diff options
15 files changed, 768 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/.config/broot/conf.hjson b/.config/broot/conf.hjson
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93c4fef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/broot/conf.hjson
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+# This configuration file lets you
+# - define new commands
+# - change the shortcut or triggering keys of built-in verbs
+# - change the colors
+# - set default values for flags
+# - set special behaviors on specific paths
+# - and more...
+# Configuration documentation is available at
+# https://dystroy.org/broot
+# This file's format is Hjson ( https://hjson.github.io/ ). Some
+# properties are commented out. To enable them, remove the `#`.
+ ###############################################################
+ # Default flags
+ # You can set up flags you want broot to start with by
+ # default, for example `default_flags="ihp"` if you usually want
+ # to see hidden and gitignored files and the permissions (then
+ # if you don't want the hidden files you can launch `br -H`)
+ # A popular flag is the `g` one which displays git related info.
+ #
+ # default_flags:
+ ###############################################################
+ # Date/Time format
+ # If you want to change the format for date/time, uncomment the
+ # following line and change it according to
+ # https://docs.rs/chrono/0.4.11/chrono/format/strftime/index.html
+ #
+ # date_time_format: %Y/%m/%d %R
+ ###############################################################
+ # "vim mode"
+ #
+ #
+ # modal: true
+ ###############################################################
+ # Whether to mark the selected line with a triangle
+ #
+ # show_selection_mark: true
+ ###############################################################
+ # Column order
+ # cols_order, if specified, must be a permutation of the following
+ # array. You should keep the name at the end as it has a variable
+ # length.
+ #
+ # cols_order: [
+ # mark
+ # git
+ # size
+ # permission
+ # date
+ # count
+ # branch
+ # name
+ # ]
+ ###############################################################
+ # True Colors
+ # If this parameter isn't set, broot tries to automatically
+ # determine whether true colors (24 bits) are available.
+ # As this process is unreliable, you may uncomment this setting
+ # and set it to false or true if you notice the colors in
+ # previewed images are too off.
+ #
+ # true_colors: false
+ ###############################################################
+ # Icons
+ # If you want to display icons in broot, uncomment this line
+ # (see https://dystroy.org/broot/icons for installation and
+ # troubleshooting)
+ #
+ # icon_theme: vscode
+ ###############################################################
+ # Special paths
+ # If some paths must be handled specially, uncomment (and change
+ # this section as per the examples)
+ #
+ # special_paths: {
+ # "/media/slow-backup-disk" : no-enter
+ # "/home/dys/useless" : hide
+ # "/home/dys/my-link-I-want-to-explore" : enter
+ # }
+ ###############################################################
+ # Search modes
+ #
+ # broot allows many search modes.
+ # A search mode is defined by
+ # - the way to search: fuzzy, exact, or a regular expression.
+ # - where to search: name, sub-path, or file content
+ # A search pattern may for example be "fuzzy name" (default),
+ # "regex content" or "exact path".
+ #
+ # The search mode is selected from its prefix. For example, if
+ # you type "abc", the default mode is "fuzzy name". If you type
+ # "/abc", the mode is "regex name". If you type "rp/abc", the mode
+ # is "regex path".
+ #
+ # This mapping may be modified. You may want to dedicate the
+ # empty prefix (the one which doesn't need a '/') to the
+ # search mode you use most often. The example below makes it
+ # easy to search on subpath rather than on the name.
+ #
+ # More information on
+ # https://dystroy.org/broot/input/#the-filtering-pattern
+ #
+ # search_modes: {
+ # <empty>: fuzzy path
+ # /: regex path
+ # }
+ ###############################################################
+ # Verbs and shortcuts
+ # You can define your own commands which would be applied to
+ # the selection.
+ # You'll also find below verbs that you can customize or enable.
+ verbs: [
+ # Exemple 1: launching `tail -n` on the selected file (leaving broot)
+ # {
+ # name: tail_lines
+ # invocation: tl {lines_count}
+ # execution: "tail -f -n {lines_count} {file}"
+ # }
+ # Exemple 2: creating a new file without leaving broot
+ # {
+ # name: touch
+ # invocation: touch {new_file}
+ # execution: "touch {directory}/{new_file}"
+ # leave_broot: false
+ # }
+ # A standard recommended command for editing files, that you
+ # can customize.
+ # If $EDITOR isn't set on your computer, you should either set it using
+ # something similar to
+ # export EDITOR=nvim
+ # or just replace it with your editor of choice in the 'execution'
+ # pattern.
+ # If your editor is able to open a file on a specific line, use {line}
+ # so that you may jump directly at the right line from a preview.
+ # Example:
+ # execution: nvim +{line} {file}
+ {
+ invocation: edit
+ key: F2
+ shortcut: e
+ execution: "$EDITOR +{line} {file}"
+ leave_broot: false
+ }
+ # A convenient shortcut to create new text files in
+ # the current directory or below
+ {
+ invocation: create {subpath}
+ execution: "$EDITOR {directory}/{subpath}"
+ leave_broot: false
+ }
+ {
+ invocation: git_diff
+ shortcut: gd
+ leave_broot: false
+ execution: "git difftool -y {file}"
+ }
+ # This verb lets you launch a terminal on ctrl-T
+ # (on exit you'll be back in broot)
+ {
+ invocation: terminal
+ key: ctrl-t
+ execution: "$SHELL"
+ set_working_dir: true
+ leave_broot: false
+ }
+ # Here's an example of a shorctut bringing you to your home directory
+ # {
+ # invocation: home
+ # key: ctrl-home
+ # execution: ":focus ~"
+ # }
+ # A popular set of shorctuts for going up and down:
+ #
+ # {
+ # key: ctrl-k
+ # execution: ":line_up"
+ # }
+ # {
+ # key: ctrl-j
+ # execution: ":line_down"
+ # }
+ # {
+ # key: ctrl-u
+ # execution: ":page_up"
+ # }
+ # {
+ # key: ctrl-d
+ # execution: ":page_down"
+ # }
+ # If you develop using git, you might like to often switch
+ # to the git status filter:
+ # {
+ # key: ctrl-g
+ # execution: ":toggle_git_status"
+ # }
+ # You can reproduce the bindings of Norton Commander
+ # on copying or moving to the other panel:
+ #
+ # {
+ # key: F5
+ # execution: ":copy_to_panel"
+ # }
+ # {
+ # key: F6
+ # execution: ":move_to_panel"
+ # }
+ ]
+ ###############################################################
+ # Skin
+ # If you want to change the colors of broot,
+ # uncomment the following bloc and start messing
+ # with the various values.
