apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: mongodb-standalone data: ensure-users.js: | const targetDbStr = 'training'; const rootUser = cat('/etc/k8-training/admin/MONGO_ROOT_USERNAME'); const rootPass = cat('/etc/k8-training/admin/MONGO_ROOT_PASSWORD'); const usersStr = cat('/etc/k8-training/MONGO_USERS_LIST'); // auth against admin const adminDb = db.getSiblingDB('admin'); adminDb.auth(rootUser, rootPass); print('Successfully authenticated admin user'); // we'll create the users here const targetDb = db.getSiblingDB(targetDbStr); // user-defined roles should be stored in the admin db const customRoles = adminDb .getRoles({rolesInfo: 1, showBuiltinRoles: false}) .map(role => role.role) .filter(Boolean); // parse the list of users, and create each user as needed usersStr .trim() .split(';') .map(s => s.split(':')) .forEach(user => { const username = user[0]; const rolesStr = user[1]; const password = user[2]; if (!rolesStr || !password) { return; } const roles = rolesStr.split(','); const userDoc = { user: username, pwd: password, }; userDoc.roles = roles.map(role => { if (!~customRoles.indexOf(role)) { // is this a user defined role? return role; // no, it is built-in, just use the role name } return {role: role, db: 'admin'}; // yes, user-defined, specify the long format }); try { targetDb.createUser(userDoc); } catch (err) { if (!~err.message.toLowerCase().indexOf('duplicate')) { // if not a duplicate user throw err; // rethrow } } });