

A tunnel manager in the familiar top style written with ncurses and asyncio.



pipx install tunneltop

what it is

  • a simple tunnel manager written in python that uses the standard library only(standard library only in python 3.11)
  • it starts and manages the tunnels for you
  • lets the user interactively manage the tunnels as well
  • will reload the config file if it receives a SIGHUP
  • it is intentionally written as simple and tunnel-agnostic
  • may or may not work on windows(let me know if you test it on windows)

toml file

tunneltop expects its config file to be at at $HOME/.tunneltoprc.

You can see an example config file below:

header_fg = 4
header_bg = 0
active_fg = 23
active_bg = 0
disabled_fg = 8
disabled_bg = 0
timeout_fg = 63
timeout_bg = 0
unknown_fg = 38
unknown_bg = 0
down_fg = 208
down_bg = 0
box_fg = 22
box_bg = 0

address = ""
port = 9997
command = "autossh -M 0 -N -D 9997 -o ServerAliveInterval=180 -o ServerAliveCountMax=3 -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes -l debian -p 22"
test_command = 'curl -s -o /dev/null -s -w "%{http_code}" -k -I -4 --socks5 socks5h:// https://icanhazip.com'
test_command_result = "200"
test_interval = 300
test_timeout = 10
auto_start = false

address = ""
port = 9995
command = "autossh -M 0 -N -D -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o VerifyHostKeyDNS=no -o ServerAliveInterval=180 -o ServerAliveCountMax=3 -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes -l debian -p 2022"
test_command = 'curl -s -o /dev/null -s -w "%{http_code}" -k -I -4 --socks5 socks5h:// https://icanhazip.com'
test_command_result = "200"
test_interval = 300
test_timeout = 10
auto_start = true

The tunnel names must be unique.


Displays the address at which the tunnel is available at. It is a display-only option.


Displays the port at which the tunnel is available at. It is a display-only option.


The command used to start the tunnel.


The command used to test the state of the tunnel.


The expected result of the test command.


How often should the test_command be run.


How long before the test is considered to have timed out.


Whether to automatically start this tunnel on startup.


j and k move you up and down.

g and Gmove you to the first or last tunnel.

s toggles a tunnel from enabled to disabled or vice versa.

r restarts a tunnel.

t runs the test right now.

pgup and ctrl-b move you up a page.

pgdown and ctrl-f move you down a page.

ctrl-u and ctrl-d move you up and down half a page respectively.

To quit send a SIGINT or a SIGTERM. I'm working on improving this of course.

tunneltop will reload its config file upon receiving a SIGHUP and apply the changes immediately if there are any.