18.4 : Union declared: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.h:9:8 16.4 : FunctionDecl parameter names are not the same as function definition parameter names: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.h:108:1 & /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:702:1 14.9 : "If" statement has no braces {}: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:53:2 14.9 : "If" statement has no braces {}: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:54:3 14.9 : "If" statement has no braces {}: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:55:4 14.9 : "If" statement has no braces {}: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:56:5 14.5 : ContinueStmt used: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:142:4 14.4 : GotoStmt used: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:167:2 14.7 : More than one ReturnStmt used in the body of FunctionDecl: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:174:1 16.2 : "FunctionDecl" is recursive: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:212:1 12.6 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not effectively-boolean values : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:296:10 12.6 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not effectively-boolean values : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:296:19 12.6 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not effectively-boolean values : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:308:10 12.6 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not effectively-boolean values : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:308:19 12.6 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not effectively-boolean values : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:317:7 12.6 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not effectively-boolean values : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:317:20 12.5 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not primary expressions : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:334:24 12.5 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not primary expressions : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:334:6 12.5 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not primary expressions : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:338:23 12.5 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not primary expressions : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:338:6 12.6 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not effectively-boolean values : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:348:6 12.6 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not effectively-boolean values : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:348:23 12.6 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not effectively-boolean values : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:348:36 12.5 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not primary expressions : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:348:51 12.6 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not effectively-boolean values : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:348:65 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:505:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:505:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:506:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:506:2 14.8 : ForStmt does not have a child CompoundStmt: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:513:2 14.8 : WhileStmt does not have a child CompoundStmt: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:516:2 14.9 : "If" statement has no braces {}: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:524:2 14.9 : "If" statement has no braces {}: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:532:2 14.9 : "If" statement has no braces {}: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:533:3 14.9 : "If" statement has no braces {}: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:536:2 14.10 : "If-Else If" statement has no ending Else: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:536:2 14.9 : "If" statement has no braces {}: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:538:7 14.9 : "If" statement has no braces {}: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:540:7 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:550:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:550:2 14.9 : "Else" statement has no braces {}: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:552:2 14.10 : "If-Else If" statement has no ending Else: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:564:2 14.10 : "If-Else If" statement has no ending Else: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:575:2 14.9 : "If" statement has no braces {}: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:577:7 14.9 : "If" statement has no braces {}: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:579:7 14.9 : "If" statement has no braces {}: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:581:7 14.9 : "Else" statement has no braces {}: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:594:3 14.10 : "If-Else If" statement has no ending Else: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:600:2 15.2 : "SwitchStmt" has a caseStmt that's missing a breakStmt: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:654:2 15.3 : "SwitchStmt" does not have a defaultStmt: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:654:2 15.1 : "CaseStmt" has a CompoundStmt ancestor that is not the child of the SwitchStmt: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:664:3 15.2 : "SwitchStmt" has a caseStmt that's missing a breakStmt: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:671:2 15.3 : "SwitchStmt" does not have a defaultStmt: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:683:2 15.5 : "SwitchStmt" does not have a CaseStmt: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:683:2 16.5 : Function does not return anything but is missing the void keyword for the return type : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:696:1 16.5 : Function does not take any parameters but is not using the void keyword : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:696:1 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:698:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:699:2 13.2 : Implicit test of an expr against zero which is not known to return a boolean result: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:710:6 16.9 : FunctionToPointerDecay: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:710:6 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:718:2 17.4 : The only allowed form of pointer arithmetic is array indexing : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:719:11 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:731:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:733:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:735:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:737:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:739:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:741:2 17.4 : The only allowed form of pointer arithmetic is array indexing : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:743:13 17.4 : The only allowed form of pointer arithmetic is array indexing : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:745:12 17.4 : The only allowed form of pointer arithmetic is array indexing : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:747:13 14.10 : "If-Else If" statement has no ending Else: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:749:2 17.4 : The only allowed form of pointer arithmetic is array indexing : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:749:6 17.4 : The only allowed form of pointer