diagnostic &Info) override {} }; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ class BruiserFrontendAction : public ASTFrontendAction { public: BruiserFrontendAction() {} virtual ~BruiserFrontendAction() { delete BDCProto; delete tee; } void EndSourceFileAction() override { std::error_code EC; std::string OutputFilename = "./libtooling-tee"; TheRewriter.getEditBuffer(TheRewriter.getSourceMgr().getMainFileID()).write(llvm::outs()); tee = new raw_fd_ostream(StringRef(OutputFilename), EC, sys::fs::F_None); TheRewriter.getEditBuffer(TheRewriter.getSourceMgr().getMainFileID()).write(*tee); } std::unique_ptr CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI, StringRef file) override { DiagnosticsEngine &DE = CI.getPreprocessor().getDiagnostics(); DE.setClient(BDCProto, false); TheRewriter.setSourceMgr(CI.getSourceManager(), CI.getLangOpts()); return llvm::make_unique(TheRewriter); } private: Rewriter TheRewriter; BlankDiagConsumer* BDCProto = new BlankDiagConsumer; raw_ostream *tee = &llvm::outs(); }; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ class LiveActionListVars : public ASTFrontendAction { public: LiveActionListVars() = default; virtual ~LiveActionListVars() { delete BDCProto; } void EndSourceFileAction() override {} std::unique_ptr CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI, StringRef file) override { DiagnosticsEngine &DE = CI.getPreprocessor().getDiagnostics(); DE.setClient(BDCProto, false); TheRewriter.setSourceMgr(CI.getSourceManager(), CI.getLangOpts()); return llvm::make_unique(TheRewriter); } private: Rewriter TheRewriter; BlankDiagConsumer* BDCProto = new BlankDiagConsumer(); }; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ class LiveActionListFuncs : public ASTFrontendAction { public: LiveActionListFuncs() {} ~LiveActionListFuncs() { delete BDCProto; } void EndSourceFileAction() override {} std::unique_ptr CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI, StringRef file) override { DiagnosticsEngine &DE = CI.getPreprocessor().getDiagnostics(); DE.setClient(BDCProto, false); TheRewriter.setSourceMgr(CI.getSourceManager(), CI.getLangOpts()); return llvm::make_unique(TheRewriter); } private: Rewriter TheRewriter; BlankDiagConsumer* BDCProto = new BlankDiagConsumer; }; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ class LiveActionListStructs : public ASTFrontendAction { public: LiveActionListStructs() {} ~LiveActionListStructs() { delete BDCProto; } void EndSourceFileAction() override {} std::unique_ptr CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI, StringRef file) override { DiagnosticsEngine &DE = CI.getPreprocessor().getDiagnostics(); DE.setClient(BDCProto, false); TheRewriter.setSourceMgr(CI.getSourceManager(), CI.getLangOpts()); return llvm::make_unique(TheRewriter); } private: Rewriter TheRewriter; BlankDiagConsumer* BDCProto = new BlankDiagConsumer; }; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ class LiveActionListClasses : public ASTFrontendAction { public: LiveActionListClasses() {} ~LiveActionListClasses() { delete BDCProto; } void EndSourceFileAction() override {} std::unique_ptr CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI, StringRef file) override { DiagnosticsEngine &DE = CI.getPreprocessor().getDiagnostics(); DE.setClient(BDCProto, false); TheRewriter.setSourceMgr(CI.getSourceManager(), CI.getLangOpts()); return llvm::make_unique(TheRewriter); } private: Rewriter TheRewriter; BlankDiagConsumer* BDCProto = new BlankDiagConsumer; }; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ class LiveActionListUnions : public ASTFrontendAction { public: LiveActionListUnions() {} ~LiveActionListUnions() { delete BDCProto; } void EndSourceFileAction() override {} std::unique_ptr CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI, StringRef file) override { DiagnosticsEngine &DE = CI.getPreprocessor().getDiagnostics(); DE.setClient(BDCProto, false); TheRewriter.setSourceMgr(CI.getSourceManager(), CI.getLangOpts()); return llvm::make_unique(TheRewriter); } private: Rewriter TheRewriter; BlankDiagConsumer* BDCProto = new BlankDiagConsumer; }; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ class LiveActionListArrays : public ASTFrontendAction { public: LiveActionListArrays() {} ~LiveActionListArrays() { delete BDCProto; } void EndSourceFileAction() override {} std::unique_ptr CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI, StringRef file) override { DiagnosticsEngine &DE = CI.getPreprocessor().getDiagnostics(); DE.setClient(BDCProto, false); TheRewriter.setSourceMgr(CI.getSourceManager(), CI.getLangOpts()); return llvm::make_unique(TheRewriter); } private: Rewriter TheRewriter; BlankDiagConsumer* BDCProto = new BlankDiagConsumer; }; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /*lua