From acf6683d531ca50c97e4f553faad7a8bfb86ed0e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: terminaldweller <> Date: Sun, 6 Jun 2021 02:01:14 +0430 Subject: too much to talk about... --- .tmux.conf | 3 + .vimrc | 28 + .w3m/config | 4 +- .zshrc | 4 + baseline/.zshrc | 1 + bin/exclude_ip_list | 18 + bin/ | 82 ++ cygwin/xserver.bat | 1 - firefox/user.js | 1700 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ irssi/solarized-powerline.theme | 14 +- | 8 +- postit | 1 + vim/ | 7 +- 13 files changed, 1854 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-) create mode 100755 bin/exclude_ip_list create mode 100755 bin/ create mode 100644 firefox/user.js diff --git a/.tmux.conf b/.tmux.conf index c01af8d..a5eadec 100644 --- a/.tmux.conf +++ b/.tmux.conf @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-continuum' set -g @plugin 'soyuka/tmux-current-pane-hostname' set -g @plugin 'laktak/extrakto' set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-copycat' +set -g @plugin 'schasse/tmux-jump' set -g @continuum-restore 'on' set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-prefix-highlight' set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-online-status' @@ -33,6 +34,8 @@ set -g @prefix_highlight_output_suffix '' set -g @online_icon "#[bg=colour75 fg=colour22]#[bg=colour22] " set -g @offline_icon "#[bg=colour75 fg=colour1]#[bg=colour1] " +set -g @jump-key 's' + #move/panes panes and windows # bind-key W choose-tree -Zw "swap-window -t '%%'" # bind-key P choose-tree -Zw "swap-pane -t '%%'" diff --git a/.vimrc b/.vimrc index 6f4b377..bd23cc9 100644 --- a/.vimrc +++ b/.vimrc @@ -176,6 +176,8 @@ Plugin 'congma/vim-compiler-checkbashisms' Plugin 'hsanson/vim-openapi' Plugin 'mattn/emmet-vim' Plugin 'hail2u/vim-css3-syntax' +Plugin 'chrisbra/unicode.vim' +Plugin 'meatballs/vim-xonsh' " Plugin 'skammer/vim-css-color' " Plugin 'christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator' " Plugin 'jelera/vim-javascript-syntax' @@ -629,6 +631,16 @@ let g:tagbar_type_javascript = { \ 'S:styled components' \ ]} +let g:tagbar_type_vimwiki = { + \ 'ctagstype':'vimwiki' + \ , 'kinds':['h:header'] + \ , 'sro':'&&&' + \ , 'kind2scope':{'h':'header'} + \ , 'sort':0 + \ , 'ctagsbin':'/home/devi/scripts/bin/' + \ , 'ctagsargs': 'default' + \ } + "doxygentoolkit autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead,BufEnter *.sol let g:DoxygenToolkit_briefTag_pre="@dev " @@ -1302,6 +1314,22 @@ if has('cscope') command -nargs=0 Cscope cs add $VIMSRC/src/cscope.out $VIMSRC/src endif +if has("gui") + " set guifont=DejaVu_Sans_Mono_for_Powerline:h10 + set guioptions-=m + set guioptions-=T + set guioptions-=L + set guioptions-=r +endif + +"vimwiki +let wiki = {} +let wiki.path = '~/vimwiki/' +let wiki.nested_syntaxes = {'python': 'python', 'c++': 'cpp', 'c':'c', 'go':'go', 'javascript':'javascript', 'sh':'sh', 'yaml':'yaml'} +let g:vimwiki_list = [wiki] +let g:vimwiki_global_ext = 0 +" let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path': '~/vimwiki/', 'syntax': 'markdown', 'ext': '.md'}] + "this should be here at the end so nothing else could override it hi SpecialKey ctermbg=16 hi Pmenu ctermbg=233 diff --git a/.w3m/config b/.w3m/config index eb09d3c..75528a1 100644 --- a/.w3m/config +++ b/.w3m/config @@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ display_image 1 pseudo_inlines 1 auto_image 1 max_load_image 4 -ext_image_viewer 0 +ext_image_viewer 1 image_scale 100 -imgdisplay /usr/libexec/w3m/w3mimgdisplay +imgdisplay /usr/bin/img2sixel image_map_list 0 fold_line 0 show_lnum 1 diff --git a/.zshrc b/.zshrc index 193ff91..0ab5f1c 100644 --- a/.zshrc +++ b/.zshrc @@ -126,6 +126,10 @@ alias w3mlastsession="~/.w3m/bin/w3mlastsession" alias lsdrc="vim ~/scripts/.config/lsd/config.yaml" alias fixlsdrc="cp ~/scripts/.config/lsd/config.yaml ~/.config/lsd/config.yaml" alias vagrant="PATH=$PATH:/mnt/c/Windows/System32:/mnt/c/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0 vagrant" +alias cygwin="/mnt/d/home/apps/cygwin/bin/bash.exe -l -i" +alias farmanager="/mnt/c/Program\ Files/Far\ Manager/Far.exe" +alias wincmd="/mnt/c/Windows/System32/runas.exe /profile /user:administrator cmd.exe" +alias vms="ssh -l ubuntu -p 1022" #autosuggest ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_HIGHLIGHT_STYLE="fg=#5f5fff,bg=#000000,bold" diff --git a/baseline/.zshrc b/baseline/.zshrc index f921cd7..f82232a 100644 --- a/baseline/.zshrc +++ b/baseline/.zshrc @@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ function math { echo $(($1)) } +bindkey -v #nvm export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" diff --git a/bin/exclude_ip_list b/bin/exclude_ip_list new file mode 100755 index 0000000..2fa3e6f --- /dev/null +++ b/bin/exclude_ip_list @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +from ipaddress import ip_network + +start = '' +exclude = ['', '', '', ''] + +result = [ip_network(start)] +for x in exclude: + n = ip_network(x) + new = [] + for y in result: + if y.overlaps(n): + new.extend(y.address_exclude(n)) + else: + new.append(y) + result = new + +print(','.join(str(x) for x in sorted(result))) diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..3ac8d93 --- /dev/null +++ b/bin/ @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +#! /usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- + +from __future__ import print_function + +help_text = """ +Extracts tags from Vimwiki files. Useful for the Tagbar plugin. + +Usage: +Install Tagbar ( Then, put this file +anywhere and add the following to your .vimrc: + +let g:tagbar_type_vimwiki = { + \ 'ctagstype':'vimwiki' + \ , 'kinds':['h:header'] + \ , 'sro':'&&&' + \ , 'kind2scope':{'h':'header'} + \ , 'sort':0 + \ , 'ctagsbin':'/path/to/' + \ , 'ctagsargs': 'default' + \ } + +The value of ctagsargs must be one of 'default', 'markdown' or 'media', +whatever syntax you use. However, if you use multiple wikis with different +syntaxes, you can, as a workaround, use the value 'all' instead. Then, Tagbar +will show markdown style headers as well as default/mediawiki style headers, +but there might be erroneously shown headers. +""" + +import sys +import re + +if len(sys.argv) < 3: + print(help_text) + exit() + +syntax = sys.argv[1] +filename = sys.argv[2] +rx_default_media = r"^\s*(={1,6})([^=].*[^=])\1\s*$" +rx_markdown = r"^\s*(#{1,6})([^#].*)$" + +if syntax in ("default", "media"): + rx_header = re.compile(rx_default_media) +elif syntax == "markdown": + rx_header = re.compile(rx_markdown) +else: + rx_header = re.compile(rx_default_media + "|" + rx_markdown) + +file_content = [] +try: + with open(filename, "r") as vim_buffer: + file_content = vim_buffer.readlines() +except: + exit() + +state = [""]*6 +for lnum, line in enumerate(file_content): + + match_header = rx_header.match(line) + + if not match_header: + continue + + match_lvl = or + match_tag = or + + cur_lvl = len(match_lvl) + cur_tag = match_tag.strip() + cur_searchterm = "^" +"\r\n") + "$" + cur_kind = "h" + + state[cur_lvl-1] = cur_tag + for i in range(cur_lvl, 6): + state[i] = "" + + scope = "&&&".join( + [state[i] for i in range(0, cur_lvl-1) if state[i] != ""]) + if scope: + scope = "\theader:" + scope + + print('{0}\t{1}\t/{2}/;"\t{3}\tline:{4}{5}'.format( + cur_tag, filename, cur_searchterm, cur_kind, str(lnum+1), scope)) diff --git a/cygwin/xserver.bat b/cygwin/xserver.bat index 130c40a..a8188e1 100755 --- a/cygwin/xserver.bat +++ b/cygwin/xserver.bat @@ -1,2 +1 @@ "C:\Program Files\VcXsrv\vcxsrv.exe" -ac -multiwindow -clipboard -wgl -pause diff --git a/firefox/user.js b/firefox/user.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bef679e --- /dev/null +++ b/firefox/user.js @@ -0,0 +1,1700 @@ +/****** +* name: arkenfox user.js +* date: 25 April 2021 +* version 89-alpha +* url: +* license: MIT: + +* README: + + 1. Consider using Tor Browser if it meets your needs or fits your threat model better + * + 2. Required reading: Overview, Backing Up, Implementing, and Maintenance entries + * + 3. If you skipped step 2, return to step 2 + 4. Make changes + * There are often trade-offs and conflicts between security vs privacy vs anti-fingerprinting + and these need to be balanced against functionality & convenience & breakage + * Some site breakage and unintended consequences will happen. Everyone's experience will differ + e.g. some user data is erased on close (section 2800), change this to suit your needs + * While not 100% definitive, search for "[SETUP" tags + e.g. third party images/videos not loading on some sites? check 1603 + * Take the wiki link in step 2 and read the Troubleshooting entry + 5. Some tag info + [SETUP-SECURITY] it's one item, read it + [SETUP-WEB] can cause some websites to break + [SETUP-CHROME] changes how Firefox itself behaves (i.e. not directly website related) + [SETUP-PERF] may impact performance + [WARNING] used sparingly, heed them + 6. Override Recipes: + +* RELEASES: + + * It is best to use the arkenfox release that is optimized for and matches your Firefox version + * EVERYONE: each release + - run prefsCleaner or reset deprecated prefs (9999s) and prefs made redundant by RPF (4600s) + - re-enable section 4600 if you don't use RFP + ESR78 + - If you are not using arkenfox v78... (not a definitive list) + - 1244: HTTPS-Only mode is enabled + - 1401: document fonts is inactive as it is now covered by RFP in FF80+ + - 4600: some prefs may apply even if you use RFP + - 9999: switch the appropriate deprecated section(s) back on + +* INDEX: + + 0100: STARTUP + 0200: GEOLOCATION / LANGUAGE / LOCALE + 0300: QUIET FOX + 0400: BLOCKLISTS / SAFE BROWSING + 0500: SYSTEM ADD-ONS / EXPERIMENTS + 0600: BLOCK IMPLICIT OUTBOUND + 0700: HTTP* / TCP/IP / DNS / PROXY / SOCKS etc + 0800: LOCATION BAR / SEARCH BAR / SUGGESTIONS / HISTORY / FORMS + 0900: PASSWORDS + 1000: CACHE / SESSION (RE)STORE / FAVICONS + 1200: HTTPS (SSL/TLS / OCSP / CERTS / HPKP / CIPHERS) + 1400: FONTS + 1600: HEADERS / REFERERS + 1700: CONTAINERS + 1800: PLUGINS + 2000: MEDIA / CAMERA / MIC + 2200: WINDOW MEDDLING & LEAKS / POPUPS + 2300: WEB WORKERS + 2400: DOM (DOCUMENT OBJECT MODEL) & JAVASCRIPT + 2500: HARDWARE FINGERPRINTING + 2600: MISCELLANEOUS + 2700: PERSISTENT STORAGE + 2800: SHUTDOWN + 4000: FPI (FIRST PARTY ISOLATION) + 4500: RFP (RESIST FINGERPRINTING) + 4600: RFP ALTERNATIVES + 4700: RFP ALTERNATIVES (USER AGENT SPOOFING) + 5000: PERSONAL + 9999: DEPRECATED / REMOVED / LEGACY / RENAMED + +******/ + +/* START: internal custom pref to test for syntax errors + * [NOTE] In FF60+, not all syntax errors cause parsing to abort i.e. reaching the last debug + * pref no longer necessarily means that all prefs have been applied. Check the console right + * after startup for any warnings/error messages related to non-applied prefs + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "START: Oh yes, the Norwegian Blue... what's wrong with it?"); + +/* 0000: disable about:config warning + * FF73-86: chrome://global/content/config.xhtml ***/ +user_pref("general.warnOnAboutConfig", false); // XHTML version +user_pref("browser.aboutConfig.showWarning", false); // HTML version [FF71+] + +/*** [SECTION 0100]: STARTUP ***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "0100 syntax error: the parrot's dead!"); +/* 0101: disable default browser check + * [SETTING] General>Startup>Always check if Firefox is your default browser ***/ +user_pref("", false); +/* 0102: set startup page [SETUP-CHROME] + * 0=blank, 1=home, 2=last visited page, 3=resume previous session + * [NOTE] Session Restore is not used in PB mode (0110) and is cleared with history (2803, 2804) + * [SETTING] General>Startup>Restore previous session ***/ +user_pref("", 0); +/* 0103: set HOME+NEWWINDOW page + * about:home=Activity Stream (default, see 0105), custom URL, about:blank + * [SETTING] Home>New Windows and Tabs>Homepage and new windows ***/ +user_pref("browser.startup.homepage", "about:blank"); +/* 0104: set NEWTAB page + * true=Activity Stream (default, see 0105), false=blank page + * [SETTING] Home>New Windows and Tabs>New tabs ***/ +user_pref("browser.newtabpage.enabled", false); +user_pref("browser.newtab.preload", false); +/* 0105: disable Activity Stream stuff (AS) + * AS is the default homepage/newtab in FF57+, based on metadata and browsing behavior. + * **NOT LISTING ALL OF THESE: USE THE PREFERENCES UI** + * [SETTING] Home>Firefox Home Content>... to show/hide what you want ***/ +/* 0105a: disable Activity Stream telemetry ***/ +user_pref("browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.telemetry", false); +user_pref("browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.telemetry", false); +/* 0105b: disable Activity Stream Snippets + * Runs code received from a server (aka Remote Code Execution) and sends information back to a metrics server + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.snippets", false); // [DEFAULT: false FF89+] +/* 0105c: disable Activity Stream Top Stories, Pocket-based and/or sponsored content ***/ +user_pref("browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.section.topstories", false); +user_pref("browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.section.highlights.includePocket", false); +user_pref("browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.showSponsored", false); +user_pref("browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.discoverystreamfeed", false); // [FF66+] +/* 