#!/bin/bash #the first input should be the raw report output #the second output should be the file name for the pretty output #function red(string) { printf ("%s%s%s", "\033[1;31m", string, "\033[0m "); } "cat" "$1" | gawk ' BEGIN{RS = "\n";FS = ":"} function red(s) {printf "\033[1;31m" s "\033[0m "} function green(s) {printf "\033[1;32m" s "\033[0m "} function yellow(s) {printf "\033[1;33m" s "\033[0m "} function blue(s) {printf "\033[1;34m" s "\033[0m "} function purple(s) {printf "\033[1;35m" s "\033[0m "} function cyan(s) {printf "\033[1;36m" s "\033[0m "} function unred(s) {printf "\033[1;41m" s "\033[0m "} function ungreen(s) {printf "\033[1;42m" s "\033[0m "} function unyellow(s) {printf "\033[1;43m" s "\033[0m "} {print red($1)green($2)purple($3)blue($4)blue($5)yellow($6)cyan($7)} END{} ' > "$2"