wrappers*/ class LuaWrapper { public: LuaWrapper(ClangTool &__CT, Executioner& __EX, XGlobals __XG) : CT(__CT), executioner(__EX), xglobals(__XG) {} /*print out the history*/ int BruiserLuaHistory(lua_State* __ls) { std::ifstream historyfile; historyfile.open(SHELL_HISTORY_FILE); std::string tempstring; unsigned int tempint = 0; while(std::getline(historyfile, tempstring)) { printf(BLUE"%d ", tempint); printf(CYAN"%s", tempstring.c_str()); printf(NORMAL"\n"); tempint++; } return tempint; } /*print the help menu*/ int BruiserLuaHelp(lua_State* __ls) { unsigned int argcount = 0U; for (auto &iter : bruiser::CMDHelp) { printf(GREEN"name: "); printf(CYAN"%s ", iter.name.c_str()); printf(GREEN"proto: "); printf(CYAN"%s ", iter.proto.c_str()); printf(GREEN"description: "); printf(CYAN"%s ", iter.descr.c_str()); printf(GREEN"prototype: "); printf(CYAN"%s ", iter.protoprefix.c_str()); printf(GREEN"return value: "); printf(CYAN"%s ", iter.retval.c_str()); printf(NORMAL"\n"); argcount++; } std::cout << NORMAL; return argcount; } /*hijakcs the main main*/ int BruiserLuaHijackMain(lua_State* __ls) { int RunResult = this->GetClangTool().run(newFrontendActionFactory().get()); printf(CYAN"hijacking main returned %d", RunResult); printf(NORMAL"\n"); std::ifstream libtooling_tee("../test/bruisertest/libtooling-tee"); std::string luaoutstr; std::string dummy; while(std::getline(libtooling_tee, dummy)) { luaoutstr = luaoutstr + dummy + "\n"; } lua_pushstring(__ls, luaoutstr.c_str()); return 1; } /*print out bruiser version*/ int BruiserLuaVersion(lua_State* __ls) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(GREEN, "bruiser experimental version something."); PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(GREEN, "project mutator"); PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(GREEN, "GPL v2.0"); PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(GREEN, "bloodstalker 2017"); return 1; } /*clear the screen*/ int BruiserLuaClear(lua_State* __ls) { linenoiseClearScreen(); return 0; } int BruiserPyLoader(lua_State* __ls ) { int numargs = lua_gettop(__ls); //std::string filename = "../bfd/load.py"; std::string filename = "load"; std::string funcname; std::string objjpath; std::string action; if (numargs == 3) { if (Verbose) std::cout << CYAN << "got args." << NORMAL << "\n"; funcname = lua_tostring(__ls, 1); if (funcname == "") PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "first argument is nil"); objjpath = lua_tostring(__ls, 2); if (objjpath == "") PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "second argument is nil"); action = lua_tostring(__ls, 3); if (action == "") PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "third argument is nil"); lua_pop(__ls, 3); std::cout << NORMAL; } else { std::cout << RED << "wrong number of arguments provided. should give the python script name, python func name and its args.\n" << NORMAL; return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (Verbose) std::cout << CYAN << "initing the py embed class...\n" << NORMAL; PyExec py(filename.c_str(), funcname.c_str(), objjpath.c_str()); if (Verbose) std::cout << BLUE << "running load.py: " << NORMAL << "\n"; if (py.run() == EXIT_FAILURE) return 0; if (action == "code_list") { py.getAsCppByte(); //py.printHexObjs(); int tableindex1 = 1; int tableindex2 = 1; // the return type to lua is a table of tables lua_newtable(__ls); if (!lua_checkstack(__ls, py.exportObjs().size())) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "cant grow lua stack. current size is too small."); } for (auto& iter : py.exportObjs()) { lua_pushnumber(__ls, tableindex1); lua_newtable(__ls); for (auto& iterer : iter) { lua_pushnumber(__ls, tableindex2); tableindex2++; lua_pushnumber(__ls, iterer); lua_settable(__ls, -3); } tableindex2 = 1; tableindex1++; lua_settable(__ls, -3); } } else if (action == "symbol_list") { py.getAsCppStringVec(); int tableindex = 1 ; // the return type to lua is a table lua_newtable(__ls); if (!lua_checkstack(__ls, py.exportStrings().size())) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "cant grow lua stack. current size is too small."); } for (auto& iter : py.exportStrings()) { lua_pushnumber(__ls, tableindex); tableindex++; lua_pushstring(__ls, iter.c_str()); lua_settable(__ls, -3); } } else if (action == "bytes") { py.getAsCppByte_PyIntList(); int tableindex = 1 ; // the return type to lua is a table lua_newtable(__ls); if (!lua_checkstack(__ls, py.exportStrings().size())) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "cant grow lua stack. current size is too small."); } for (auto& iter : py.exportTextSection()) { lua_pushnumber(__ls, tableindex); tableindex++; lua_pushinteger(__ls, iter); lua_settable(__ls, -3); } } if (Verbose) PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(GREEN, "done."); return 