0105e: clear default topsites + * [NOTE] This does not block you from adding your own ***/ +user_pref("browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.default.sites", ""); +/* 0110: start Firefox in PB (Private Browsing) mode + * [NOTE] In this mode *all* windows are "private windows" and the PB mode icon is not displayed + * [WARNING] The P in PB mode is misleading: it means no "persistent" disk storage such as history, + * caches, searches, cookies, localStorage, IndexedDB etc (which you can achieve in normal mode). + * In fact, PB mode limits or removes the ability to control some of these, and you need to quit + * Firefox to clear them. PB is best used as a one off window (File>New Private Window) to provide + * a temporary self-contained new session. Close all Private Windows to clear the PB mode session. + * [SETTING] Privacy & Security>History>Custom Settings>Always use private browsing mode + * [1] + * [2] ***/ + // user_pref("browser.privatebrowsing.autostart", true); + +/*** [SECTION 0200]: GEOLOCATION / LANGUAGE / LOCALE ***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "0200 syntax error: the parrot's definitely deceased!"); +/** GEOLOCATION ***/ +/* 0201: disable Location-Aware Browsing + * [NOTE] Best left at default "true", fingerprintable, already behind a prompt (see 0202) + * [1] ***/ + // user_pref("geo.enabled", false); +/* 0202: set a default permission for Location (see 0201) [FF58+] + * 0=always ask (default), 1=allow, 2=block + * [NOTE] Best left at default "always ask", fingerprintable via Permissions API + * [SETTING] to add site exceptions: Ctrl+I>Permissions>Access Your Location + * [SETTING] to manage site exceptions: Options>Privacy & Security>Permissions>Location>Settings ***/ + // user_pref("permissions.default.geo", 2); +/* 0203: use Mozilla geolocation service instead of Google when geolocation is enabled [FF74+] + * Optionally enable logging to the console (defaults to false) ***/ +user_pref("", ""); + // user_pref("", true); // [HIDDEN PREF] +/* 0204: disable using the OS's geolocation service ***/ +user_pref("", false); // [WINDOWS] +user_pref("geo.provider.use_corelocation", false); // [MAC] +user_pref("geo.provider.use_gpsd", false); // [LINUX] +/* 0207: disable region updates + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("", ""); // [FF78+] +user_pref("browser.region.update.enabled", false); // [[FF79+] +/* 0208: set search region + * [NOTE] May not be hidden if Firefox has changed your settings due to your region (see 0207) ***/ + // user_pref("", "US"); // [HIDDEN PREF] + +/** LANGUAGE / LOCALE ***/ +/* 0210: set preferred language for displaying web pages + * [TEST] ***/ +user_pref("intl.accept_languages", "en-US, en"); +/* 0211: enforce US English locale regardless of the system locale + * [SETUP-WEB] May break some input methods e.g xim/ibus for CJK languages [1] + * [1],1629630 ***/ +user_pref("javascript.use_us_english_locale", true); // [HIDDEN PREF] + +/*** [SECTION 0300]: QUIET FOX + We only disable the auto-INSTALL of Firefox (app) updates. You still get prompts to update, + and it only takes one click. We highly discourage disabling auto-CHECKING for updates. + + Legitimate reasons to disable auto-INSTALLS include hijacked/monetized extensions, time + constraints, legacy issues, dev/testing, and fear of breakage/bugs. It is still important + to do updates for security reasons, please do so manually if you make changes. +***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "0300 syntax error: the parrot's not pinin' for the fjords!"); +/* 0301b: disable auto-CHECKING for extension and theme updates ***/ + // user_pref("extensions.update.enabled", false); +/* 0302a: disable auto-INSTALLING Firefox updates [NON-WINDOWS FF65+] + * [NOTE] In FF65+ on Windows this SETTING (below) is now stored in a file and the pref was removed + * [SETTING] General>Firefox Updates>Check for updates but let you choose to install them ***/ +user_pref("", false); +/* 0302b: disable auto-INSTALLING extension and theme updates (after the check in 0301b) + * [SETTING] about:addons>Extensions>[cog-wheel-icon]>Update Add-ons Automatically (toggle) ***/ + // user_pref("extensions.update.autoUpdateDefault", false); +/* 0306: disable extension metadata + * used when installing/updating an extension, and in daily background update checks: + * when false, extension detail tabs will have no description ***/ + // user_pref("extensions.getAddons.cache.enabled", false); +/* 0308: disable search engine updates (e.g. OpenSearch) + * [NOTE] This does not affect Mozilla's built-in or Web Extension search engines ***/ +user_pref("", false); +/* 0320: disable about:addons' Recommendations pane (uses Google Analytics) ***/ +user_pref("extensions.getAddons.showPane", false); // [HIDDEN PREF] +/* 0321: disable recommendations in about:addons' Extensions and Themes panes [FF68+] ***/ +user_pref("extensions.htmlaboutaddons.recommendations.enabled", false); +/* 0330: disable telemetry + * the pref (.unified) affects the behaviour of the pref (.enabled) + * IF unified=false then .enabled controls the telemetry module + * IF unified=true then .enabled ONLY controls whether to record extended data + * so make sure to have both set as false + * [NOTE] FF58+ 'toolkit.telemetry.enabled' is now LOCKED to reflect prerelease + * or release builds (true and false respectively) [2] + * [1] + * [2] ***/ +user_pref("toolkit.telemetry.unified", false); +user_pref("toolkit.telemetry.enabled", false); // see [NOTE] +user_pref("toolkit.telemetry.server", "data:,"); +user_pref("toolkit.telemetry.archive.enabled", false); +user_pref("toolkit.telemetry.newProfilePing.enabled", false); // [FF55+] +user_pref("toolkit.telemetry.shutdownPingSender.enabled", false); // [FF55+] +user_pref("toolkit.telemetry.updatePing.enabled", false); // [FF56+] +user_pref("toolkit.telemetry.bhrPing.enabled", false); // [FF57+] Background Hang Reporter +user_pref("toolkit.telemetry.firstShutdownPing.enabled", false); // [FF57+] +/* 0331: disable Telemetry Coverage + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("toolkit.telemetry.coverage.opt-out", true); // [HIDDEN PREF] +user_pref("toolkit.coverage.opt-out", true); // [FF64+] [HIDDEN PREF] +user_pref("toolkit.coverage.endpoint.base", ""); +/* 0340: disable Health Reports + * [SETTING] Privacy & Security>Firefox Data Collection & Use>Allow Firefox to send technical... data ***/ +user_pref("datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled", false); +/* 0341: disable new data submission, master kill switch [FF41+] + * If disabled, no policy is shown or upload takes place, ever + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("datareporting.policy.dataSubmissionEnabled", false); +/* 0342: disable Studies (see 0503) + * [SETTING] Privacy & Security>Firefox Data Collection & Use>Allow Firefox to install and run studies ***/ +user_pref("app.shield.optoutstudies.enabled", false); +/* 0343: disable personalized Extension Recommendations in about:addons and AMO [FF65+] + * [NOTE] This pref has no effect when Health Reports (0340) are disabled + * [SETTING] Privacy & Security>Firefox Data Collection & Use>Allow Firefox to make personalized extension recommendations + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("browser.discovery.enabled", false); +/* 0350: disable Crash Reports ***/ +user_pref("breakpad.reportURL", ""); +user_pref("browser.tabs.crashReporting.sendReport", false); // [FF44+] + // user_pref("browser.crashReports.unsubmittedCheck.enabled", false); // [FF51+] [DEFAULT: false] +/* 0351: enforce no submission of backlogged Crash Reports [FF58+] + * [SETTING] Privacy & Security>Firefox Data Collection & Use>Allow Firefox to send backlogged crash reports ***/ +user_pref("browser.crashReports.unsubmittedCheck.autoSubmit2", false); // [DEFAULT: false] +/* 0390: disable Captive Portal detection + * [1] + * [2] ***/ +user_pref("captivedetect.canonicalURL", ""); +user_pref("network.captive-portal-service.enabled", false); // [FF52+] +/* 0391: disable Network Connectivity checks [FF65+] + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("network.connectivity-service.enabled", false); + +/*** [SECTION 0400]: BLOCKLISTS / SAFE BROWSING (SB) ***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "0400 syntax error: the parrot's passed on!"); +/** BLOCKLISTS ***/ +/* 0401: enforce Firefox blocklist + * [NOTE] It includes updates for "revoked certificates" + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("extensions.blocklist.enabled", true); // [DEFAULT: true] + +/** SAFE BROWSING (SB) + Safe Browsing has taken many steps to preserve privacy. *IF* required, a full url is never + sent to Google, only a PART-hash of the prefix, and this is hidden with noise of other real + PART-hashes. Google also swear it is anonymized and only used to flag malicious sites. + Firefox also takes measures such as striping out identifying parameters and since SBv4 (FF57+) + doesn't even use cookies. (#Turn on browser.safebrowsing.debug to monitor this activity) + + [1] + [2] + [3] +***/ +/* 0410: disable SB (Safe Browsing) + * [WARNING] Do this at your own risk! These are the master switches. + * [SETTING] Privacy & Security>Security>... "Block dangerous and deceptive content" ***/ + // user_pref("browser.safebrowsing.malware.enabled", false); + // user_pref("browser.safebrowsing.phishing.enabled", false); +/* 0411: disable SB checks for downloads (both local lookups + remote) + * This is the master switch for the safebrowsing.downloads* prefs (0412, 0413) + * [SETTING] Privacy & Security>Security>... "Block dangerous downloads" ***/ + // user_pref("browser.safebrowsing.downloads.enabled", false); +/* 0412: disable SB checks for downloads (remote) + * To verify the safety of certain executable files, Firefox may submit some information about the + * file, including the name, origin, size and a cryptographic hash of the contents, to the Google + * Safe Browsing service which helps Firefox determine whether or not the file should be blocked + * [SETUP-SECURITY] If you do not understand this, or you want this protection, then override it ***/ +user_pref("browser.safebrowsing.downloads.remote.enabled", false); +user_pref("browser.safebrowsing.downloads.remote.url", ""); +/* 0413: disable SB checks for unwanted software + * [SETTING] Privacy & Security>Security>... "Warn you about unwanted and uncommon software" ***/ + // user_pref("browser.safebrowsing.downloads.remote.block_potentially_unwanted", false); + // user_pref("browser.safebrowsing.downloads.remote.block_uncommon", false); +/* 0419: disable 'ignore this warning' on SB warnings [FF45+] + * If clicked, it bypasses the block for that session. This is a means for admins to enforce SB + * [TEST] see github wiki APPENDIX A: Test Sites: Section 5 + * [1] ***/ + // user_pref("browser.safebrowsing.allowOverride", false); + +/*** [SECTION 0500]: SYSTEM ADD-ONS / EXPERIMENTS + System Add-ons are a method for shipping extensions, considered to be + built-in features to Firefox, that are hidden from the about:addons UI. + To view your System Add-ons go to about:support, they are listed under "Firefox Features" + + * Portable: "...\App\Firefox64\browser\features\" (or "App\Firefox\etc" for 32bit) + * Windows: "...\Program Files\Mozilla\browser\features" (or "Program Files (X86)\etc" for 32bit) + * Mac: "...