#!/usr/bin/env sh # this pretty much just creates a new network namespace for the interface we get # when we enable USB tethering on the phone. This enables us to use the phone interface # for certain applications only. # reference: # - https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/210982/bind-unix-program-to-specific-network-interface # - https://superuser.com/questions/241178/how-to-use-different-network-interfaces-for-different-processes # - https://gist.github.com/mtds/4c4925c2aa022130e4b7c538fdd5a89f # - https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/494324/how-to-setup-dns-manually-on-linux # example: sudo ip netns exec phone_ns bash PHONE_NS=phone_ns IF=enp0s20f0u3u3 sudo ip netns add ${PHONE_NS} sudo ip link set ${IF} netns ${PHONE_NS} sudo ip netns exec ${PHONE_NS} ip link set ${IF} up sudo ip netns exec ${PHONE_NS} ip link set dev lo up # will need to install dhclient before runnning this dummy # FIXME running dhclient fucks up resolv.conf # FIXME right now we have to use sudo sudo ip netns exec ${PHONE_NS} dhclient ${IF} # ip netns add myNamespace # ip link set eth0 netns myNamespace # ip netns exec myNamespace ifconfig eth0 up # ip netns exec myNamespace ifconfig lo up # ip netns exec myNamespace route add default gw # ip netns exec myNamespace firefox # ip netns add ${PHONE_NS} # ip link set ${IF} netns ${PHONE_NS} # ip netns exec ${PHONE_NS} ifconfig ${IF} up # ip netns exec ${PHONE_NS} ifconfig lo up # ip netns exec ${PHONE_NS} route add default gw # ip netns exec ${PHONE_NS} dhclient ${IF} # IF_A=v_eth0a # IF_B=v_eth0b # ip netns add ${PHONE_NS} # ip link add ${IF_A} veth peer name ${IF_B} # ip link set ${IF_A} netns ${PHONE_NS} # ip netns exec ${PHONE_NS} ifconfig ${IF_A} up {{NAMESPACE_IP}} netmask {{NAMESPACE_NETMASK}} # ifconfig ${IF_B} up {{ROOT_NS_IP}} netmask {{ROOT_NS_NETMASK}} # ip netns exec ${PHONE_NS} route add default gw {{ROOT_NS_IP}} dev ${IF_A} # sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 # iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s {{ROUTE_SOURCE}}/24 -o {{NETWORK_INTERFACE}} -j SNAT --to-source {{ROUTE_TARGET}} ################################################################################ #test ip netns exec ${PHONE_NS} ping -4 ip netns exec ${PHONE_NS} ping -4 google.com ip netns exec ${PHONE_NS} curl -4 icanhazip.com