1; } int BruiserLuaxobjRegister(lua_State* __ls) { int numargs = lua_gettop(__ls); if (numargs != 2) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "arg number should be 2."); } std::vector xobj_code_; std::string xobj_name; int table_length = lua_rawlen(__ls, 1); if (lua_type(__ls, 1) != LUA_TTABLE) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "the stack value is not a table but is being accessed as such."); } else { if (Verbose) PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(GREEN, "stack index 1 is a table."); } if (Verbose) std::cout << CYAN << "table_length: " << table_length << NORMAL << "\n"; if (!lua_checkstack(__ls, table_length)) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "cant grow lua stack. current size is too small."); } for (int i = 1; i <= table_length; ++i) { lua_rawgeti(__ls, 1, i); xobj_code_.push_back(int(lua_tonumber(__ls, i + 2))); } if (Verbose) { std::cout << BLUE << "function code: "; for (auto& iter : xobj_code_) {std::cout << NORMAL << int(iter) << " ";} std::cout << NORMAL <<"\n"; } xobj_name = lua_tostring(__ls, 2); std::pair xobj = executioner.loadObjsInXMem(xobj_code_); if (Verbose) { std::cout << "xobj will be registered as " << YELLOW << xobj_name << NORMAL << ". " << "it is recommended to use a post- or pre-fix for the xobj names to avoid namespace pollution." "\n"; std::cout << GREEN << "pointer: " << BLUE << xobj.first << " " << GREEN << "size: " << BLUE << xobj.second << NORMAL << "\n"; } executioner.pushvptr(xobj.first, xobj_name); return 0; } int BruiserLuaCallX(lua_State* __ls) { int numargs = lua_gettop(__ls); if (numargs != 5) {PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "xcall: bad number of args. expected exactly five.");} int argc = lua_tointeger(__ls, 1); // 2-table of strings std::string ffi_ret_type_string = lua_tostring(__ls, 3); void* x_ptr; if (lua_type(__ls, 4) == LUA_TNUMBER) { x_ptr = executioner.getvptrbyindex(lua_tointeger(__ls, 4)).first; } else if (lua_type(__ls, 4) == LUA_TSTRING) { x_ptr = executioner.getvptrbyname(lua_tostring(__ls, 4)).first; } else { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "argument 4 is neihter an index nor a string."); lua_pushnil(__ls); return 1; } // 5-the actual args-table of values // @DEVI-FIXME: currently we are not handling structs at all ffi_type ret_type; if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "void") == 0) {ret_type = ffi_type_void;} else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "uint8") == 0) {ret_type = ffi_type_uint8;} else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "sint8") == 0) {ret_type = ffi_type_sint8;} else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "uint16") == 0) {ret_type = ffi_type_uint16;} else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "sint16") == 0) {ret_type = ffi_type_sint16;} else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "uint32") == 0) {ret_type = ffi_type_uint32;} else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "sint32") == 0) {ret_type = ffi_type_sint32;} else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "uint64") == 0) {ret_type = ffi_type_uint64;} else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "sint64") == 0) {ret_type = ffi_type_sint64;} else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "float") == 0) {ret_type = ffi_type_float;} else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "double") == 0) {ret_type = ffi_type_double;} else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "string") == 0) {ret_type = ffi_type_pointer;} else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "pointer") == 0) {ret_type = ffi_type_pointer;} else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "struct") == 0) {ret_type = ffi_type_pointer;} else {PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "unknown return type string.");return 0; } const char* args[argc]; int table_length_2 = lua_rawlen(__ls, 2); if (lua_type(__ls, 2) != LUA_TTABLE) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "xcall: the stack value is not a table but is being accessed as such."); return 0; } else { if (Verbose) PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(GREEN, "xcall: stack index 2 is a table."); } if (Verbose) std::cout << CYAN << "table_length: " << table_length_2 << NORMAL << "\n"; for (int i = 1; i <= table_length_2; ++i) { lua_rawgeti(__ls, 2, i); args[i-1] = lua_tostring(__ls, i + numargs); } std::list uints; std::list ints; std::list strings; std::list bools; std::list ptrs; std::list floats; std::list doubles; void* values[argc]; int table_length_5 = lua_rawlen(__ls, 5); if (!lua_checkstack(__ls, 10)) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "cant grow lua stack. current size is too small."); return 