\Applications\Firefox\Contents\Resources\browser\features\" + [NOTE] On Mac you can right-click on the application and select "Show Package Contents" + * Linux: "/usr/lib/firefox/browser/features" (or similar) + + [1] + [2] +***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "0500 syntax error: the parrot's cashed in 'is chips!"); +/* 0503: disable Normandy/Shield [FF60+] + * Shield is an telemetry system (including Heartbeat) that can also push and test "recipes" + * [1] + * [2] ***/ +user_pref("app.normandy.enabled", false); +user_pref("app.normandy.api_url", ""); +/* 0505: disable System Add-on updates ***/ +user_pref("extensions.systemAddon.update.enabled", false); // [FF62+] +user_pref("extensions.systemAddon.update.url", ""); // [FF44+] +/* 0506: disable PingCentre telemetry (used in several System Add-ons) [FF57+] + * Currently blocked by 'datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled' (see 0340) ***/ +user_pref("", false); +/* 0515: disable Screenshots ***/ + // user_pref("extensions.screenshots.disabled", true); // [FF55+] +/* 0517: disable Form Autofill + * [NOTE] Stored data is NOT secure (uses a JSON file) + * [NOTE] Heuristics controls Form Autofill on forms without @autocomplete attributes + * [SETTING] Privacy & Security>Forms and Autofill>Autofill addresses + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("extensions.formautofill.addresses.enabled", false); // [FF55+] +user_pref("extensions.formautofill.available", "off"); // [FF56+] +user_pref("extensions.formautofill.creditCards.available", false); // [FF57+] +user_pref("extensions.formautofill.creditCards.enabled", false); // [FF56+] +user_pref("extensions.formautofill.heuristics.enabled", false); // [FF55+] +/* 0518: enforce disabling of Web Compatibility Reporter [FF56+] + * Web Compatibility Reporter adds a "Report Site Issue" button to send data to Mozilla ***/ +user_pref("extensions.webcompat-reporter.enabled", false); // [DEFAULT: false] + +/*** [SECTION 0600]: BLOCK IMPLICIT OUTBOUND [not explicitly asked for - e.g. clicked on] ***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "0600 syntax error: the parrot's no more!"); +/* 0601: disable link prefetching + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("network.prefetch-next", false); +/* 0602: disable DNS prefetching + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("network.dns.disablePrefetch", true); + // user_pref("network.dns.disablePrefetchFromHTTPS", true); // [DEFAULT: true] +/* 0603: disable predictor / prefetching ***/ +user_pref("network.predictor.enabled", false); + // user_pref("network.predictor.enable-prefetch", false); // [FF48+] [DEFAULT: false] +/* 0605: disable link-mouseover opening connection to linked server + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("network.http.speculative-parallel-limit", 0); +/* 0606: enforce no "Hyperlink Auditing" (click tracking) + * [1] ***/ + // user_pref("browser.send_pings", false); // [DEFAULT: false] + +/*** [SECTION 0700]: HTTP* / TCP/IP / DNS / PROXY / SOCKS etc ***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "0700 syntax error: the parrot's given up the ghost!"); +/* 0701: disable IPv6 + * IPv6 can be abused, especially with MAC addresses, and can leak with VPNs. That's even + * assuming your ISP and/or router and/or website can handle it. Sites will fall back to IPv4 + * [STATS] Firefox telemetry (Dec 2020) shows ~8% of all connections are IPv6 + * [NOTE] This is just an application level fallback. Disabling IPv6 is best done at an + * OS/network level, and/or configured properly in VPN setups. If you are not masking your IP, + * then this won't make much difference. If you are masking your IP, then it can only help. + * [NOTE] PHP defaults to IPv6 with "localhost". Use "php -S" + * [TEST] + * [1] (see Myths 2,4,5,6) ***/ +user_pref("network.dns.disableIPv6", true); +/* 0702: disable HTTP2 + * HTTP2 raises concerns with "multiplexing" and "server push", does nothing to + * enhance privacy, and opens up a number of server-side fingerprinting opportunities. + * [WARNING] Don't disable HTTP2. Don't be that one person using HTTP1.1 on HTTP2 sites + * [STATS] Over 50% of sites (April 2021) and growing [5] + * [1] + * [2] + * [3] + * [4] + * [5] ***/ + // user_pref("network.http.spdy.enabled", false); + // user_pref("network.http.spdy.enabled.deps", false); + // user_pref("network.http.spdy.enabled.http2", false); + // user_pref("network.http.spdy.websockets", false); // [FF65+] +/* 0703: disable HTTP Alternative Services [FF37+] + * [SETUP-PERF] Relax this if you have FPI enabled (see 4000) *AND* you understand the + * consequences. FPI isolates these, but it was designed with the Tor protocol in mind, + * and the Tor Browser has extra protection, including enhanced sanitizing per Identity. + * [1] + * [2] ***/ +user_pref("network.http.altsvc.enabled", false); +user_pref("network.http.altsvc.oe", false); +/* 0704: enforce the proxy server to do any DNS lookups when using SOCKS + * e.g. in Tor, this stops your local DNS server from knowing your Tor destination + * as a remote Tor node will handle the DNS request + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("network.proxy.socks_remote_dns", true); +/* 0708: disable FTP [FF60+] ***/ + // user_pref("network.ftp.enabled", false); // [DEFAULT: false FF88+] +/* 0709: disable using UNC (Uniform Naming Convention) paths [FF61+] + * [SETUP-CHROME] Can break extensions for profiles on network shares + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("network.file.disable_unc_paths", true); // [HIDDEN PREF] +/* 0710: disable GIO as a potential proxy bypass vector + * Gvfs/GIO has a set of supported protocols like obex, network, archive, computer, dav, cdda, + * gphoto2, trash, etc. By default only smb and sftp protocols are accepted so far (as of FF64) + * [1] + * [2] + * [3] + * [4] ***/ +user_pref("network.gio.supported-protocols", ""); // [HIDDEN PREF] + +/*** [SECTION 0800]: LOCATION BAR / SEARCH BAR / SUGGESTIONS / HISTORY / FORMS + Change items 0850 and above to suit for privacy vs convenience and functionality. Consider + your environment (no unwanted eyeballs), your device (restricted access), your device's + unattended state (locked, encrypted, forensic hardened). Likewise, you may want to check + the items cleared on shutdown in section 2800. + [1] +***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "0800 syntax error: the parrot's ceased to be!"); +/* 0801: disable location bar using search + * Don't leak URL typos to a search engine, give an error message instead. + * Examples: "secretplace,com", "secretplace/com", "secretplace com", "secret" + * [NOTE] This does **not** affect explicit user action such as using search buttons in the + * dropdown, or using keyword search shortcuts you configure in options (e.g. 'd' for DuckDuckGo) + * [SETUP-CHROME] If you don't, or rarely, type URLs, or you use a default search + * engine that respects privacy, then you probably don't need this ***/ +user_pref("keyword.enabled", false); +/* 0802: disable location bar domain guessing + * domain guessing intercepts DNS "hostname not found errors" and resends a + * request (e.g. by adding www or .com). This is inconsistent use (e.g. FQDNs), does not work + * via Proxy Servers (different error), is a flawed use of DNS (TLDs: why treat .com + * as the 411 for DNS errors?), privacy issues (why connect to sites you didn't + * intend to), can leak sensitive data (e.g. query strings: e.g. Princeton attack), + * and is a security risk (e.g. common typos & malicious sites set up to exploit this) ***/ +user_pref("browser.fixup.alternate.enabled", false); +/* 0803: display all parts of the url in the location bar ***/ +user_pref("browser.urlbar.trimURLs", false); +/* 0805: disable coloring of visited links - CSS history leak + * [SETUP-HARDEN] Bulk rapid history sniffing was mitigated in 2010 [1][2]. Slower and more expensive + * redraw timing attacks were largely mitigated in FF77+ [3]. Using RFP (4501) further hampers timing + * attacks. Don't forget clearing history on close (2803). However, social engineering [2#limits][4][5] + * and advanced targeted timing attacks could still produce usable results + * [1] + * [2] + * [3] + * [4] (see github wiki APPENDIX A on how to use) + * [5] ***/ + // user_pref("layout.css.visited_links_enabled", false); +/* 0807: disable live search suggestions +/* [NOTE] Both must be true for the location bar to work + * [SETUP-CHROME] Change these if you trust and use a privacy respecting search engine + * [SETTING] Search>Provide search suggestions | Show search suggestions in address bar results ***/ +user_pref("", false); +user_pref("browser.urlbar.suggest.searches", false); +/* 0810: disable location bar making speculative connections [FF56+] + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("browser.urlbar.speculativeConnect.enabled", false); +/* 0811: disable location bar leaking single words to a DNS provider **after searching** [FF78+] + * 0=never resolve single words, 1=heuristic (default), 2=always resolve + * [NOTE] For FF78 value 1 and 2 are the same and always resolve but that will change in future versions + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("browser.urlbar.dnsResolveSingleWordsAfterSearch", 0); +/* 0850a: disable location bar suggestion types + * [SETTING] Privacy & Security>Address Bar>When using the address bar, suggest ***/ + // user_pref("browser.urlbar.suggest.history", false); + // user_pref("browser.urlbar.suggest.bookmark", false); + // user_pref("browser.urlbar.suggest.openpage", false); + // user_pref("browser.urlbar.suggest.topsites", false); // [FF78+] +/* 0850b: disable tab-to-search [FF85+] + * Alternatively, you can exclude on a per-engine basis by unchecking them in Options>Search + * [SETTING] Privacy & Security>Address Bar>When using the address bar, suggest>Search engines ***/ + // user_pref("browser.urlbar.suggest.engines", false); +/* 0850c: disable location bar dropdown + * This value controls the total number of entries to appear in the location bar dropdown ***/ + // user_pref("browser.urlbar.maxRichResults", 0); +/* 0850d: disable location bar autofill + * [1] ***/ + // user_pref("browser.urlbar.autoFill", false); +/* 0860: disable search and form history + * [SETUP-WEB] Be aware that autocomplete form data can be read by third parties [1][2] + * [NOTE] We also clear formdata on exit (see 2803) + * [SETTING] Privacy & Security>History>Custom Settings>Remember search and form history + * [1] + * [2] ***/ +user_pref("browser.formfill.enable", false); +/* 0862: disable browsing and download history + * [NOTE] We also clear history and downloads on exiting Firefox (see 2803) + * [SETTING] Privacy & Security>History>Custom Settings>Remember browsing and download history ***/ + // user_pref("places.history.enabled", false); +/* 0870: disable Windows jumplist [WINDOWS] ***/ +user_pref("browser.taskbar.lists.enabled", false); +user_pref("browser.taskbar.lists.frequent.enabled", false); +user_pref("browser.taskbar.lists.recent.enabled", false); +user_pref("browser.taskbar.lists.tasks.enabled", false); +/* 0871: disable Windows taskbar preview [WINDOWS] ***/ + // user_pref("browser.taskbar.previews.enable", false); // [DEFAULT: false] + +/*** [SECTION 0900]: PASSWORDS ***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "0900 syntax error: the parrot's expired!"); +/* 0901: disable saving passwords + * [NOTE] This does not clear any passwords already saved + * [SETTING] Privacy & Security>Logins and Passwords>Ask to save logins and passwords for websites ***/ + // user_pref("signon.rememberSignons", false); +/* 0902: use a primary password + * There are no preferences for this. It is all handled internally. + * [SETTING] Privacy & Security>Logins and Passwords>Use a Primary Password + * [1] ***/ +/* 0903: set how often Firefox should ask for the primary password + * 0=the first time (default), 1=every time it's needed, 2=every n minutes (see 0904) ***/ +user_pref("security.ask_for_password", 2); +/* 0904: set how often in minutes Firefox should ask for the primary password (see 0903) + * in minutes, default is 30 ***/ +user_pref("security.password_lifetime", 5); +/* 0905: disable auto-filling username & password form fields + * can leak in cross-site forms *and* be spoofed + * [NOTE] Username & password is still available when you enter the field + * [SETTING] Privacy & Security>Logins and Passwords>Autofill logins and passwords + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("signon.autofillForms", false); +/* 0909: disable formless login capture for Password Manager [FF51+] ***/ +user_pref("signon.formlessCapture.enabled", false); +/* 0912: limit (or disable) HTTP authentication credentials dialogs triggered by sub-resources [FF41+] + * hardens against potential credentials phishing + * 0=don't allow sub-resources to open HTTP authentication credentials dialogs + * 1=don't allow cross-origin sub-resources to open HTTP authentication credentials dialogs + * 2=allow sub-resources to open HTTP authentication credentials dialogs (default) ***/ +user_pref("network.auth.subresource-http-auth-allow", 1); + +/*** [SECTION 1000]: CACHE / SESSION (RE)STORE / FAVICONS + Cache tracking/fingerprinting techniques [1][2][3] require a cache. Disabling disk (1001) + *and* memory (1003) caches is one solution; but that's extreme and fingerprintable. A hardened + Temporary Containers configuration can effectively do the same thing, by isolating every tab [4]. + + We consider avoiding disk cache (1001) so cache is session/memory only (like Private Browsing + mode), and isolating cache to first party (4001) is sufficient and a good balance between + risk and performance. ETAGs can also be neutralized by modifying response headers [5], and + you can clear the cache manually or on a regular basis with an extension. + + [1] + [2] + [3] + [4] + [5] +***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "1000 syntax error: the parrot's gone to meet 'is maker!"); +/** CACHE ***/ +/* 1001: disable disk cache + * [SETUP-PERF] If you think disk cache may help (heavy tab user, high-res video), + * or you use a hardened Temporary Containers, then feel free to override this + * [NOTE] We also clear cache on exiting Firefox (see 2803) ***/ +user_pref("browser.cache.disk.enable", false); +/* 1003: disable memory cache + * capacity: -1=determine dynamically (default), 0=none, n=memory capacity in kibibytes ***/ + // user_pref("browser.cache.memory.enable", false); + // user_pref("browser.cache.memory.capacity", 0); +/* 1006: disable permissions manager from writing to disk [RESTART] + * [NOTE] This means any permission changes are session only + * [1] ***/ + // user_pref("permissions.memory_only", true); // [HIDDEN PREF] +/* 1007: disable media cache from writing to disk in Private Browsing + * [NOTE] MSE (Media Source Extensions) are already stored in-memory in PB + * [SETUP-WEB] ESR78: playback might break on subsequent loading (1650281) ***/ +user_pref("browser.privatebrowsing.forceMediaMemoryCache", true); // [FF75+] +user_pref("media.memory_cache_max_size", 65536); + +/** SESSIONS & SESSION RESTORE ***/ +/* 1020: exclude "Undo Closed Tabs" in Session Restore ***/ + // user_pref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo", 0); +/* 1021: disable storing extra session data [SETUP-CHROME] + * extra session data contains contents of forms, scrollbar positions, cookies and POST data + * define on which sites to save extra session data: + * 0=everywhere, 1=unencrypted sites, 2=nowhere ***/ +user_pref("browser.sessionstore.privacy_level", 2); +/* 1022: disable resuming session from crash ***/ + // user_pref("browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash", false); +/* 1023: set the minimum interval between session save operations + * Increasing this can help on older machines and some websites, as well as reducing writes [1] + * Default is 15000 (15 secs). Try 30000 (30 secs), 60000 (1 min) etc + * [SETUP-CHROME] This can also affect entries in the "Recently Closed Tabs" feature: + * i.e. the longer the interval the more chance a quick tab open/close won't be captured. + * This longer interval *may* affect history but we cannot replicate any history not recorded + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("browser.sessionstore.interval", 30000); +/* 1024: disable automatic Firefox start and session restore after reboot [FF62+] [WINDOWS] + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("toolkit.winRegisterApplicationRestart", false); + +/** FAVICONS ***/ +/* 1030: disable favicons in shortcuts + * URL shortcuts use a cached randomly named .ico file which is stored in your + * profile/shortcutCache directory. The .ico remains after the shortcut is deleted. + * If set to false then the shortcuts use a generic Firefox icon ***/ +user_pref("", false); +/* 1031: disable favicons in history and bookmarks + * Stored as data blobs in favicons.sqlite, these don't reveal anything that your + * actual history (and bookmarks) already do. Your history is more detailed, so + * control that instead; e.g. disable history, clear history on close, use PB mode + * [NOTE] favicons.sqlite is sanitized on Firefox close, not in-session ***/ + // user_pref("", false); +/* 1032: disable favicons in web notifications ***/ + // user_pref("alerts.showFavicons", false); // [DEFAULT: false] + +/*** [SECTION 1200]: HTTPS (SSL/TLS / OCSP / CERTS / HPKP / CIPHERS) + Your cipher and other settings can be used in server side fingerprinting + [TEST] + [TEST] + [TEST] + [1] +***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "1200 syntax error: the parrot's a stiff!"); +/** SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) / TLS (Transport Layer Security) ***/ +/* 1201: require safe negotiation + * Blocks connections (SSL_ERROR_UNSAFE_NEGOTIATION) to servers that don't support RFC 5746 [2] + * as they're potentially vulnerable to a MiTM attack [3]. A server without RFC 5746 can be + * safe from the attack if it disables renegotiations but the problem is that the browser can't + * know that. Setting this pref to true is the only way for the browser to ensure there will be + * no unsafe renegotiations on the channel between the browser and the server. + * [STATS] SSL Labs (Dec 2020) reports 99.0% of sites have secure renegotiation [4] + * [1] + * [2] + * [3] + * [4] ***/ +user_pref("security.ssl.require_safe_negotiation", true); +/* 1202: control TLS versions with min and max + * 1=TLS 1.0, 2=TLS 1.1, 3=TLS 1.2, 4=TLS 1.3 + * [WARNING] Leave these at default, otherwise you alter your TLS fingerprint. + * [1] ***/ + // user_pref("security.tls.version.min", 3); // [DEFAULT: 3] + // user_pref("security.tls.version.max", 4); +/* 1203: enforce TLS 1.0 and 1.1 downgrades as session only ***/ +user_pref("security.tls.version.enable-deprecated", false); +/* 1204: disable SSL session tracking [FF36+] + * SSL Session IDs are unique and last up to 24hrs in Firefox (or longer with prolongation attacks) + * [NOTE] These are not used in PB mode. In normal windows they are isolated when using FPI (4001) + * and/or containers. In FF85+ they are isolated by default (privacy.partition.network_state) + * [WARNING] There are perf and passive fingerprinting costs, for little to no gain. Preventing + * tracking via this method does not address IPs, nor handle any sanitizing of current identifiers + * [1] + * [2] + * [3] ***/ + // user_pref("security.ssl.disable_session_identifiers", true); // [HIDDEN PREF] +/* 1206: disable TLS1.3 0-RTT (round-trip time) [FF51+] + * [1] + * [2] ***/ +user_pref("security.tls.enable_0rtt_data", false); + +/** OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) + [1] + [2] +***/ +/* 1211: control when to use OCSP fetching (to confirm current validity of certificates) + * 0=disabled, 1=enabled (default), 2=enabled for EV certificates only + * OCSP (non-stapled) leaks information about the sites you visit to the CA (cert authority) + * It's a trade-off between security (checking) and privacy (leaking info to the CA) + * [NOTE] This pref only controls OCSP fetching and does not affect OCSP stapling + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("security.OCSP.enabled", 1); +/* 1212: set OCSP fetch failures (non-stapled, see 1211) to hard-fail [SETUP-WEB] + * When a CA cannot be reached to validate a cert, Firefox just continues the connection (=soft-fail) + * Setting this pref to true tells Firefox to instead terminate the connection (=hard-fail) + * It is pointless to soft-fail when an OCSP fetch fails: you cannot confirm a cert is still valid (it + * could have been revoked) and/or you could be under attack (e.g. malicious blocking of OCSP servers) + * [1] + * [2] ***/ +user_pref("security.OCSP.require", true); + +/** CERTS / HPKP (HTTP Public Key Pinning) ***/ +/* 1220: disable or limit SHA-1 certificates + * 0=all SHA1 certs are allowed + * 1=all SHA1 certs are blocked + * 2=deprecated option that now maps to 1 + * 3=only allowed for locally-added roots (e.g. anti-virus) + * 4=only allowed for locally-added roots or for certs in 2015 and earlier + * [SETUP-CHROME] When disabled, some man-in-the-middle devices (e.g. security scanners and + * antivirus products, may fail to connect to HTTPS sites. SHA-1 is *almost* obsolete. + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("security.pki.sha1_enforcement_level", 1); +/* 1221: disable Windows 8.1's Microsoft Family Safety cert [FF50+] [WINDOWS] + * 0=disable detecting Family Safety mode and importing the root + * 1=only attempt to detect Family Safety mode (don't import the root) + * 2=detect Family Safety mode and import the root + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("security.family_safety.mode", 0); +/* 1222: disable intermediate certificate caching (fingerprinting attack vector) [FF41+] [RESTART] + * [NOTE] This affects login/cert/key dbs. The effect is all credentials are session-only. + * Saved logins and passwords are not available. Reset the pref and restart to return them. + * [1] ***/ + // user_pref("security.nocertdb", true); // [HIDDEN PREF] +/* 1223: enforce strict pinning + * PKP (Public Key Pinning) 0=disabled 1=allow user MiTM (such as your antivirus), 2=strict + * [SETUP-WEB] If you rely on an AV (antivirus) to protect your web browsing + * by inspecting ALL your web traffic, then leave at current default=1 + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("security.cert_pinning.enforcement_level", 2); +/* 1224: enforce CRLite [FF73+] + * In FF84+ it covers valid certs and in mode 2 doesn't fall back to OCSP + * [1],1670985 + * [2] ***/ +user_pref("security.remote_settings.crlite_filters.enabled", true); +user_pref("security.pki.crlite_mode", 2); + +/** MIXED CONTENT ***/ +/* 1240: enforce no insecure active content on https pages + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("security.mixed_content.block_active_content", true); // [DEFAULT: true] +/* 1241: disable insecure passive content (such as images) on https pages [SETUP-WEB] ***/ +user_pref("security.mixed_content.block_display_content", true); +/* 1244: enable HTTPS-Only mode [FF76+] + * When "https_only_mode" (all windows) is true, "https_only_mode_pbm" (private windows only) is ignored + * [SETTING] to add site exceptions: Padlock>HTTPS-Only mode>On/Off/Off temporarily + * [SETTING] Privacy & Security>HTTPS-Only Mode + * [TEST] [upgrade] + * [TEST] [no upgrade] + * [1] [META] ***/ +user_pref("", true); // [FF76+] + // user_pref("", true); // [FF80+] +/* 1245: enable HTTPS-Only mode for local resources [FF77+] ***/ + // user_pref("", true); +/* 1246: disable HTTP background requests [FF82+] + * When attempting to upgrade, if the server doesn't respond within 3 seconds, firefox + * sends HTTP requests in order to check if the server supports HTTPS or not. + * This is done to avoid waiting for a timeout which takes 90 seconds + * [1],1660945 ***/ +user_pref("", false); +/* 1247: treat .onion as a secure context [FF60+] [TOR] + * [NOTE] Firefox cannot access .onion sites by default: it is strongly recommended you just use Tor Browser + * [1] ***/ + // user_pref("dom.securecontext.whitelist_onions", true); + +/** CIPHERS [WARNING: do not meddle with your cipher suite: see the section 1200 intro] + * These are all the ciphers still using SHA-1 and CBC which are weaker than the available alternatives. (see "Cipher Suites" in [1]) + * Additionally some have other weaknesses like key sizes of 128 (or lower) [2] and/or no Perfect Forward Secrecy [3]. + * [1] + * [2] + * [3] + ***/ +/* 1261: disable 3DES (effective key size < 128 and no PFS) + * [1] + * [2] + * [3] ***/ + // user_pref("security.ssl3.rsa_des_ede3_sha", false); +/* 1264: disable the remaining non-modern cipher suites as of FF78 (in order of preferred by FF) ***/ + // user_pref("security.ssl3.ecdhe_ecdsa_aes_256_sha", false); + // user_pref("security.ssl3.ecdhe_ecdsa_aes_128_sha", false); + // user_pref("security.ssl3.ecdhe_rsa_aes_128_sha", false); + // user_pref("security.ssl3.ecdhe_rsa_aes_256_sha", false); + // user_pref("security.ssl3.rsa_aes_128_sha", false); // no PFS + // user_pref("security.ssl3.rsa_aes_256_sha", false); // no PFS + +/** UI (User Interface) ***/ +/* 1270: display warning on the padlock for "broken security" (if 1201 is false) + * Bug: warning padlock not indicated for subresources on a secure page! [2] + * [1] + * [2] ***/ +user_pref("security.ssl.treat_unsafe_negotiation_as_broken", true); +/* 1271: control "Add Security Exception" dialog on SSL warnings + * 0=do neither 1=pre-populate url 2=pre-populate url + pre-fetch cert (default) + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("browser.ssl_override_behavior", 1); +/* 1272: display advanced information on Insecure Connection warning pages + * only works when it's possible to add an exception + * i.e. it doesn't work for HSTS discrepancies ( + * [TEST] ***/ +user_pref("browser.xul.error_pages.expert_bad_cert", true); +/* 1273: display "insecure" icon and "Not Secure" text on HTTP sites ***/ + // user_pref("security.insecure_connection_icon.enabled", true); // [FF59+] [DEFAULT: true] +user_pref("security.insecure_connection_text.enabled", true); // [FF60+] + +/*** [SECTION 1400]: FONTS ***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "1400 syntax error: the parrot's bereft of life!"); +/* 1401: disable websites choosing fonts (0=block, 1=allow) + * This can limit most (but not all) JS font enumeration which is a high entropy fingerprinting vector + * [WARNING] **DO NOT USE**: in FF80+ RFP covers this, and non-RFP users should use font vis (4618) + * [SETTING] General>Language and Appearance>Fonts & Colors>Advanced>Allow pages to choose... ***/ + // user_pref("browser.display.use_document_fonts", 0); +/* 1403: disable icon fonts (glyphs) and local fallback rendering + * [1] + * [2] ***/ + // user_pref("gfx.downloadable_fonts.enabled", false); // [FF41+] + // user_pref("gfx.downloadable_fonts.fallback_delay", -1); +/* 1404: disable rendering of SVG OpenType fonts + * [1] - iSECPartnersReport recommends to disable this ***/ +user_pref("gfx.font_rendering.opentype_svg.enabled", false); +/* 1408: disable graphite + * Graphite has had many critical security issues in the past [1] + * [1] + * [2] ***/ +user_pref("gfx.font_rendering.graphite.enabled", false); +/* 1409: limit system font exposure to a whitelist [FF52+] [RESTART] + * If the whitelist is empty, then whitelisting is considered disabled and all fonts are allowed + * [NOTE] In FF81+ the whitelist **overrides** RFP's font visibility (see 4618) + * [WARNING] **DO NOT USE**: in FF80+ RFP covers this, and non-RFP users should use font vis (4618) + * [1] ***/ + // user_pref("font.system.whitelist", ""); // [HIDDEN PREF] + +/*** [SECTION 1600]: HEADERS / REFERERS + Only *cross domain* referers need controlling: leave 1601, 1602, 1605 and 1606 alone + --- + Expect some breakage: Use an extension if you need precise control + --- + full URI: + scheme+host+port+path: + scheme+host+port: + --- + [1] +***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "1600 syntax error: the parrot rests in peace!"); +/* 1601: ALL: control