path: root/debian/gitlog2changelog
blob: 40176322273ce0ce15527a1af01b803dce8632c1 (plain) (tree)





=head1 NAME

gitlog2changelog - tiny tool to convert Git commit logs to GNU-style ChangeLog


git log | gitlog2changelog > ChangeLog

git log --no-merges --numstat | gitlog2changelog > ChangeLog

(Use --no-merges to ignore merge commits.
 Use --numstat to show changed files.)

=head1 SEE ALSO

GNU Coding Standards:


Copyright (c) 2013 Tatsuya Kinoshita

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted without restriction, with NO WARRANTY.
You may regard this as a work that is placed in the public domain.


use strict;
use warnings;

my $author = ""; my $date = ""; my $comment = ""; my @files = ();
my $pre_header = "";

sub print_entry {
    my $header = "$date  $author";
    $header =~ s/ </  </;
    if ($header ne $pre_header) {
	print "$header\n\n";
	$pre_header = $header;
    print "\t* ";

    my $files_line_len = 10;
    my $files_lines = "";
    foreach my $file (@files) {
	my $len = length($file);
	if ($files_line_len > 10 && ($files_line_len + $len > 78)) {
	    $files_lines =~ s/, $/:\n\t* /;
	    $files_line_len = 10;
	$files_lines .= "$file, ";
	$files_line_len += $len + 2;

    if ($files_lines) {
	my $short_comment = "";
	if ($comment =~ /^([^\n]+)/) {
	    $short_comment = $1;
	if ($short_comment =~ /:[ \t]|[^\(\[][:,\)\]][ \t]*$/ ||
	    $files_line_len + length($short_comment) > 78) {
	    $files_lines =~ s/, $/:\n\t/;
	} else {
	    $files_lines =~ s/, $/: /;
	print "$files_lines";

    $comment =~ s/\n([ \t]*\n)+/\n/g;
    $comment =~ s/\n+$//;
    $comment =~ s/\n/\n\t/g;
    $comment =~ s/^\* //;
    print "$comment\n\n";

    $author = ""; $date = ""; $comment = ""; @files = ();

while (<>) {
    if (/^Author:[ \t]+([^\n]+)/) {
	$author = $1;
    } elsif (/^Date:[ \t]+(Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat) +(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) +(\d+) +\d+:\d+:\d+ +(\d+)/) {  # Assume git log --date=default or --date=local
	my $mm = $2;
	my $dd = $3;
	my $yyyy = $4;
	$mm =~ s/Jan/01/; $mm =~ s/Feb/02/; $mm =~ s/Mar/03/; $mm =~ s/Apr/04/;
	$mm =~ s/May/05/; $mm =~ s/Jun/06/; $mm =~ s/Jul/07/; $mm =~ s/Aug/08/;
	$mm =~ s/Sep/09/; $mm =~ s/Oct/10/; $mm =~ s/Nov/11/; $mm =~ s/Dec/12/;
	$dd =~ s/^(\d)$/0$1/;
	$date = "$yyyy-$mm-$dd";
    } elsif (/^Date:[ \t]+(\d+-\d+-\d+)/) {  # Assume git log --date=short or --date=iso
	$date = $1;
    } elsif (/^Date:[ \t]+(.+)$/) {
	$date = $1;
    } elsif (/^    (.*)$/) {
	$comment .= "$1\n";
    } elsif (/^[-0-9]+\t[-0-9]+\t(.*)$/) {  # Assume git log --numstat
	push @files, $1;
    } elsif (/^commit / && $author && $date) {
if ($author && $date) {