+ # A skin entry value is made of two parts separated with a '/':
+ # The first one is the skin for the active panel.
+ # The second one, optional, is the skin for non active panels.
+ ###############################################################
+ #
+ skin: {
+ default: gray(23) none / gray(20) none
+ tree: ansi(94) None / gray(3) None
+ file: gray(20) None / gray(15) None
+ directory: ansi(208) None Bold / ansi(172) None bold
+ exe: Cyan None
+ link: Magenta None
+ pruning: gray(12) None Italic
+ perm__: gray(5) None
+ perm_r: ansi(94) None
+ perm_w: ansi(132) None
+ perm_x: ansi(65) None
+ owner: ansi(138) None
+ group: ansi(131) None
+ count: ansi(136) gray(3)
+ dates: ansi(66) None
+ sparse: ansi(214) None
+ content_extract: ansi(29) None
+ content_match: ansi(34) None
+ git_branch: ansi(229) None
+ git_insertions: ansi(28) None
+ git_deletions: ansi(160) None
+ git_status_current: gray(5) None
+ git_status_modified: ansi(28) None
+ git_status_new: ansi(94) None Bold
+ git_status_ignored: gray(17) None
+ git_status_conflicted: ansi(88) None
+ git_status_other: ansi(88) None
+ selected_line: None gray(5) / None gray(4)
+ char_match: Yellow None
+ file_error: Red None
+ flag_label: gray(15) None
+ flag_value: ansi(208) None Bold
+ input: White None / gray(15) gray(2)
+ status_error: gray(22) ansi(124)
+ status_job: ansi(220) gray(5)
+ status_normal: gray(20) gray(3) / gray(2) gray(2)
+ status_italic: ansi(208) gray(3) / gray(2) gray(2)
+ status_bold: ansi(208) gray(3) Bold / gray(2) gray(2)
+ status_code: ansi(229) gray(3) / gray(2) gray(2)
+ status_ellipsis: gray(19) gray(1) / gray(2) gray(2)
+ purpose_normal: gray(20) gray(2)
+ purpose_italic: ansi(178) gray(2)
+ purpose_bold: ansi(178) gray(2) Bold
+ purpose_ellipsis: gray(20) gray(2)
+ scrollbar_track: gray(7) None / gray(4) None
+ scrollbar_thumb: gray(22) None / gray(14) None
+ help_paragraph: gray(20) None
+ help_bold: ansi(208) None Bold
+ help_italic: ansi(166) None
+ help_code: gray(21) gray(3)
+ help_headers: ansi(208) None
+ help_table_border: ansi(239) None
+ preview: gray(20) gray(1) / gray(18) gray(2)
+ preview_line_number: gray(12) gray(3)
+ preview_match: None ansi(29)
+ hex_null: gray(11) None
+ hex_ascii_graphic: gray(18) None
+ hex_ascii_whitespace: ansi(143) None
+ hex_ascii_other: ansi(215) None
+ hex_non_ascii: ansi(167) None
+ }
+ # You may find explanations and other skins on
+ # https://dystroy.org/broot/skins
+ # for example a skin suitable for white backgrounds
+ ###############################################################
+ # File Extension Colors
+ #
+ # uncomment and modify the next section if you want to color
+ # file name depending on their extension
+ #
+ # ext_colors: {
+ # png: rgb(255, 128, 75)
+ # rs: yellow
+ # }
diff --git a/.config/ptpython/config.py b/.config/ptpython/config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f1e749
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/ptpython/config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+Configuration example for ``ptpython``.
+Copy this file to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ptpython/config.py
+On Linux, this is: ~/.config/ptpython/config.py
+from prompt_toolkit.filters import ViInsertMode
+from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.key_processor import KeyPress
+from prompt_toolkit.keys import Keys
+from prompt_toolkit.styles import Style
+from ptpython.layout import CompletionVisualisation
+__all__ = ["configure"]
+def configure(repl):
+ """
+ Configuration method. This is called during the start-up of ptpython.
+ :param repl: `PythonRepl` instance.
+ """
+ # Show function signature (bool).
+ repl.show_signature = True
+ # Show docstring (bool).
+ repl.show_docstring = False
+ # Show the "[Meta+Enter] Execute" message when pressing [Enter] only
+ # inserts a newline instead of executing the code.
+ repl.show_meta_enter_message = True
+ # Show completions. (NONE, POP_UP, MULTI_COLUMN or TOOLBAR)
+ repl.completion_visualisation = CompletionVisualisation.POP_UP
+ # When CompletionVisualisation.POP_UP has been chosen, use this
+ # scroll_offset in the completion menu.
+ repl.completion_menu_scroll_offset = 0
+ # Show line numbers (when the input contains multiple lines.)
+ repl.show_line_numbers = True
+ # Show status bar.
+ repl.show_status_bar = True
+ # When the sidebar is visible, also show the help text.
+ repl.show_sidebar_help = True
+ # Swap light/dark colors on or off
+ repl.swap_light_and_dark = True
+ # Highlight matching parethesis.
+ repl.highlight_matching_parenthesis = True
+ # Line wrapping. (Instead of horizontal scrolling.)
+ repl.wrap_lines = True
+ # Mouse support.
+ repl.enable_mouse_support = False
+ # Complete while typing. (Don't require tab before the
+ # completion menu is shown.)
+ repl.complete_while_typing = True
+ # Fuzzy and dictionary completion.
+ repl.enable_fuzzy_completion = True
+ repl.enable_dictionary_completion = True
+ # Vi mode.
+ repl.vi_mode = True
+ # Paste mode. (When True, don't insert whitespace after new line.)
+ repl.paste_mode = False
+ # Use the classic prompt. (Display '>>>' instead of 'In [1]'.)
+ repl.prompt_style = "classic" # 'classic' or 'ipython'
+ # Don't insert a blank line after the output.
+ repl.insert_blank_line_after_output = False
+ # History Search.
+ # When True, going back in history will filter the history on the records
+ # starting with the current input. (Like readline.)
+ # Note: When enable, please disable the `complete_while_typing` option.