when images/links send a referer + * 0=never, 1=send only when links are clicked, 2=for links and images (default) ***/ + // user_pref("network.http.sendRefererHeader", 2); +/* 1602: ALL: control the amount of information to send + * 0=send full URI (default), 1=scheme+host+port+path, 2=scheme+host+port ***/ + // user_pref("network.http.referer.trimmingPolicy", 0); +/* 1603: CROSS ORIGIN: control when to send a referer + * 0=always (default), 1=only if base domains match, 2=only if hosts match + * [SETUP-WEB] Known to cause issues with older modems/routers and some sites e.g vimeo, icloud ***/ +user_pref("network.http.referer.XOriginPolicy", 2); +/* 1604: CROSS ORIGIN: control the amount of information to send [FF52+] + * 0=send full URI (default), 1=scheme+host+port+path, 2=scheme+host+port ***/ +user_pref("network.http.referer.XOriginTrimmingPolicy", 2); +/* 1605: ALL: disable spoofing a referer + * [WARNING] Do not set this to true, as spoofing effectively disables the anti-CSRF + * (Cross-Site Request Forgery) protections that some sites may rely on ***/ + // user_pref("network.http.referer.spoofSource", false); // [DEFAULT: false] +/* 1606: ALL: set the default Referrer Policy [FF59+] + * 0=no-referer, 1=same-origin, 2=strict-origin-when-cross-origin, 3=no-referrer-when-downgrade + * [NOTE] This is only a default, it can be overridden by a site-controlled Referrer Policy + * [1] + * [2] + * [3] + * [4] ***/ + // user_pref("network.http.referer.defaultPolicy", 2); // [DEFAULT: 2 FF87+] + // user_pref("network.http.referer.defaultPolicy.pbmode", 2); // [DEFAULT: 2] +/* 1607: hide (not spoof) referrer when leaving a .onion domain [FF54+] [TOR] + * [NOTE] Firefox cannot access .onion sites by default: it is strongly recommended you just use Tor Browser + * [1] ***/ + // user_pref("network.http.referer.hideOnionSource", true); +/* 1610: ALL: enable the DNT (Do Not Track) HTTP header + * [NOTE] DNT is enforced with Enhanced Tracking Protection regardless of this pref + * [SETTING] Privacy & Security>Enhanced Tracking Protection>Send websites a "Do Not Track" signal... ***/ +user_pref("privacy.donottrackheader.enabled", true); + +/*** [SECTION 1700]: CONTAINERS + If you want to *really* leverage containers, we highly recommend Temporary Containers [2]. + Read the article by the extension author [3], and check out the github wiki/repo [4]. + [1] + [2] + [3] + [4] +***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "1700 syntax error: the parrot's bit the dust!"); +/* 1701: enable Container Tabs setting in preferences (see 1702) [FF50+] + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("privacy.userContext.ui.enabled", true); +/* 1702: enable Container Tabs [FF50+] + * [SETTING] General>Tabs>Enable Container Tabs ***/ +user_pref("privacy.userContext.enabled", true); +/* 1703: set behaviour on "+ Tab" button to display container menu on left click [FF74+] + * [NOTE] The menu is always shown on long press and right click + * [SETTING] General>Tabs>Enable Container Tabs>Settings>Select a container for each new tab ***/ + // user_pref("privacy.userContext.newTabContainerOnLeftClick.enabled", true); + +/*** [SECTION 1800]: PLUGINS ***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "1800 syntax error: the parrot's pushing up daisies!"); +/* 1820: disable GMP (Gecko Media Plugins) + * [1] ***/ + // user_pref("media.gmp-provider.enabled", false); +/* 1825: disable widevine CDM (Content Decryption Module) + * [NOTE] This is covered by the EME master switch (1830) ***/ + // user_pref("media.gmp-widevinecdm.enabled", false); +/* 1830: disable all DRM content (EME: Encryption Media Extension) + * [SETUP-WEB] e.g. Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, HBO, Disney+, Showtime, Starz, DirectTV + * [SETTING] General>DRM Content>Play DRM-controlled content + * [TEST] + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("media.eme.enabled", false); + +/*** [SECTION 2000]: MEDIA / CAMERA / MIC ***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "2000 syntax error: the parrot's snuffed it!"); +/* 2001: disable WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) + * [SETUP-WEB] WebRTC can leak your IP address from behind your VPN, but if this is not + * in your threat model, and you want Real-Time Communication, this is the pref for you + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("media.peerconnection.enabled", false); +/* 2002: limit WebRTC IP leaks if using WebRTC + * In FF70+ these settings match Mode 4 (Mode 3 in older versions) [3] + * [TEST] + * [1],1297416,1452713 + * [2] + * [3] ***/ +user_pref("", true); +user_pref("", true); // [FF51+] +user_pref("", true); // [FF70+] +/* 2010: disable WebGL (Web Graphics Library) + * [SETUP-WEB] When disabled, may break some websites. When enabled, provides high entropy, + * especially with readPixels(). Some of the other entropy is lessened with RFP (see 4501) + * [1] + * [2] ***/ +user_pref("webgl.disabled", true); +user_pref("webgl.enable-webgl2", false); +/* 2012: limit WebGL ***/ +user_pref("webgl.disable-fail-if-major-performance-caveat", true); // [DEFAULT: true FF86+] +/* 2022: disable screensharing ***/ +user_pref("media.getusermedia.screensharing.enabled", false); +user_pref("media.getusermedia.browser.enabled", false); +user_pref("media.getusermedia.audiocapture.enabled", false); +/* 2024: set a default permission for Camera/Microphone [FF58+] + * 0=always ask (default), 1=allow, 2=block + * [SETTING] to add site exceptions: Ctrl+I>Permissions>Use the Camera/Microphone + * [SETTING] to manage site exceptions: Options>Privacy & Security>Permissions>Camera/Microphone>Settings ***/ + // user_pref("", 2); + // user_pref("permissions.default.microphone", 2); +/* 2030: disable autoplay of HTML5 media [FF63+] + * 0=Allow all, 1=Block non-muted media (default in FF67+), 2=Prompt (removed in FF66), 5=Block all (FF69+) + * [NOTE] You can set exceptions under site permissions + * [SETTING] Privacy & Security>Permissions>Autoplay>Settings>Default for all websites ***/ + // user_pref("media.autoplay.default", 5); +/* 2031: disable autoplay of HTML5 media if you interacted with the site [FF78+] + * 0=sticky (default), 1=transient, 2=user + * Firefox's Autoplay Policy Documentation [PDF] is linked below via SUMO + * [NOTE] If you have trouble with some video sites, then add an exception (see 2030) + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("media.autoplay.blocking_policy", 2); + +/*** [SECTION 2200]: WINDOW MEDDLING & LEAKS / POPUPS ***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "2200 syntax error: the parrot's 'istory!"); +/* 2202: prevent scripts from moving and resizing open windows ***/ +user_pref("dom.disable_window_move_resize", true); +/* 2203: open links targeting new windows in a new tab instead + * This stops malicious window sizes and some screen resolution leaks. + * You can still right-click a link and open in a new window. + * [TEST] + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("", 3); // 1=most recent window or tab 2=new window, 3=new tab +user_pref("", 0); +/* 2204: disable Fullscreen API (requires user interaction) to prevent screen-resolution leaks + * [NOTE] You can still manually toggle the browser's fullscreen state (F11), + * but this pref will disable embedded video/game fullscreen controls, e.g. youtube + * [TEST] ***/ + // user_pref("full-screen-api.enabled", false); +/* 2210: block popup windows + * [SETTING] Privacy & Security>Permissions>Block pop-up windows ***/ +user_pref("dom.disable_open_during_load", true); +/* 2212: limit events that can cause a popup [SETUP-WEB] + * default FF86+: "change click dblclick auxclick mousedown mouseup pointerdown pointerup notificationclick reset submit touchend contextmenu ***/ +user_pref("dom.popup_allowed_events", "click dblclick mousedown pointerdown"); + +/*** [SECTION 2300]: WEB WORKERS + A worker is a JS "background task" running in a global context, i.e. it is different from + the current window. Workers can spawn new workers (must be the same origin & scheme), + including service and shared workers. Shared workers can be utilized by multiple scripts and + communicate between browsing contexts (windows/tabs/iframes) and can even control your cache. + + [1] Web Workers: + [2] Worker: + [3] Service Worker: + [4] SharedWorker: + [5] ChromeWorker: + [6] Notifications: +***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "2300 syntax error: the parrot's off the twig!"); +/* 2302: disable service workers [FF32, FF44-compat] + * Service workers essentially act as proxy servers that sit between web apps, and the + * browser and network, are event driven, and can control the web page/site it is associated + * with, intercepting and modifying navigation and resource requests, and caching resources. + * [NOTE] Service worker APIs are hidden (in Firefox) and cannot be used when in PB mode. + * [NOTE] Service workers only run over HTTPS. Service workers have no DOM access. + * [SETUP-WEB] Disabling service workers will break some sites. This pref is required true for + * service worker notifications (2304), push notifications (disabled, 2305) and service worker + * cache (2740). If you enable this pref, then check those settings as well ***/ +user_pref("dom.serviceWorkers.enabled", false); +/* 2304: disable Web Notifications + * [NOTE] Web Notifications can also use service workers (2302) and are behind a prompt (2306) + * [1] ***/ + // user_pref("dom.webnotifications.enabled", false); // [FF22+] + // user_pref("dom.webnotifications.serviceworker.enabled", false); // [FF44+] +/* 2305: disable Push Notifications [FF44+] + * Push is an API that allows websites to send you (subscribed) messages even when the site + * isn't loaded, by pushing messages to your userAgentID through Mozilla's Push Server. + * [NOTE] Push requires service workers (2302) to subscribe to and display, and is behind + * a prompt (2306). Disabling service workers alone doesn't stop Firefox polling the + * Mozilla Push Server. To remove all subscriptions, reset your userAgentID (in about:config + * or on start), and you will get a new one within a few seconds. + * [1] + * [2] ***/ +user_pref("dom.push.enabled", false); + // user_pref("dom.push.userAgentID", ""); +/* 2306: set a default permission for Notifications (both 2304 and 2305) [FF58+] + * 0=always ask (default), 1=allow, 2=block + * [NOTE] Best left at default "always ask", fingerprintable via Permissions API + * [SETTING] to add site exceptions: Ctrl+I>Permissions>Receive Notifications + * [SETTING] to manage site exceptions: Options>Privacy & Security>Permissions>Notifications>Settings ***/ + // user_pref("permissions.default.desktop-notification", 2); + +/*** [SECTION 2400]: DOM (DOCUMENT OBJECT MODEL) & JAVASCRIPT ***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "2400 syntax error: the parrot's kicked the bucket!"); +/* 2401: disable website control over browser right-click context menu + * [NOTE] Shift-Right-Click will always bring up the browser right-click context menu ***/ + // user_pref("dom.event.contextmenu.enabled", false); +/* 2402: disable website access to clipboard events/content [SETUP-HARDEN] + * [NOTE] This will break some sites' functionality e.g. Outlook, Twitter, Facebook, Wordpress + * This applies to onCut/onCopy/onPaste events - i.e. it requires interaction with the website + * [WARNING] In FF88 or lower, with clipboardevents enabled, if both 'middlemouse.paste' and + * 'general.autoScroll' are true (at least one is default false) then the clipboard can leak [1] + * [1] ***/ + // user_pref("dom.event.clipboardevents.enabled", false); +/* 2404: disable clipboard commands (cut/copy) from "non-privileged" content [FF41+] + * this disables document.execCommand("cut"/"copy") to protect your clipboard + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("dom.allow_cut_copy", false); +/* 2405: disable "Confirm you want to leave" dialog on page close + * Does not prevent JS leaks of the page close event. + * [1] + * [2] ***/ +user_pref("dom.disable_beforeunload", true); +/* 2414: disable shaking the screen ***/ +user_pref("dom.vibrator.enabled", false); +/* 2420: disable asm.js [FF22+] [SETUP-PERF] + * [1] + * [2] + * [3] + * [4] + * [5] + * [6] ***/ +user_pref("javascript.options.asmjs", false); +/* 2421: disable Ion and baseline JIT to harden against JS exploits [SETUP-HARDEN] + * [NOTE] In FF75+, when **both** Ion and JIT are disabled, **and** the new + * hidden pref is enabled, then Ion can still be used by extensions (1599226) + * [WARNING] Disabling Ion/JIT can cause some site issues and performance loss + * [1] ***/ + // user_pref("javascript.options.ion", false); + // user_pref("javascript.options.baselinejit", false); + // user_pref("javascript.options.jit_trustedprincipals", true); // [FF75+] [HIDDEN PREF] +/* 2422: disable WebAssembly [FF52+] + * Vulnerabilities have increasingly been found, including those known and fixed + * in native programs years ago [2]. WASM has powerful low-level access, making + * certain attacks (brute-force) and vulnerabilities more possible + * [STATS] ~0.2% of websites, about half of which are for crytopmining / malvertising [2][3] + * [1] + * [2] + * [3] ***/ +user_pref("javascript.options.wasm", false); +/* 2429: enable (limited but sufficient) window.opener protection [FF65+] + * Makes rel=noopener implicit for target=_blank in anchor and area elements when no rel attribute is set ***/ +user_pref("dom.targetBlankNoOpener.enabled", true); // [DEFAULT: true FF79+] + +/*** [SECTION 2500]: HARDWARE FINGERPRINTING ***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "2500 syntax error: the parrot's shuffled off 'is mortal coil!"); +/* 2502: disable Battery Status API + * Initially a Linux issue (high precision readout) that was fixed. + * However, it is still another metric for fingerprinting, used to raise entropy. + * e.g. do you have a battery or not, current charging status, charge level, times remaining etc + * [NOTE] From FF52+ Battery Status API is only available in chrome/privileged code [1] + * [1] ***/ + // user_pref("dom.battery.enabled", false); +/* 2505: disable media device enumeration [FF29+] + * [NOTE] media.peerconnection.enabled should also be set to false (see 2001) + * [1] + * [2] ***/ +user_pref("media.navigator.enabled", false); +/* 2508: disable hardware acceleration to reduce graphics fingerprinting [SETUP-HARDEN] + * [WARNING] Affects text rendering (fonts will look different), impacts video performance, + * and parts of Quantum that utilize the GPU will also be affected as they are rolled out + * [SETTING] General>Performance>Custom>Use hardware acceleration when available + * [1] ***/ + // user_pref("gfx.direct2d.disabled", true); // [WINDOWS] + // user_pref("layers.acceleration.disabled", true); +/* 2510: disable Web Audio API [FF51+] + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("dom.webaudio.enabled", false); +/* 2517: disable Media Capabilities API [FF63+] + * [WARNING] This *may* affect media performance if disabled, no one is sure + * [1] + * [2] ***/ + // user_pref("", false); +/* 2520: disable virtual reality devices + * Optional protection depending on your connected devices + * [1] ***/ + // user_pref("dom.vr.enabled", false); +/* 2521: set a default permission for Virtual Reality (see 2520) [FF73+] + * 0=always ask (default), 1=allow, 2=block + * [SETTING] to add site exceptions: Ctrl+I>Permissions>Access Virtual Reality Devices + * [SETTING] to manage site exceptions: Options>Privacy & Security>Permissions>Virtual Reality>Settings ***/ + // user_pref("permissions.default.xr", 2); + +/*** [SECTION 2600]: MISCELLANEOUS ***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "2600 syntax error: the parrot's run down the curtain!"); +/* 2601: prevent accessibility services from accessing your browser [RESTART] + * [SETTING] Privacy & Security>Permissions>Prevent accessibility services from accessing your browser (FF80 or lower) + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("accessibility.force_disabled", 1); +/* 2602: disable sending additional analytics to web servers + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("beacon.enabled", false); +/* 2603: remove temp files opened with an external application + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("browser.helperApps.deleteTempFileOnExit", true); +/* 2604: disable page thumbnail collection ***/ +user_pref("browser.pagethumbnails.capturing_disabled", true); // [HIDDEN PREF] +/* 2606: disable UITour backend so there is no chance that a remote page can use it ***/ +user_pref("browser.uitour.enabled", false); +user_pref("browser.uitour.url", ""); +/* 2607: disable various developer tools in browser context + * [SETTING] Devtools>Advanced Settings>Enable browser chrome and add-on debugging toolboxes + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("", false); +/* 2608: reset remote debugging to disabled + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("devtools.debugger.remote-enabled", false); // [DEFAULT: false] +/* 2609: disable MathML (Mathematical Markup Language) [FF51+] [SETUP-HARDEN] + * [TEST] + * [1] ***/ + // user_pref("mathml.disabled", true); +/* 2610: disable in-content SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) [FF53+] + * [WARNING] Expect breakage incl. youtube player controls. Best left for a "hardened" profile. + * [1] ***/ + // user_pref("svg.disabled", true); +/* 2611: disable middle mouse click opening links from clipboard + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("middlemouse.contentLoadURL", false); +/* 2615: disable websites overriding Firefox's keyboard shortcuts [FF58+] + * 0 (default) or 1=allow, 2=block + * [SETTING] to add site exceptions: Ctrl+I>Permissions>Override Keyboard Shortcuts ***/ + // user_pref("permissions.default.shortcuts", 2); +/* 2616: remove special permissions for certain mozilla domains [FF35+] + * [1] resource://app/defaults/permissions ***/ +user_pref("permissions.manager.defaultsUrl", ""); +/* 2617: remove webchannel whitelist ***/ +user_pref("webchannel.allowObject.urlWhitelist", ""); +/* 2619: enforce Punycode for Internationalized Domain Names to eliminate possible spoofing + * Firefox has *some* protections, but it is better to be safe than sorry + * [SETUP-WEB] Might be undesirable for non-latin alphabet users since legitimate IDN's are also punycoded + * [TEST] ( + * [1] + * [2] + * [3] CVE-2017-5383: + * [4] ***/ +user_pref("network.IDN_show_punycode", true); +/* 2620: enforce PDFJS, disable PDFJS scripting [SETUP-CHROME] + * This setting controls if the option "Display in Firefox" is available in the setting below + * and by effect controls whether PDFs are handled in-browser or externally ("Ask" or "Open With") + * PROS: pdfjs is lightweight, open source, and as secure/vetted as any pdf reader out there (more than most) + * Exploits are rare (one serious case in seven years), treated seriously and patched quickly. + * It doesn't break "state separation" of browser content (by not sharing with OS, independent apps). + * It maintains disk avoidance and application data isolation. It's convenient. You can still save to disk. + * CONS: You may prefer a different pdf reader for security reasons + * CAVEAT: JS can still force a pdf to open in-browser by bundling its own code (rare) + * [SETTING] General>Applications>Portable Document Format (PDF) ***/ +user_pref("pdfjs.disabled", false); // [DEFAULT: false] +user_pref("pdfjs.enableScripting", false); // [FF86+] +/* 2621: disable links launching Windows Store on Windows 8/8.1/10 [WINDOWS] ***/ +user_pref("", false); +/* 2622: enforce no system colors; they can be fingerprinted + * [SETTING] General>Language and Appearance>Fonts and Colors>Colors>Use system colors ***/ +user_pref("browser.display.use_system_colors", false); // [DEFAULT: false] +/* 2623: disable permissions delegation [FF73+] + * Currently applies to cross-origin geolocation, camera, mic and screen-sharing + * permissions, and fullscreen requests. Disabling delegation means any prompts + * for these will show/use their correct 3rd party origin + * [1]!topic/ ***/ +user_pref("permissions.delegation.enabled", false); +/* 2624: enable "" protection [FF82+] + * If a new page from another domain is loaded into a tab, then is set to an empty string. The original + * string is restored if the tab reverts back to the original page. This change prevents some cross-site attacks + * [TEST] ***/ +user_pref("", true); // [DEFAULT: true FF86+] +/* 2625: disable bypassing 3rd party extension install prompts [FF82+] + * [1],1681331 ***/ +user_pref("extensions.postDownloadThirdPartyPrompt", false); + +/** DOWNLOADS ***/ +/* 2650: discourage downloading to desktop + * 0=desktop, 1=downloads (default), 2=last used + * [SETTING] To set your default "downloads": General>Downloads>Save files to ***/ + // user_pref("", 2); +/* 2651: enforce user interaction for security by always asking where to download + * [SETUP-CHROME] On Android this blocks longtapping and saving images + * [SETTING] General>Downloads>Always ask you where to save files ***/ +user_pref("", false); +/* 2652: disable adding downloads to the system's "recent documents" list ***/ +user_pref("", false); +/* 2654: disable "open with" in download dialog [FF50+] [SETUP-HARDEN] + * This is very useful to enable when the browser is sandboxed (e.g. via AppArmor) + * in such a way that it is forbidden to run external applications. + * [WARNING] This may interfere with some users' workflow or methods + * [1] ***/ + // user_pref("", true); + +/** EXTENSIONS ***/ +/* 2660: lock down allowed extension directories + * [SETUP-CHROME] This will break extensions, language packs, themes and any other + * XPI files which are installed outside of profile and application directories + * [1] + * [1] archived: ***/ +user_pref("extensions.enabledScopes", 5); // [HIDDEN PREF] +user_pref("extensions.autoDisableScopes", 15); // [DEFAULT: 15] +/* 2662: disable webextension restrictions on certain mozilla domains (you also need 4503) [FF60+] + * [1],1406795,1415644,1453988 ***/ + // user_pref("extensions.webextensions.restrictedDomains", ""); + +/** SECURITY ***/ +/* 2680: enforce CSP (Content Security Policy) + * [WARNING] CSP is a very important and widespread security feature. Don't disable it! + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("security.csp.enable", true); // [DEFAULT: true] +/* 2684: enforce a security delay on some confirmation dialogs such as install, open/save + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("security.dialog_enable_delay", 700); + +/*** [SECTION 2700]: PERSISTENT STORAGE + Data SET by websites including + cookies : profile\cookies.sqlite + localStorage : profile\webappsstore.sqlite + indexedDB : profile\storage\default + appCache : profile\OfflineCache + serviceWorkers : + + [NOTE] indexedDB and serviceWorkers are not available in Private Browsing Mode + [NOTE] Blocking cookies also blocks websites access to: localStorage (incl. sessionStorage), + indexedDB, sharedWorker, and serviceWorker (and therefore service worker cache and notifications) + If you set a site exception for cookies (either "Allow" or "Allow for Session") then they become + accessible to websites except shared/service workers where the cookie setting *must* be "Allow" +***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "2700 syntax error: the parrot's joined the bleedin' choir invisible!"); +/* 2701: disable or isolate 3rd-party cookies and site-data [SETUP-WEB] + * 0 = Accept cookies and site data + * 1 = (Block) All third-party cookies + * 2 = (Block) All cookies + * 3 = (Block) Cookies from unvisited websites + * 4 = (Block) Cross-site tracking cookies (default) + * 5 = (Isolate All) Cross-site cookies (TCP: Total Cookie Protection / dFPI: dynamic FPI) [1] (FF86+) + * Option 5 with FPI enabled (4001) is ignored and not shown, and option 4 used instead + * [NOTE] You can set cookie exceptions under site permissions or use an extension + * [NOTE] Enforcing category to custom ensures ETP related prefs are always honored + * [SETTING] Privacy & Security>Enhanced Tracking Protection>Custom>Cookies + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("network.cookie.cookieBehavior", 1); +user_pref("browser.contentblocking.category", "custom"); +/* 2702: set third-party cookies (if enabled, see 2701) to session-only + * [NOTE] .sessionOnly overrides .nonsecureSessionOnly except when .sessionOnly=false and + * .nonsecureSessionOnly=true. This allows you to keep HTTPS cookies, but session-only HTTP ones + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("network.cookie.thirdparty.sessionOnly", true); +user_pref("network.cookie.thirdparty.nonsecureSessionOnly", true); // [FF58+] +/* 2703: delete cookies and site data on close + * 0=keep until they expire (default), 2=keep until you close Firefox + * [NOTE] The setting below is disabled (but not changed) if you block all cookies (2701 = 2) + * [SETTING] Privacy & Security>Cookies and Site Data>Delete cookies and site data when Firefox is closed ***/ + // user_pref("network.cookie.lifetimePolicy", 2); +/* 2710: enable Enhanced Tracking Protection (ETP) in all windows + * [SETTING] Privacy & Security>Enhanced Tracking Protection>Custom>Tracking content + * [SETTING] to add site exceptions: Urlbar>ETP Shield + * [SETTING] to manage site exceptions: Options>Privacy & Security>Enhanced Tracking Protection>Manage Exceptions ***/ +user_pref("privacy.trackingprotection.enabled", true); +/* 2711: enable various ETP lists ***/ +user_pref("privacy.trackingprotection.socialtracking.enabled", true); + // user_pref("privacy.trackingprotection.cryptomining.enabled", true); // [DEFAULT: true] + // user_pref("privacy.trackingprotection.fingerprinting.enabled", true); // [DEFAULT: true] +/* 2720: disable DOM (Document Object Model) Storage + * [WARNING] This will break a LOT of sites' functionality AND extensions! + * You are better off using an extension for more granular control ***/ + // user_pref("", false); +/* 2730: enforce no offline cache storage (appCache) + * The API is easily fingerprinted, use the "storage" pref instead ***/ + // user_pref("browser.cache.offline.enable", false); +user_pref("", false); // [FF71+] [DEFAULT: false FF84+] +/* 2740: disable service worker cache and cache storage + * [NOTE] We clear service worker cache on exiting Firefox (see 2803) + * [1] ***/ + // user_pref("dom.caches.enabled", false); +/* 