arithmetic is array indexing : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:749:10 17.4 : The only allowed form of pointer arithmetic is array indexing : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:749:15 17.4 : The only allowed form of pointer arithmetic is array indexing : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:751:11 17.4 : The only allowed form of pointer arithmetic is array indexing : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:751:15 17.4 : The only allowed form of pointer arithmetic is array indexing : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:751:19 17.4 : The only allowed form of pointer arithmetic is array indexing : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:754:6 17.4 : The only allowed form of pointer arithmetic is array indexing : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:754:10 17.1 : Pointer arithmatic for non-array pointers : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:757:6 17.1 : Pointer arithmatic for non-array pointers : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:757:16 17.1 : Pointer arithmatic for non-array pointers : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:760:6 17.1 : Pointer arithmatic for non-array pointers : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:760:16 17.1 : Pointer arithmatic for non-array pointers : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:763:6 17.1 : Pointer arithmatic for non-array pointers : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:763:18 17.1 : Pointer arithmatic for non-array pointers : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:766:6 17.1 : Pointer arithmatic for non-array pointers : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:766:17 17.2 | 17.3 : Pointer-type operands to BinaryOperator dont point to the same array : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:769:6 17.1 : Pointer arithmatic for non-array pointers : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:769:6 17.1 : Pointer arithmatic for non-array pointers : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:769:16 17.4 : The only allowed form of pointer arithmetic is array indexing : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:776:5 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:783:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:794:2 6.5 : BitField of type signed integer has a length of less than 2 in bits : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:800:3 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:799:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:804:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:826:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:837:2 9.3 : first enumeration has integerliteral initialization but not all enumerations do : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:849:2 9.3 : first enumeration does not have integerliteral initialization but at least one other enumeration does : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:855:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:862:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:863:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:874:2 12.3 : sizeof working on an expr with a side-effect : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:875:13 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:880:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:881:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:882:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:883:2 12.4 : Righ-hand expr has side-effect : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:885:11 12.6 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not effectively-boolean values : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:885:6 12.6 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not effectively-boolean values : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:885:11 12.6 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not effectively-boolean values : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:890:6 12.6 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not effectively-boolean values : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:890:17 12.6 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not effectively-boolean values : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:894:6 12.6 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not effectively-boolean values : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:894:12 12.6 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not effectively-boolean values : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:894:17 13.1 : assignment operator used in an expr that is known to return boolean: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:899:6 12.4 : Righ-hand expr has side-effect : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:899:11 12.6 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not effectively-boolean values : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:899:6 12.6 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not effectively-boolean values : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:899:11 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:909:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:911:2 12.6 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not effectively-boolean values : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:917:6 12.6 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not effectively-boolean values : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:917:16 12.5 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not primary expressions : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:920:14 12.6 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not effectively-boolean values : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:920:6 12.6 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not effectively-boolean values : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:920:14 12.6 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not effectively-boolean values : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:920:23 12.5 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not primary expressions : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:923:6 12.6 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not effectively-boolean values : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:923:16 13.7 : EffectivelyBooleanExpr's result is known at compile-time: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:923:6 13.7 : EffectivelyBooleanExpr's result is known at compile-time: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:923:6 12.6 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not effectively-boolean values : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:926:6 13.7 : EffectivelyBooleanExpr's result is known at compile-time: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:926:14 13.7 : EffectivelyBooleanExpr's result is known at compile-time: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:926:15 12.5 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not primary expressions : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:929:6 12.6 : RHS and/or LHS operands are not effectively-boolean values : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:929:15 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:936:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:937:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:938:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:939:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:940:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:941:2 12.7 : Bitwise operator has signed RHS and/or LHS operands: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:943:11 12.7 : Bitwise