+ # otherwise, when there is a completion available, the arrows will
+ # browse through the available completions instead of the history.
+ repl.enable_history_search = False
+ # Enable auto suggestions. (Pressing right arrow will complete the input,
+ # based on the history.)
+ repl.enable_auto_suggest = True
+ # Enable open-in-editor. Pressing C-x C-e in emacs mode or 'v' in
+ # Vi navigation mode will open the input in the current editor.
+ repl.enable_open_in_editor = True
+ # Enable system prompt. Pressing meta-! will display the system prompt.
+ # Also enables Control-Z suspend.
+ repl.enable_system_bindings = True
+ # Ask for confirmation on exit.
+ repl.confirm_exit = True
+ # Enable input validation. (Don't try to execute when the input contains
+ # syntax errors.)
+ repl.enable_input_validation = True
+ # Use this colorscheme for the code.
+ # repl.use_code_colorscheme("default")
+ repl.use_code_colorscheme("pastie")
+ # Set color depth (keep in mind that not all terminals support true color).
+ # repl.color_depth = "DEPTH_1_BIT" # Monochrome.
+ # repl.color_depth = "DEPTH_4_BIT" # ANSI colors only.
+ repl.color_depth = "DEPTH_8_BIT" # The default, 256 colors.
+ # repl.color_depth = "DEPTH_24_BIT" # True color.
+ # Min/max brightness
+ repl.min_brightness = 0.0 # Increase for dark terminal backgrounds.
+ repl.max_brightness = 1.0 # Decrease for light terminal backgrounds.
+ # Syntax.
+ repl.enable_syntax_highlighting = True
+ # Get into Vi navigation mode at startup
+ repl.vi_start_in_navigation_mode = False
+ # Preserve last used Vi input mode between main loop iterations
+ repl.vi_keep_last_used_mode = False
+ # Install custom colorscheme named 'my-colorscheme' and use it.
+ """
+ repl.install_ui_colorscheme("my-colorscheme", Style.from_dict(_custom_ui_colorscheme))
+ repl.use_ui_colorscheme("my-colorscheme")
+ """
+ # Add custom key binding for PDB.
+ """
+ @repl.add_key_binding("c-b")
+ def _(event):
+ " Pressing Control-B will insert "pdb.set_trace()" "
+ event.cli.current_buffer.insert_text("\nimport pdb; pdb.set_trace()\n")
+ """
+ # Typing ControlE twice should also execute the current command.
+ # (Alternative for Meta-Enter.)
+ """
+ @repl.add_key_binding("c-e", "c-e")
+ def _(event):
+ event.current_buffer.validate_and_handle()
+ """
+ # Typing 'jj' in Vi Insert mode, should send escape. (Go back to navigation
+ # mode.)
+ """
+ @repl.add_key_binding("j", "j", filter=ViInsertMode())
+ def _(event):
+ " Map 'jj' to Escape. "
+ event.cli.key_processor.feed(KeyPress(Keys("escape")))
+ """
+ # Custom key binding for some simple autocorrection while typing.
+ """
+ corrections = {
+ "impotr": "import",
+ "pritn": "print",
+ }
+ @repl.add_key_binding(" ")
+ def _(event):
+ " When a space is pressed. Check & correct word before cursor. "
+ b = event.cli.current_buffer
+ w = b.document.get_word_before_cursor()
+ if w is not None:
+ if w in corrections:
+ b.delete_before_cursor(count=len(w))
+ b.insert_text(corrections[w])
+ b.insert_text(" ")
+ """
+ # Add a custom title to the status bar. This is useful when ptpython is
+ # embedded in other applications.
+ """
+ repl.title = "My custom prompt."
+ """
+# Custom colorscheme for the UI. See `ptpython/layout.py` and
+# `ptpython/style.py` for all possible tokens.
+_custom_ui_colorscheme = {
+ # Blue prompt.
+ "prompt": "bg:#eeeeff #000000 bold",
+ # Make the status toolbar red.
+ "status-toolbar": "bg:#ff0000 #000000",
diff --git a/.config/ranger/rc.conf b/.config/ranger/rc.conf
index cacf0d6..dc9143a 100644
--- a/.config/ranger/rc.conf
+++ b/.config/ranger/rc.conf
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ set draw_progress_bar_in_status_bar true
# Separators are vertical lines between columns.
# Outline draws a box around all the columns.
# Both combines the two.
-set draw_borders none
+set draw_borders both
# Display the directory name in tabs?
set dirname_in_tabs true
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ set display_free_space_in_status_bar true
set display_tags_in_all_columns true
# Set a title for the window?
-set update_title false
+set update_title true
# Set the title to "ranger" in the tmux program?
set update_tmux_title true
diff --git a/.proxychains/proxychains.conf b/.proxychains/proxychains.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4db4663
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.proxychains/proxychains.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# proxychains.conf VER 3.1
+# HTTP, SOCKS4, SOCKS5 tunneling proxifier with DNS.
+# The option below identifies how the ProxyList is treated.
+# only one option should be uncommented at time,
+# otherwise the last appearing option will be accepted
+# Dynamic - Each connection will be done via chained proxies
+# all proxies chained in the order as they appear in the list
+# at least one proxy must be online to play in chain
+# (dead proxies are skipped)
+# otherwise EINTR is returned to the app
+# Strict - Each connection will be done via chained proxies
+# all proxies chained in the order as they appear in the list
+# all proxies must be online to play in chain
+# otherwise EINTR is returned to the app
+# Random - Each connection will be done via random proxy
+# (or proxy chain, see chain_len) from the list.
+# this option is good to test your IDS :)
+# Make sense only if random_chain
+#chain_len = 2
+# Quiet mode (no output from library)
+# Proxy DNS requests - no leak for DNS data
+# Some timeouts in milliseconds
+tcp_read_time_out 15000
+tcp_connect_time_out 8000
+# ProxyList format
+# type host port [user pass]
+# (values separated by 'tab' or 'blank')
+# Examples:
+# socks5 1080 lamer secret
+# http 8080 justu hidden
+# socks4 1080
+# http 8080
+# proxy types: http, socks4, socks5
+# ( auth types supported: "basic"-http "user/pass"-socks )
+# add proxy here ...
