/* the first line's been intentionally left blank.*/ /*include*/ /**********************************************************************************************************************/ #include "testFuncs1.h" //#include /**************************************************MACROS & DEFS*******************************************************/ /**********************************************************************************************************************/ #define LUPO 1U #define LOCO 2U typedef unsigned int ut_int; typedef signed int t_int; typedef unsigned char BYTE; const unsigned int shift = 10U; /******************************************************Globals*********************************************************/ /**********************************************************************************************************************/ void test (void); void test2 (void); void test11 (void); /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /*testing for simple statement coverage*/ void testFuncStatementsinmple (void) { int int1 = 1U; int int2 = 2U; int int3 = 3U; int1 = int2 + int3; int2 = int1 + int2; int3 = int2 + int3; im_a_minion_01(); im_a_minion_02(); im_a_minion_03(); } /*testing for complex statement coverage*/ void testFuncStatementComplexIf (void) { int int1 = 1U; int int2 = 2U; int int3 = 3U; int int4 = 4U; if ( int4 > int3 ) if ( int3 > int2 ) if ( int2 > int1 ) if ( int2 > int1 ) im_a_minion_02(); } /*testing to see whether the tool recognizes not covering statements*/ void testFuncStatementNotCoverage (void) { int int1 = 1U; int int2 = 2U; int int3 = 3U; int int4 = 4U; if (int4 < int3) { int4 = int3; } /*do note that your compiler might optimize this by completely erasing this*/ if (int2 > int1) { if (int1 > int2) { im_a_minion_01(); } } if (int2 > int1) { if (int3 < int2) { im_a_minion_02(); } } } /*verifying for loops*/ void testFuncLoopFor (void) { int i = 1U; for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) { im_a_minion_01(); } i = 1U; for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) { if (1U == (i % 2U) ) { im_a_minion_01(); } } } /*verifying while loops*/ void testFuncLoopWhile (void) { int i = 20U; while (i > 10U) { i = i - 1U; } i = 20; #if (TRUE == INF_LOOP) while (20U == i) { im_a_minion_03(); } #endif } /*verifying the correct handling of continue*/ void testFuncContinue (void) { int i = 1U; for (i = 1U; i < 20U; i++) { if (i < 19U) { continue; } im_a_minion_01(); } } /*verifying the correct handling of break*/ void testFuncBreak (void) { int i = 1U; for (i = 1U; i < 10U ; i++) { if (i > 0U) { break; } im_a_minion_03(); } } /*checking whether goto is handled correctly*/ void testFuncGoto (void) { im_a_minion_01(); goto jumpy; im_a_minion_02(); jumpy: im_a_minion_03(); } /*checking whether the basic blocks do not complete execution due to return statements*/ int testFuncNotReturn (int a, int b) { int sum = 0U; sum = a + b; if (10U == sum) { return (sum); } else { im_a_dummy(); } im_a_minion_01(); return (sum); } /*checking whether the tool handles multi-line statements correctly*/ void testFuncMultiLineStatement (void) { im_a_minion_01(); } /*checking how the tool handles multiple statements on the same line*/ void testFuncMultipleStatement (void) { int a = 1U; int b = 2U; int c = 3U; int d = 4U; a = a + b; b = b + c; c = c + d; d = d + a; } /*checking whether multiple statements are handled correctly on the same line*/ void testFuncMultipleStatementNot (void) { int a = 10U; if (a < 10U) {im_a_minion_01();} else {im_a_minion_02();} testFuncMultipleStatementNot(); } /*checking how compiler optimizations may affect the coverage reported-killed assignment elimination*/ void testFuncCompOpti1 (void) { int a = 1U; int b = 2U; } /*checking how compiler optimizations may affect the coverage reported-common subexpression optimization*/ void testFuncCompOpti2 (void) { int a = 1U; int b = 1U; if ( 0U == (((a * b) + (a / b) - a) - b) ) { im_a_benign_func(); } if ( 0U == (((a * b) + (a / b) - a) - b) ) { im_a_mlaign_func(); } } /*checking how compiler optimizations may affect the coverage reported-loop invariant optimization*/ void testFuncCompOpti3 (void) { int i = 1U; int counter = 0U; int a = 0U; int b = 10U; int sum = 0U; for (i = 1U; i < 100U ; i++) { counter = counter + 1U; sum = a + b; } sum = sum * 2U; } /*checking how compiler optimizations may affect the coverage reported-dead code optimization*/ void testFuncCompOpti4 (void) { im_a_minion_01(); im_a_minion_02(); im_a_minion_03(); } /*testing if declarative statements that have a run-time footprint are covered by statement coverage.