path: root/scripts/w3mhelp.cgi.in
blob: 06d99e908262e60bb4e1a46d082e3c5370ca44ba (plain) (tree)

# $Id: w3mhelp.cgi.in,v 1.1 2001/11/30 16:48:19 ukai Exp $

unshift(@INC, $helpdir);

require "w3mhelp-funcname.pl";
require "w3mhelp-funcdesc.en.pl";
$lang = 'en';

%htmlesc = qw(< &lt; > &gt; & &amp;);

$keymap = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.w3m/keymap";
$version = '*unknown*';
if (defined($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'})) {
    if ($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} =~ /(^|&)version=([^&]*)/) {
	$version = $2;
	$version =~ s/\+|%([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])/$& eq '+' ? ' ' : pack('C', hex($1))/ge;
	$version =~ s/w3m\///;
    if ($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} =~ /(^|&)lang=([^&]*)/) {
	local $tlang=$2;
	$tlang =~ s/\+|%([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])/$& eq '+' ? ' ' : pack('C', hex($1))/ge;
	$tlang =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
	print "tlang=$tlang\n";
	eval qq{require "w3mhelp-funcdesc.$tlang.pl"};
	if (defined(%funcdesc)) {
	    $lang = $tlang;

if (-f $keymap) {
    open(KEYMAP, $keymap) or die "cannot open keymap: $keymap, $!";
    &load_keymap(*KEYMAP, $func);

local (%funckeydesc, $key, $fname, $desc);

while (($fname, $desc) = each %funcdesc) {
    $funckeydesc{$funcname{$fname}} = "$desc\n";
while (($key, $fname) = each %keyfunc) {
    $funckeydesc{$funcname{$fname}} .= "$key,";

print <<HEADING;
Content-Type: text/html

<TITLE>w3m help page</TITLE>
<A HREF="http://w3m.sourceforge.net/">w3m</A>
 (WWW-wo-Miru)  Version $version by 
<A HREF="mailto:aito\@fw.ipsj.or.jp">A.ITO</A> ********<BR>
             ***** Key assign table *****


$q_version = $version;
$q_version =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9_\$\.\-]/sprintf('%%%02X', ord($&))/ge;
$script = "<A HREF=\"$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}?version=$q_version&amp;lang=";

# doc:en_English doc-jp:ja_Japanese
for $otherlang (@docdirs) {
    local(@d) = split(/[:_]/, $otherlang);
    if ($d[1] ne $lang) {
	$d[1] =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9_\$\.\-]/sprintf('%%%02X', ord($&))/ge;
	print $script, $d[1], "\">$d[2] version</A><BR>\n";

&show_keymap("Page/Cursor motion", 
	     qw(pgFore pgBack movR movL movD movU lup1 ldown1 
		goLineF goLineL movRW movLW shiftl shiftr
		col1R col1L goLine ctrCsrH ctrCsrV
		topA lastA nextA prevA
		nextL nextLU nextR nextRD nextD nextU));

&show_keymap("Hyperlink operation",
	     qw(followA svA peekURL peekIMG followI svI
		chkURL chkNMID curURL pginfo curlno ldHist
		rFrame extbrz linkbrz));

&show_keymap("File/Stream operation",
	     qw(goURL ldfile readsh pipesh));

&show_keymap("Buffer operation",
	     qw(backBf vwSrc selMn editBf rdrwSc reload 
		svBuf svSrc editScr));

print <<PAGE;
<H2>Buffer selection mode</H2>
<table cellpadding=0>
<TR><TD WIDTH=140>k, C-p<TD>Select previous buffer
<TR><TD>j, C-n<TD>Select next buffer
<TR><TD>D<TD>Delete current buffer
<TR><TD>RET<TD>Go to the selected buffer

&show_keymap("Bookmark operation",
	     qw(ldBmark adBmark));

	     qw(srchfor srchbak srchnxt srchprv));

&show_keymap("Dictionary look-up",
	     qw(dictword dictwordat));

&show_keymap("Mark operation",
	     qw(_mark prevMk nextMk reMark));

	     qw(setAlarm execsh ldhelp ldOpt cooLst susp qquitfm quitfm));

print <<PAGE;
<H2>Line-edit mode</H2>
<table cellpadding=0>
<TR><TD WIDTH=140>C-f<TD>Move cursor forward
<TR><TD>C-b<TD>Move cursor backward
<TR><TD>C-h<TD>Delete previous character
<TR><TD>C-d<TD>Delete current character
<TR><TD>C-k<TD>Kill everything after cursor
<TR><TD>C-u<TD>Kill everything before cursor
<TR><TD>C-a<TD>Move to the top of line
<TR><TD>C-e<TD>Move to the bottom of line
<TR><TD>C-p<TD>Fetch the previous string from the history list
<TR><TD>C-n<TD>Fetch the next string from the history list
<TR><TD>TAB,SPC<TD>Complete filename

exit 0;

sub load_keymap {
    local(*FH) = shift;
    my ($func) = @_;

    while (<FH>) {
	next if /^#/;
	next if /^\s*$/;
	($keymap, $key, $fname) = split;
	next unless $keymap =~ /keymap/;
	$fname =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
	next unless (defined($funcdesc{$fname}));
	$key =~ s/^\\//;
	$keyfunc{$key} = $fname;

sub show_keymap {
    my ($head, @list) = @_;
    my ($fid);
    my ($attr) = " WIDTH=140";

    print <<PAGE;
<table cellpadding=0>
    foreach $fid (@list) {
	local ($desc, $keys) = split("\n", $funckeydesc{$fid}, 2);
	$keys =~ s/,$//;
	$keys = '<NOT ASSIGNED>' if ($keys eq '');
	$keys =~ s/[<>&]/$htmlesc{$&}/ge;
	$desc =~ s/[<>&]/$htmlesc{$&}/ge;
	print <<PAGE;
	$attr = "";
    print "</table>\n";