+# meanwile
+# defaults set to "tor"
+socks5 9998
diff --git a/.vimrc b/.vimrc
index bd23cc9..a04eea7 100644
--- a/.vimrc
+++ b/.vimrc
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ Plugin 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons'
Plugin 'sheerun/vim-polyglot'
Plugin 'dbeniamine/cheat.sh-vim'
Plugin 'lifepillar/pgsql.vim'
-Plugin 'tmux-plugins/vim-tmux-focus-events'
+" Plugin 'tmux-plugins/vim-tmux-focus-events'
Plugin 'congma/vim-compiler-checkbashisms'
Plugin 'hsanson/vim-openapi'
Plugin 'mattn/emmet-vim'
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ function! s:shortenPath(path)
"airline options
-let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1
+let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 0
let s:airline_custom_cwd = s:shortenPath(expand('%:p'))
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1
@@ -1325,7 +1325,7 @@ endif
let wiki = {}
let wiki.path = '~/vimwiki/'
-let wiki.nested_syntaxes = {'python': 'python', 'c++': 'cpp', 'c':'c', 'go':'go', 'javascript':'javascript', 'sh':'sh', 'yaml':'yaml'}
+let wiki.nested_syntaxes = {'python': 'python', 'c++': 'cpp', 'c':'c', 'go':'go', 'javascript':'javascript', 'sh':'sh', 'yaml':'yaml', 'Dockerfile':'Dockerfile'}
let g:vimwiki_list = [wiki]
let g:vimwiki_global_ext = 0
" let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path': '~/vimwiki/', 'syntax': 'markdown', 'ext': '.md'}]
diff --git a/.xonshrc b/.xonshrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e559fe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.xonshrc
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+aliases[".."]="cd .."
+aliases["..."]="cd ../.."
+aliases["...."]="cd ../../.."
+aliases["....."]="cd ../../../.."
+aliases["......"]="cd ../../../../.."
+aliases["la"]="ls -A"
+aliases["ll"]="ls -lA"
+aliases["lss"]="ls -sSA"
diff --git a/.zshrc b/.zshrc
index 0ab5f1c..36f319a 100644
--- a/.zshrc
+++ b/.zshrc
@@ -128,8 +128,18 @@ alias fixlsdrc="cp ~/scripts/.config/lsd/config.yaml ~/.config/lsd/config.yaml"
alias vagrant="PATH=$PATH:/mnt/c/Windows/System32:/mnt/c/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0 vagrant"
alias cygwin="/mnt/d/home/apps/cygwin/bin/bash.exe -l -i"
alias farmanager="/mnt/c/Program\ Files/Far\ Manager/Far.exe"
+alias pwsh="/mnt/c/Program\ Files/PowerShell/7/pwsh.exe"
alias wincmd="/mnt/c/Windows/System32/runas.exe /profile /user:administrator cmd.exe"
alias vms="ssh -l ubuntu -p 1022"
+alias xonshrc="vim ~/scripts/.xonshrc"
+alias fixxonshrc="cp ~/scripts/.xonshrc ~/.xonshrc"
+alias sshphone="ssh -l u0_a263 -p 8022"
+alias moshvpn="mosh rooot@ --ssh='ssh -p 1022'"
+alias moshvps="mosh ubuntu@terminaldweller.com --ssh='ssh -p 1022'"
+alias proxychainsrc="vim ~/scripts/.proxychains/proxychains.conf"
+alias fixproxychainsrc="cp ~/scripts/.proxychains/proxychains.conf ~/.proxychains/proxychains.conf"
+alias zgit="proxychains git"
+alias socks5z="ssh -N -D 9998 -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes -l pi"
@@ -194,8 +204,9 @@ alias def="sdcv --color"
export GOENV_ROOT="$HOME/.goenv"
export PATH="$GOENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"
-export LESS='-R'
+export LESS='--RAW-CONTROL-CHARS --ignore-case --status-column --LONG-PROMPT --HILITE-UNREAD --tabs=2'
export LESSOPEN='|~/scripts/lesscolor.sh %s'
+export PYGMENTIZE_STYLE="paraiso-dark"
# libtrash settings
# export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/libtrash.so.3.5
# alias trashon=”export TRASH_OFF=NO”
@@ -234,6 +245,7 @@ export PATH=$PATH:/home/devi/powershell
export PATH=$PATH:/home/devi/protobuf/bin
export PATH=$PATH:/home/devi/ytfzf
export PATH=$PATH:/home/devi/gotty
+export PATH=$PATH:/home/devi/.poetry/bin
export EDITOR=vim
export BROWSER=w3m
diff --git a/bin/exclude_ip_list b/bin/exclude_ip_list
index 2fa3e6f..8ddd42e 100755
--- a/bin/exclude_ip_list
+++ b/bin/exclude_ip_list
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
from ipaddress import ip_network
start = ''
-exclude = ['', '', '', '']
+exclude = ['', '',
+ '', '', '', '']
result = [ip_network(start)]
for x in exclude:
diff --git a/cygwin/socks5.bat b/cygwin/socks5.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95acfa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cygwin/socks5.bat
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+sh -N -D 9999 -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes -l pi