0; } if (lua_type(__ls, 5) != LUA_TTABLE) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "xcall: the stack value is not a table but is being accessed as such."); return 0; } else { if (Verbose) PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(GREEN, "xcall: stack index 5 is a table."); } if (Verbose) std::cout << CYAN << "table_length: " << table_length_5 << NORMAL << "\n"; for (int i = 1; i <= table_length_5; ++i) { lua_rawgeti(__ls, 5, i); if (lua_type(__ls, i+numargs+argc) == LUA_TBOOLEAN) {} else if (lua_type(__ls, i+numargs+argc) == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA) {} else if (lua_type(__ls, i+numargs+argc) == LUA_TNUMBER) { double dummy = lua_tonumber(__ls, i + numargs + argc); if (dummy == (long long int)dummy) { // FIXME uints.push_back(lua_tointeger(__ls, i + numargs + argc)); values[i-1]=&uints.back(); } // int else { doubles.push_back(lua_tonumber(__ls, i + numargs + argc)); values[i-1]=&doubles.back(); } // float } else if (lua_type(__ls, i+numargs+argc) == LUA_TSTRING) { strings.push_back(lua_tostring(__ls, i + numargs + argc)); values[i-1]=&strings.back(); } else if (lua_type(__ls, i+numargs+argc) == LUA_TTABLE) {} else if (lua_type(__ls, i+numargs+argc) == LUA_TFUNCTION) {} else if (lua_type(__ls, i+numargs+argc) == LUA_TUSERDATA) {} else if (lua_type(__ls, i+numargs+argc) == LUA_TTHREAD) {} } void* result; if (x_ptr != nullptr) { result = ffi_callX(argc, args, ret_type, x_ptr, values); if (result == nullptr) {PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "ffi_callX returned null.");return 0;} if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "void") == 0) {lua_pushnil(__ls);} else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "uint8") == 0) {lua_pushinteger(__ls, ffi_reinterpret_uint8_t(result));} else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "sint8") == 0) {lua_pushinteger(__ls, ffi_reinterpret_int8_t(result));} else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "uint16") == 0) {lua_pushinteger(__ls, ffi_reinterpret_uint16_t(result));} else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "sint16") == 0) {lua_pushinteger(__ls, ffi_reinterpret_int16_t(result));} else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "uint32") == 0) {lua_pushinteger(__ls, ffi_reinterpret_uint32_t(result));} else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "sint32") == 0) {lua_pushinteger(__ls, ffi_reinterpret_int32_t(result));} else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "uint64") == 0) {lua_pushinteger(__ls, ffi_reinterpret_uint64_t(result));} else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "sint64") == 0) {lua_pushinteger(__ls, ffi_reinterpret_int64_t(result));} else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "float") == 0) {lua_pushnumber(__ls, ffi_reinterpret_float(result));} else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "double") == 0) {lua_pushnumber(__ls, ffi_reinterpret_double(result));} else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "string") == 0) {lua_pushstring(__ls, ffi_reinterpret_string(result));} else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "pointer") == 0) {lua_pushinteger(__ls, ffi_reinterpret_uintptr_t(result));} else if (std::strcmp(ffi_ret_type_string.c_str(), "struct") == 0) {} else {PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "unknown return type string.");return 0;} return 1; } else { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "the index is too high into the xobj vector."); return 0; } } int BruiserLuaXObjGetList(lua_State* __ls) { auto xlist = executioner.getvptrs(); lua_newtable(__ls); if (!lua_checkstack(__ls, xlist.size())) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "cant grow lua stack. current size is too small."); } for (auto& iter : xlist) { if (Verbose) std::cout << CYAN << iter.second << NORMAL; lua_pushstring(__ls, iter.second.c_str()); if (Verbose) std::cout << " " << MAGENTA << (long int)iter.first << NORMAL <<"\n"; lua_pushinteger(__ls, (long int)iter.first); lua_settable(__ls, -3); } return 1; } int BruiserLuaXObjAllocGlobal(lua_State* __ls) { int numargs = lua_gettop(__ls); if (numargs != 2) {PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "expected exactly two args. did not get that.");return 0;} std::string glob_name = lua_tostring(__ls , 1); size_t size = lua_tointeger(__ls, 2); xglobals.reserve(size); return 0; } int BruiserLuaXObjAllocAllGlobals(lua_State* __ls) {} int BruiserGetJumpTable(lua_State* __ls) { int numargs = lua_gettop(__ls); if (numargs != 2) {PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "expected exactly two args. did not get that.");return 0;} uint64_t size = lua_tointeger(__ls, 1); PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(CYAN, "cpp:calling