started = 0 our_id = 0 os = require("os") now = os.time() print("now is ""%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p")) function on_binlog_replay_end() --started = 1 local a = get_dialog_list(ok_cb, result) -- quits telegram-cli -- you would probably wasnt this if you dont want telegram up all the time and -- have set up a cronjob to handle updating your unread messages -- safe_quit() end function on_get_difference_end() end function on_our_id(our_id) --print("our id is "..our_id) end function on_user_update(user,what_changed) --[[ if user.print_name == "Mahsa" then print("Mahsa update:\n") print("user:") for k,v in pairs(user) do print(k,v) end print(user.print_name) print("what changed:") for k,v in pairs(what_changed) do print(k,v) end print(what_changed["flags"]) end ]]-- end function on_chat_update(user,what_changed) --[[ print(type(user)) print(type(what_changed)) for k,v in pairs(user) do print(k,v) end for k,v in pairs(what_changed) do print(k,v) end ]]-- end function on_secret_chat_update(user,what_changed) end -- this callback is handling the call to dialog_list which is called in on_binlog_replay_end -- essentially here is where we check how many unread messages we have since on_msg_recieve -- only handles the messages we newly receive, not older unread ones. function ok_cb(extra, success, result) for k, v in pairs(result) do if v["peer"]["username"] == "mahsafatehii" then if v["unread"] ~= 0. then local socket = require("socket") local host, port = "localhost", 11111 local tcp = assert(socket.tcp()) tcp:connect(host, port) tcp:send("Mahsa".."\n") tcp:close() end end end end -- when we recieve a new message function on_msg_receive(msg) --for k,v in pairs(msg) do --print(k, v) --end if (msg.from.print_name ~= "Mahsa") then return end local socket = require("socket") local host, port = "localhost", 11111 local tcp = assert(socket.tcp()) tcp:connect(host, port) --print(msg.from.print_name) tcp:send("Mahsa".."\n") --[[ if (msg.text == 'hey') then if ( == our_id) then send_msg (msg.from.print_name, 'you', ok_cb, false) else send_msg (, 'you', ok_cb, false) end return end ]]-- tcp:close() end function send_msg_cb(cb_extra, success, result) end function postpone_cb(cb_extra, success, result) end function history_cb(msg_list, peer, success, msgs) end