diff --git a/git/.gitconfig b/git/.gitconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91a0f30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git/.gitconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ email = thabogre@gmail.com
+ name = terminaldweller
+ postBuffer = 157286400
+ version = HTTP/2
diff --git a/git/wipe_irssi_passwords b/git/wipe_irssi_passwords
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..26e9d58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git/wipe_irssi_passwords
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# _*_ coding=utf-8 _*_
+import re
+def main():
+ with open("./config", "r") as config_file:
+ lines = config_file.readlines()
+ for line in lines:
+ print(re.sub("password\\s*=\\s*\"(.*)\"",
+ "password=\"\"", line), end="")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/irssi/config b/irssi/config
index bcb68b0..be8aa33 100644
--- a/irssi/config
+++ b/irssi/config
@@ -3,16 +3,14 @@ servers = (
address = "irc.gitter.im";
chatnet = "gitter";
port = "6697";
- password = "";
use_tls = "yes";
tls_verify = "yes";
autoconnect = "yes";
- address = "terminaldweller.com";
+ address = "";
chatnet = "FRRouting.slack.com";
port = "6667";
- password = "";
use_tls = "no";
tls_verify = "no";
autoconnect = "yes";
@@ -44,7 +42,6 @@ aliases = {
C = "CLEAR";
CALC = "EXEC - if command -v bc >/dev/null 2>&1\\; then printf '%s=' '$*'\\; echo '$*' | bc -l\\; else echo bc was not found\\; fi";
- CUBES = "SCRIPT EXEC Irssi::active_win->print(\"%_bases\", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) \\; Irssi::active_win->print( do { join '', map { \"%x0\\${_}0\\$_\" } '0'..'9','A'..'F' }, MSGLEVEL_NEVER | MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) \\; Irssi::active_win->print(\"%_cubes\", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) \\; Irssi::active_win->print( do { my \\$y = \\$_*6 \\; join '', map { my \\$x = \\$_ \\; map { \"%x\\$x\\$_\\$x\\$_\" } @{['0'..'9','A'..'Z']}[\\$y .. \\$y+5] } 1..6 }, MSGLEVEL_NEVER | MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) for 0..5 \\; Irssi::active_win->print(\"%_grays\", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) \\; Irssi::active_win->print( do { join '', map { \"%x7\\${_}7\\$_\" } 'A'..'X' }, MSGLEVEL_NEVER | MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) \\; Irssi::active_win->print(\"%_mIRC extended colours\", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) \\; my \\$x \\; \\$x .= sprintf \"\00399,%02d%02d\",\\$_,\\$_ for 0..15 \\; Irssi::active_win->print(\\$x, MSGLEVEL_NEVER | MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) \\; for my \\$z (0..6) { my \\$x \\; \\$x .= sprintf \"\00399,%02d%02d\",\\$_,\\$_ for 16+(\\$z*12)..16+(\\$z*12)+11 \\; Irssi::active_win->print(\\$x, MSGLEVEL_NEVER | MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) }";
@@ -206,7 +203,7 @@ statusbar = {
# treated "normally", you could change the time/user name to whatever
time = "{sb $Z}";
- user = "%9%z005fff{sb {sbnickmode $[-2]cumode}%k$N %Zeeeeee {sbumode %K$usermode} %Z005fff%0%z005f00{sbaway $A}}%9%N";
+ user = "%z005fff{sb {sbnickmode $[-2]cumode}%k$N %Zeeeeee {sbumode %k$usermode} %Z005fff%0%z005f00{sbaway $A}}%N";
# treated specially .. window is printed with non-empty windows,
@@ -221,11 +218,9 @@ statusbar = {
# all of these treated specially, they're only displayed when needed
# Powerline
- lag = "{sb %r%k%1 ⌚ $0 %r%0%n}";
- act = "{sb %Zeeeeee%0%n%z005fff %F$0%F %n}";
- more = "%c%0%n%z00af00 more ⬇ %c%0%n";
+ lag = "{sb %0%Zff8700%zff8700%k ⌚ $0 %Zff8700%0%N}";
+ act = "{sb %Zeeeeee%0%n%z005fff %F$0%F %N}";
+ more = "%c%0%n%z00af00 more ⬇ %c%0%N";
# there's two type of statusbars. root statusbars are either at the top
@@ -310,6 +305,13 @@ statusbar = {
topicempty = { };
+ sb_timezones = {
+ items = {
+ barstart = { };
+ timezones = { };
+ barend = { alignment = "right"; };
+ };
+ };
awl_0 = {
items = {
barstart = { priority = "100"; };
@@ -333,23 +335,31 @@ settings = {
"fe-common/core" = {
theme = "solarized-powerline";
- hilight_color = "%R";
+ hilight_color = "%Z875fff";
"fe-text" = { actlist_sort = "refnum"; };
"perl/core/scripts" = {
- ### For Solarized adv_windowlist.pl script
+ # adv_windowlist.pl
awl_block = "-20";
awl_sbar_maxlength = "off";
awl_hide_empty = "yes";
- awl_mouse = "yes";
+ awl_mouse = "no";
awl_viewer = "no";
awl_maxlines = "0";
#fancy_abbrev = "head";
- ### For Solarized trackbar.pl script