getluatableint..."); std::vector code_v = getLuaTableInt(__ls, 2, 2); PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(GREEN, "cpp:called getluatableint..."); if (Verbose) PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(BLUE, "making jump table..."); auto head = makejmptable(size, code_v.data(), Verbose, __ls); if (Verbose) PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(GREEN, "finished makejmptable call."); jmpt_push_args(__ls, head); new_jmpt_2(__ls); return 1; } int BruiserFreeJumpTable(lua_State* __ls) { int numargs = lua_gettop(__ls); if (numargs != 1) {PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "expected exactly one argument.");} uint64_t head = lua_tointeger(__ls, 1); freejmptable((JMP_S_T*)head); return 0; } int BruiserDumpJumpTable(lua_State* __ls) { int numargs = lua_gettop(__ls); if (numargs != 1) {PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "expected exactly one argument of type lightuserdata.");} uint64_t ptr = lua_tointeger(__ls, 1); dumpjmptable((JMP_S_T*)ptr); return 0; } /*read the m0 report*/ int BruiserLuaM0(lua_State* __ls) { bruiser::ReadM0 M0Rep; tinyxml2::XMLError XMLErr; XMLErr = M0Rep.LoadXMLDoc(); if (XMLErr != XML_SUCCESS) { std::cout << RED << "could not load m0 xml report.\n" << NORMAL; std::cout << RED << "tinyxml2 returned " << XMLErr << NORMAL; return XMLErr; } XMLErr = M0Rep.ReadFirstElement(); if (XMLErr != XML_SUCCESS) { std::cerr << RED << "could not read first element of m0 xml report.\n" << NORMAL; return XMLErr; } bruiser::SearchM0(M0Rep.getRootPointer()); return 1; } int BruiserLuaReadXMLReport(lua_State* __ls) { int numargs = lua_gettop(__ls); std::string xml_address; if (numargs == 1) { xml_address = lua_tostring(__ls, 1); } else { xml_address = bruiser::M0REP; } bruiser::ReadM0 MutagenRep(xml_address.c_str()); tinyxml2::XMLError error; error = MutagenRep.LoadXMLDoc(); if (error != XML_SUCCESS) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "could not load report."); PRINT_WITH_COLOR(RED, "tinyxml2 returned "); std::cout << RED << error << NORMAL; lua_pushnumber(__ls, (double)error); return 1; } error = MutagenRep.ReadFirstElement(); if (error != XML_SUCCESS) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "could not read first element of xml report."); lua_pushnumber(__ls, (double)error); return 1; } bruiser::SearchM0(MutagenRep.getRootPointer()); return 1; } /*quit*/ int BruiserLuaQuit(lua_State* __ls) { dostring(__ls, "os.exit()", "test"); return 0; } /*quit*/ int BruiserLuaExit(lua_State* __ls) { dostring(__ls, "os.exit()", "test"); return 0; } int BruiserLuaRunMake(lua_State* __ls) { unsigned int args = 0U; if ((args = lua_gettop(__ls)) != 1U) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "function was not called by one argument. Run help()."); lua_pushnumber(__ls, 1); return 1; } std::string makearg = lua_tostring(__ls , 1); if (ShellGlobalInstance.MAKEPATH == "") { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "MAKEPATH is not set. set it using setmakepath or type help."); lua_pushnumber(__ls, 1); return 1; } pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "could not fork..."); lua_pushnumber(__ls, EXIT_FAILURE); } if (pid == 0) { std::cout << BLUE << "MAKEPATH: " << ShellGlobalInstance.MAKEPATH << NORMAL << "\n"; std::cout << BLUE << "Running: " << "make -C " << ShellGlobalInstance.MAKEPATH << " " << makearg << NORMAL << "\n"; int retval = execl("/usr/bin/make", "make", "-C", ShellGlobalInstance.MAKEPATH.c_str(), makearg.c_str(), NULL); lua_pushnumber(__ls, retval); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if (pid > 0) { int status; pid_t returned; returned = waitpid(pid, &status, 0); lua_pushnumber(__ls, returned); } return 1; } int BruiserLuaChangeHistorySize(lua_State* __ls) { unsigned int args = 0U; if ((args = lua_gettop(__ls)) != 1U) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "function was not called by one argument. Run help()."); return 0; } unsigned int historysize = lua_tonumber(__ls, 1); linenoiseHistorySetMaxLen(historysize); ShellGlobalInstance.HISTORY_SIZE = historysize; return 0; } //@DEVI-FIXME-broken int BruiserLuaShowSourcecode(lua_State* __ls) { unsigned int args = 0U; if ((args = lua_gettop(__ls)) != 3U) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "function called with the wrong number of arguments. Run help()."); return 0; } unsigned int linebegin = lua_tonumber(__ls, 1); unsigned int lineend = lua_tonumber(__ls, 2); std::string filename = lua_tostring(__ls, 3); std::fstream targetfile; for(auto &iter : ShellGlobalInstance.SOURCE_FILES) { if (iter.rfind(filename) == iter.size() - filename.size()) { ShellCacheInstance.LastFileUsed = iter; ShellCacheInstance.LastFileUsedShort = filename; targetfile.open(iter); if(targetfile.rdstate() != std::ios_base::goodbit) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "could not open the file."); } } } std::string line; std::string dummy; while(getline(targetfile, line)) { dummy += line; //lua_pushstring(__ls, line.c_str()); } lua_pushstring(__ls , dummy.c_str()); targetfile.close(); //return lineend - linebegin + 1U; return 1; } int BruiserLuaMutagenExtraction(lua_State* __ls) { int numargs = lua_gettop(__ls); std::string extractiontarget; if (numargs == 1) { extractiontarget = lua_tostring(__ls, 1); } pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { /*bruiser could not spawn a child*/ PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "could not fork a child process(m0)."); lua_pushnumber(__ls, EXIT_FAILURE); } /*only the child process runs this*/ if (pid == 0) { for(auto &iter : ShellGlobalInstance.SOURCE_FILES) { if (iter.rfind(extractiontarget) == iter.size() - extractiontarget.size()) { ShellCacheInstance.LastFileUsedShort = extractiontarget; ShellCacheInstance.LastFileUsed = iter; std::cout << BLUE << "running: " << CYAN << "../mutator-lvl0 " << iter.c_str() << NORMAL << "\n"; //int retval = execl("../", "mutator-lvl0", iter.c_str(), NULL); int retval = execl("../mutator-lvl0", "mutator-lvl0", iter.c_str(), NULL); std::cout << BLUE << "child process retuned " << retval << NORMAL << "\n"; lua_pushnumber(__ls, retval); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } } } /*only the parent process runs this*/ if (pid > 0) { /*the parent-bruiser- will need to wait on the child. the child will run m0.*/ int status; pid_t returned; returned = waitpid(pid, &status, 0); lua_pushnumber(__ls, returned); } return 1; } int BruiserLuaDropToCLI(lua_State* __ls) { int numargs = lua_gettop(__ls); if (numargs != 0) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "wrong number of args. should be called with no arguments."); return 0; } ShellGlobalInstance.droptocli = true; } int BruiserLuaStrainRecognition(lua_State* __ls) { unsigned int numthreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); lua_pushnumber(__ls, numthreads); return 1; } int BruiserLuaSetMakePath(lua_State* __ls) { int numargs = lua_gettop(__ls); if (numargs != 1) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "wrong number of args. run help."); return 0; } ShellGlobalInstance.MAKEPATH = lua_tostring(__ls, 1); return 0; } int BruiserLuaRun(lua_State* __ls) { int numargs = lua_gettop(__ls); if (numargs != 1) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "wrong number of args. run help()."); lua_pushnumber(__ls, 1); return 1; } if (ShellGlobalInstance.BINPATH == "") { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "BINPATH is not set. use setbinpath() to set it."); lua_pushnumber(__ls, 1); return 1; } std::string binname = lua_tostring(__ls, 1); pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "could not fork..."); lua_pushnumber(__ls, 1); return 1; } if (pid == 0) { int retval = execl((ShellGlobalInstance.BINPATH + "/" + binname).c_str(), binname.c_str(), NULL); std::cout << BLUE << "child returned " << retval << NORMAL << "\n"; lua_pushnumber(__ls, retval); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if (pid > 0) { unsigned int current_time [[maybe_unused]] = 0U; while (current_time < GLOBAL_TIME_OUT) { int status; int returned; returned = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG); if (returned < 0) { lua_pushnumber(__ls, 1); break; } if (WIFEXITED(status) || WIFSIGNALED(status)) { lua_pushnumber(__ls, 0); break; } current_time++; } } return 1; } int BruiserLuaSetBinPath(lua_State* __ls) { int numargs = lua_gettop(__ls); if (numargs != 1) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "wrong number of args. should be one string. see help()."); } ShellGlobalInstance.BINPATH = lua_tostring(__ls, 1); return 0; } int BruiserLuaGetBinPath(lua_State* __ls) { lua_pushstring(__ls, ShellGlobalInstance.BINPATH.c_str()); std::cout << BLUE << ShellGlobalInstance.BINPATH << NORMAL << "\n"; return 1; } int BruiserLuaGetMakePath(lua_State* __ls) { lua_pushstring(__ls, ShellGlobalInstance.MAKEPATH.c_str()); std::cout << BLUE << ShellGlobalInstance.MAKEPATH << NORMAL << "\n"; return 1; } int BruiserLuaGetPath(lua_State* __ls) { unsigned int returncount = 0; for (auto &iter : ShellGlobalInstance.PATH) { lua_pushstring(__ls, iter.c_str()); std::cout << BLUE << iter.c_str() << NORMAL << "\n"; returncount++; } return returncount; } int BruiserLuaGetSourceFiles(lua_State* __ls) { unsigned int returncount = 0; for (auto &iter : ShellGlobalInstance.SOURCE_FILES) { lua_pushstring(__ls, iter.c_str()); std::cout << BLUE << iter.c_str() << NORMAL << "\n"; returncount++; } return returncount; } int BruiserLuaCallXFunc(lua_State* __ls) { int numargs = lua_gettop(__ls); std::string argtype; if (numargs % 2 != 0) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "Each arg should be accompanied with its type."); } for (int i = 0; i < numargs; i = i + 2) { argtype = lua_tostring(__ls, i); } return 0; } int BruiserLuaChangeDirectory(lua_State* __ls) { int numargs = lua_gettop(__ls); if (numargs != 1) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "wrond number of arguments. needed one. see help()."); lua_pushnumber(__ls, 1U); return 1; } std::string destinationpath = lua_tostring(__ls, 1); pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "could not fork..."); lua_pushnumber(__ls, EXIT_FAILURE); return 1; } if (pid == 0) { int retval = execl("/usr/bin/cd", "cd", destinationpath.c_str(), NULL); std::cout << BLUE << "child returned " << retval << NORMAL << "\n"; } if (pid > 0) { int status; pid_t returned; returned = waitpid(pid, &status, 0); lua_pushnumber(__ls, returned); } return 1; } int BruiserLuaYolo(lua_State* __ls) { return 0; } int BruiserLuaListObjects(lua_State* __ls) { // @DEVI-has one string object to signify what kind of object to list return 0; } int BruiserLuaPWD(lua_State* __ls) { pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "could not fork..."); lua_pushnumber(__ls, EXIT_FAILURE); return 1; } if (pid == 0) { int retval = execl("/usr/bin/pwd", "pwd", NULL); std::cout << BLUE << "child returned " << retval << NORMAL << "\n"; } if (pid > 0) { int status; pid_t returned; returned = waitpid(pid, &status, 0); lua_pushnumber(__ls, returned); } return 1; } #define LIST_GENERATOR(__x1) \ int List##__x1(lua_State* __ls)\ {\ assert(PushToLua.size() == 0);\ unsigned int InArgCnt = 0U;\ InArgCnt = lua_gettop(__ls);\ unsigned int returncount=0U;\ this->GetClangTool().run(newFrontendActionFactory().get());\ for(auto &iter : PushToLua)\ {lua_pushstring(__ls, iter.c_str());returncount++;}\ PushToLua.clear();\ return returncount;\ } #define LIST_LIST_GENERATORS \ X(Funcs, "lists all functions") \ X(Vars, "lists all variables") \ X(Arrays, "lists all arrays") \ X(Classes, "lists all classes") \ X(Structs, "lists all structs") \ X(Unions, "lists all unions") \ #define X(__x1, __x2) LIST_GENERATOR(__x1) LIST_LIST_GENERATORS #undef X #undef LIST_GENERATOR ClangTool GetClangTool(void) { return this->CT; } private: ClangTool CT; Executioner executioner; XGlobals xglobals; }; /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /**********************************************************************************************************************/ typedef int (LuaWrapper::*mem_func)(lua_State* L); template int LuaDispatch(lua_State* __ls) { LuaWrapper* LWPtr = *static_cast(lua_getextraspace(__ls)); return ((*LWPtr).*func)(__ls); } /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /*Main*/ int main(int argc, const char **argv) { /*initializing the log*/ bruiser::BruiserReport BruiserLog; /*initing xobj stuff*/ Executioner executioner; Arguary arguary; XGlobals xglobals; /*gets the compilation database and options for the clang instances that we would later run*/ CommonOptionsParser op(argc, argv, BruiserCategory); ClangTool Tool(op.getCompilations(), op.getSourcePathList()); std::vector> ASTs; //auto buildASTRes = Tool.buildASTs(ASTs); CompilationDatabase &CDB = op.getCompilations(); std::vector CCV = CDB.getAllCompileCommands(); /*populating the shellglobalinstance*/ CompilationDatabaseProcessor CDBP(CDB); /*checking whether the compilation database is found and not empty*/ if (CDBP.CompilationDatabseIsEmpty()) { PRINT_WITH_COLOR_LB(RED, "bruiser could not find the compilation database."); return 1; } else { CDBP.CalcMakePath(); CDBP.PopulateGPATH(); CDBP.PopulateGSOURCEFILES(); } /*initialize the LuaWrapper class so we can register and run them from lua.*/ LuaWrapper LW(Tool, executioner, xglobals); /*linenoise init*/ linenoiseSetCompletionCallback(bruiser::ShellCompletion); linenoiseSetHintsCallback(bruiser::ShellHints); /*setting up the initial history size to SHELL_HISTORY_SIZE*/ linenoiseHistorySetMaxLen(SHELL_HISTORY_SIZE); linenoiseHistoryLoad(SHELL_HISTORY_FILE); linenoiseSetMultiLine(1); /*start running the cli*/ { char* command; LuaEngine LE; LE.LoadEverylib(); LE.RunLuaDefaults(); LE.registerJMPTable(); *static_cast(lua_getextraspace(LE.GetLuaState())) = &LW; /*@DEVI-this part is just registering our LuaWrapper member functions with lua so we can call them from lua.