SOLC?=solc NODE?=node NPM?=npm PKG_MAN?=dnf TEST_SERVER?=testrpc TEST_SERVER_OPTS?=-d &>/dev/null & NODEJS_TEST?=test.js LINTER?=solium DOX?=doxity EXTRA_BIN_FLAGS?= EXTRA_ABI_FLAGS?= CONTRACT_DIR?=./contracts NODE_MIN_VERSION=7.6.0 SHELL?=/bin/bash CONTRACTS=$(wildcard *.sol) BIN_DIRS=$(wildcard *.bin) BIN_FLAGS= --bin --overwrite ABI_FLAGS= --abi --overwrite BIN_FLAGS+=$(EXTRA_BIN_FLAGS) ABI_FLAGS+=$(EXTRA_ABI_FLAGS) .PHONY: all clean run runtestserver requirements rungeth loadgethjs killserver doxity solium init buld checknodeversion .DEFAULT: all all: $(patsubst %.sol, %.bin, $(wildcard *.sol)) runtestserver run build: $(patsubst $(CONTRACT_DIR)/%.sol, $(CONTRACT_DIR)/%.bin, $(wildcard $(CONTRACT_DIR)/*.sol)) %.bin:%.sol $(SOLC) $(BIN_FLAGS) -o $@ $< $(SOLC) $(ABI_FLAGS) -o $@ $< run: $(NODE) $(NODEJS_TEST) init: mkdir .devi $(NPM) install rungeth: makeattach geth --verbosity 6 --dev --rpc --rpcapi admin,miner,eth,net,web3,personal --rpcaddr "localhost" --rpcport "8545" --port "30303" --datadir /tmp/ethereum_dev_mode &>/dev/null & PID=$! sleep 2 geth --exec 'loadScript("./.devi/gethconfig.js")' attach node $(NODEJS_TEST) kill -9 $(pgrep geth) kill -9 $$PID makeattach: @echo "miner.setEtherbase(eth.accounts[0])" > ./.devi/gethconfig.js @echo "miner.start(2)" >> ./.devi/gethconfig.js runparity: parity --chain dev --unlock 0x00a329c0648769a73afac7f9381e08fb43dbea72 --password ./password.txt 2>&1 & PID=$! clean: rm -rf $(CONTRACT_DIR)/*.bin doxity: if [[ -d ./scripts/doxity ]]; then :;else doxity init;fi && doxity build && doxity publish lint: if [[ -d ./soliumrc.json ]]; then :; else solium --init;fi && solium --dir . checknodeversion: @./vimeth/ requirements: $(NPM) --version if [[ $$? != 0 ]]; then sudo $(PKG_MAN) install npm $(NODE) --version if [[ $$? != 0 ]]; then sudo $(PKG_MAN) install nodejs # npm is known not to be able to install web3 globally on all systems $(NPM) install web3 $(NPM) install log4js # install ethereum-testrpc sudo $(NPM) install -g ethereum-testrpc runtestserver: $(shell if ! pgrep -x "testrpc" > /dev/null; then $(TEST_SERVER) $(TEST_SERVER_OPTS), disown, echo disowned, sleep 2; else :; fi) killserver: $(shell kill -9 $(pgrep -x "testrpc")) help: @echo ' the ide part thats missing for eth dev from vim.' @echo ' all: is the default target. builds bin, abi and runs node.' @echo ' build: builds the solidity contracts.' @echo ' run: just runs node on test.js.' @echo ' rungeth: will run geth.' @echo ' kilgeth: will kill geth.' @echo ' runtestserver: runs your test server. the default is testrpc.' @echo ' killserver will kill the testrpc server.' @echo ' requirements: installs the requiremnts.' @echo ' clean: remove the bin and abi folder.' @echo ' lint will run the solium linter.' @echo ' doxity will build the docs.' @echo ' if you are not running an ancient shell, tab will give you the macros that you can change.'