operator has signed RHS and/or LHS operands: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:944:6 12.7 : Bitwise operator has signed RHS and/or LHS operands: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:948:6 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:954:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:963:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:964:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:965:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:966:2 12.9 : UnaryOperator - has an expr with an unsigned underlying type: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:968:7 12.9 : UnaryOperator - has an expr with an unsigned underlying type: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:970:7 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:975:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:975:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:975:2 12.10 : Comma used: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:977:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:982:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:983:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:984:2 12.13 : Unary ++ or -- have been used in an expr with other operators: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:986:6 12.13 : Unary ++ or -- have been used in an expr with other operators: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:986:13 12.13 : Unary ++ or -- have been used in an expr with other operators: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:987:7 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:994:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:995:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:996:2 13.2 : Implicit test of an expr against zero which is not known to return a boolean result: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:998:6 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1006:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1007:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1008:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1009:2 13.3 : Float type expression checked for equality/inequality: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1011:6 13.3 : Float type expression checked for equality/inequality: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1014:6 13.3 : Float type expression checked for equality/inequality: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1017:6 13.1 : assignment operator used in an expr that is known to return boolean: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1020:6 13.3 : Float type expression checked for equality/inequality: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1020:7 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1025:2 13.4 : Float type used in the controlling expression of a forstmt: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1027:2 13.3 : Float type expression checked for equality/inequality: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1027:16 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1033:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1034:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1035:2 13.6 : ForStmt controlling variable modified in the body of the loop: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1039:3 13.6 : ForStmt controlling variable modified in the body of the loop: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1044:3 13.6 : ForStmt controlling variable modified in the body of the loop: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1049:3 13.6 : ForStmt controlling variable modified in the body of the loop: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1058:3 12.10 : Comma used: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1054:7 12.10 : Comma used: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1054:21 12.10 : Comma used: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1054:37 12.13 : Unary ++ or -- have been used in an expr with other operators: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1054:37 12.13 : Unary ++ or -- have been used in an expr with other operators: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1054:43 13.6 : ForStmt controlling variable modified in the body of the loop: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1065:3 12.10 : Comma used: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1061:7 12.10 : Comma used: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1061:21 12.10 : Comma used: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1061:37 12.13 : Unary ++ or -- have been used in an expr with other operators: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1061:37 12.13 : Unary ++ or -- have been used in an expr with other operators: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1061:43 14.4 : GotoStmt used: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1071:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1079:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1080:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1081:2 13.6 : ForStmt controlling variable modified in the body of the loop: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1085:3 14.9 : "If" statement has no braces {}: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1087:3 14.9 : "If" statement has no braces {}: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1089:3 14.6 : More than one BreakStmt used in the loop counter: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1083:2 13.6 : ForStmt controlling variable modified in the body of the loop: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1095:3 14.9 : "If" statement has no braces {}: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1096:3 14.9 : "If" statement has no braces {}: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1102:3 14.9 : "If" statement has no braces {}: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1104:3 14.6 : More than one BreakStmt used in the loop counter: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1100:2 14.9 : "If" statement has no braces {}: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1109:3 14.9 : "If" statement has no braces {}: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1111:3 14.6 : More than one BreakStmt used in the loop counter: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1108:2 14.9 : "If" statement has no braces {}: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1113:3 14.9 : "If" statement has no braces {}: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1122:4 14.9 : "If" statement has no braces {}: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1128:4 14.9 : "If" statement has no braces {}: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1135:3 14.9 : "If" statement has no braces {}: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1141:4 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1149:2 14.9 : "If" statement has no braces {}: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1151:2 14.9 : "Else" statement has no braces {}: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1153:7 14.9 : "If" statement has no braces {}: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1153:7 14.7 : More than one ReturnStmt used in the body of FunctionDecl: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1147:1 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1161:2 15.2 : "SwitchStmt" has a caseStmt that's missing a breakStmt: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1163:2 15.3 : "SwitchStmt" does not have a defaultStmt: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1163:2 15.4 : Switch expression is effectively boolean: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1163:10 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1174:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1175:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1182:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1182:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1194:4 