2750: disable Storage API [FF51+] + * The API gives sites the ability to find out how much space they can use, how much + * they are already using, and even control whether or not they need to be alerted + * before the user agent disposes of site data in order to make room for other things. + * [1] + * [2] + * [3] ***/ + // user_pref("dom.storageManager.enabled", false); +/* 2755: disable Storage Access API [FF65+] + * [1] ***/ + // user_pref("dom.storage_access.enabled", false); +/* 2760: enable Local Storage Next Generation (LSNG) [FF65+] ***/ +user_pref("", true); + +/*** [SECTION 2800]: SHUTDOWN + You should set the values to what suits you best. + - "Offline Website Data" includes appCache (2730), localStorage (2720), + service worker cache (2740), and QuotaManager (IndexedDB, asm-cache) + - In both 2803 + 2804, the 'download' and 'history' prefs are combined in the + Firefox interface as "Browsing & Download History" and their values will be synced +***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "2800 syntax error: the parrot's bleedin' demised!"); +/* 2802: enable Firefox to clear items on shutdown (see 2803) + * [SETTING] Privacy & Security>History>Custom Settings>Clear history when Firefox closes ***/ +user_pref("privacy.sanitize.sanitizeOnShutdown", true); +/* 2803: set what items to clear on shutdown (if 2802 is true) [SETUP-CHROME] + * [NOTE] If 'history' is true, downloads will also be cleared regardless of the value + * but if 'history' is false, downloads can still be cleared independently + * However, this may not always be the case. The interface combines and syncs these + * prefs when set from there, and the sanitize code may change at any time + * [SETTING] Privacy & Security>History>Custom Settings>Clear history when Firefox closes>Settings ***/ +user_pref("privacy.clearOnShutdown.cache", true); +user_pref("privacy.clearOnShutdown.cookies", true); +user_pref("privacy.clearOnShutdown.downloads", true); // see note above +user_pref("privacy.clearOnShutdown.formdata", true); // Form & Search History +user_pref("privacy.clearOnShutdown.history", true); // Browsing & Download History +user_pref("privacy.clearOnShutdown.offlineApps", true); // Offline Website Data +user_pref("privacy.clearOnShutdown.sessions", true); // Active Logins +user_pref("privacy.clearOnShutdown.siteSettings", false); // Site Preferences +/* 2804: reset default items to clear with Ctrl-Shift-Del (to match 2803) [SETUP-CHROME] + * This dialog can also be accessed from the menu History>Clear Recent History + * Firefox remembers your last choices. This will reset them when you start Firefox. + * [NOTE] Regardless of what you set privacy.cpd.downloads to, as soon as the dialog + * for "Clear Recent History" is opened, it is synced to the same as 'history' ***/ +user_pref("privacy.cpd.cache", true); +user_pref("privacy.cpd.cookies", true); + // user_pref("privacy.cpd.downloads", true); // not used, see note above +user_pref("privacy.cpd.formdata", true); // Form & Search History +user_pref("privacy.cpd.history", true); // Browsing & Download History +user_pref("privacy.cpd.offlineApps", true); // Offline Website Data +user_pref("privacy.cpd.passwords", false); // this is not listed +user_pref("privacy.cpd.sessions", true); // Active Logins +user_pref("privacy.cpd.siteSettings", false); // Site Preferences +/* 2805: clear Session Restore data when sanitizing on shutdown or manually [FF34+] + * [NOTE] Not needed if Session Restore is not used (see 0102) or is already cleared with history (see 2803) + * [NOTE] privacy.clearOnShutdown.openWindows prevents resuming from crashes (see 1022) + * [NOTE] privacy.cpd.openWindows has a bug that causes an additional window to open ***/ + // user_pref("privacy.clearOnShutdown.openWindows", true); + // user_pref("privacy.cpd.openWindows", true); +/* 2806: reset default 'Time range to clear' for 'Clear Recent History' (see 2804) + * Firefox remembers your last choice. This will reset the value when you start Firefox. + * 0=everything, 1=last hour, 2=last two hours, 3=last four hours, + * 4=today, 5=last five minutes, 6=last twenty-four hours + * [NOTE] The values 5 + 6 are not listed in the dropdown, which will display a + * blank value if they are used, but they do work as advertised ***/ +user_pref("privacy.sanitize.timeSpan", 0); + +/*** [SECTION 4000]: FPI (FIRST PARTY ISOLATION) + 1278037 - indexedDB (FF51+) + 1277803 - favicons (FF52+) + 1264562 - OCSP cache (FF52+) + 1268726 - Shared Workers (FF52+) + 1316283 - SSL session cache (FF52+) + 1317927 - media cache (FF53+) + 1323644 - HSTS and HPKP (FF54+) + 1334690 - HTTP Alternative Services (FF54+) + 1334693 - SPDY/HTTP2 (FF55+) + 1337893 - DNS cache (FF55+) + 1344170 - blob: URI (FF55+) + 1300671 - data:, about: URLs (FF55+) + 1473247 - IP addresses (FF63+) + 1492607 - postMessage with targetOrigin "*" (requires 4002) (FF65+) + 1542309 - top-level domain URLs when host is in the public suffix list (FF68+) + 1506693 - pdfjs range-based requests (FF68+) + 1330467 - site permissions (FF69+) + 1534339 - IPv6 (FF73+) +***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "4000 syntax error: the parrot's pegged out"); +/* 4001: enable First Party Isolation [FF51+] + * [SETUP-WEB] May break cross-domain logins and site functionality until perfected + * [1],1299996 ***/ +user_pref("privacy.firstparty.isolate", true); +/* 4002: enforce FPI restriction for window.opener [FF54+] + * [NOTE] Setting this to false may reduce the breakage in 4001 + * FF65+ blocks postMessage with targetOrigin "*" if originAttributes don't match. But + * to reduce breakage it ignores the 1st-party domain (FPD) originAttribute [2][3] + * The 2nd pref removes that limitation and will only allow communication if FPDs also match. + * [1] + * [2] + * [3] ***/ + // user_pref("privacy.firstparty.isolate.restrict_opener_access", true); // [DEFAULT: true] + // user_pref("privacy.firstparty.isolate.block_post_message", true); +/* 4003: enable scheme with FPI [FF78+] + * [NOTE] Experimental: existing data and site permissions are incompatible + * and some site exceptions may not work e.g. HTTPS-only mode (see 1244) ***/ + // user_pref("privacy.firstparty.isolate.use_site", true); + +/*** [SECTION 4500]: RFP (RESIST FINGERPRINTING) + RFP covers a wide range of ongoing fingerprinting solutions. + It is an all-or-nothing buy in: you cannot pick and choose what parts you want + + [WARNING] Do NOT use extensions to alter RFP protected metrics + [WARNING] Do NOT use prefs in section 4600 with RFP as they can interfere + + FF41+ + 418986 - limit window.screen & CSS media queries leaking identifiable info + [TEST] + FF50+ + 1281949 - spoof screen orientation + 1281963 - hide the contents of navigator.plugins and navigator.mimeTypes (FF50+) + FF55+ + 1330890 - spoof timezone as UTC 0 + 1360039 - spoof navigator.hardwareConcurrency as 2 (see 4601) + 1217238 - reduce precision of time exposed by javascript + FF56+ + 1369303 - spoof/disable performance API (see 4602, 4603) + 1333651 - spoof User Agent & Navigator API (see section 4700) + JS: FF78+ the version is spoofed as ESR, and the OS as Windows 10, OS 10.15, Android 9 (FF91+ as 10), or Linux + HTTP Headers: spoofed as Windows or Android + 1369319 - disable device sensor API (see 4604) + 1369357 - disable site specific zoom (see 4605) + 1337161 - hide gamepads from content (see 4606) + 1372072 - spoof network information API as "unknown" when dom.netinfo.enabled = true (see 4607) + 1333641 - reduce fingerprinting in WebSpeech API (see 4608) + FF57+ + 1369309 - spoof media statistics (see 4610) + 1382499 - reduce screen co-ordinate fingerprinting in Touch API (see 4611) + 1217290 & 1409677 - enable fingerprinting resistance for WebGL (see 2010-12) + 1382545 - reduce fingerprinting in Animation API + 1354633 - limit MediaError.message to a whitelist + 1382533 & 1697680 - enable fingerprinting resistance for Presentation API (FF57-87) + This blocks exposure of local IP Addresses via mDNS (Multicast DNS) + FF58+ + 967895 - spoof canvas and enable site permission prompt before allowing canvas data extraction + FF59+ + 1372073 - spoof/block fingerprinting in MediaDevices API + Spoof: enumerate devices reports one "Internal Camera" and one "Internal Microphone" if + media.navigator.enabled is true (see 2505 which we chose to keep disabled) + Block: suppresses the ondevicechange event (see 4612) + 1039069 - warn when language prefs are set to non en-US (see 0210, 0211) + 1222285 & 1433592 - spoof keyboard events and suppress keyboard modifier events + Spoofing mimics the content language of the document. Currently it only supports en-US. + Modifier events suppressed are SHIFT and both ALT keys. Chrome is not affected. + FF60-67 + 1337157 - disable WebGL debug renderer info (see 4613) (FF60+) + 1459089 - disable OS locale in HTTP Accept-Language headers (ANDROID) (FF62+) + 1479239 - return "no-preference" with prefers-reduced-motion (see 4614) (FF63+) + 1363508 - spoof/suppress Pointer Events (see 4615) (FF64+) + FF65: pointerEvent.pointerid (1492766) + 1485266 - disable exposure of system colors to CSS or canvas (see 4616) (FF67+) + 1407366 - enable inner window letterboxing (see 4504) (FF67+) + 1494034 - return "light" with prefers-color-scheme (see 4617) (FF67+) + FF68-77 + 1564422 - spoof audioContext outputLatency (FF70+) + 1595823 - spoof audioContext sampleRate (FF72+) + 1607316 - spoof pointer as coarse and hover as none (ANDROID) (FF74+) + FF78+ + 1621433 - randomize canvas (previously FF58+ returned an all-white canvas) (FF78+) + 1653987 - limit font visibility to bundled and "Base Fonts" (see 4618) (Windows, Mac, some Linux) (FF80+) + 1461454 - spoof smooth=true and powerEfficient=false for supported media in MediaCapabilities (FF82+) +***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "4500 syntax error: the parrot's popped 'is clogs"); +/* 4501: enable privacy.resistFingerprinting [FF41+] + * This pref is the master switch for all other privacy.resist* prefs unless stated + * [SETUP-WEB] RFP can cause the odd website to break in strange ways, and has a few side affects, + * but is largely robust nowadays. Give it a try. Your choice. Also see 4504 (letterboxing). + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("privacy.resistFingerprinting", true); +/* 4502: set new window sizes to round to hundreds [FF55+] [SETUP-CHROME] + * Width will round down to multiples of 200s and height to 100s, to fit your screen. + * The override values are a starting point to round from if you want some control + * [1] ***/ + // user_pref("privacy.window.maxInnerWidth", 1000); + // user_pref("privacy.window.maxInnerHeight", 1000); +/* 4503: disable mozAddonManager Web API [FF57+] + * [NOTE] To allow extensions to work on AMO, you also need 2662 + * [1],1406795,1415644,1453988 ***/ +user_pref("privacy.resistFingerprinting.block_mozAddonManager", true); // [HIDDEN PREF] +/* 4504: enable RFP letterboxing [FF67+] + * Dynamically resizes the inner window by applying margins in stepped ranges [2] + * If you use the dimension pref, then it will only apply those resolutions. The format is + * "width1xheight1, width2xheight2, ..." (e.g. "800x600, 1000x1000, 1600x900") + * [SETUP-WEB] This does NOT require RFP (see 4501) **for now**, so if you're not using 4501, or you are but + * dislike margins being applied, then flip this pref, keeping in mind that it is effectively fingerprintable + * [WARNING] The dimension pref is only meant for testing, and we recommend you DO NOT USE it + * [1] + * [2] ***/ +user_pref("privacy.resistFingerprinting.letterboxing", true); // [HIDDEN PREF] + // user_pref("privacy.resistFingerprinting.letterboxing.dimensions", ""); // [HIDDEN PREF] +/* 4510: disable showing about:blank as soon as possible during startup [FF60+] + * When default true this no longer masks the RFP chrome resizing activity + * [1] ***/ +user_pref("browser.startup.blankWindow", false); +/* 4520: disable chrome animations [FF77+] [RESTART] + * [NOTE] pref added in FF63, but applied to chrome in FF77. RFP spoofs this for web content ***/ +user_pref("ui.prefersReducedMotion", 1); // [HIDDEN PREF] + +/*** [SECTION 4600]: RFP ALTERNATIVES + [WARNING] Do NOT use prefs in this section with RFP as they can interfere +***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "4600 syntax error: the parrot's crossed the Jordan"); +/* [SETUP-non-RFP] Non-RFP users replace the * with a slash on this line to enable these +// FF55+ +// 4601: [2514] spoof number of CPU cores [FF48+] + // [1] + // [2] + // [3] + // [4] +user_pref("dom.maxHardwareConcurrency", 2); +// FF56+ +// 4602: [2411] disable resource/navigation timing +user_pref("dom.enable_resource_timing", false); +// 4603: [2412] disable timing attacks + // [1] + // user_pref("dom.enable_performance", false); +// 4604: [2512] disable device sensor API + // Optional protection depending on your device + // [1] + // [2] + // [3],1292751 + // user_pref("device.sensors.enabled", false); +// 4605: [2515] disable site specific zoom + // Zoom levels affect screen res and are highly fingerprintable. This does not stop you using + // zoom, it will just not use/remember any site specific settings. Zoom levels on new tabs + // and