TARGET=bruiser LLVM_CONF?=llvm-config PY_CONF?=python3-config LIB_LUA=./lua-5.3.4/src/liblua.a FT_WASM_SO=./autogen/wasm/ft/ FT_WASM_A=./autogen/wasm/ft/autowasm.a LTG_WASM_SO=./autogen/wasm/ltg/ LTG_WASM_A=./autogen/wasm/ltg/wasm_tables.a SHELL=bash SHELL?=bash CC=clang CC?=clang CC_FLAGS=-fpic -std=c11 $(shell $(PY_CONF) --includes) CXX=clang++ CXX?=clang++ CXX_FLAGS=-fpic -I/usr/include $(shell $(PY_CONF) --includes) CXX_EXTRA?= CTAGS_I_PATH?=./ LD_FLAGS= EXTRA_LD_FLAGS?= ADD_SANITIZERS_CC= -g -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer ADD_SANITIZERS_LD= -g -fsanitize=address MEM_SANITIZERS_CC= -g -fsanitize=memory -fno-omit-frame-pointer MEM_SANITIZERS_LD= -g -fsanitize=memory UB_SANITIZERS_CC= -g -fsanitize=undefined -fno-omit-frame-pointer UB_SANITIZERS_LD= -g -fsanitize=undefined COV_CXX= -fprofile-instr-generate -fcoverage-mapping COV_LD= -fprofile-instr-generate # BUILD_MODES are=RELEASE(default), DEBUG,ADDSAN,MEMSAN,UBSAN BUILD_MODE?=RELEASE OBJ_LIST:=$(patsubst %.cpp, %.o, $(wildcard *.cpp)) ASM_LIST:=$(patsubst %.cpp, %.dis, $(wildcard *.cpp)) LLVM_CXX_FLAGS=$(shell $(LLVM_CONF) --cxxflags) LLVM_CXX_FLAGS+=-I$(shell $(LLVM_CONF) --src-root)/tools/clang/include\ -I$(shell $(LLVM_CONF) --obj-root)/tools/clang/include\ -stdlib=libstdc++ -std=c++17 -fexceptions LLVM_LD_FLAGS=-Wl,--start-group -lclangAST -lclangAnalysis -lclangBasic\ -lclangDriver -lclangEdit -lclangFrontend -lclangFrontendTool\ -lclangLex -lclangParse -lclangSema -lclangEdit -lclangASTMatchers\ -lclangRewrite -lclangRewriteFrontend -lclangStaticAnalyzerFrontend\ -lclangStaticAnalyzerCheckers -lclangStaticAnalyzerCore\ -lclangSerialization -lclangToolingCore -lclangTooling -lstdc++\ -lLLVMRuntimeDyld -lm -Wl,--end-group LLVM_LD_FLAGS+=$(shell $(LLVM_CONF) --ldflags --libs --system-libs) CXX_FLAGS+=$(LLVM_CXX_FLAGS) LD_FLAGS+=$(LLVM_LD_FLAGS) #MAKEFLAGS+=--warn-undefined-variables ifeq ($(BUILD_MODE), ADDSAN) ifeq ($(CXX), g++) $(error This build mode is only useable with clang++.) endif CXX_EXTRA+=$(ADD_SANITIZERS_CC) EXTRA_LD_FLAGS+=$(ADD_SANITIZERS_LD) endif ifeq ($(BUILD_MODE), MEMSAN) ifeq ($(CXX), g++) $(error This build mode is only useable with clang++.) endif CXX_EXTRA+=$(MEM_SANITIZERS_CC) EXTRA_LD_FLAGS+=$(MEM_SANITIZERS_LD) endif ifeq ($(BUILD_MODE), UBSAN) ifeq ($(CXX), g++) $(error This build mode is only useable with clang++.) endif CXX_EXTRA+=$(UB_SANITIZERS_CC) EXTRA_LD_FLAGS+=$(UB_SANITIZERS_LD) endif SRCS:=$(wildcard *.cpp) C_SRCS:=$(wildcard *.c) CXX_FLAGS+=$(CXX_EXTRA) EXTRA_LD_FLAGS+=$(shell $(PY_CONF) --ldflags) -lffi -lcapstone -lkeystone -L./lua-5.3.4/src LD_FLAGS+=$(EXTRA_LD_FLAGS) TBG_OBJLIST_INC_WASM=$(patsubst ./autogen/wasm/ltg/%.c, ./autogen/wasm/ltg/%.o, $(wildcard ./autogen/wasm/ltg/*.c)) TBG_OBJLIST_DBG_INC_WASM=$(patsubst ./autogen/wasm/ltg/%.c, ./autogen/wasm/ltg/%.odbg, $(wildcard ./autogen/wasm/ltg/*.c)) TBG_OBJLIST_COV_INC_WASM=$(patsubst ./autogen/wasm/ltg/%.c, ./autogen/wasm/ltg/%.ocov, $(wildcard ./autogen/wasm/ltg/*.c)) .DEFAULT:all .PHONY:all clean help ASM SO TAGS all:$(TARGET) everything:$(TARGET) A ASM SO $(TARGET)-dbg TAGS $(TARGET)-cov depend:.depend dependc:.dependc .depend:$(SRCS) rm -rf .depend $(CXX) -MM $(CXX_FLAGS) $^ > ./.depend echo $(patsubst %.o:, %.odbg:, $(shell $(CXX) -MM $(CXX_FLAGS) $^)) | sed -r 's/[A-Za-z0-9\_]+\.odbg/\n&/g' >> ./.depend echo $(patsubst %.o:, %.ocov:, $(shell $(CXX) -MM $(CXX_FLAGS) $^)) | sed -r 's/[A-Za-z0-9\_]+\.ocov/\n&/g' >> ./.depend .dependc:$(C_SRCS) rm -rf .dependc $(CC) -MM $(CC_FLAGS) $^ > ./.dependc echo $(patsubst %.o:, %.odbg:, $(shell $(CC) -MM $(CC_FLAGS) $^)) | sed -r 's/[A-Za-z0-9\_]+\.odbg/\n&/g' >> ./.dependc echo $(patsubst %.o:, %.ocov:, $(shell $(CC) -MM $(CC_FLAGS) $^)) | sed -r 's/[A-Za-z0-9\_]+\.ocov/\n&/g' >> ./.dependc -include ./.depend -include ./.dependc .c.o: $(CC) $(CC_FLAGS) -c $< -o $@ %.ocov:%.c $(CC) $(CC_FLAGS) $(COV_CXX) -c $< -o $@ %.odbg:%.c $(CC) $(CC_FLAGS) -g -c $< -o $@ .cpp.o: $(CXX) $(CXX_FLAGS) -c $< -o $@ #../mutator_aux.o:../mutator_aux.cpp #$(CXX) $(CXX_FLAGS) -c $< -o $@ linenoise.o: ./linenoise/linenoise.c $(CC) $(CC_FLAGS) linenoise/linenoise.c -c -o linenoise.o linenoise.odbg: ./linenoise/linenoise.c $(CC) $(CC_FLAGS) linenoise/linenoise.c -g -c -o linenoise.odbg linenoise.ocov: ./linenoise/linenoise.c $(CC) $(CC_FLAGS) $(COV_CXX) linenoise/linenoise.c -c -o linenoise.ocov ./autogen/wasm/ft/wasm.xml: if [[ ls -l ./autogen/wasm/ft/ | wc -l == 2 ]];then ./autogen/wasm/;else :;fi #./autogen/wasm/ ./autogen/wasm/ltg/wasm.xml: if [[ ls -l ./autogen/wasm/ltg/ | wc -l == 2 ]];then ./autogen/wasm/;else :;fi #./autogen/wasm/ ./luatablegen/%.o:./luatablegen/%.c $(MAKE) -C luatablegen $(LIB_LUA): $(MAKE) -C lua-5.3.4/src linux $(FT_WASM_SO): ./autogen/wasm/ft/wasm.xml @$(shell if [[ $$(ls -l ./autogen/wasm/ft/ | wc -l) == 4 ]];then ./autogen/wasm/;else :;fi) $(MAKE) -C ./autogen/wasm/ft SO $(FT_WASM_A): ./autogen/wasm/ft/wasm.xml @$(shell if [[ $$(ls -l ./autogen/wasm/ft/ | wc -l) == 4 ]];then ./autogen/wasm/;else :;fi) $(MAKE) -C ./autogen/wasm/ft A $(LTG_WASM_SO): ./autogen/wasm/ltg/wasm.xml @$(shell if [[ $$(ls -l ./autogen/wasm/ltg/ | wc -l) == 3 ]];then ./autogen/wasm/;else :;fi) $(MAKE) -C ./autogen/wasm/ltg SO $(LTG_WASM_A): ./autogen/wasm/ltg/wasm.xml @$(shell if [[ $$(ls -l ./autogen/wasm/ltg/ | wc -l) == 3 ]];then ./autogen/wasm/;else :;fi) $(MAKE) -C ./autogen/wasm/ltg A %.odbg:%.cpp $(CXX) $(CXX_FLAGS) -g -c $< -o $@ %.ocov:%.cpp $(CXX) $(CXX_FLAGS) $(COV_CXX) -c $< -o $@ $(TARGET): $(FT_WASM_A) $(LTG_WASM_A) $(TARGET).o ../m0/mutator_aux.o ../tinyxml2/tinyxml2.o linenoise.o CompletionHints.o mutagen.o ORCmutation.o bruiserffi.o asmrewriter.o bruisercapstone.o ramdump.o ffs.o $(LIB_LUA) $(CXX) $^ $(LD_FLAGS) -o $@ # currently broken since it needs a static libpython $(TARGET)-static: $(FT_WASM_A) $(LTG_WASM_A) $(TARGET).o ../m0/mutator_aux.o ../tinyxml2/tinyxml2.o linenoise.o CompletionHints.o mutagen.o ORCmutation.o bruiserffi.o asmrewriter.o bruisercapstone.o ramdump.o ffs.o $(LIB_LUA) $(CXX) $^ $(LD_FLAGS) -static -o $@ $(TARGET)-dbg: $(TARGET).odbg ../m0/mutator_aux.odbg ../tinyxml2/tinyxml2.odbg linenoise.odbg CompletionHints.odbg mutagen.o ORCmutation.o bruiserffi.odbg asmrewriter.odbg bruisercapstone.odbg ramdump.odbg ffs.odbg $(LIB_LUA) $(TBG_OBJLIST_DBG_INC) $(CXX) $^ $(LD_FLAGS) -g -o $@ $(TARGET)-cov: $(TARGET).ocov ../m0/mutator_aux.ocov ../tinyxml2/tinyxml2.ocov linenoise.ocov CompletionHints.ocov mutagen.o ORCmutation.o bruiserffi.ocov asmrewriter.ocov bruisercapstone.ocov ramdump.ocov ffs.ocov $(LIB_LUA) $(TBG_OBJLIST_COV_INC) $(CXX) $^ $(LD_FLAGS) $(COV_LD) -o $@ cov: @llvm-profdata merge -sparse ./default.profraw -o ./default.profdata @llvm-cov show $(TARGET)-cov -instr-profile=default.profdata covrep: @llvm-profdata merge -sparse ./default.profraw -o ./default.profdata @llvm-cov report $(TARGET)-cov -instr-profile=default.profdata ASM:$(ASM_LIST) SO:$(TARGET).so A:$(TARGET).a TAGS:tags tags:$(SRCS) $(shell $(CXX) -c $(shell $(PY_CONF) --includes) $(shell $(LLVM_CONF) --cxxflags) -I$(shell $(LLVM_CONF)\ --src-root)/tools/clang/include -I$(shell $(LLVM_CONF) --obj-root)/tools/clang/include -I $(CTAGS_I_PATH) -M $(SRCS)|\ sed -e 's/[\\ ]/\n/g'|sed -e '/^$$/d' -e '/\.o:[ \t]*$$/d'|\ ctags -L - --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q) %.dis: %.o objdump -r -d -M intel -S $< > $@ $(TARGET).so: $(TARGET).o ../m0/mutator_aux.o ../tinyxml2/tinyxml2.o linenoise.o CompletionHints.o mutagen.o ORCmutation.o bruiserffi.o asmrewriter.o bruisercapstone.o ramdump.o ffs.o $(LIB_LUA) $(TBG_OBJLIST_INC) $(CXX) $^ $(LD_FLAGS) -shared -o $@ $(TARGET).a: $(TARGET).o ../m0/mutator_aux.o ../tinyxml2/tinyxml2.o linenoise.o CompletionHints.o mutagen.o ORCmutation.o bruiserffi.o asmrewriter.o bruisercapstone.o ramdump.o ffs.o $(LIB_LUA) $(TBG_OBJLIST_INC) ar rcs $(TARGET).a $(TARGET).o runcov: $(TARGET)-cov $(TARGET)-cov --lua ./lua-scripts/regtest.lua valgrind: $(TARGET) - valgrind --leak-check=yes $(TARGET) --lua ./lua-scripts/regtest.lua clean: rm -f *.o *.dis *.odbg *.ocov *~ $(TARGET) $(TARGET).so $(TARGET)-static $(TARGET)-dbg $(TARGET).a $(TARGET)-cov deepclean: clean - rm tags - rm .depend $(MAKE) -C lua-5.3.4 clean $(MAKE) -C ./autogen/wasm/ft clean $(MAKE) -C ./autogen/wasm/ltg clean help: @echo "--all is the default target, runs $(TARGET) target" @echo "--everything will build everything" @echo "--SO will generate the so" @echo "--ASM will generate assembly files" @echo "--TAGS will generate tags file" @echo "--$(TARGET) builds the dynamically-linked executable" @echo "--$(TARGET)-dbg will generate the debug build. BUILD_MODE should be set to DEBUG to work" @echo "--$(TARGET)-static will statically link the executable to the libraries" @echo "--$(TARGET)-cov is the coverage build" @echo "--cov will print the line coverage report" @echo "--covrep will print the coverage report" @echo "--A will build the static library" @echo "--TAGS will build the tags file" @echo "--clean" @echo "--deepclean will clean almost everything"