######################################INCLUDES################################# include ../macros.mk #######################################VARS#################################### CC=clang CC?=clang CXX_FLAGS+=-I/usr/include -g CXX_FLAGS+=$(shell $(PY_CONF) --includes) CC_FLAGS+=-g $(shell $(PY_CONF) --includes) BRUISER=bruiser LUA?=JIT LIB_LUA=./lua-5.3.4/src/liblua.a LIB_LUA_JIT=./LuaJIT/src/libluajit.a HEADER_LIST= SRCS=$(wildcard *.cpp) C_SRCS=$(wildcard *.c) #for some reason without ld the build fails on ubuntu trusty on travis #EXTRA_LD_FLAGS+=-lpthread -ldl -lutil -lm -Xlinker -lpython3 EXTRA_LD_FLAGS+=$(shell $(PY_CONF) --ldflags) -lffi -lcapstone -lkeystone -L./lua-5.3.4/src -llua TBG_OBJLIST_INC=$(patsubst ./luatablegen/%.c, ./luatablegen/%.o, $(wildcard ./luatablegen/*.c)) SAN?= ######################################RULES#################################### .DEFAULT: all .PHONY: all clean help all: $(BRUISER) ./wasmtablegen.json depend:.depend dependc:.dependc .depend:$(SRCS) $(CXX) -MM $(CXX_FLAGS) $^ > ./.depend .dependc:$(C_SRCS) $(CC) -MM $(CC_FLAGS) $^ > ./.dependc -include .depend -include .dependc .cpp.o: $(CXX) $(CXX_FLAGS) -c $< -o $@ .c.o: $(CC) $(CC_FLAGS) -c $< -o $@ linenoise.o: $(CC) $(CC_FLAGS) linenoise/linenoise.c -c -o linenoise.o ./wasmtablegen.json: if [[ ls -l ./luatablegen | wc -l == 2 ]];then ./tablegen.sh;else :;fi ./luatablegen/%.c: ./wasmtablegen.json ./tablegen.sh ./luatablegen/%.o:./luatablegen/%.c $(MAKE) -C luatablegen $(LIB_LUA): $(MAKE) -C lua-5.3.4/src linux a @echo "building with vanilla" $(LIB_LUA_JIT): $(MAKE) -C LuaJIT @echo "building with jit" $(BRUISER): $(BRUISER).o ../mutator_aux.o ../tinyxml2/tinyxml2.o linenoise.o CompletionHints.o mutagen.o ORCmutation.o bruiserffi.o asmrewriter.o bruisercapstone.o ramdump.o ffs.o $(LIB_LUA) $(TBG_OBJLIST_INC) @echo $(TBG_OBJLIST_INC) $(CXX) $^ $(LD_FLAGS) -o $@ clean: rm -f *.o *~ $(BRUISER) rm .depend rm .dependc $(MAKE) -C luatablegen clean deepclean: rm -f *.o *~ $(BRUISER) rm .depend rm .dependc $(MAKE) -C lua-5.3.4 clean $(MAKE) -C LuaJIT clean $(MAKE) -C luatablegen clean help: @echo 'there is help.' @echo 'all is the defualt target.' @echo 'clean runs clean.' @echo 'deepclean will also clean lua and luajit' @echo 'for a more complete and detaild list of BUILD_MODE and other things look at the main makefiles help under project root.'