+ # trackbar.pl
trackbar_style = "%B";
title_screen_window = "yes";
awl_shared_sbar = "OFF";
+ # usercount.pl
+ usercount_show_halfops = "ON";
+ usercount_show_ircops = "ON";
+ usercount_show_zero = "ON";
+ timezones_divider = " %Zeeeeee%Z008080 ";
+ timezones = "GMT:GMT EST:EST UTC:UTC";
+ # hilite_url
+ url_color = "38;5;6";
keyboard = (
diff --git a/irssi/irssi.sh b/irssi/irssi.sh
index 7881d46..79fab9b 100755
--- a/irssi/irssi.sh
+++ b/irssi/irssi.sh
@@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ wget https://scripts.irssi.org/scripts/nm2.pl
wget https://scripts.irssi.org/scripts/savecmdhist.pl
wget https://scripts.irssi.org/scripts/sb_position.pl
wget https://scripts.irssi.org/scripts/trackbar.pl
+wget https://scripts.irssi.org/scripts/scriptassist.pl
+wget https://scripts.irssi.org/scripts/tordetect.pl
+wget https://scripts.irssi.org/scripts/timezones.pl
+wget https://scripts.irssi.org/scripts/usercount.pl
cp ./config ~/.irssi/config
cp ./solarized-powerline.theme ~/.irssi/solarized-powerline.theme
diff --git a/irssi/solarized-powerline.theme b/irssi/solarized-powerline.theme
index 4806421..f1ce6c8 100644
--- a/irssi/solarized-powerline.theme
+++ b/irssi/solarized-powerline.theme
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ info_eol = "false";
# these characters are automatically replaced with specified color
# (dark grey by default)
-replaces = { "[]=" = "%9$*%9"; };
+replaces = { "[]=" = "$*"; };
abstracts = {
@@ -75,13 +75,13 @@ abstracts = {
# timestamp styling, nothing by default
# %N%8 = reverse normal (to match line_start)
- timestamp = "%N%k%z005f87%9$*%9%N%Z005f87%n";
+ timestamp = "%N%k%z005f87$*%N%Z005f87%n";
# any kind of text that needs hilighting, default is to bold
- hilight = "%9$*%9";
+ hilight = "$*";
# any kind of error message
- error = "%r$*%n";
+ error = "%z5f5fd7$*%n";
# channel name is printed
channel = "%Z00af00$*%n";
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ abstracts = {
# server name is printed
server = "%Z00af00$*";
- iserver = "%9%Zeeeeee%z00af00$*%9%n";
+ iserver = "%Zeeeeee%z00af00$*%n";
# some kind of comment is printed
comment = " $*";
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ abstracts = {
# ban/ban exception/invite list mask is printed
# %R = brightred (Solarized: orange)
# %n = return
- ban = "%R$*%n";
+ ban = "%zff5f00$*%n";
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ abstracts = {
# $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick
# %3 = yellow
- ownmsgnick = "%z5f5fff%k{%z5f5fff%9 $0$1-%9}%N%0%Z5f5fff %Zeeeeee";
+ ownmsgnick = "%z5f5fff%k{%z5f5fff $0$1-}%N%0%Z5f5fff %Zeeeeee";
ownnick = "%Zeeeeee$*";
# public message in channel, $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ abstracts = {
ownprivmsg = " %Z005f87$0%G<%Z005f87$1-%G>%n ";
# own private message in query
- ownprivmsgnick = "%z5f5fff%k{%z5f5fff%9 $*%9}%N%Z5f5fff %C";
+ ownprivmsgnick = "%z5f5fff%k{%z5f5fff $*}%N%Z5f5fff %C";
ownprivnick = "%k$*";
# private message in query
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ abstracts = {
action_core = "%N%k %n$*";
# generic one that's used by most actions
- action = "{action_core %9$*%n} ";
+ action = "{action_core $*%n} ";
# own action, both private/public
ownaction = "%N%k {mynick $0}%N%C $1-";
@@ -234,13 +234,13 @@ abstracts = {
whois = "%k%z005f87WHOIS %N%k%#%N $[8]0  %Y$1-";
# notices
- ownnotice = "%1%k %k$0 %k%1%8%0 {ichannelhilight $1-} %k%z00af5f%N ";
- notice = "%1%k %k$0- %r%0%N ";
+ ownnotice = "%z8787ff%k %k$0 %k%z8787ff%8%0 {ichannelhilight $1-} %k%z00af5f%N ";
+ notice = "%z5f5fd7%k %k$0- %Z5f5fd7%0%N ";
#notice = "%1%w %W$* %k%8%n ";
pubnotice_channel = "{ichannelhighlight $*}";
#pubnotice_channel = "%G%n$*";
pvtnotice_host = " %k%n {hickhost $*}";
- servernotice = "%1%k %k!$* %k%8%n ";
+ servernotice = "%z8787ff%k %k!$* %k%8%n ";
ownctcp = "%k%z005f87 %k$0%G %N%Z005f87 %Z005f87$1-%G  ";
@@ -252,13 +252,13 @@ abstracts = {
wallop_action = "%c * $*%n ";
# netsplits
- netsplit = "%r$*%n";
+ netsplit = "%z5f5fd7$*%n";
netjoin = "%g$*%n";
# /names list
names_prefix = "%N%k%n";
- names_nick = " %G%9$0%9$1-%N  ";
- names_nick_op = " %k%9$0$_$1-%n  ";
+ names_nick = " %G$0$1-%N  ";
+ names_nick_op = " %k$0$_$1-%n  ";
names_nick_halfop = " %Y$_$0$_$1-%n  ";
names_nick_voice = " %C$_$0$_$1-%n  ";
names_users = "%k%z005f87 $* %Z005f87%0%n";
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ abstracts = {
