path: root/.vimrc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/.vimrc b/.vimrc
index 4515d6d..2d381e6 100644
--- a/.vimrc
+++ b/.vimrc
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ let maplocalleader = ","
set encoding=UTF-8
set nocompatible
set completeopt-=preview
-set completeopt+=popup
set showmatch
set list
set listchars=eol:$,tab:>-
@@ -30,7 +29,7 @@ set laststatus=2
set smartcase
set more
set lazyredraw
-set synmaxcol=800
+set synmaxcol=200
syntax sync minlines=64
set ttyfast
set relativenumber
@@ -69,7 +68,10 @@ set backspace=indent,eol,start
" set cursorcolumn
" set exrc
" set wildmode=list:longest,full
-set viminfo='100,\"500,:50,%,n~/.viminfo
+if !has('nvim')
+ set viminfo='100,\"500,:50,%,n~/.viminfo
+ set completeopt+=popup
highlight clear Search
let g:is_posix = 1
@@ -184,6 +186,13 @@ Plug 'roxma/vim-tmux-clipboard'
Plug 'wellle/visual-split.vim'
Plug 'zchee/vim-goasm'
Plug 'jvirtanen/vim-hcl'
+Plug 'AndrewRadev/splitjoin.vim'
+if has('nvim')
+ Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', {'do': ':TSUpdate'}
+Plug 'dansomething/vim-hackernews'
+Plug 'andrewstuart/vim-kubernetes'
+" Plug 'psliwka/vim-smoothie'
" Plug 'lifepillar/pgsql.vim', {'for': ['sql','pqsl', 'pgsql']}
" Plug 'tmux-plugins/vim-tmux'
" Plug 'rhysd/vim-gfm-syntax'
@@ -1018,6 +1027,7 @@ highlight vimBufnrWarn ctermbg=16 ctermfg=202
" highlight airline_tabtype ctermbg=15 ctermfg=34
+iab adn and
iab teh the
iab strign string
iab pritn print
@@ -1057,7 +1067,7 @@ autocmd FileType markdown,text,vimwiki,tex setlocal complete+=k
map <leader>f <Esc><Esc>:Files!<CR>
-let g:fzf_layout = { 'window': { 'width': 0.9, 'height': 0.7 } }
+let g:fzf_layout = { 'window': { 'width': 0.9, 'height': 0.9 } }
let g:fzf_colors =
\ { 'fg': ['fg', 'Normal'],
\ 'bg': ['bg', 'Normal'],
@@ -1166,7 +1176,7 @@ augroup YCMDocRust
autocmd FileType rust let b:ycm_hover = {
\ 'command': 'GetDoc',
- \ 'syntax': &filetype
+ \ 'syntax': 'rust'
\ }
augroup END
@@ -1243,7 +1253,7 @@ let g:context_presenter = 'vim-popup'
augroup AUSpell
- autocmd FileType markdown,txt,vimwiki,tex set spell
+ autocmd FileType markdown,txt,vimwiki,tex setlocal spell
augroup END
nnoremap <leader>b :Make<CR>