*/ lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "history", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaHistory>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "help", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaHelp>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "hijackmain", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaHijackMain>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "version", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaVersion>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "clear", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaClear>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "m0", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaM0>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "readxmlfile", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaReadXMLReport>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "quit", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaQuit>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "exit", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaExit>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "make", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaRunMake>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "historysize", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaChangeHistorySize>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "showsource", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaShowSourcecode>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "extractmutagen", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaMutagenExtraction>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "strainrecognition", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaStrainRecognition>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "setmakepath", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaSetMakePath>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "run", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaRun>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "setbinpath", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaSetBinPath>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "getbinpath", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaGetBinPath>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "getmakepath", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaGetMakePath>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "getpaths", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaGetPath>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "getsourcefiles", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaGetSourceFiles>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "changedirectory", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaChangeDirectory>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "yolo", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaYolo>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "pwd", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaPWD>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "objload", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserPyLoader>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "listObjects", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaListObjects>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "xobjregister", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaxobjRegister>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "xcall", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaCallX>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "xobjlist", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaXObjGetList>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "xallocglobal", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaXObjAllocGlobal>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "xallocallglobals", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserLuaXObjAllocAllGlobals>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "getjmptable", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserGetJumpTable>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "freejmptable", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserFreeJumpTable>); lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), "dumpjmptable", &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::BruiserDumpJumpTable>); /*its just regisering the List function from LuaWrapper with X-macros.*/ #define X(__x1, __x2) lua_register(LE.GetLuaState(), #__x1, &LuaDispatch<&LuaWrapper::List##__x1>); LIST_LIST_GENERATORS #undef X #undef LIST_LIST_GENERATORS /*The non-cli execution loop*/ if (NonCLILuaScript != "") { luaL_dofile(LE.GetLuaState(), NonCLILuaScript.c_str()); dostring(LE.GetLuaState(), "os.exit()", "test"); return 0; } /*cli execution loop*/ while((command = linenoise(">>>")) != NULL) { linenoiseHistoryAdd(command); linenoiseHistorySave(SHELL_HISTORY_FILE); LE.RunChunk(command); linenoiseFree(command); } LE.Cleanup(); /*end of bruiser main*/ return 0; } //end of cli block } //end of main /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /*last line intentionally left blank.*/