dcc = "%N%k%n %g$*%n";
- dccfile = "%9$*%9";
+ dccfile = "$*";
# DCC chat, own msg/action
dccownmsg = "[%Z005f87$0%G($1-%G)%n] ";
@@ -313,15 +313,15 @@ abstracts = {
# text at the beginning of statusbars. sb-item already puts
# space there,so we don't use anything by default.
- sbstart = "%z005f00%9";
+ sbstart = "%z005f00";
# text at the end of statusbars. Use space so that it's never
# used for anything.
- sbend = "%9%n";
+ sbend = "%n";
topicsbstart = "{sbstart $*}";
topicsbend = "{sbend $*}";
- prompt = "%9%k%z005f87$c $* %N%Z005f87%9%n ";
+ prompt = "%k%z005f87$c $* %N%Z005f87%n ";
# This controls each part of a statusbar, including the outer brackets of adv_windowlist
sb = "$*";
@@ -345,17 +345,16 @@ abstracts = {
# This also affects the color of the window with direct message in adv_windowlist
sb_act_hilight = "%m$*";
# hilight with specified color, $0 = color, $1 = text
- sb_act_hilight_color = "%R$1-";
+ sb_act_hilight_color = "%z5f5fd7$1-";
### For usercount.pl script
- sb_usercount = "{sb $0 users %Z005f87(%n$1-%Z005f87)}";
- sb_uc_ircops = "%k*%n$*";
- sb_uc_ops = "%y@%n$*";
- sb_uc_halfops = "%p%%%n$*";
- sb_uc_voices = "%Z005f87+%n$*";
- sb_uc_normal = "%k %n$*";
- sb_uc_space = "%k·%n";
+ sb_usercount = "%Z000000%z005faf%Z000000%z005faf{sb $0 nicks %Zeeeeee %Z000000$1-%Z005faf%z000000}";
+ sb_uc_ircops = "%Z000000%z005faf*$*";
+ sb_uc_ops = "%Z000000%z005faf@$*";
+ sb_uc_halfops = "%Z000000%z005faf%%$*";
+ sb_uc_voices = "%Z000000%z005faf+$*";
+ sb_uc_normal = "$*";
+ sb_uc_space = " ";
### For adv_windowlist.pl script
@@ -367,7 +366,7 @@ formats = {
"fe-common/core" = {
daychange = " %g-----%k-%W-%n Day changed to %%D %W-%k-%g-----%n";
join = "%k%z00af5fJOIN %8 {ichannelhilight $2} %0%Z00d700%0 {inick $0}%0 %N%8%n%k%N {chanhost_hilight $1}";
- line_start_irssi = "%k%zff0000IRSSI%N%Zff0000 %N";
+ line_start_irssi = "%k%z5f5fd7IRSSI%N%Z5f5fd7 %N";
new_topic = "%k%z00d700TOPIC %8 {ichannelhilight $1} by {inick $0}%8  $2";
nick_changed = "%k%z00d700RENAME %Z00d700%0 {nick $0} %Zff8700 {nick $1} %N%8%n%k%N";
part = "%k%z00d700PART %8 {ichannelhilight $2}%N %0%Z005f87 %N{inick $0}%0 %k%Zeeeeee {reason $3}";
@@ -403,13 +402,13 @@ formats = {
end_of_who = "%z00d700%kWHO %N%k%N END";
end_of_whois = "%z00d700%kWHOIS %N%k%N END";
end_of_whowas = "%z00d700%kWHOWAS %N%k%N END";
- netsplit = "%k%1%8%8 NETSPLIT %k%0%8 {iserver $0} %z00d700%8 {iserver $1}%8 %N%8%n%k%N Quits: $2";
- netsplit_join = "%k%1 NETSPLIT %k%8%N Joins: $0";
- netsplit_join_more = "%k%1 NETSPLIT %k%8%N Joins: $0 (+$1 more)";
- netsplit_more = "%k%1%8%8 NETSPLIT %k%0%8 {iserver $0} %z00d700%8 {iserver $1}%8 %N%8%n%k%N Quits: $2 (+$3 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)";
+ netsplit = "%k%z8787ff%8%8 NETSPLIT %k%0%8 {iserver $0} %z00d700%8 {iserver $1}%8 %N%8%n%k%N Quits: $2";
+ netsplit_join = "%k%z8787ff NETSPLIT %k%8%N Joins: $0";
+ netsplit_join_more = "%k%z8787ff NETSPLIT %k%8%N Joins: $0 (+$1 more)";
+ netsplit_more = "%k%z8787ff%8%8 NETSPLIT %k%0%8 {iserver $0} %z00d700%8 {iserver $1}%8 %N%8%n%k%N Quits: $2 (+$3 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)";
no_topic = "%k%N No topic set for {channelhilight $0}";
own_ctcp = "%k%z005f87 CTCP {hilight $2-}  {inick $0} %n%Z005f87%N";
- server_chanmode_change = "%k%1 SERVERMODE %k%8 {channelhilight $0} {mode $1} by {nick $2}";
+ server_chanmode_change = "%k%z8787ff SERVERMODE %k%8 {channelhilight $0} {mode $1} by {nick $2}";
topic = "%k%z00d700TOPIC %Z00d700%0%N {channel $0}%N  $1";
topic_info = "%k%z00d700TOPIC %Z00d700%0%N {nick $0}%N {nickhost $2}  $1";
unaway = "%k%z00d700AWAY %N%k%N END";
@@ -425,11 +424,23 @@ formats = {
"Irssi::Script::adv_windowlist" = {
awl_display_header = "";
awl_display_key = " %0$N  $H$C$S %n";
- awl_display_key_active = "%9%W%Z008700%0%8 %zeeeeee$N  $H$C$S%8 %0%8%8%9%n";
+ awl_display_key_active = "%W%Z008700%0%8 %zeeeeee$N  $H$C$S%8 %0%8%8%n";
awl_display_key_visible = "%Z005fff %m$N %k $H$C$S %8%8%n";
awl_display_nokey = " %0$N  %U$C%U %n";
awl_display_nokey_active = "%k%z005f87 %k$N %k %U$C%U %8%8%n";
awl_display_nokey_visible = "%k%z5f5fff %m$N %k %U$C%U %8%8%n";
awl_separator = "";
+ "Irssi::Script::usercount" = {
+ sb_usercount = "%z00af5f{sb $0 nicks ($1-)}";
+ sb_uc_ircops = "%z00d787*$*";
+ sb_uc_ops = "%z00d787@$*";
+ sb_uc_halfops = "%z00d787%%$*";
+ sb_uc_voices = "%z00af5f+$*";
+ sb_uc_normal = "$*";
+ sb_uc_space = " ";
+ };