new windows are reset to default and only the current tab retains the current zoom +user_pref("browser.zoom.siteSpecific", false); +// 4606: [2501] disable gamepad API - USB device ID enumeration + // Optional protection depending on your connected devices + // [1] + // user_pref("dom.gamepad.enabled", false); +// 4607: [2503] disable giving away network info [FF31+] + // e.g. bluetooth, cellular, ethernet, wifi, wimax, other, mixed, unknown, none + // [1] + // [2] + // [3] +user_pref("dom.netinfo.enabled", false); // [DEFAULT: true on Android] +// 4608: [2021] disable the SpeechSynthesis (Text-to-Speech) part of the Web Speech API + // [1] + // [2] + // [3] +user_pref("media.webspeech.synth.enabled", false); +// FF57+ +// 4610: [2506] disable video statistics - JS performance fingerprinting [FF25+] + // [1] + // [2] +user_pref("media.video_stats.enabled", false); +// 4611: [2509] disable touch events + // fingerprinting attack vector - leaks screen res & actual screen coordinates + // 0=disabled, 1=enabled, 2=autodetect + // Optional protection depending on your device + // [1] + // [2] + // user_pref("dom.w3c_touch_events.enabled", 0); +// FF59+ +// 4612: [2511] disable MediaDevices change detection [FF51+] + // [1] + // [2] +user_pref("media.ondevicechange.enabled", false); +// FF60+ +// 4613: [2011] disable WebGL debug info being available to websites + // [1] + // [2] +user_pref("webgl.enable-debug-renderer-info", false); +// FF63+ +// 4614: enforce prefers-reduced-motion as no-preference [FF63+] [RESTART] + // 0=no-preference, 1=reduce +user_pref("ui.prefersReducedMotion", 0); // [HIDDEN PREF] +// FF64+ +// 4615: [2516] disable PointerEvents [FF86 or lower] + // [1] + // [-] +user_pref("dom.w3c_pointer_events.enabled", false); +// FF67+ +// 4616: [2618] disable exposure of system colors to CSS or canvas [FF44+] + // [NOTE] See second listed bug: may cause black on black for elements with undefined colors + // [SETUP-CHROME] Might affect CSS in themes and extensions + // [1],1330876 +user_pref("ui.use_standins_for_native_colors", true); +// 4617: enforce prefers-color-scheme as light [FF67+] + // 0=light, 1=dark : This overrides your OS value +user_pref("ui.systemUsesDarkTheme", 0); // [HIDDEN PREF] +// FF80+ +// 4618: limit font visibility (non-ANDROID) [FF79+] + // Uses hardcoded lists with two parts: kBaseFonts + kLangPackFonts [1] + // 1=only base system fonts, 2=also fonts from optional language packs, 3=also user-installed fonts + // [NOTE] Bundled fonts are auto-allowed + // [1]*.inc +user_pref("layout.css.font-visibility.level", 1); +// ***/ + +/*** [SECTION 4700]: RFP ALTERNATIVES (USER AGENT SPOOFING) + These prefs are insufficient and leak. Use RFP and **nothing else** + - Many of the user agent components can be derived by other means. When those + values differ, you provide more bits and raise entropy. Examples include + workers, iframes, headers, tcp/ip attributes, feature detection, and many more + - Web extensions also lack APIs to fully protect spoofing +***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "4700 syntax error: the parrot's taken 'is last bow"); +/* 4701: navigator DOM object overrides + * [WARNING] DO NOT USE ***/ + // user_pref("general.appname.override", ""); // [HIDDEN PREF] + // user_pref("general.appversion.override", ""); // [HIDDEN PREF] + // user_pref("general.buildID.override", ""); // [HIDDEN PREF] + // user_pref("general.oscpu.override", ""); // [HIDDEN PREF] + // user_pref("general.platform.override", ""); // [HIDDEN PREF] + // user_pref("general.useragent.override", ""); // [HIDDEN PREF] + +/*** [SECTION 5000]: PERSONAL + Non-project related but useful. If any of these interest you, add them to your overrides + To save some overrides, we've made a few active as they seem to be universally used ***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "5000 syntax error: this is an ex-parrot!"); +/* WELCOME & WHAT's NEW NOTICES ***/ +user_pref("browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone", "ignore"); // master switch + // user_pref("startup.homepage_welcome_url", ""); + // user_pref("startup.homepage_welcome_url.additional", ""); + // user_pref("startup.homepage_override_url", ""); // What's New page after updates +/* WARNINGS ***/ + // user_pref("browser.tabs.warnOnClose", false); + // user_pref("browser.tabs.warnOnCloseOtherTabs", false); + // user_pref("browser.tabs.warnOnOpen", false); + // user_pref("full-screen-api.warning.delay", 0); + // user_pref("full-screen-api.warning.timeout", 0); +/* APPEARANCE ***/ + // user_pref("", false); // [FF57+] + // user_pref("toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets", true); // [FF68+] allow userChrome/userContent +/* CONTENT BEHAVIOR ***/ + // user_pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind", true); // enable "Find As You Type" + // user_pref("clipboard.autocopy", false); // disable autocopy default [LINUX] + // user_pref("layout.spellcheckDefault", 2); // 0=none, 1-multi-line, 2=multi-line & single-line +/* UX BEHAVIOR ***/ + // user_pref("browser.backspace_action", 2); // 0=previous page, 1=scroll up, 2=do nothing + // user_pref("browser.quitShortcut.disabled", true); // disable Ctrl-Q quit shortcut [LINUX] [MAC] [FF87+] + // user_pref("browser.tabs.closeWindowWithLastTab", false); + // user_pref("browser.tabs.loadBookmarksInTabs", true); // open bookmarks in a new tab [FF57+] + // user_pref("browser.urlbar.decodeURLsOnCopy", true); // see bugzilla 1320061 [FF53+] + // user_pref("general.autoScroll", false); // middle-click enabling auto-scrolling [DEFAULT: false on Linux] + // user_pref("ui.key.menuAccessKey", 0); // disable alt key toggling the menu bar [RESTART] + // user_pref("", false); // view "page/selection source" in a new window [FF68+, FF59 and under] +/* UX FEATURES: disable and hide the icons and menus ***/ +user_pref("browser.messaging-system.whatsNewPanel.enabled", false); // What's New toolbar icon [FF69+] + // user_pref("extensions.pocket.enabled", false); // Pocket Account [FF46+] + // user_pref("identity.fxaccounts.enabled", false); // Firefox Accounts & Sync [FF60+] [RESTART] + // user_pref("reader.parse-on-load.enabled", false); // Reader View +/* OTHER ***/ + // user_pref("browser.bookmarks.max_backups", 2); +user_pref("browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.asrouter.userprefs.cfr.addons", false); // disable CFR [FF67+] + // [SETTING] General>Browsing>Recommend extensions as you browse +user_pref("browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.asrouter.userprefs.cfr.features", false); // disable CFR [FF67+] + // [SETTING] General>Browsing>Recommend features as you browse + // user_pref("network.manage-offline-status", false); // see bugzilla 620472 + // user_pref("xpinstall.signatures.required", false); // enforced extension signing (Nightly/ESR) + +/*** [SECTION 9999]: DEPRECATED / REMOVED / LEGACY / RENAMED + Documentation denoted as [-]. Items deprecated in FF78 or earlier have been archived at [1], + which also provides a link-clickable, viewer-friendly version of the deprecated bugzilla tickets + [1] +***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "9999 syntax error: the parrot's deprecated!"); +/* ESR78.x still uses all the following prefs +// [NOTE] replace the * with a slash in the line above to re-enable them +// FF79 +// 0212: enforce fallback text encoding to match en-US + // When the content or server doesn't declare a charset the browser will + // fallback to the "Current locale" based on your application language + // [TEST] + // [1] + // [-] +user_pref("intl.charset.fallback.override", "windows-1252"); +// FF82 +// 0206: disable geographically specific results/search engines e.g. "*.US" + // i.e. ignore all of Mozilla's various search engines in multiple locales + // [-] +user_pref("", false); +user_pref("", ""); +// FF86 +// 1205: disable SSL Error Reporting + // [1] + // [-] +user_pref("security.ssl.errorReporting.automatic", false); +user_pref("security.ssl.errorReporting.enabled", false); +user_pref("security.ssl.errorReporting.url", ""); +// 2653: disable hiding mime types (Options>General>Applications) not associated with a plugin + // [-] +user_pref("", false); +// FF87 +// 0105d: disable Activity Stream recent Highlights in the Library [FF57+] + // [-] + // user_pref("browser.library.activity-stream.enabled", false); +// FF89 +// 0309: disable sending Flash crash reports + // [-] [underlying NPAPI code removed] +user_pref("dom.ipc.plugins.flash.subprocess.crashreporter.enabled", false); +// 0310: disable sending the URL of the website where a plugin crashed + // [-] [underlying NPAPI code removed] +user_pref("dom.ipc.plugins.reportCrashURL", false); +// 1243: block unencrypted requests from Flash on encrypted pages to mitigate MitM attacks [FF59+] + // [1] + // [-] [underlying NPAPI code removed] +user_pref("security.mixed_content.block_object_subrequest", true); +// 1803: disable Flash plugin + // 0=deactivated, 1=ask, 2=enabled + // ESR52.x is the last branch to *fully* support NPAPI, FF52+ stable only supports Flash + // [NOTE] You can still override individual sites via site permissions + // [-] [underlying NPAPI code removed] +user_pref("plugin.state.flash", 0); // [DEFAULT: 1] +// ***/ + +/* END: internal custom pref to test for syntax errors ***/ +user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "SUCCESS: No no he's not dead, he's, he's restin'!"); diff --git a/irssi/solarized-powerline.theme b/irssi/solarized-powerline.theme index 4bb8d6e..4806421 100644 --- a/irssi/solarized-powerline.theme +++ b/irssi/solarized-powerline.theme @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ info_eol = "false"; # these characters are automatically replaced with specified color # (dark grey by default) -replaces = { "[]=" = "%_$*%_"; }; +replaces = { "[]=" = "%9$*%9"; }; abstracts = { ## @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ abstracts = { timestamp = "%N%k%z005f87%9$*%9%N%Z005f87%n"; # any kind of text that needs hilighting, default is to bold - hilight = "%_$*%_"; + hilight = "%9$*%9"; # any kind of error message error = "%r$*%n"; @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ abstracts = { action_core = "%N%k %n$*"; # generic one that's used by most actions - action = "{action_core %_$*%n} "; + action = "{action_core %9$*%n} "; # own action, both private/public ownaction = "%N%k {mynick $0}%N%C $1-"; @@ -257,8 +257,8 @@ abstracts = { # /names list names_prefix = "%N%k%n"; - names_nick = " %G%_$0%_$1-%N "; - names_nick_op = " %k%_$0$_$1-%n "; + names_nick = " %G%9$0%9$1-%N "; + names_nick_op = " %k%9$0$_$1-%n "; names_nick_halfop = " %Y$_$0$_$1-%n "; names_nick_voice = " %C$_$0$_$1-%n "; names_users = "%k%z005f87 $* %Z005f87%0%n"; @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ abstracts = { # DCC dcc = "%N%k%n %g$*%n"; - dccfile = "%_$*%_"; + dccfile = "%9$*%9"; # DCC chat, own msg/action dccownmsg = "[%Z005f87$0%G($1-%G)%n] "; @@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ abstracts = { sb_uc_halfops = "%p%%%n$*"; sb_uc_voices = "%Z005f87+%n$*"; sb_uc_normal = "%k %n$*"; - sb_uc_space = "%K·%n"; + sb_uc_space = "%k·%n"; ### For script diff --git a/ b/ index 8ac7efc..db5ec00 100755 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ case "$1" in *.h|*.c|*.cpp|*.awk|*.groff|*.java|*.js|*.m4|*.php|*.pl|*.pm|*.pod|*.sh|*.lua|*.hpp|*.sh|\ *.ad[asb]|*.asm|*.inc|*.[ch]|*.[ch]pp|*.[ch]xx|*.cc|*.hh|*.json|makefile|Makefile|*.html|\ - *.lsp|*.l|*.pas|*.p|*.xml|*.xps|*.xsl|*.axp|*.ppd|*.pov|\ + *.lsp|*.l|*.pas|*.p|*.xml|*.xps|*.xsl|*.axp|*.ppd|*.pov|*.tex|*.go|\ *.diff|*.patch|*.py|*.rb|*.sql|*.ebuild|*.eclass) - pygmentize -f 256 "$1";; + pygmentize -f 256 "$1"|nl -b a;; .zshrc|.bash_aliases|.bash_environment) - pygmentize -f 256 -l sh "$1" + pygmentize -f 256 -l sh "$1"|nl -b a ;; *) grep "#\!/bin/zsh" "$1" > /dev/null if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then - pygmentize -f 256 -l sh "$1" + pygmentize -f 256 -l sh "$1"|nl -b a else exit 1 fi diff --git a/postit b/postit index b89e869..5bd3c71 100644 --- a/postit +++ b/postit @@ -14,3 +14,4 @@ script -q -c "sudo tcpdump -l port 53 2>/dev/null | grep --line-buffered ' A? '" st -f "DejaVuSansMono-11.3" +export WSL_INTEROP=/run/WSL/13105_interop diff --git a/vim/ b/vim/ index f8dd9a8..4152b73 100755 --- a/vim/ +++ b/vim/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ #!/usr/bin/env sh -VIM_VERSION=8.2.2885 +VIM_VERSION=8.2.2932 sudo apt remove --purge vim vim-runtime vim-gnome vim-tiny vim-gui-common sudo rm -rf /usr/local/share/vim /usr/bin/vim @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ mkdir -p ~/vimsrc && \ wget"$VIM_VERSION".tar.gz && \ tar -xvf v"$VIM_VERSION".tar.gz -C ~/vimsrc -cd vim-"$VIM_VERSION" && ./configure \ +cd ~/vimsrc/vim-"$VIM_VERSION" && ./configure \ --with-features=huge \ --enable-multibyte \ --enable-perlinterp=yes \ @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ cd vim-"$VIM_VERSION" && ./configure \ # --enable-pythoninterp=yes \ # --with-python-config-dir=/usr/lib/python2.7/config-x86_64-linux-gnu \ -make -j4 && sudo make install +make -j4 +sudo make install # run :helptags path-to-where-the-docs-are sudo vim -c "helptags $VIMRUNRIME" -- cgit v1.2.3