# Skin InTheNavy... k9s: # General K9s styles body: fgColor: dodgerblue bgColor: '#000000' logoColor: '#0000ff' # ClusterInfoView styles. info: fgColor: lightskyblue sectionColor: steelblue # Help panel styles help: fgColor: white bgColor: default keyColor: cyan numKeyColor: blue sectionColor: gray frame: # Borders styles. border: fgColor: dodgerblue focusColor: aliceblue # MenuView attributes and styles. menu: fgColor: darkblue keyColor: cornflowerblue # Used for favorite namespaces numKeyColor: cadetblue # CrumbView attributes for history navigation. crumbs: fgColor: white bgColor: default activeColor: skyblue # Resource status and update styles status: newColor: '#00ff00' modifyColor: powderblue addColor: lightskyblue errorColor: indianred highlightcolor: royalblue killColor: slategray completedColor: gray # Border title styles. title: fgColor: aqua bgColor: default highlightColor: skyblue counterColor: slateblue filterColor: slategray views: # TableView attributes. table: fgColor: blue bgColor: default cursorColor: aqua # Header row styles. header: fgColor: white bgColor: default sorterColor: orange # YAML info styles. yaml: keyColor: steelblue colonColor: blue valueColor: royalblue # Logs styles. logs: fgColor: white bgColor: default