8.1 : Function does not have a FunctionDecl that is not a definition : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:786:1 8.1 : Function does not have a FunctionDecl that is not a definition : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:818:1 8.1 : Function does not have a FunctionDecl that is not a definition : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:831:1 8.1 : Function does not have a FunctionDecl that is not a definition : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:860:1 8.1 : Function does not have a FunctionDecl that is not a definition : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:878:1 8.1 : Function does not have a FunctionDecl that is not a definition : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1077:1 8.1 : Function does not have a FunctionDecl that is not a definition : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1159:1 8.1 : Function does not have a FunctionDecl that is not a definition : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1172:1 8.1 : Function does not have a FunctionDecl that is not a definition : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1180:1 8.11 : Function does not have any external calls but is not declared as static : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:439:1 8.11 : Function does not have any external calls but is not declared as static : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:446:1 8.11 : Function does not have any external calls but is not declared as static : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:432:1 8.11 : Function does not have any external calls but is not declared as static : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:212:1 8.11 : Function does not have any external calls but is not declared as static : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:294:1 8.11 : Function does not have any external calls but is not declared as static : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:306:1 8.11 : Function does not have any external calls but is not declared as static : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:501:1 8.11 : Function does not have any external calls but is not declared as static : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.c:1172:1 18.4 : Union declared: /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs1.h:9:8 16.5 : Function does not return anything but is missing the void keyword for the return type : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/main.c:6:1 16.5 : Function does not take any parameters but is not using the void keyword : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/main.c:6:1 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/main.c:8:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/main.c:9:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/main.c:10:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/main.c:11:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/main.c:12:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/main.c:13:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/main.c:14:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/main.c:15:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/main.c:16:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/main.c:17:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/main.c:18:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/main.c:19:2 8.1 : Function does not have a FunctionDecl that is not a definition : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/main.c:6:1 8.12 : External array type is incomplete and has no initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.h:2:1 16.5 : Function does not take any parameters but is not using the void keyword : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.h:12:1 16.5 : Function does not return anything but is missing the void keyword for the return type : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.h:17:1 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:6:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:7:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:14:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:15:2 16.5 : Function does not return anything but is missing the void keyword for the return type : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:20:1 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:22:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:23:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:24:2 16.5 : Function does not take any parameters but is not using the void keyword : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:29:1 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:31:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:32:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:33:2 16.5 : Function does not return anything but is missing the void keyword for the return type : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:38:1 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:40:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:41:2 16.5 : Function does not return anything but is missing the void keyword for the return type : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:45:1 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:47:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:48:2 16.5 : Function does not return anything but is missing the void keyword for the return type : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:52:1 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:54:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:55:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:57:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:61:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:62:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:63:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:64:2 9.1 : staic local variable does not have initialization : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:65:2 17.4 : The only allowed form of pointer arithmetic is array indexing : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:69:12 17.1 : Pointer arithmatic for non-array pointers : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:70:13 17.4 : The only allowed form of pointer arithmetic is array indexing : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:70:13 17.4 : The only allowed form of pointer arithmetic is array indexing : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:76:12 17.1 : Pointer arithmatic for non-array pointers : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:77:13 17.4 : The only allowed form of pointer arithmetic is array indexing : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:77:13 8.1 : Function does not have a FunctionDecl that is not a definition : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.h:12:1 8.1 : Function does not have a FunctionDecl that is not a definition : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.h:17:1 8.1 : Function does not have a FunctionDecl that is not a definition : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:12:1 8.1 : Function does not have a FunctionDecl that is not a definition : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:20:1 8.1 : Function does not have a FunctionDecl that is not a definition : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:29:1 8.1 : Function does not have a FunctionDecl that is not a definition : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:38:1 8.1 : Function does not have a FunctionDecl that is not a definition : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:45:1 8.1 : Function does not have a FunctionDecl that is not a definition : /home/bloodstalker/devi/hell2/test/testFuncs2.c:52:1