------------------------------------------------Project Mutator----------------------------------------------- --bruiser's xobj module --Copyright (C) 2018 Farzad Sadeghi --This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or --modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License --as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 --of the License, or (at your option) any later version. --This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the --GNU General Public License for more details. --You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License --along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software --Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.*/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --start of xobj module local xobj = {} local elf_file = "" function xobj.getSO(so_path) elf_file = so_path end function xobj.getGlobalTable() local return_table = {} local names = objload("load", "elf_get_obj_names", elf_file, "symbol_list") local sizes = objload("load", "elf_get_obj_sizes", elf_file, "symbol_list") for i=1,#names,1 do return_table[names[i]] = sizes[i] end return return_table end function xobj.printObjNames() local c = objload("load", "elf_get_obj_names", elf_file, "symbol_list") for k,v in ipairs(c) do print(k,v) end end function xobj.printObjSizes() local c = objload("load", "elf_get_obj_sizes", elf_file, "symbol_list") for k,v in ipairs(c) do print(k,v) end end function xobj.printFuncNames() local c = objload("load", "elf_get_func_names", elf_file, "symbol_list") for k,v in ipairs(c) do print(k,v) end end function xobj.printFuncCode() local c = objload("load", "elf_get_func_code", elf_file, "code_list") for k,v in ipairs(c) do print(k,v) if #v ~= 0 then for k1,v1 in ipairs(v) do io.write(string.format('%02x', v1), " ") end io.write("\n") end end end function xobj.findMain() local c = objload("load", "elf_get_func_names", elf_file, "symbol_list") for k,v in ipairs(c) do if v == "'main'" then io.write("main index is".." "..k.."\n") return k end end end function xobj.codeTables() local return_table = {} local func_name_table = objload("load", "elf_get_func_names", elf_file, "symbol_list") local code_table = objload("load", "elf_get_func_code", elf_file, "code_list") for i=1,#func_name_table,1 do return_table[func_name_table[i]] = code_table[i] end return return_table end function xobj.codeTableByName(name) local return_table = {} local func_name_table = objload("load", "elf_get_func_names", elf_file, "symbol_list") local code_table = objload("load", "elf_get_func_code", elf_file, "code_list") for k,v in ipairs(func_name_table) do if v == name then for k1, v1 in ipairs(code_table[k]) do table.insert(return_table, string.format('%02x', v1)) end return return_table end end return nil end function xobj.codeTableByName_number(name) local return_table = {} local func_name_table = objload("load", "elf_get_func_names", elf_file, "symbol_list") local code_table = objload("load", "elf_get_func_code", elf_file, "code_list") for k,v in ipairs(func_name_table) do if v == name then for k1, v1 in ipairs(code_table[k]) do table.insert(return_table, v1) end return return_table end end return nil end function xobj.printFuncSizes() local func_name_table = objload("load", "elf_get_func_names", elf_file, "symbol_list") local code_table = objload("load", "elf_get_func_code", elf_file, "code_list") local counter = 1 print("function sizes:") for k, v in ipairs(code_table) do print("code size for "..func_name_table[counter].." is".." "..#v) counter = counter + 1 end end function xobj.getTextSection(elf_exe) return objload("load", "elf_get_text_section", elf_exe, "bytes") end function xobj.getRODataSection(elf_exe) return objload("load", "elf_get_rodata_section", elf_exe, "bytes") end function xobj.CSDump(code) ret = "" for k,v in pairs(code) do ret = ret.."\\x"..string.format("%02x",v) end return ret end --end of xobj module return xobj --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------