*/ void testFuncStatementDecl1 (void) { int declaration1 = 1001U; int declaration2 = 666U; } /*testing to see whether statement coverage covers the return.*/ int testFuncStatementInt1 (int int1, int int2) { int sum = 0U; sum = int1 + int2; return (sum); } /* to test this one we need two test cases:*/ /* bool1 = FALSE and bool2 = whatever*/ /* bool1 = TRUE and bool2 = whatever*/ /* obviously if you get a full coverage with just the first test case, your tool didnt understand*/ /* the short-circuit. if you need both test cases for a full coverage, then your tool is doing decision coverage,*/ /* not branch coverage so good for you!*/ blreplacement testFuncStatementbool1 (blreplacement bool1 , blreplacement bool2) { return (bool1 && bool2); } /*same as above but with these test cases*/ /*bool1 = TRUE and bool2 = whatever*/ /*bool1 = FALSE and bool2 = whatever*/ /* obviously if you get a full coverage with just the first test case, your tool didnt understand*/ /* the short-circuit. if you need both test cases for a full coverage, then your tool is doing decision coverage,*/ /* not branch coverage so good for you!*/ blreplacement testFuncStatementbool2 (blreplacement bool1, blreplacement bool2) { return (bool1 || bool2); } /*the fault will only be generated only if decision1 is FALSE. if we get a full coverage by running*/ /* d1 = d2 = FALSE and d1 = FALSE and d2 = TRUE, then we dont have decision coverage. for a decision*/ /* coverage we need to have an extra test case, wehre d1 = TRUE and d2 = whatever.*/ void testFuncStatementDecision1 (blreplacement decision1 , blreplacement decision2) { if ( decision1 || decision2 ) { /*this function will supposedly casue a bug if decision1 is true*/ im_a_mlaign_func(); } else { im_a_benign_func(); } } /* short-circuit!*/ /* the compiler could go for short-cuircuit for both conditions.if it does, then we can see if we still get*/ /* a full coverage. if the compiler doesnt go for a short-circuit, then all this dont apply.*/ void testFuncShortCircuit (blreplacement bool1, blreplacement bool2) { if (FALSE == bool1 && TRUE == bool2) { im_a_dummy (); } if (TRUE == bool2 || FALSE == bool1) { im_a_dummy(); } } /*checking MCDC coverage behavior of the tool for multiply occuring conditions*/ void testFuncMCDC1 (blreplacement decision1, blreplacement decision2) { if (decision1 && (( decision2 || decision1) || (!decision1 || decision2)) ) { im_a_dummy(); } } /* this one is to test how the tool handles inline functions.do all instances get covered separately or they get*/ /* covered accumulatively*/ #if 0 void testFuncMultiInstantiation (int level) { switch (level) { case 10U: babeFunk(20); break; case 20U: babeFunk(10); break; case 30U: babeFunk(5); break; case 40U: im_a_dummy(); break; case 50U: im_a_dummy(); break; case 60U: im_a_dummy(); break; case 70U: im_a_dummy(); break; case 80U: im_a_dummy(); break; case 90U: im_a_dummy(); break; default: im_a_dummy(); break; } } #endif /* this function will check how the tool handles the "?" operator*/ void testFuncQMark (int int1, int int2) { (int1 > int2) ? im_a_minion_01() : im_a_minion_02(); } /* checking how the tool handles calling a function that returns boolean*/ void testFuncCallBool (void) { int local1 = 0U; int local2 = 0U; local1 = testFuncStatementbool1(1U , 0U); local2 = testFuncStatementbool2(1U , 0U); } /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /* where all the fakes go.*/ /*the function that is *supposedly* carrying a bug*/ void im_a_mlaign_func (void) { /* KATSU!*/ } /*the function that is *supposedly* the good guy here*/ void im_a_benign_func (void) { /* see the light ring?!*/ } /*the dummy function.*/ void im_a_dummy (void) { /* dumb dumb*/ } /* minion function number #01*/ void im_a_minion_01 (void) { /* minion1*/ } /* minion function number #02*/ void im_a_minion_02 (void) { /* minion1*/ } /* minion function number #03*/ void im_a_minion_03 (void) { /* minion1*/ } /* the only thing special about this one is that it has been inlined.*/ /*since different compilers have different methods of inlining a function, this function has multiple versions.