+ "Irssi::Script::hilite_url" = {
+ url_color = "38;5;6";
+ };
diff --git a/lesscolor.sh b/lesscolor.sh
index db5ec00..cffa3e0 100755
--- a/lesscolor.sh
+++ b/lesscolor.sh
@@ -1,17 +1,62 @@
case "$1" in
- *.h|*.c|*.cpp|*.awk|*.groff|*.java|*.js|*.m4|*.php|*.pl|*.pm|*.pod|*.sh|*.lua|*.hpp|*.sh|\
- *.ad[asb]|*.asm|*.inc|*.[ch]|*.[ch]pp|*.[ch]xx|*.cc|*.hh|*.json|makefile|Makefile|*.html|\
- *.lsp|*.l|*.pas|*.p|*.xml|*.xps|*.xsl|*.axp|*.ppd|*.pov|*.tex|*.go|\
- *.diff|*.patch|*.py|*.rb|*.sql|*.ebuild|*.eclass)
- pygmentize -f 256 "$1"|nl -b a;;
+ *.as|*.mxml|*.bc|*.g|*.gd|*.gi|*.gap|*.nb|*.cdf|*.nbp|*.ma|*.mu|*.at|*.run|\
+ *.apl|*.adl|*.adls|*.adlf|*.adlx|*.cadl|*.odin|*.c-objdump|*.s|\
+ *.cpp-objdump|*.c++-objdump|*.cxx-objdump|*.d-objdump|*.S|*.hsail|\
+ *.ll|*.asm|*.ASM|*.objdump-intel|*.objdump|*.tasm|*.au3|*.ahk|*.ahkl|\
+ *.bb|*.decls|*.bmx|*.bas|*.monkey|*.BAS|*.bst|*.bib|*.abap|*.ABAP|*.cbl|\
+ *.CBL|*.cob|*.COB|*.cpy|*.CPY|*.gdc|*.maql|*.p|*.cls|*.c|*.h|*.idc|*.cpp|\
+ *.hpp|*.c++|*.h++|*.cc|*.hh|*.cxx|*.hxx|*.C|*.H|*.cp|*.CPP|*.ino|*.clay|\
+ *.cu|*.cuh|*.ec|*.eh|*.mq4|*.mq5|*.mqh|*.nc|*.pike|*.pmod|*.swg|*.i|*.vala|\
+ *.vapi|*.capnp|*.chpl|*.icl|*.dcl|*.cf|*.docker|*.ini|*.cfg|*.inf|\
+ *.pc|*.properties|*.reg|*.tf|*.pypylog|*.cr|*.csd|*.orc|*.sco|*.css|\
+ *.less|*.sass|*.scss|*.croc|*.d|*.di|*.smali|*.jsonld|*.json|*.yaml|\
+ *.yml|*.dpatch|*.darcspatch|*.diff|*.patch|*.wdiff|*.boo|*.aspx|*.asax|\
+ *.ascx|*.ashx|*.asmx|*.axd|*.cs|*.fs|*.fsi|*.n|*.vb|*.als|*.bro|*.crmsh|\
+ *.pcmk|*.msc|*.pan|*.proto|*.pp|*.rsl|*.sbl|*.thrift|*.rpf|\
+ *.dylan-console|*.dylan|*.dyl|*.intr|*.lid|*.hdp|*.ecl|*.e|*.elm|*.ex|\
+ *.exs|*.erl|*.hrl|*.es|*.escript|*.erl-sh|*.aheui|*.befunge|*.bf|*.b|\
+ *.camkes|*.idl4|*.cdl|*.cw|*.factor|*.fan|*.flx|*.flxh|*.frt|*.f|*.F|\
+ *.f03|*.f90|*.F03|*.F90|*.PRG|*.prg|*.go|*.abnf|*.bnf|*.jsgf|*.cyp|\
+ *.cypher|*.asy|*.vert|*.frag|*.geo|*.plot|*.plt|*.ps|*.eps|*.pov|*.inc|\
+ *.agda|*.cry|*.hs|*.idr|*.kk|*.kki|*.lagda|*.lcry|*.lhs|*.lidr|*.hx|\
+ *.hxsl|*.hxml|*.sv|*.svh|*.v|*.vhdl|*.vhd|*.dtd|*.haml|*.html|*.htm|\
+ *.xhtml|*.xslt|*.pug|*.jade|*.scaml|*.xml|*.xsl|*.rss|*.xsd|*.wsdl|\
+ *.wsf|*.xpl|*.pro|*.ipf|*.nsi|*.nsh|*.spec|*.i6t|*.ni|*.i7x|*.t|*.io|\
+ *.ijs|*.coffee|*.dart|*.eg|*.js|*.jsm|*.juttle|*.kal|*.lasso|\
+ *.lasso[89]|*.ls|*.mask|*.j|*.ts|*.tsx|*.jl|*.aj|*.ceylon|*.clj|\
+ *.cljs|*.golo|*.gs|*.gsx|*.gsp|*.vark|*.gst|*.groovy|*.gradle|*.ik|\
+ *.java|*.kt|*.pig|*.scala|*.xtend|*.cpsa|*.cl|*.lisp|*.el|*.hy|*.lsp|*.nl|\
+ *.kif|*.rkt|*.rktd|*.rktl|*.scm|*.ss|*.shen|*.xtm|*.cmake|*.mak|*.mk|\
+ *.[1234567]|*.man|*.md|*.css*.in|*.js*.in|*.xul*.in|*.rst|*.rest|*.tex|\
+ *.aux|*.toc|*.m|*.sci|*.sce|*.tst|*.ml|*.mli|*.mll|*.mly|*.opa|*.sml|*.sig|\
+ *.fun|*.bug|*.jag|*.mo|*.stan|*.def|*.mod|*.mt|*.ncl|*.nim|*.nimrod|*.nit|\
+ *.nix|*.cps|*.x|*.xi|*.xm|*.xmi|*.mm|*.swift|*.ooc|*.psi|*.psl|*.G|*.ebnf|\
+ *.rl|*.treetop|*.tt|*.adb|*.ads|*.ada|*.pas|*.dpr|*.pwn|*.sp|*.pl|*.pm|\
+ *.nqp|*.p6|*.6pl|*.p6l|*.pl6|*.6pm|*.p6m|*.pm6|*.php|*.php[345]|*.zep|\
+ *.praat|*.proc|*.psc|*.lgt|*.logtalk|*.prolog|*.pyx|*.pxd|*.pxi|*.dg|\
+ *.py3tb|*.py|*.pyw|*.sc|*.tac|*.sage|*.pytb|*.qvto|*.Rout|*.Rd|*.R|*.rq|\
+ *.sparql|*.ttl|*.r|*.r3|*.reb|*.red|*.reds|*.txt|*.rnc|*.graph|\
+ *.instances|*.robot|*.fy|*.fancypack|*.rb|*.rbw|*.rake|*.gemspec|\
+ *.rbx|*.duby|*.rs|*.rs*.in|*.SAS|*.sas|*.applescript|*.chai|*.ezt|\
+ *.mac|*.hyb|*.jcl|*.lsl|*.lua|*.wlua|*.moo|*.moon|*.rexx|*.rex|*.rx|\
+ *.arexx|*.sh|*.ksh|*.bash|*.ebuild|*.eclass|*.exheres-0|*.exlib|*.zsh|\
+ *.sh-session|*.shell-session|*.bat|*.cmd|*.fish|*.load|*.ps1|*.psm1|\
+ *.tcsh|*.csh|*.ns2|*.st|*.smv|*.snobol|*.rql|*.sql|*.sqlite3-console|\
+ *.do|*.ado|*.scd|*.tcl|*.rvt|*.ng2|*.tmpl|*.spt|*.cfc|*.cfm|*.cfml|\
+ *.evoque|*.kid|*.handlebars|*.hbs|*.phtml|*.jsp|*.liquid|*.mao|*.mhtml|\
+ *.mc|*.mi|*.myt|*.rhtml|*.tpl|*.ssp|*.tea|*.twig|*.vm|*.fhtml|*.sls|\
+ *.feature|*.tap|*.awk|*.vim|*.pot|*.po|*.weechatlog|*.todotxt|*.thy|\
+ *.lean|*.rts|*.u|*.vcl|*.bpl|*.sil|*.vpr|*.cirru|*.duel|*.jbst|*.qml|\
+ *.qbs|*.slim|*.xqy|*.xquery|*.xq|*.xql|*.xqm|*.whiley|*.x10)
+ pygmentize -f 256 -O style=$PYGMENTIZE_STYLE "$1"|nl -b a;;
pygmentize -f 256 -l sh "$1"|nl -b a
grep "#\!/bin/zsh" "$1" > /dev/null
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then
- pygmentize -f 256 -l sh "$1"|nl -b a
+ pygmentize -f 256 -O style=$PYGMENTIZE_STYLE -l sh "$1"|nl -b a
exit 1