*/ #if (TRUE == INLINE) #if (MPC == COMPILER) inline void babeFunk (int entry) { if (10U > entry) { im_a_minion_01(); } else if (10U == entry) { im_a_minion_02(); } else { im_a_minion_03(); } } #endif #if (HCS12 == COMPILER) #pragma INLINE void babeFunk (int entry) { if (10U > entry) { im_a_minion_01(); } else if (10U == entry) { im_a_minion_02(); } else { im_a_minion_03(); } } #endif #endif /*RL78s dont have inline for all functions, so no use trying to test the functionality*/ void test (void) { int i = 0U; int j = 0U; int a, b; int c, d; for (;;) { a = b; } for (i = 1; i < 100U; i++) b++ ; while (a > 10U) im_a_minion_01() ; while (a == 90U) { b++; } if (a == d) b = c; if (a == d) { a = d; } if (d > a) if (c > b) a++; if (a > c) b++; else if (a > b) c++; else if (a > d) d++; } void test2 (void) { int a = 0U; int b = 10U; int c, d; if (a == b) { /*do something*/ } else b = a; if (20U == a) { /*kill all mutants.*/ } if (20U == a) { /*do somethin good*/ a = b; } else if (30U == a) { /*do something else*/ b = a; } if (10U == a) {/*die*/} else if (15U == a) a = b; else if (17U == a) a = 10000000U; else if (19U == a) a = 50U; if (b == a) { if (10U == b) {} else {} } if (a > b) { if (a > d) {} else a++; } if (a > b) {a++;} else if (b > a) {b++;} else if (a == b) {a++;} int level = 10U; switch (level) { case 10U: { level++; test(); break; } case 20U: { level = 10000U; break; } case 30U: { level++; break; } case 40U: { level++; break; } case 50U: { level++; break; } case 60U: { level = 1000U; break; } case 70U: { level++; break; } case 80U: { level++; break; } case 90U: { level++; break; } default: { level++; break; } } switch (level) { case 1: { level++; break; } case 2: level = 10; level--; { case 3: level = 10U; level++; break; } } switch (level) { case 1: level++; case 2: level = 1; case 3: level = 2; default: level++; } switch (level) {} } #if 0 void test3 (int a, int, ...) { } #endif test3() { int a; int b; } double test4 (int a, int b, double c) { return a + b + c; } void test5(void) { int i = 0; if (test4) { i++; } } void test6 (void) { int a[100]; int *p = a; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { a[i] = i; } } void test7(void) { double a[100]; double *pointer; pointer = a; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) { *(a + i) = i; } } void test8 (void) { union uni uni2; } void test9 (void) { /*im a comment*/ //im also a comment } void test10 (void) { struct { unsigned int r1 : 1; unsigned int r2 : 2; } reg1; struct { signed int r3 : 1; signed int r4 : 15; } reg2; struct { char a : 8; signed int r5 : 14; unsigned int r6 : 5; ut_int r7 : 32; BYTE r8 : 8; } reg3; } void test11 (void) { /*empty*/ } double test12(double a) { return a * 2; } int test13(void) { static int a; int b; return (a * b); } void test14 (void) { int arr[3][2] = {{2, 3}, {4, 5}, {6, 7}}; int arr2[4][4] = {0}; int arr3[2][3]; /*illegal forms.*/ #if 0 arr3 = {0}; arr3 = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}}; #endif } void test15(void) { enum colour {red = 3, blue, yellow, green = 5}; enum anotherset {black, grey, white}; enum yetanotherset {pink = 7, purple, magenta, maroon}; enum loco {verrueckt, crazy = 3, divune}; enum primeevil {diablo = 2, mephisto = 3, baal = 4}; } short int test16(int a, int b) { short int sum; short unsigned int sumus; sum = a + b; sumus = a + b; return sum; } void test17(void) { int a = 100; int b = 1000; long int longa; a = sizeof (b = 2000U); } void test18(void) { int a; int b; int c; unsigned char d; if (c && (a = b)) { /*yada yada*/ } if ((c = a) || a) { /*yada*/ } if (c && (a || c)) { } d = c && (a = c); } void test19(void) { const int a = 100; unsigned char flag = 1; unsigned char flag2; unsigned char flag3; //char *str = "loco\0"; const double pi = 3.54; if ((flag) && pi) {} if (flag || flag2 && flag3) {} if (a == 0 && flag) {} if (flag || (a == 0)) {} if (!flag || flag2) {} } void test20(void) { signed int a; unsigned int b; signed char c; unsigned char d; t_int e; ut_int f; b = b >> 2; a = a << 3U; b = b ^ 2U; c = c & 6U; d = d | 2U; e = e >> 2U; f = f << 4U; } void test21(void) { unsigned int a; a = a >> 44U; a = a >> shift; a <<= 10U; a << 45U; } void test22(void) { unsigned int a; int b; t_int c; ut_int d; b = -a; b = -c; b = -d; } void test23 (void) { int a, b, c; a = b, c = a; } void test24(void) { int a; int b; int c; c = ++a - b--; c = a++; b++; --a; } void test25(void) { int a; int b; int c; if (a - b) { /*i dont care.*/ } } void test26 (void) { double a; double b; double c; unsigned char d; if (a == b) {} if (a < b) {} if (c >= a) {} d = (a <= c); } /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /*the last line's been intentionally left blank.*/